Barrie Examiner, 2 Feb 1950, p. 1

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inunsmt FEBRUARY 1154 BAR EXAMINER BARRIE Omth CANADA NU 1Ir1 St 10h Ambqunce gt MM 21 1511 11 gII 4411it 4l14 till he gt1 II III 44 ll 54 4111 Int Tau4114 44 II 44 44 IIIIYIIII IIIIIII ItIIFI 112I 34 II II II III II II II 4I IIIIII III IIIIIIII III IIIIIII IIIIII II IIIIIIIII IIIII II 4I IIIIIII 14mm IIIIIIIIII II II II PEIHT ONSIHIITION 441I 313 I4IIIII 43 II Imp 44 III III IIIIIIUIIIIII XIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIKII II4I1II4II 4I lit 14 iz4izi 14114 Won111 hmumul IIIIIIIIII IIIIII IIIIIII gt44 14 44 Jigi bl 111411 111 ll Hi Xl 14 rihoslii rooms ou Hll finil may mm 11 414 l11l1 IIIIIIII IIIII IIIIIUIIIIIIII 414x gtI4A II tJllI ut lrs iiiiie ililions optiatiiai ts lrtetloiii frui hr 3134 411111 114111112 the will We ll lillnltii II LII IIIIII In IIII iiI1I4 IIIII III IIII wini details ot sudden sor minimum Enterlaln Chlldren AMI III him 444 rm II 4I II II II II II II II lidyay legiI II IIIII4IILL Itluts my 32 itilt Il4l Ill 111 lie llI1iiivi1 11 mun IIIIIIIImI Ht gt liLgt thrliizl hemmed ill gt at i4 iiiilti business illll io Lilkin i1t1 of lip wioilii liri is Iiiiriniii lfdllvt tltlllllllill to ll hum ti 11v 4121111 i24li lltlil llw Mk tllllll lllllll held on iriliill ol tli ulplm lnmulmi llltlrllitilt ttlllll Wm gt lit li 11 1114 111 it 114 l4 11 min ioil WI gt 1114141 Hm rm 11111114111 ol I1itulliiie 1411 Iain II IIIII IIIII ttiitirto lbllillll ol the loiiii Ininna 11e14i loliou 11 11 Hm4 IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIII II IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II IIIIII IIIIIIIII III IIIIII IIIIII IVIIII IIIIII II III II mMIIm mm rpmuh 13II N1 1I41 14411IIII Illilil Ili11411121I411 Illlltrlllltzille 11144 414112141 1444144 at 1121411111 44111 1211111 41 II4I Wm 1114 1144111 14 11700110 all 11 11144 111 114111 1114 111 141140 igtl41ltltiiIIIlii iiiOM 2130 1111111144I 114 111411 liitlkllil 111 the cl 1l4 144 4I I1 WHMHU Iuliieli lll he llxttl 11141111311 Imd ling1111 li1i44 lililiiI an II j4 illIIIJI IIIIIIII4 and 44 Mm flitltltli4 1114 1011 i41il 111 II JIIII IIIII 34I4II Iwmd rurk Jul AmI 111112 111141111uzi ial week lheii W41 UV 1e IIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIII NIH IIIIIII mm 314 III MII SIIIIIII nun mrmmhum IIIIIriIII 21112 11111 21411 them lililll lIlIi Ill IIIlil Barrie lillli 1411 iiixi 11114Tl he 11144 IIII INN lill 111111 tmm 11111111I ullii 1115 etc Ind um IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II4IIIIIIII LlSttll Sun 530 pm VIVlih mmfl Lu lll tliili iTiielire turned colder and the ii tli4E lllllitl llilllt KBB Hz lbwl Hm My PM it1 211 11111 were ulv rink started to Ina7e ileeii4411 11 111111114 111 151111 II I1 Hm Imm1IIm 114 itlliiid it iiiilil ll hi mm smim IIlI4IiIIwlI 4114 iiHIultillII Wm winnm men Nee1411 