Twice Weekly MONDAY and THURSDAY HOUSE OF HiTS AUYHORiZED AS SECOND ClAtS IAlL ll P05 DEPIRIIEIL OYYAIA WTHB 87th Year 9T FIRST WITH THE BEST IN BARRIE THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY CONTINOUS SHOW SAT 230 pm WEVE GOT THE MllTON madesaw lHATS our co IOAN FONTAINE EVE tilt PICTURE UNTRY IN STITCHES WUQIIOUU SHOWS AT 645 and pm BURT Sfratford Barrie Flyers dropped their sec ondsiicccssive OllA junior contest last night in Stratford when the honietown Kroehlers outscored them 32 The two on an assist Craig in the first period from Pena Dainty Connor FOXMOVIETONE NEWS STARTS MONDAY LANCASTER THE UNLAFRAID ADULT ENTERTAINMENT TUNE IN citrus EACiiiiionNING AT 1030 am FOR MOVIE MERRY GO ROUND F19 DropT 672 55 Wednesday FIRSTPERIOD tticsLong benic Clements BarrieToppazzini Robitailte Bo Bob Armstrong placed the finish ing touches on the count at 1644 BARkTE ONTARIO wClaudio iBCI Band COnductor At Michigan iiMusic Conference inniti toll tended tilt of ll lland ton of mu lHarris RedmOnd Elected President Barrie Assn By Borden Fire Victorian Or Three Sections 20 Pages Sc per copy IEHBER AbDll BUREAU Or CtCULAllOYS THURSDAY FEBRUARY Jo Pages i3 tel Four Families Are Driven Out der Nurses 11 to THE ACTION counter AND spgcmcuiv ie educator at uliehiaan tliu tlrll in Ann Artur in aWith thi eceptiot of two intm 1m Elitls of tit aff of Assumption iCollvge was the oiilf Canadian lpresciii the conference ill tell llt1 work during llt reeltcnii confreiiee included elin ie on iettriilv puhlrhed music and clinics on woodnuiids and masses lle repots that he sauceed ion itheaisals of tilt Michigan Lni verstty Symphony Orchestra at iiiielil lhk leciuiegt at the conic ienee were of extreme interest and Eveiy informative for Canadian Kmusic idlicator Some of the bit icest musa educators at state coll figs and secondary schools tiiroiigh gout the United States tlt presl Tent The llizdapist Shin Quartet and losher Maddy director of Inlet lloelicn fainp in uppi lichiean iState were present for the conferl cation in her schools the tlntteii States staind sthool music pioI grams in 1010 instrumental music is taught in the schools down tolCltUlCIl HOCkCY Banquet grails whichvmakesioizlicttor 11 Bum tltmrctillockcy lUlk 10 Slttilldill gtClitgtll$leaiie hroueht the curtain down encc in contrast tiitaiiatliis eonipaim lcommeiits Mr Fisher ion thi imal act of the season last night as the Sltttittl their annual pivcly new ptiiiiitts of music edu HARRIS EDMOND TTTTT banquet at the liastern Star rooms Approxtinatelr 230 iziiests and playeis attended the tiliigtiil ga thering to provide l4lll3 climax on thrilling and success fiil season Divisional sci FRIDAY FEB 10 The Minerva illarionctws dir cct from London England will trophies were pre sented to the Thureh League ll italic gut lehampions following scrumptious lg dinner prepared hv willing mung 0f hum Tubman rou of ltllt mid the direc 10 Proceeds from the appear ition of Mrs ll toclthurn Mr ockburn presented the George Wright lrophy to captain loin iziiiicr oi the Trinity lee wees and Mr McCarroll pre sented his trophy to Larry Grant captain of lissa toad bantam champions The toxy Theatre Trophy emblematic of the mid get crown was presented to Jerry liirnbiill captain of Barrie Cotil ancc of the famous marionctte theatre which is being sport soer by the Key Club will go towards the Barrie and District Memorial Hospital Fund The marioneitcs come to Bar rie direct from Eaton Auditori um where they make their first American appearance on February