nu glam EXAMINER MONDAY am 11 1954 News of reticulum Mrs Galbraith Mrs Rinn Mrs Simpson and Mrs Alltleiéull motored to Cen tralia on Wednesday and spent the day with Mrs Galbraiths daugh ter Mm Jack Dunstan Mrs Reid MeQuorum is spending few days with her daughter Mrs Jack Amos Toronto Mrs Albert Wallace has re turncd from three weeks visit with friends in Chicago and other southern places in the USA Mrs Thomas Barnett Sr spent week lrl Toronto with her daugh ter Mrs Jerry Glonnavelli Womens Institute On luesday evening last about 20 members of the Womens Insti tute motored to Mrs Harry Potters for the May meeting The presid ent Mrs Morrow was in the chair After the reading of minutes and reports of variqu committees Mrs Kant gave report of the dis trict annual executive meeting in Cookstown recently Plans were discussed to make 103455 year of progress suggesting that every woman although not on the roll Silollld feel she was part of the organization and feel free to at tend any meeting in the interests of her community hearty vote of thanks was tendered to Mrs Morrow for her faithful leadership during the past two years social hour was spent over the tea cups served by the hostess assisted by Mrs Morrow Mrs McCormick and Mrs Elliott United Church WA The monthly meeting of the Womans Association of the United Church was held at the home of Mrs Hastings on Thursday after n0on Miss Wat¢on presided The pastor Rev James Dorrian con ducted the devotional After the reading of minutes the afternoon was spent in discussing the recent cooking school In closing Mrs Hosting served lunch assisted by Miss Watson Successful ooklng School sponsored by the WA of Tottcn ham United Church was held in the town hall May Thanks go to Mrs Richardson of the YES Heres Once Year Opportunity Air conditioning heater Exceptionallydclcan Excellent family car ALSO FEATURIN 1953 CHEVROLET SEDAN $1875 Robin Hood Flour Mills who con ducted the school Inglis Co who supplied the SIOVJS and washers installed by Sinclairs Har who supplied the refrigerator along with the many merchants who donated prizes for the occa alon On Thursday evening at the opening of the school the WA members presented Mrs Richard son with Corsage and also one gto their president lola Watson taller which Rev James qurlan as chairman for all three sessions opened the schoolwith the Na itioual Anthem All the tickets for the three days were put in for lthe special draw The mixmaster iwas won by Mrs Alton Anderson also to John welcome Mr and Man Aubrey Miller nee Myrtle Coutts Mar leen and Larry They are building ew home just back of Miss Wattles residence Miss Clock and John Clock Tor onto were guests of Ruth Cooke for the weekend Mrs Fieldhouse is on motor trip with her brother Robinson Barrie through Niagara Peninsula and Kitchener Miss McNiven Sunnidale vis dware and Ediar McLean itcd with Mrs Russell last week Home and School New officers for the home and school association for 195455 were installed last week as follows President Mrs Faraghar vice president Mrs Beasley secretary Mrs Bowdery treasurer Mrs Sut ton social convener Mrs Bertram program convener Mrs Frankcom After the installation of officers very interesting meeting was led by Mrs Andross The topic was Home and School She dis cussed the Creed parents ethics and aims of the home and SCllOOl association which proved very edu electrlc clock by Mrs Harry CrawI cational During the business pep ley ilve gallons of oil byMrs Dave Hammlll of Athlone hassock by Anne llollghton snack dish by Roy Enligll silver cream and sugar by Mrs Tom Sayers Jr of Tot tenhaln basket of groceries by Mrs Ray Collins chocolates by Mrs Harry Rinn hydrangea by Tim Wilson The oldest lady cnce that evening Ireceived flower youngest mother Nllj Jim Kenna received checolatcs ill the audi Mc At made during the cooking school MID URST Mothers Day Service Church with large congregation attending The junior choir led by Mary Peacock rendered two lovely numbeIS with Lynnda Mar shall taking the solo parts Rev Mr Vcals gave an inspiring ad dress in keeping with the theme of the day been hospitalized in the Royal Vic toria Hospital for two weeks We very succossful cooking school Wish 001 Speedy ICCOVCI and hope that she will soon be home again Newcomers urst community Midll 21250 I953 CHEVROLET SEDAN $I 850 I953 OLDSMOBILE ARDTOP CONVERTIBLE 98 extras $3500 1952 CHEVROLET SEDAN $1595 1952 CHEV SEDAN Power Glide $1650 1951 CHEVROLET SEDAN 550 rl Mrs Emigh Sr plant lllel Agricultural Park very tine Mothers Day ser vice was observed in the Ullllcdlbmrs Sorry to report Mrs Jeals has the close of the program each day ow Creek this year names were drawn for tasty dishest fee of 25 cents for each child Your 233 ammonium iod the Home and School voted $15 toward the community picnic which is being planned for June 28 at Springwater Parku It is also supporting an educational tour for the older children of theGcneraI Electric plant School Field Day Vcspra School Area Field Day will be held on June 25 at the The Home and School issponsor ing the swimming classes in Will registration ill be paid