l4 viii ll 1141I all l4 l1 Hill lll ii Well lie 111 razpeiitri tiii iieil ixill VIILIIIIIII IIIIHIIIIJIIi III IiyIIlIIIliII 111114I 44iiii4i il11444i ii1 11144 1llir llatm 111111 The ilaj I4I II II R1121 consolation gt5 Wt 4I IIIIIIII II Mt liiiiizs 1111114 1111 ii411 11111154 titivelliiw II 411111 llllllvi aid 11llI115 1I41m11 II1IIII 1uizt4 lllliiEillllt amt lli and M14 iiee lleiillei liliil II Tm Md lWlI 1111 1111 made 111111 the 1ip4 or iidoile llltll lill 11414114 ill motion 11114 paned to tliJE ltiiil lionii lliad 411111l lt4 llii riie t44 gt 4i1l ipvait 14111141 ieiiiili4l I11ei ltlllllll il111 1114 11 41 will the llulilnn had 21111 the 0141 4ii1 1114411 01111411 11414 lo piai with iii liri fills stitijeel lam ll14toj 111 it lltv 11 tt1 lite llllltt 111 ltil2tilltiigt hi Lilli lll lli illr lia iiilt4llnll tlllttltll kih ttilt will lllilw llhlimii ia 11 11 II min1mg 13M ImII 11 mi ttilillII 111 lltli II 4iippi4l in 1114 11111 llanlnp 11111iike this 11111141 and 1114 11 llii iiiiiiie 1114111 llll thrntei 41141514 flit4 1411l4 4iili the all Death of liver lezieoek 111114 4IIgtI iit ml ll 1414 11i hitllllltl 114144 of 1111s and emu1114 ere tlllilillill 111 11 1114 mm UH Hii 1iilk1tll vii11l 4i4 in 114 um 11 1WI1II141111 Iliiti The 11111 ili lill 1111 itlTlliiillill Nil The ehaiaeterlt of 1114 lilili1 4ilt4ii on Jan 121 Iii his filth lliSilli llielii iliefiliiel who 21314 lallr Across iti ilii liii Ml lviiiek Wl lioin 1ltt li44 lieil liiiiie 4111114 slow4 WW HM Wil 1411 mg 131 pm pm p111 51 II ml Ill Hi The 11111111 emphasis of the llllll 11 Siiiiileiili hear 11a 111 Tip11 lll he iii social 11 lmHIm ml lm 11 ll 11err ll 1111 11 14 111 up 141 eaeoe is LIlUJilHltklllqmll Ml 11 iirl lliilliltil with itlilltli Mil lHM Th ill lllllllt dun HfMM hmmm id ltt eiiwiie xiii 4lii111l ll two tili illfl tiiiie 14 oll 41111 is tllll iis lonewii lililliillii 41mm oti long sheets of paper tiL ttldllll gt311 411 llii 0111 Hi Hm humh mm 111Iv 1414111i11 Idaiiiihll rs one Shlti 511510 and IIII IIIIIIIII IIIIII SIIIIIIIII AIII ISII1 112144113 11 1114 puppy 1M1 IIlIllItillIIiIlityIItililiiihgi iirIziiilII 111111111 IIIIIIII IIIISI HIIIIIIIIIIIIII 11 I1144I 4IIII II RICI III IIIIIIIIIIIIII II IIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIHI III 4141 MIIIMIIII MIN IIIIiiIoilIIIIIIiI III1I1I1I1I IIItIttI IIIIiIiIi Mi Jew mmrd IlIillliItll llaInie and i144ilIhIt1IoillI 38 Buvem gt BARR ieeii Aueis of the ilistilli1lte 1111111 to gently remind 11 Quite 11111 1111111i1er nathe 111 Iiiiinia IMlVItt 4115 iIt 11 11141114 plans lilwda nw Him mm Hm mgml fllllgtltlllllll tllLllllilllztlull llilullllh at the school on 1ltiiiesdliy 114 hn Aim Immmcm alum3 latllu will will rigtllilii elolhinu lhese paints Hump 4m qm 1mm 441 11141 Jan 271 111 spend social rawimw 4114 Jill iiieielIi water colors which it tiiieIheasl but wheie is Ilgllltl IIIl 31IIIII