nmcnt will iriv The Nlfrt lnncs by George Storey dude 1mm ltemh aboxmg President Witt liw llltliel in match the famous lravesty interesting program for the Trio bull fight dancers and Cockney characters By far the largest company in Great Bri lain they televise for the BBC The marionettes are rattler larger tbaIrnormal being an average of 26 inches in height and can be seen by large audience The show begins at pm Admission is 15 cents Tickets from Key Clubbers and others tions Knox and lufford provided leadership and music re spectively for boisterous sing song and It tomlinsim contri buted few acts from his batr of tricks To complete the banquet films were shown through thecourtesy of recreational director Ken Rob inson C611inQWOodAssessment Appeal Heard At Barrie at pm in True Blue Orange 1950 hadbeen increased by coun Hall High St under auspices 01 ty council by $1221000 while no clubs clash for the final timethiswr tOConnorl 232 season on Friday at Barrie Arena StratfordRobcrtson The Flyers managed to hold the lClemcmsf Frenchl 036 The 0min bx mu Ontario homesters in towwin the first per PenaltiesBarber OConnor Municipal Boam of the usages iod finishing in 11 deadlock SECOND pERIOD mcnt appeal by Collinguood Stiatfoid lllLl dbthL StrutfordRobcrtson startedEm me county court house home the second 514ml houl French 1536 31mg on Tuesday and is ex reply and held 21 Worms edge StratfordWilliams nto next week in the third page to con mm 0130mm 05 ChUlCh 0f Universal JenV lolnmumi In Bin Manning Toronto appeal Brotherhood spiritual meetiii wvty an ad011in their only lead of the game early tFlanagan OHearri 1832 woodsfgfgzoeasismem gr will he hem Sunday NEW Royall Flmile ihe Coum for THIRDPERIOD material alterations had been inmalisls National Union Stiathid midway through the ses dlthSthdLn made for Barrie Midlan an sron on passes fiomClcments and rrrMCarthy Long 776746 0mm ww Canadnlectule r311d111c55dstbl1 French Rev Henrietta Patton All wet Lionel Barbee and Dan 0C0n 775llatf1d0 H031 Detailing busmeds taxation and come 9p Flanagan 047 messmem am for the our not of the Fiyers collected the 85tiatf01dA1mstrong towns Mr Manning said Barrie only penalties of the DCllOd In the second sumford broke ltFiench Clements 1644 Orillia and Midland benefited by PenaltyDuhnette We tourist trade and had more in an effect on assessments through in rash at 1536 when Robertson broke the tie withliissecond of the game Williams followedup slightly more than minutes later and Watson completed the barrage at 1832 Four penalties in the two going to each club John Shedden placed the Flyers back in the ball game at 646 of the final chapteiHeith Me period Dec Carthy and Stan Long assisting However two minutes later Bibber OHearn placed the disk in theBarrie netting to all but clinch the verdict Defenceman riymerswinmiei OverPetang Barrie junior Flyers won their seventh OHA game last night and fourth in row whengthey downed Penetang Lionsgl83 in very tamer contest at Barrie Arena The Flyers led 40 at the end of the first and 120 at the end of thgsecond while popping Home six more in the final stanza The line of Dan Poland Dan MacDonald and Bill Sexton pricedl the Flyers with seven goals Po land was the big gun of the trio geant rte He was then Elmer Hod OPP Barrie Detachment Rank Olsergeant Elmer Heath who came here 1949 toCheTzid the Barrie municipal detachment of OPP has been promoted to he rank ser Coming here with the rank of corporal he replaced Sgt Harryt Peel FWho is now in charge at Niagara Falls Sgt Hoath