by the parents The re mainder of the cost will be car ried by the home and school asso ciation WA Meeting The WA meeting at Mrs Russells home was well attended by mem and visitors Miss Mabel Wattle was in charge of the pro gram which had as its theme Mother Very interesting read ings and poems were read by Mrs Prince Mrs Russell Mrs Good lland Mrs Richardson and Mrs Finlay During the recreational period Mrs Finlay conducted May contest which was won by Mrs Currie Sutton Mrs Howie and Mrs Stan Walt served deli cious lunch During the business period it was decided to cater to the Wardens Picnic on June 16 Mrs Garvin and Mrs Prince were wishes totappolnted as delegates from the its me COlDWATER No Data Set For Vote Up to May 13 noreportbudheen received from the moor Control Board on when the one bright be for Coldwuter citizens to vote for or against establishment Of liquor store and beer warehouse in the village petition requesting the vote was certified by the village clerk and placed in the hands of the Liquor Board on May 81 In Orillh Reef The llvolee Goldwater Girls Choir under direction of Mrs Ar gyle Eplett will take part In four piano ensemble concert by pupils of lMim Gertrude Lambert in Orillia tCommunity Centre May 25 Discuss Rink Proposition At general meeting in the court house shareholders in the Coldwat er Rink Commission discussed the proposal of the Community Centre lAssociation that the assets be sold gto the latter organization This vmuld allow grants on proposed talteratlon and enlargment of the rink into community building Shareholders who voted at Lle meeting and who represented 236 shares of stock were unanimously in favor of the transfer of assets and surrender of charter Legal information is to be Obtain ed on the next step involving 200 shares held in the name of estates with no beneficiary indicated The directors confirmed William Beach Sr as association president succeeding the late Shields Vote On New School Owing to an error in setting the date on the vote for or against building new school in Goldwater it has been found necessary to set new date The original bylaw de signated May 25 for the balloting by the ratepayers of the section At special council meeting May 12 the date of the vote was changed to June Department of Education has giv cn tentative approval foi erection of fiveroom school at cost of not over 5100000 However accord ing to tentative bids already offer ed it is indicated the school could society to attend Simcoc Presby tery convention in Barrie On May 123 We are pleased to report that William Day expected to come home from the hospital this past weekend 15 Youve 12 More FREE GIVING curlers I952 STUDEBAKER SEDAN Two Tone green finish One Owner since new Gunranteéd mileage 22000 95 Matchedasll Rate Increase by Mill Set Gravel Tender NORTH RIVER Matchedash Township set mid tax rate of 375 mills an increase of one mill over last year Rates were apportioned as follows at the May meeting township rate mills school area 75 collegiate 59 roads 57 county 94 Counil ordered best wishes sent to two longtime residents of the township James Newby who was 80 on May and Lewis Oakley who will be 87 on May 20 Blythe CO tender was ac cepted for gravel yardmile haul 3000 cubic yards at flat rate of $117 and 2000 cubic yards at 785 cents Those tendering included A1 lan Cooke Lemay and Son Collinrwood Sand and Gravel and Teed grant of $50 was made to the Campaign for the Blind and $15 was granted Coldwater Cemetery Board Financial report by Joscelyn was accepted and fees and disburse ments of $13375 ordered paid Department of Highways approv ed subsidy on up to $13000 expen diture on roads Engineer Lud gatc advised that cost of the pool grader had increased and was now $775 per hour inluding operators wages with 30 discount rate would be reduced to $543 hourly plus operators expenses which are not subject to discount The clerk was instructed to ob tain an abstract of north half lot concession and west half lot concession regarding Jack Lover ings request for road work on the right of way of these properties Next regular meeting will June be be built for considerably less than the maximum Also 54 to 56 grant would greatly reduce total cost to the section ratepayers It has been suggested the total new school costs locally might amount Ito around $45000 or less over 20 char period survey provided without cost by the Torontoarchitects Pentland McFarland and Baker estimated al terations and additions to the old school might cxeed $50000 The department would only pay grants on revamped present building up to $40000 at WITH THE CASII PURCHASE OF $600 OR MORE 54 111111 STIIIIIIIIIIII canal Obituary Mrs Prank Coulson Dies of Heart Attack At Her Old Home Milton It was with deep regret that the residents of the village of Angus learned of the sudden passing of Mrs Francis Coulson on Thursday April 22 following heart attack at the home of he Stress Efficiency In Rail Operations ing cosLs and Icompetltion can umrgljcnicc Hold For Pioneer Minor George Jones 7I Funeral service was held on Thusday April 22 14 at the Jen nett Funeral