PAGE 111 once St John Ambul ll 81 lttllV ilil ll nit world dedicated to the siiiti int less of race rotor iicrtl Illlt synipLitliitiiaili lltll iittltetlrltit great liiiiiiiiiitiiiin ltll the St Iult or appeal for 8370000 in Ontario iioni lihiuin ii to lug tit tiIMJIQIIIiw Specially lritteii lor lhc llirrie liiininer li lil llllllilil Ullv it went out lt the men Lost tll in path the itslime liita The call astral it tztl stair St liiiiiitrit lllil 112i lllitl liamint as lhuisdav but fit the stttilal si parliament In Then the speculation Ctllltitt Cabinet in tit sions optta lo tat1e over the li 17 tit eiiilrt and of citiiis5ip oa 34 dliftitVl ltlliitiiils prime lltllilgtlil iezl Mil To Hide the tact mentary assistant la til if lJt look tin view of the full wimp Sviitmt lit Illicit an iitidttei The zippointiiwa ii lt lliigtllzm Emmi 15 11 lGFtltlttll liltiiiil 2ihu or the llllwl 100 pounds elllllllt ttiltlltllrllt theyll tltili itl le tiliL lzl SAW wccl by llr St the appointnzt i1 lit lea11 the elevation in llgtottit5 iu ineliaied Gibson 30 the ltl ei lI OlllltllU Stlpllllw LtiWl ltit giiiiiiw mation of acts re ili lll tionSiif tliiee Lililliliitl tltllillirl ments was animiineed The departments ot andinnniuration of resort development and of minis tecllniczil surveys were created by acts passed at the last session of pailianient Reconstruction MitSlil Winters 39 whose present departtiieiit is passmg otiiiilKKiStcncefswitchd to the new portfolio of resources and develop neat thds Revenue Minister Mcann 02 takes over the new department of mines and technical surveys while rctaiuinti his piesentfpmtfolio as well lit lii and At the same time Mr St Laur etit disclosed that Ralph Maybank 50 parliamentary assistant tol1r Gibsonwand tiberal membeifor Winnipcg South Centre will be the parliamentary assistant to the min istcr of mines and technical sur vcys TRADE CRISIS The toid was used free ly in Ottawa last week by solemn faced men whose business it is to sis ompaign Feb 625 ioii Lii won the liitetl lllli=tli world ite lltllll Hlr at lttll lian wheat tiini for le liliklii1l of taii iii tittllt it vil email tanadiaii in tl lumen llt consider ElilLSi lest liariialile ltlllitlllJlltlll in the iiitiiaiiitt sirtis Ittnnt retard iiiirsint sister In the IthJlllJllhll iil ltl iiibulanve will itlltlllil public tit twi tl Ustioal ttttl uiidiii itiiitizil protest to sell lllrlvilrlllltlll im IlLl ll ttttnliLi points were placed is dried tLLlS ilJXMLtl tilil wit iiiilllixiel tHCy tevli vi tits action mi of Can lii wield decline at ioreiuiidemand igt prices anad ian allowed in Canada tontiiiiir tlltl iteiiil its move is also directed against tom lllt Altitl EXATJLNHI llAlttiltz Uixlilltlt CANADA THURSDAY FEBRUARY 195 WT TTTTV TTTTWTW VT tlil iii VacQ hing COUNTY COUNCIL Olin Gosshng Declares COUNTY COUNCILgitf lain NOTES foxes Live Off Farmer COMMITTEES tirritditttlt35 55 Jt gilaklizu the lltsiistm loveri KL l1itltll Vuwd itltill nuttus ti tzu eoiztlletoii Stephens ntowan King lt incgtlaiitui llall Hughes Chopped ilmsinutoif Savage Allan Griffin lMiilei ltouii5on Calvert BUILDING untY iv TBut No County Bo if 11Nt ii tin llniat me wow Rhl ORLSIAIION Loantiiiois 11 lilm BU ii Lockhart Beck