IIm huh II wash out ltiltlll with soap 11111111llifi1 11 tilliltIiiiilltll lil mi MI I4 lt1 511 4111 ililii ylglllilll2llltltlatl llitll W11 water slallil out 111 the dark 11111 llilii ltll mt MW lilthtlllllilllllIllllli llIl11tiil liill Ann II IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII HIIIIIIIlI HIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII III IIIIIIIII II IIIIIIIII mm mm mu 111 1I11414lt1115I1 thr lactoeiii 111 liill i4I IIIIIIIIIII4I4 II II III IIIIIIIIIII WI HS 11 1111 ot which llfh lltttiilit liiio111leal lllltiiilliltlll the afternoon for pmm mud IIIIIIIIIIM DIIIIII IIIIIII IIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIII hmHlI Thu wallr hail slaxpd lo iIiiuiiitIv espeeiIally iii chin4 wine IIIllIIllltt lIllllhIII arl IIhIlitllllt1IttiII 4I III come in and he was standing ill Mix hleiizister illt rs Ii ioll ant 1111 1s 411 ilxldlr 11lh14ll1 1Il 11 mm 11 ill to his iieeli Viial he 41l Scott on behalf of the eomniiiiiIlwiiiii tit Rieliester Ni 111111 IIIIII4 Lililtlll 114 tliiliitliiii records land when lliu lirolipht lilfttLill loltie ilI presented Mm Howard will Mix iT Key loroiito attended ihI 14 mm mum liitliliiit will the ones they like top eaniiol he iipealidf lednit 11111111t11l eetlai eiiesi lessie 11 the tiiiiei 11 ot llgt iiiiini on IIIIII IIIII MINI bum II tIiiesli iIiII14I thIeIIoidesiliislorv 111 t111ii1 iew 1ilI chosen 4t11l Illltllli41ilIlIlttiii 131211111 111 this mad the fact that Jiliii Wllitli the children all it llllll lilllillliSi WV lll 411111iatuiatioiis to lllllti hzip IIU 141 14 little snow has fallen and lllt4tlllWtd Specially was an animal lllli44l Mini ill 411H lulm1 1th mummy Nb Wm llliill on 1liiiillll tho iiihiie Spe1k or row MIVHW him mm IONH5 Ewh Child was 3km Wm kllllllllllll it 01mm bmm mm mm Wm mg Gums mml 114 11h lititlllii don 1iout44m1l he or she would like to huh mm MHM Tlm in 410 Vlkltlil WW 44 ieireseiit then inat tl 144 111151 li evening 14 4I111I1ee I4Uhj 44 mm 1h MM CHM lliilithi and 1111 as 1111111 lltillSiil The lesliiis built 11 he peoplr ot llll ilisii itl it III IIIIIIII mm QIIMIIIIII my spoiidiiiu sounds and actions for missionaries but the litilllllilri feated them and the lliiiolis re along that part of Henry htieeim mmdl llltll is in Vispra Ttill$lll Sv About p111 the children had lmd 111 1114 lillllll llltli lit JUle WIFE I4 Indian tllllilltill 1341 News Imdldospm January 11114 physical handicaps he possessed l4 hmw mm YVISk Mrs Keeteli who is kin llr lrll itllilllmm ililglllltly lltiiliiilll MiNillil i5 31 ll1ll lillllc 41 Swill Siltilllillli NW lhlm Pillllllittl MHYbe llie IIIII II IIl Ial UR4IIKJIIH IIU mlm Ilnwl in the floral Vieloriii iiospli with smile for everyone and II II mm mum nimble mm gtMd1tliliimnittilmlyith Tllljlllllllnltillll lllulitixvtilll tiiiofiiliiii Barri mm amwndvmmi hum 0W Th mlmdmim Hi 44 iI vC00 III II III