Horne for George Jon es one of the pioneer miners of the north country Mr Jones died at the Royal Victoria Hospital here on Tuesday April 20 from silicosis caused by dust from mine rock Brother of Deuglas Jones of 185 Dunlop St West Barrie the deceas sisterinlnw Mrs Peter Paddle of Milton with whom she had been visiting Although in her 84th year she had been enjoying the best of health previously was held in high esteem by all who knew her and was member of Angus Presbv Canadian railways beset by risterian Church and of the WA The former Mary Elizabeth Ped maintain their present scale olldie she was born in Milton and in operation only by constantly in troducing improvements and econ omics Donald Gordon chairman and president Canadian National Railways recently told the 28th annual meeting of the unionman agemcnt cooperative movement mechanical section Mr Gordon in an address before 45 labor and management repre sentatives from across Canada said the railways must fight soaring costs and competition by increasing their own efficiency He cited the CNRS dlesclization program as striking example of what can be done and said that while it involv ed heavy capital expenditures the program already has resulted in more effective work performances at considerably lower operating costs Mr Gordon stated that increased efflciency will not only enable the rallways to retain their present status in the transport ï¬eld but will also encourage their growth in the future GENERAL TERM Archipelago waters thickly lands originally Aegean Sea the term for any Scattered with is applied to the Maclcana Magnum Metallic brown finish Air conditioning heater Many extras Driven by Mrs George Dangr erfield THESE OUTSTANDING USEDCAR I95I AUSTIN SEDAN 850 19491H1LLMAN SEDAN Discount 495 I950 CHEVROLET COACH $IZ95 l949yDODGE CLUB COUPE $l095 I950 PLYMOUTH SEDAN $I3V25 I950CH EvROLET COACH $1295 1950 DODGE SEDAN radio $1275 1950 CHEVROLET COACH $1250 1949 METEOR SEDAN 950 I948 PONTIAC COACH I948 DODGE SEDAN 750 850 1947 CHEVROLET COACH 575 1947 PLYMOUTH SEDAN Stack 90C 650 I947 MERCU RY SEDAN 750 1949 FORD COACH 995 1947 CHEVROLET SEDAN 795 mmlelr oldsmttblle Cadillac newentrain6 1949 CHEVROLET 1947 INTER TON PANEL the same house where she had liveo when child and from which she was married and where her death occurred Her husband died in 1946 and surviving are seven children George of Barrie Mrs Kearnan tRubyl and Mrs Duckwortll tElsicl of Angus Mrs Walkim Shaw tOrmal Collinguood Mrs Dcsjardin Vera Detroit and Nor man and Lloyd Toronto The funeral from the Jennctt Funeral Home Barrie on Saturday April 24 was largely attended The service was conducted jointly by the Rev Guergis of Angus Pres byterian Church and the Rev John Silvester of the United Church there Many beautiful flowers bore their silent message of love and esteem from relatives and friends Inter ment was in Angus Cemetery and pallbearers were six grandsons John Ducleworth Douglas Kearnan Francis and Lloyd Walkinshaw and Gregg and Norman Coulsbn Relatives and friends were tres cnt from Detroit Milton 0t awa Capreol Georgetown Collingwood Stayncr Toronto and other neigh boring places Been Waiting For llBuyA Car For $600 Or More 5°°3°3FREEI ed was the son of the late Thomas and Mary Jones and was born at Conham England on June 1W He came to Canada in May of 1900 settling in Cobalt and was con nected with the Coniagas Mine there for ll years He spent some years at Sudbury British America Mine From there he went to Schus macher and was mine captain for Hollinger Mine at Ramore until the time of his retirement due to ill health some to years ago Since that time he had made his home in Barrie In his younger days and up to the time of his death the late Mr Jones had been an ardent curler and bowler member of the Anglican Church he belonged to 00F Co balt Lodge NO 379 and wasa sup porter of the Conservative Party Besides his brother Douglas of Barrie he is survived by brother William in Schumacher and three sisters Mrs Robert Blythe Linden NJ Mrs Price Bath England and Mrs Johnson Corsham Eng land The fdneral service was conduct ed by Rev Roweof St Pauls Anglican Church lnnisfil Pallbear ers were Jones Schumacher Blythe Linden NJ Hall Ux bridge Mackie Brampton and Lorne and Bruce Wicc Barrie In terment was ill St Pauls Cemetery Innisfll There were many beautiful floral tributes from relatives and friends Among those attending the fun eral were Mr and Mrs Blythe and daughter Linden Mr and Mrs Harold Jones Schumach er Mr and Mrs Mackie Bramp ton and Mr and Mrs Hall Ux bridge Illsnlllr OT Sluctlr coulrn Now On Sale 450 erlrllounrs BOOK STORE 30 DUNLOP ST Institutional 9s Iloulmr noun Flashing Two Tone blue and trimmed with red leatherette window and seat controls Many other extras ND TRUCK Ours Air condition ing Custom radio EZ eye glass automatic Royal Master tires red Interior 3500 I947 PLYMOUTHSEDAN 675 I946 DODGE SEDAN AS IS 550 1946 FORD COACH 1946 PONTIAC SEDAN 1946 PONTIAC SEDAN 525 125 750 1946 CHEVROLET SEDAN 675 I952 CHEVROLET Chevrolet IIeIIIer Used COT Division 591 vs tum ugh ITON PANEL $1 I00 TON EXPRESS 850 650