was born at Owen He was attached for short time to the detachment at Ottawa be fore being transferred to Ridge way near Fort Erie where he re mained until 1947 moved to Welland and promoted to the rankof corporat Mrs Heath is the former Phyllis Talent of Ridgeway They have one son Bruce 11 who is attend ing Victoria public school in Bar The Northwest Territories have total area of 1300000 square miles andan estia ted population Of16000 out the county FIRE lOSS RECORD IN ONTARIO FOR DECEMBER 1949 EXCEEDSV idustries than Collingwood yet the latters assessment had been rais ed Most properties in Collingwoodl are overassessed in relation to Barrie and Oritlia and to some gextentwinwcomparison with Mid land he claimed He said Midland is progressive municipality has dynamic indus yoiingsters following the presenta tuiln gti iaa Plant irili it tivi llaiwii ii iiuiiral lllltl tlz tit tl Srmiii itlitti1 spuia itl Tilt Itllti lth ig ititliil 1x fil iniiiitt cut llltil thiee lSiiiton tlzw mttii in tin tiil yi laid IUl tla lllltt juin gt tl hwi out lihjt iittir til tl 11th in 21 day Tin tuas ttlltillttl hj lllt iii vim oil 11 xtais niti and inittee tlilllltll iiitrz up iiiire ltlll it hits ilo all my tin iiitiitaiiiiitu lll ltlv ade immhbm fro llilnliwd All Silt tltlii it lli not lill lili Slitignite rilltt of lxiill 3mm lltlitrlilli on tumor llamli Wm tvli timiwiiii said tlii ttfl U1 Could loot hack or the Han tl up pietiire iii 1010 as thi lied waM 51 lot the ilaiia inaiieh ha had mm llttiIttt lti Mottled igiii or 1I 31 ALIS Di tlllllltllt and said tllitlllilii umlmuli tllltld condition toiia ttill llii MN hm WIMP iqml HW it ll tat iii oi the tiii hiL 11 mw ii ll to hi min ipaitinril it ii flfilliml PullWMIll lit imiitopwi in tlames and at 11 03 miti to TiiiEiT THU 13 will llljlll fld lttllllit has won fitlllitl lhe 111 Slvll DH ise lot itftllillj including ltitlll came to $1037 tlltltll glyph MANJ 3M lump5 DH Nlliillt and niniwruiis other litf in minim1lhpnuswypmla lcaving thilttttteoi $30M ip mun 1mm HUM OLlltjilflit drill til Ninth it lizariou innit and all tlt tttln Tm0 llhj lliiml to the llUrlillili outriiiizlit tiom patiiiits Slot iont leil mph up mm lilti illiti Iandother inallir items Ryan tacit can as chair It imam um til commended the woiiiltrful Hal it 11llmv WWW tinct from tlltlgtilgt iiiii iiil Tlliillllu NW1 mm UibthlidUllllll tllltdlliitihlili REEETVXWNTT striviantial men as the can in Mm mumm ms in the various iaids over AAV the ireviotis year Objective had FE been1 542300 and 322107 was raised WS Relve Honored The meeting felt this was an ex ceptionally good showing 25 Years Service IMPERIAL Reporting on nursing lltlllltt InniSlPhone Co Miss loy Clark said there ii 24 SHT in mm lml Ihr tlllttlt of tlie lnnifili gt nd eatu1e 2in iii lSllh lillitlli isitei inklmlw wt hmm Uf totalled 300 and there had been Sunwdm Owning mil W1 ml Jan to niarl his completion lhe nurse made ttlil sitters MM 10 mm ltions for improvement of wrapWH 111lemming ation and pointed out some ot lit thump 11 4mm II II difficulties experienced by the 1th mi in may Hf up comlnq nurses in striving to get through 1ialhm ML mm for momll Wlk Tim many veins of efficient service and ml or 9m llllpriwnted him with cheque on since problems 01 patients vereihmn 1l1 not always thickly aired llti Vcu Clilk f0 18 mum anadas most important smelt too pressed for time and shoiiltlmwlmy 15 mimmnm Aboul 0m bL ilblt 10 21 1011 um out of four Canadians is engaged Turn to page twenty please in farming ALL OVERCOATS IN STOCK COME