II II liakslifaflllio 321 this IvaHg Following mm NI lllIt sent to school444educated lot mo 1IIII1IIIIIIIESERIIIIIIEIlIlIISIIi gt bad road repaired or as one the children were served lunch pmrossmns and mmm mu 99le 4Wth 0t lworth liviiiu II 44 44 RAPID mg III Wm mimic and the alleynanS nmIvIIICS COIII lIIIlIiIlIIllIlItIIBIIIll iIiiItiiI IIiI1II Tm IYIIung 11mph mm 111 II IIIIIIIIIS III IIIIIIIIII hIQ III II gt 44444 LWlw ludtd llh Smiling Rliivs liill mwm m4 WM MIN Wm 40M 11lili Illllllli 1515 lili4ln brothers and tour sisters iiiey II An old rtttll states ViiiilIis4I Mny naive meSI LLWC muqi DRAW VIIIIIhnI ening vith Allan MfNlil 1l are Henry Thomas Martha and CC ill 1450 iiiankri wort again extendedvu napc Hidddmriqmm mtixre Convener 111 liillfit4 44 Mrs Jones 111 New Hits and II hfi mm 14 11105 lath who brought upan ClIllltlll conscious of the history Home IIIII OIIIIIIIIIIII Mrs iIi1ciiml 41ml AHHK Livi 44111195 From January sales liiiilk and helped to servo hp 10 014 our own pionecis coiielllged ThII illiiili second mettine ol the N45pupm4sI 151S mmy 14091mmI Mr Wells The speaker was liiuiik IIIIICi IIIId IIIIIIIIIIIIIIV IIIIIIIIIIIIIS interment Mus made 111 inbui CIIIO III IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIRII IIIIIIIIIS III IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII led by proxidmnI Tm SUI IIII IIoId IIIIIIIO IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIILIIIII om connyrIVIIII I11 palleHNFSI WN Me lJlSll WON bi 594 300 413 mu NUIW smlhn mm illhllllliSfllV eieninu 111 Bu Tl Hm Douglld MC Ib carrying pages and pages of 1111 play 5011011 L101 under waIVIgon lilltls 01 lilliiilis for 111111 and low1 Albert Maw from Edeii Tm Agp CHOICE the Rick INI Mm barn Broadloot BAT llomeIII IIII PIIIIII GIICIIIIN of SIIIVIIIIIII SHORTENING Hiilhtilitnlb billimlill 10 the 41114114 lucsdzly this week ill connection Hum I1Iiiu VIIIIIIUII11 Economics Brunch Womens lii lion of tilt illli lllt iiiiiiitioiis 1i1d lidward vnottx and Walter 1b gt ood things tile stores have to offer nhrlm Ll Ll31ml 5110 COWS Hospital Ililiiikiiiu us for sending bmum ga plfndld MH fix1i Dell IJhmelTV 28 n5 Vhcy ten children niostlv represelitativc to the nicotine Nor Shiide MW DUUH The beautiful floral tributes lmmg mt Jmmuy NIL diggtlgltiu mod FINE CANADIAN COLOURED AP CHOICE NIIIII IIIsIIIIOIIIIII IIIIIIII IIIIIIII III 11 mu I11 home of MFSIImmlIIIund mun Imn111 IIo nwct II1 Ii IncludedI rymIcIQIMHUHIII himmvamrl 77 LIE Christmas and New Years Ltl WilllimhWINGS lid itmlmimily ppmmm ltlcgmi New lohi Dcivsbiirv l1ttyllvr liiiiirid IllitIiilsI and lIbcnczcr ciiurciin1 dSI me 411 nommuslturned it mm most adequate Willy cutliieii Iiiiid ask for the Edcnmly hIiIIIIIISOIsIIIIIIII wnsiAliltlHI those who attended from CREAM STYLE 620402 lins mummies If foodstuffs WWW nursery schoolI Louise C0 usual Igranls lwentytoiir inem