Barrie Examiner, 17 May 1954, p. 7

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Problem European Competition CGE President Continued from page one afternoon by special train to tour the local plant and enjoy the towns h05pitality The Barrie Works of the General Electric had arranged busy program for the distinguished visit ors On arrival at 230 pm at the GE siding on Bradford Street where they were greeted by the local plant band they marched to the Barrie Works led by their own Peterborough Works Pipe Band gaibed in bright Kilts and led by tall drum major There were 318 Quarter Century Club members in all here for the day including 19 women Following light refreshments ser vcd in the finished products area at the plant the Peterborough guests toured the Barrie Works where employees were on hand to dcmonstratethc processes in the manufacturer of the electric kettle Later in the afternoon represent ative group of veterans deposited wreath at the Cenotaph where they were joined by representationof the local Canadian Legion branch social hour preceded the din ner at the Armoury which had been brightly decorated with CGE backdrop to the head table Bright pennants covering the ceiling and the end balonics and side walls were concealpd behind colorful banners to present an effective setting for the banquet llend Table Guests Head table guests were Shields president of tlie Peterbor ougli Chapter of the Quarter Cen tury Club Ronald Itiync chapter secretary His Worship Mayor He bcr Smith of Barrie who made the draw at the close of the dinner for several appliance gifts given to the Peterborough visitors Cectl Leary president of the Toronto chapter Hanscom of the Peter borough Works Mr Turner and Jack Mitchinson manager of the Barrie Works who was host for the day Entertainment was provided fol lowing the dinner by Rex Slocombe at stage especially erected in the corner of the Armoury Thc Barrie Chamber of Commerce extended word of welcome tothc visitors through banners and stgns at the Armotiry and local plant European Prices Lower Fifty percent of all the larger ap paratus jobs on which the Canadian electrical manufacturers quoted in 1953 was taken at very much lower prices by European manufacturers stated the company president in hlS address to the Pcterborough visitors and the other dinner guests who included the supervisory staff of the local pliant As management group we are very much concerned about this We know of no solution to the prob lem other than to keep on doing the things that two have been do ing but apparently we must do all of them very much better The solution would seem to lie iti improved design to eliminiate mat erial or substitute less costly mater ials wherever possible the elimin ation or simplification of machining operations either by improved de sign or use of better machines and tools better planning of material handling and more rigid purchas ing policy and the understanding by everyone in the offices and on the manufacturing floor as to just how serious this problem is and how muchmore serious it can be come unless they set themselves to the challenge Barrie Case History Mr Turner used the case of the Barrie Works as foundation for the comments he made about the problem at Peterborough When he first joined the company small household appliances now manu factured at Barrie were being made at Stratford The plant was none too good and in an attempt to ef fect manufacturing economics the whole organization was moved into the Ward Street Works in Toronto In 1939 the net loss for the year for the appliances was $28000 and it was recommended that they should be moved out and set up in plant of their own in order to WESTERN shipper thought tliis one up He handles freight to and from Alaska by means of alu minum vans which are loaded driven to the dock and there lift ed by cranes from their chassis into the ships hold Sates lot of cargo handling damage and pit fering The vans can be individu ally heated or refrigerated to protect special cargoes too More than thousand different Canadian companies keep busy turning Canadianmade alumi num into everything from ash trays to minesweepers And it keeps us busy wondering how next they will use this modern metal to save weight or time of trouble or dollars for somebody Aluminum Company of Canada Ltd Alcan Variable Cooler With Fresh Wind Grand weekend May has come right across with four days of grand Illth weather with the climax on Saturday and Sundaya per feel weekend except for shower on Sunday at noon and change night to strong westerly wind and cool er this morning with 36 early and it prospect of variable part sunny and with fresh west by north wind The Baltimore orloles were busy yesterday on the black cherry leaf buds Temperatures were High Low 60 25 54 29 50 36 51 29 70 34 68 32 17 34 7t 41 10 12 l3 14 May May ggct the concentrated interest of iniutiufacturing group The subsequent case history and lrthe benefits achieved by decentral ization were outlined in detail by thc president The work effort has been high and the products good he declared As result costs have decreased and the company has been able to keep its prices 11 minimum These same benefits he felt could be achieved in small work units of larger plant Barrie by intelligent concept good planning good understanding by all working in the plant through their intense interest in the days work corrected bad situation in our small appliance busincss Different Standards European trading into our mar kets has been fostered and encour aged by the government in order thatothers may acquire the Cati udian dollars with which to pur chase our wheat Mr Turner in formed his audience The European manufacturer is meeting the design specification and delivery dates re quired Their labor and salary rat es are third or quarter of the hourly rates that we are paying1 in our factories This competition is not just matter of low versus high cost la bor We are competing with dif ferent way of life It is our way of life for which we have worked so hard over period of many years versus way of life sustained only with low pay long work days less comfort and fewer luxuries Do not get the idea that