Kinncar llicklinc EMS wmIiiiaii Minuet Calvert Wood nationastute ri lhc Barrie anmiucr Ltd MW Th lltlt King Savage will Arl her Stephens Canton hltlllitilll txiieu liit mdlltiit lluuhes Campbell Miller ch blll50 5ltltLl ii It yillili=l it NJ Lmmmgl Mhmwdllm Seattle Robinson Allan lxlorris Limited iv to til 01 ll lltlvlklll aizti kllllil hilll vim PM MTNHOH ML LEGISLATION CUUHHHOH Ll itiaziiits should aptti then SLICK loitvizhpagv Reel Wood llitliizisoii Wilkinson Dow Edwin Wilson gt NH hm my 12 ix Sfltlililtl lttllttlltI ner Mttllj lissington Lockhart 05180 athic thgicmu triimt amp blilvitl lllllllit ll llliiilhh W851 lluie Canton Graham Brown if it lltl no avi illtlti the price lllillllltlll Wendrow Oio Lowan tleattic Gilrcy KiiiIiLut livlaw ilxm that oi other yuig il Wind Mather llisoni lee Vood Bush Arthuh Look Construction dKN Llwm El ilo ieeoimnenihif tli ll hurl lietiiiui llliiiialt lie ioii tr 11 Mm 11 ii hi ui tin UL1 plunhnT Dunn A9 prtgtitl our jl ijlm 1lfgt mm lols Richardson Middleton Griffin 0m 03 it ieiiou oihm pl IR lleattie Beck Wilkinson Woodrow IL wilful le liltilitlltili to lilllltt titodzow tho liroxvn Nottaiva onle 81mg mm mm The Excelsior Life liftCl nil ttilsg It nan to attain llllm rahain Maurice Calvert Maclii Insurance Company it Ml ll MEN lil ltov lltZ lin Ull OHM tosh lcCiirdv Shepherd Wood tiitiwltrlt tzltneii Hm puma in lm UH it leftyQQlvn Loekhart Glllltl Tissmgtoii bwailc Industrial Acceptance ltitrl in 1M1 villlftim the li will he humid 1M is M1 tpdmztp mm Blmln Bunk 11 ml Corporation In1 Md MM le 1ttl llli are nos pleiiizfa Hus lmnnip wkth PRINTINGfouncillors Miller Niagara Finance Mm tum le rditt they tux pi aeneallv It MMpmhhl Muimmi llush Beattie Savage Archer Kingl in it lo in NWT ml liiauiar 1i lleattie Beck llall MCCUNIY Macintosh SiieleHL ll it wed tlvit miliatiw the eIimeil gt to rm wili ieni ltltli it lmwwl MUMT MM km Tmml 1wn Public School lns ctor tia man nil In wumy CHI tood Swailc Ransom Campbell Lib mlnlvl film mum llHit ezt llttiiitly Shepherd lliiuhcs DWWIV llllkllllll ril illt tltl ole than the piiapogiil in Wm mummy urns lit ites found tin lmx LQLALIAAHOT ommnum Accountant Sltlitl iciiieviioxt wan at lm Wm lliiet lll1tl ipnoiidti lH gtloiiCiaii 1muii lilkinson Barrie Chamber of Imperial Life Waidii it lit to tteiai ht Ilil to Sit 310000 The iol Am Adm HUI Hm Hrliriirmit the Moi iie loin section the It tgglllllllivl83hh 2331 Msltffjltizslgh lmmuumb Commerce oiil lltil llisi ltilulilihrilulltllltdlliil Assurance Wm Ivvllfllpnidl 3me TNT liaiviei IleeJtlr Slivilii lloi1 TM MM eoitait littIli era an His Uill iei ltl tesi lllt ounei at ti1lsll kill Hittite Iv the sit Lestioi oi Benelllsl cents illltltl diversified aeitm littqtpisy 1U Rme Mccurdy and Wam Dl lerklllbi Dellllblv Vim muuum oimciliiti liven inumil also aul xnaila llie iiiteiest ralt earned Tm ID rulicii ll Benson oilell the littltll 1o aieitd llli iilt titl LHW MHitlild ll iiesieii assets Ilfii suows in Him NJ lCH NH 11 3W mgmlz tiieiaiiwn wt iia litpeiial Life wtinput ph pip tiiiil liltlinlthttt Shepherd lmwm xxuxxxmx3$sm XXV mm toiaieil itgtltlnitl horiowint lliilil lit Ll tilliml of Canada ill llllll zxfiviest THIIUHT mlwl SVUIQ Obmsm my Ch the llaizlt of