IN AND LOOK THEM OVER sAVE YOURSELF SOME MONEY ALL SIZES fro CHOOSE FROM 35 to 44 ys Wear thF TODD REMEMBER Tuesday Night IS Fight Night at the BarrieArmeur Dunlop SL Barrie fTBWltztIzarwrvAtKiREGlr PAYPARADE LECTURE ROOM ARMOURY TN0 ANNUAL MEETING1950 Royal Victoria Hospital IriCorporated THURSDAY MARCH 9th 830 pm Community House Room for the purpose if receiving thevariousrcports the election of directors amendment of bylaws and such other business as maycome before the Board Bylaw states any person who shall subscribe and pay to funds of the Corporation in any year the sum of One Dollar shall be member of the said Corporation for that year such fiiiis FEB 72000 HRS SHARP Anewc trialism and shows correrc enterprise and growth and he contended Midlands assessment 68000000 MANY ESTIMATES NOT for 1950 had beenisetcctedas AVAILABLE norm by Simcoe County SURE On the other hand he said INSURE Collingwood is scattered scrub land There is no manifes tation of industrial dynamism The commercial buildings are the oldest and least impressive of any of themajor towns of the coun ty Rowland and WJ Moore are sitting at the hearings for the Municipal Board Appearing for Simcoe County are Arthur Kelley Toronto VandH MacLuren Barrie County councils budget Was set recently subject to change after the resultof the hearingismvvh since the decision is likely to have INSURANCE AG NCY Tlwith four markers and thrgeiasg sists Sexton contributed two collected three helpers while Mac Donald notched single and as sistedon three Don EmmSwaslalsoga potent hobby with pair of neatly exj ecuted goals and enginEered three others Defenceman Wit McAr thur continued his point collecting scoring factor dealing the Mine for three and helping On two othersfor afivepoint displayrum Bilt Hagan and Lloyd Pearsall also fired home two counters apiece while single scores went to Paul Emms and Ken Collins Allan Quesnetlesupplied Pene fitting with cheers as he broke throunglVliiTBruTers armor 07 fioljgb Cupboard or from any club member two Jack Longlad contributed the singleton Referees Bill Long and John Dobson found comparatively mild game with only five penal ties being handed out szns FAVORS iPBoFESSI February gt Reserved Seats ardwnfeTtTryMrs Meow hFCoifneF Graves and AttenyNeWmarket DANCING lhpm Reserved Seats $100 8r 750 lt VALENTINE ANBE SPONSORED BY THE BUSINESS AND ONAL WOMENS OFBAHRIE nesday CLUB 79 ay be purchased from Mrs Vina Jones xxxxx CLUB JEANrsf Friday Bunnies MODERN ARENA Available mun Your RESERVATIONS now At one of th following agencies Dixies Phone 9057 Jacksons Phone 9080 Bradleys Phone 9052 Whittys Drug store Phone 2823 WWSmart smokesihppLOrliorrisonsplying StorieLPenetaug Kays Rotten Kup Elmvale Somers Electric Alliston Gilmore and son Letroy Tickets Available at agencies till mn day of game then at Arena from 730 pm payment to be madc at least thirty days prior to the annual meeting Persons desiring to attend and vote at this meeting must there fore pay one dollar to the Secretary on or before February 7th CAMERON Secretary For the Board VEVevry Thur Sat Night Oddfllows Temples ridhug bum 900 TO 1200 rie Jun 23 1050 SNWBlll DANCE ctil79 T115995 Pelt tutti ers suatiord5rroehlersr PrW It Sponsored WAL it Prizes for Spot Dance Door Prizes Lucky Number Snowball Dance Prizes for Novety and Most Unique Hat To Be Worn For One Dance Only Two soUAREMDANCEs Acheson Standing Room Limited 77 7777 it Lunch ZScrigeigtrg $31 For Tickets Phon Mrs Hook 9022 or Mrs Guillele 01 Standing Room Adults 500 Children 250 575i