II Ir II distance wore Mr and Mrs 11 WALTER PALMS lMPORTED 1103 44 shocked on Tilesda thilil Jim IONA STANDARD isth to build up and vitzillze per1 trom the Siincoe County rccrca mm Hill tin new lliffillllmb Mrfliiid Mrs Her lb 44 14 when thcv icaincd that lohii sons to get them ill training for non committee was chI hIJE PM 1111 100s 1111111113111 nlmi of 10101110 Mrs lluttmain the actual January sales Thosc g0 Offmmlltb WOW ICPlTSOlltldr llitJJNlbu 15 mm WW Ont 2002 tins lill itllWINS liilVe lhtli lilitiliill 1H short rest period enhanced iv MM 11 11 41 md gum um 11 the writer but he Wuilltt llilllltl eiiil taseiiiatiiil stories told by III II IUI WI III IIII IIIIIII the group and brought along manv mm mm win in Gum In iratfic accident nozu Edviiml gMEMlila In jinkIPIIIIIm TOILET SOAP 111 13 Elf ww nwmfacwuimmwuyimimgmmLEADdin LQWitlSJ with loci 01 meetingtpinbzililr 11161111081 11 mm 01 TUWW Ont Pkg ImI Whom mew thousands I01 the pleasant and prolitable even mmmti With his Daian 41 the 33 TIME FOR shoppers obtziintheInioney at this mil th 01 V0 393154 10 N0 Flos lery Nevertheless from some Yank Shopping 1m bargain hum 1351 4491 Elmmm II lhc large number ot tliClldS Cakes For thcpast forty years he was FOR FLOORS CTiiiiloY0lbY SCVCIal 110 lb II iiiyslcrioiis sourcc which has surI January 29 the Edenvaic disciiict and WRS yrTnglirn 14114 produce the cash Into mule Mrst Hodgson andbinda left for iclativcs and neighbors ivho call 20 60s Pkg Janumygo ed at the home of his nephew II IDIIIICM hum working IMIIIIC IIOIhscuiatiril toys and mateiiais for 110 Community Hall Feb to Sub 13 301 JOSH DH PREMIUM II II II II 1mm mrano 11m Ilmm1Attittt3t8 134744441 wasiiiwunlhlguamvmua WWW MWwIMII 0H 311 iIfIIIIiIiIWII1I4IiIltIgtIIILIlI kISIIIIuIlIIiIJIIIiIiImI ma gd mm 9015111 14 Rogers it tlbplrg time of the year is forever inIvs in I4 vived the Christmas and Now M11 hd MIS Cliff Boll spent we hde by everyGnu IA CHOI APNECTAR ORANGE PEKOE lllf go and many are the liiiinor iIoionto on Monday to spend sonic 413nm mphSI Thomas JI Frawley Wylie Jones where his body TASTY ONKORANGE GRAPEFRUIT idents occur itim PiclliiC the It ladies who SClZDd Diffs Ire7110 Toner 6f Toronio 15 one bf iIeSWCW lStl= and attended 4th04444tu1lfllill f4 02 uponthe same slurt each making spending few days with her ed resicntg of 11011 13311 BVldenced the high teem Ti 2402 iar In LI 501 claimjo iii11 111033141111qu WEHHIL Mm garment The store manager did Miss Gwen Greavcs is home 3way on Saturday Jm 21 193i his utmost to pacify them until from Toronto and will end at 230 on Friday afternoon to the CELLO PACKED he too became more than annoyed some time with her parentshp at the home or hm daughtm United Missionary Church at Eb WHITE lbs The problem dissolved 4Iwiicn liCi Mr and Mrs Geo Bidive11g2nh$1r iizmoggmglgoqlq enezer and was conducted by J4 g1 tore the shirt