loioixo of Saliiiiiio to like moan lhpott presented llii inert ttllltlll ipinsegt iintil tin iliii initiial iiieetinu shows illull1 lmufl vli to Eiiiii collections are tlllttli Amount to 501th tho benefit payments dur Hum HH Il LIV ll1 AN 15 UN new in burlmw Um mm wti Mm mmH um us until tiltthe growth of itd1 lililUlllltlllUlS Johnston Wilk 1x tl ll zit lie dumth lllllllttl to Sititio to av interest ht aint the companys glflllnlv i1tmfit inson Morrison lleutiie lliisli blor at itiaiil iiiieeptitii in on ie than Slitltttltilllt lHH IL Hmlt 1mm Elviml Why DOWN SRHULK l5 WUOd aa Millie Nlt iris 107 on niiixiais rinse intent tribute to the fWHITQLIIIF31UB lttiliitiill 10i UN Midllc ll It amid lmmmilm lhe anadian National llailwairilmn llill lhl 1110 NJ lU Um SWMC Sclllwns Min 311 favorable rate of mortality was letiirdy alvert llicltliiig Shep itlltlltttl the year has total of lit otl lltlllilllLL gtlitlttlhlllll HMML Phdlvlf who out the years have invested littllttiille lt tllt iiti llgt lt ern lteuion 0n hundred and se lmllll Lil lllilllst tlllttll if this total tiii CllllYllltll mx tml retirement annuities purchased iii the year from coal ltllltlll locomotives 51mm lw 51mm HTLWM illlUlllllttl to $07070000 announced loiin laiitii lresideiit ot the Will continue during 1030 tompaoy lut ii assurances and re tiremeni annuities in force now amount to stiiil307iitlt It is signific herd Campbell Hughes Cowaii ROLL ROOFING isitltdltit Skilled and careful workmanship in all reiipholstery repairs rebuilding and recovering of yourtreasured antiques tlttltttllt ltllltllg uneinployitiierit CHESTERFIELD problems TAYLORS SPRINGFllllD iinrrtiEssEs 22 Davis St Phone BUILT 0N SllANlY BAY ROAD Wynn xumxxm The use of the wde lgulhnuuii ant thi this fieiire is almost double SUITES agency ill the appeal for eoopera ll 35 317 340 REBUILT tioii gave rise to belief that the llkl as Ilittli people used life lit siirance moreussets that are build in tip to meet future obligations to policyholdeis and tiicir benefic iaries went to work in 1940 to maini tam jobs and ecneral business ac tivities imperial tife assets ltt CLEANED munisin Such group might well aid in preventing Communists from taking advantage of labor unrest to uain dominant position among un employed workers 56 Ellen Street gm wiryr9 fr 7M MM MM Revenue firmly announced that Canada will automatically invoke lumping duty to prevent such products from being sold in anada below to be sold in Canada at the same price as to consumers IMORKVANI lllllSE Th decision to cut off Economic Citoperation Administ rationfunds fnr purchase by the tfnited Kingdom of Canadian poik posed alvdirect tlircattorthe 1050 AngloCanadian bacon contract Use of such Ttincls was the basis that had been JIlClUtll under which the contractcdto buy 811500000 worth of Canadian bac on this Ear it cost The duty will force the oods 50 Iiiniipiirruoonsriis or niumir srcuiiirl You borrow $5011pto$100 inbmtfly However it was indicated that Britain wilhhonor the contract even if it means Clipping into reserves of free dollars to do sci cher in the history of AngloCanadian agreements has the bacde out of commitment no mattervhow tough it was on the pocketbook Shedcmgji faint ray of light on the otherwise gloomy trade prieturc at llFC Canadas oldest and largest consumer nantc organization Borrow here to take care of old bills medical or dental bills repairbillsJor any emergency Loans onysignalure only Youdontnccd Ciidorsprs or bankable security at HOUSEHOLD This means you get the money you nccdpromptly 1zbwWhenyou need it Repayment plans are specially arranged to fit your fpcrsonal need Take 12 15 or up t6 24months to repay 400 of choose Household If You too will like lllCscourtcous promptscrvicc So if you havcamoncy problcmphone or come in today Monthly Payment $32 $3600 cannon unsrsrnuo otnrsr cousumn FINANCI oacmizuiou MONEY WHEN YOU NEED IT trousertom Hume Iiiabomswm and oor phonhno until our tlllA BRANCH Minding 2nd Flaw Phone 2394 mini lo or by oppolnimnf in rupr gm me It to miduh of marby loin was an announcement by Agricul ttire Minister Gardiner that the had signed contract for $21 000000 worth Tot Canadian cheese The contract calls for about 85 iOOtHlOO pounds of cheddar compared Iwith 50000000 poundssold to Brit lain last year But the price of this iyears contractZldlccnts pound wassharply reduced from the 31 cents Britain paid last year ORGANVIZE UNIEMPLOYED The powerful Canadian Congress of Labbt is going to try something new inthdiield of trhdLunionmnf ganizzttion It is going toorganizc Capadafs nem played In it move described by the un ion as the first time an established labor organization in anycountiy has taken such step the executiVe council Of the hppointed Sam Baron of Montreal to head at committee to work out method of organization cf the countrys unem ployed Mr Baron Canadian director of the Textile Workers Union an nounced his committee would meet in Montreal sometime this week to begin work The CCL calling for cooperation from therival Trades and Labor Congress and the Canadian Catholic Conferdation of Labor as well as any bther legitimate agency sin cerely interested in the welfare of the unemployed said the chief aim of the program is to form body bring pressure to bear on the gov representative of unemployed to MM My if mm kjl Ulla3$3312 PM mm ml CL lm V01 ii ll lli total it 17kliw17llil5riylvtztltttellhllLit la IT ll Iy if mllowevu gt gt mm Wm other surplus farm products be cmc Pu department officials 17 77 in itiiliil WWW 49 QM LL liockcting into lltml utiiianiic IllTlltt5 1n simtitlmimhuwrltmiia Get tlieagrdutgstoryor llic lllstlltdilltE Rocket newest most oilyurged enginc in motoring Wliirliiway fabulousincw limit of Oltlsinoliiliisl Ion csoiliitg new scricstlie sparklian $762 and thc actionpacked 88 All now and them at Qlir0ltlsliloliilc llytlii1lzitic the lltlw autoinatlc Dealersl Ncw Futiiruiiiic styling tlllVCLIllill matches llICSltiOiillllltiss 01 the Rocket Plus it liost OT liiliiraniiefeatures lrcsliw fleet freelowingr lincswwider rooniicr interiorsj more visibility all around The cushioned cotiiilort ol the Plan to scc lltL ncw lliituramie YAirlrorncRide New safety strength Olilsinoliilcs today llieii youll want and durability in more rigid Bodies by to 77ng grliixailoyiiii an tldsnibliiel ShunTin mi TUU lip5mm ul lllll ms UH 71 Harris Motors Limited 83 589 Elizabeghst Bank minim uiv as uikwulJOWiovuo lt