into two DIECCS and Joyce Hodgson and ThOSI E11914 Rev Presser pastor of the rm age 95 BRUNSWICK offered each woman halfshirt lington are on the Sick list we was apparently in fair health 357 Ti 81 N01 lacking in hummz was the 1mm they will goonIIeeI but she was up and around the housci FANCY PINK IxI lb 13 SALMOH 44 43 Thomas Enamex passe thifILtIIIIfIIgggenIsffisElohim us church Two favorite hymns of on Friday afternoon Shevvas in 44 bargain hunter similar to sailor G00d Reports for Knox Church he Giglilleth year Death was 354$ gndYoilYlgfv hauling in rope W85 pullng into Knox Chumh annual meetingldue to cerebral hemmrhnagc Rev Mir Prosscr took his text her 51101ng basket yards of rib was held Friday IQveningI Jam 420 Mrsrhawiey the tOlmCI Matilda from the passage As 11th IOVI Bayfleld ISLI bon at 14 bargain price Behind at Mr and Mrs Arthur Dunns C011150n444 had lived all heI iii IICII was Indy IIIImbCIIIIwOI who In AII Imports IIIeIIIIII III gooa sham In IIIISIcommuIIIIyI she Was MCI ed you even so love one another Phone 3874 Barrie FLORIDA PASCAL No AM He spoke of Johns faithfulness to 44 quite an effluent sailorlike man and showed good balance deceased by her husband Thom mm Im nor was hauling the ribbon from fr as on Jan 1941 and son lo IR my rst womans basket to heIII StI JohnS Vestry HIIIIISI on Jan III IQZII Le IIO TIM Vn The 53105 Clerk WhO straight4 54 Johns ChllICh Vestry meel mourn the loss of kind and AYLMER 01051 I0 this episode deserved mg was held in the church Mon lovIng mother are three SOIISI BradfordIndwlhed No lbs 90 me the deceased vere sung The FLORIDA FRESH STRINGLE No scene in one store where one rabid TinI day4 Jan 23 All reports were in Michael of Mount St 15111 Btl Thenjbcrc was the case of the good stIaninIingIIBeviEI till513011 was yichoiag of weuami T1301 Mclntosh FledI Excellent Eating 6Qt YORK BRAND gentlemanyou havegscen the type in the chair and he appomled MWWEand fof daugm DomestILGrlIan II II 12 131110 department SFOY95413W Craig ashis warden and Tatton ters Mrs 1E Rumbail California Novel Fancy 220s Ti lossly dressIedllowerI 1n lapel of was voted peoples warden Max Eileen Mrs Ernest Bunch New heir be his coat weighing around one hun Craig is treasurer for 1950I MaryI Iand Mm JI WI mum HEINZ 4I II III tired and eighty pounds Who was Mrs George Snider gave good Ida of Toronto and Mrs John FiIIfsli JiIiIIiIcg No IIIIcIiIeIllo 132 24 argeI led over nylon counter by mlSSiO report andwas TeaPPOint Shiels Catharine 40f Rosemount summ Sivawn Shoppersv 6d miSSiOln treasurer cemEteiY also nineteen randchildren and Fruh Cuba 011 090 AQP BOSTON STYLE IIliIIhflgbivsigggtilfnye b3 board Em Caston Arthur Snider two sisters Mrsg Emnia Flanagan Pkg 150l or er and the wardens Sidesmen G60 of Sudbuiy and Mrs Sarah Shan Tin FANCY linto the madding crowd was hurt AtP3EEDL88 15ozI lei bacinIJIvcr the counIEcr againt SMQSQICMEII Bfgegfqogonggr agglggiahgi Bradford Slo III kaQI II aer same 54C 1mg com SS report in thehbsence of Mrs St Louis to St TLouis Church MEATY70480i lbs JUICE 20 fielviofv3llfgtdfly gggggd M3501MiM593dMrS A1 where Reouicm High Mass was 4I Tin saies girls against thebwaii and $13 IIsngIlIffd argpggr 351 glad Eelebrated by Rev Marshman 1h 5w nermem was in St Louis Icemc 19 CH VROLET EETMASTER SEDAN 41th glgggjgg ofgggizegiggg SnIidelIreadithe W4A report my W111 RevIIR CI Megmgm FL SUPERRIGHT MEATS AREIALwAvs TENDER AND Joicv BECAUSE which theware treated for shock SIJII of Waupaushene officiaying 1947 CHEVROLET ISTYILIEMASTER SEDAN 34 IA onanEs ONILY CANADASTOP GOVERNMENT GRADESIOF Another amusing incident occur ape Biceper and it was only the gravesde Thepallbeare 41947 PLYMOUTH SPIECIALICOACH RED or BLUE BRAND BEEF 195 When fi fashionably dlgssei after muchshaking lathe got were Messrs JohnIODrury Jos lady spentthrec Iquatters oan He SWth Who ugh got Druiya MauriceI Fitzgerald Ljeo 1946 BUICK ROADMASTER SEDAN Radioy HIGH QUALITY EonK VEAL LIAMBWAND PounavmannaALWAst hour at Qumvbargam counter tutn babyS homewmt rouni to me Berthelotto MacDonald Erawley III 14946 PLYMOUTHISEDAN II GREAT VALUES BECAUSE AP CUTS ANDIlRIMS THEM To GIVE YOU ing over socks tteIs etc Eventual wifeS Side the bedeut them and Manning Fitzgerald 44 MORE FOR YOUR MONEYyIAND PRICES THEM A3 lOW As MARKET ly She sated he Priced at WW tlein her mouth SWitched out the The highesteem in which MrsI I1946rCHEVRQLETLSEDAN COSTS PERMT 111211 canola bed held shown pmW EXTRA LEAN back muIttIered somebaby talk to lheI number who called 10 payi 1946 OLDSIMOBILE HYDRAMATIC SEDAN lb grgfs139$glgtggte$g Eggnd blissfully went off to sleep their last respects also the MIaSS 1940 PLYMOUTH COACH II II II cards and=fioral wreaths ed toobtam some trophies toIshow EITHER END to their friends ats are usually 1938 PLYMOUTH SEDAN fagorite 5mg gften oneIIIcustomIiIaIiI 1937 CHEVROLET COACH VSIeaks lb 4f can seen Ie wayr ome wiI SMOKED SLIICED four ve hats to 135 he mm 1936 PLYMOUTH sEDAN 44 44 bI 11121113311 93mm IFE 1932 Form SEDAN on II III linEliiinisr BACON 59 II gegcesgggy prgglfusbgng I4 1930 CHEVROLET SEDAN ee SBMAOIKED II II II for Ibarginy shoppers Iare ESIAglHfg Iv7 III VALUEI Iqtough very tough and the march MILK FEiD GRADE AnAIL WEIGHTI CHOICE male who gets intheir way is ask ANDERSON DISTRICT MANAGER mg fOrtrdlbl Better Way at Cor Dunlap and Bayfield Barrie 25 HAROLD HILL LIMITED litlllSTlllfi CllchIEllS FMS PM my 1h 45 cnoica 19 trueIstory recently cattle to II CnRySLERI PLYMOUTHfARGO mane wouldattend the baby if NORWlCH UNION BARBIE title awakenedThe husband was II II II II II II II II hand concerns husband Jim heul background 111111 1111 liliiflzlllttllllllt lliiiiiiiiee 4111 wife who had cold i1

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