am sug gesting that we pull ourselves down to that level as way of meeting this competition The management group had no easy solution to the problem Mr Turner admitted It knew that it could not expect the government to place unreasonable restrictions on the importation of goods enter ing the market There are reason able legislative restrictions on val ue for ditty of imported goods to protect the local manufacturer from socalled dumping at ridiculous values and it is expected that these regulations would be enforced In substance the equipment that is giving us the competition is gen erally welldesigned is produced with much lower salary and labor content and after paying its proper duty import of 15 per cent is being sold to our customers 25 to 50 per cent below our selling prices Orders for large custom built eqiurp merit are slipping away from us We have gone down to meet the prices but business at loss means even tual trouble We must take our costs down to justify such action Confident of Success Mr Turner was confident how ever of success in finding solu tion to the problem of the moment His sole purpose in expounding on the problems ahead in the heavy apparatus business was to avoid disaster by preparing to meet the competition he declared And believe we will beat it The General Electric president traced in an interesting manner the history of the srilall appliance plant of the company in Barrie from the time before the establish ment of the local works in 1946 to the present day On the iron kettle toaster and cleaner lines which the company was producing before the war this year on unit basis production will be six times whatit was in the best prewar year and will be nearly four times the production that was contemplated when the plant was built Barrie Works he declared is proven case for decentralization and the small appliance business is on its feet both in its hold on large percentage of the market as wet as profitwise 40Year Awards Tiwentysfour members of the Pet enborough Quarter Century Club Barrie Dancing Academy Presenting Spring Frolic of 54 SPRING FROLIC 0F 54 the Barrie Dancing Academys musical revue will be staged in the Barrie District Col legiate Institute Auditorium on the evening of Friday May 21 with cast of talented young local performers and visit ing artists from Toronto In ballet from the Degas period received 40year awards at the Bar rie dinner their combined years of service totalling 1041 Each received gold watch and jewel pin The presentations were made by the company president Among the many CGE oldtim ers who travelled to Barrie for the Quarter Century Club visit were Dorris who retired last March after 50 years service with the company and William Cart er chaiitcr member of the Quarter Century Club who retired in 1946 after 42 years service Mr Dorris is 74 years of age and Mr Carter who was in the machine shop at Peterborough until re tirement is 78 years old Wellington County Plowmen Prepare For International program to prepare all plow men and their coaches in Welling ton County for the International Plowing Match being held at Bres lau in October was endorsed un animously at recent directors meeting of the Wellington Plow mcns Association Wellington County will be one of seven counties participating in Worn or EatenIts lust Peanuts BUYING AND WEARING peanuts is British lass Jill Ander son The peanuts for eating are evident in herhandand on display at the grocery store where she is shopping but those in her dress are notit is made from 5050 combination of peanuts and silk The fabric is one of wide range to be seentat the British Indus tries Fair May 314 in London and Birmingham England 3rdVlCIORYlOAN BONDS have been CALLED Eon PAYMENT JUNE lsl IF YOU HOLD Third Victory Loan Bonds issued November 1942 to mature Novotnber 1956 they should be presented for payment on or after June 131 through any branch bank in Canada AFTER THIS DATE NO FURTHER INTEREST WILL BE PAID lThe interest coupon dated Novemberlst 1954 and all coupons dated later than this must be attached to the bonds when they are presented forpayment Payment will be $10126 for $100 bond and for other denominations accordingly This payment includes $1 premium as requiredby the terms of the bandplus 26¢ which is interest at from May 1stto Junevlsttheperiod since the last coupon became payable Government of Canada van54 By BANK or CANADA Fiscal Agent jweek more issues are raised than ispectacular and distinguish it from are Sandra McGregor left and Rosita Pitt while two of the youngest pupils of the academys director Miss Terry ohn son Brian Edey six and Joanne Smith five portray Little Boy Blue and Little Miss Muffet The evening of entertain ment begins at 820 oclock sharp Local Counties Day on the first day of the big match Plans are being made to hold coaching classes early in the sum mer and again in the fall prior to the match to encourage large en try from the county Pal framan warden of the county is offering prize to the top Wel lington County boy or girl in the class for those under 18 years of CKBB PROGRAMS DIAL l230 MONDAY RM 00 News Headline 02 County Hour until 15 Sports 30 News Bulletin Board 00 Gene Autry Show 15 Destiny Trolls 30 Red Bkelton Show 45 Melody Time 00 News 05 Highlights 1n the Tel uslcol Panoram 30 ble or Nothing 000 News Headlines 000 Double Jamboree 930 My Hearts In The Highlands 1000 Perrys Place 1030 News and Sports 1130 The Finishing Touch 1200 News Sport Scores and Weather TU ESDA AM 30 Sign On 30 News Headlines and Farm Market Report 31 Muslclib Clock 45 News News Headline News 1230 News News 330 New Parade 530 New Round Sport 615 Sports 15 Destiny Trails 30 Red skelton Show 05 Highlights 1n the Tely 15 Eddie Fisher Show 30 Motor Memories 45 Familiar strains 00 Double Jamboree 930 Up at Cams Place 1000 Perrys Place 1030 News and Sports 1130 The Finishing Touch 1200 News Snort Score and Weather WEDNESDAY A10 Trading Post Red Bkeltou Show 45 Mid Motnine Varieties 1000 News 1005 Tello Quest 1030 Tradlnn Pout 1055 Tello Quest 1100 News 1105 Household Hints 1110 Hi Neighbor 1130 Tello Quest 1135 Round Up Time 1155 Tello Quest 630 Stan on that makes the man and does 912g 111919 for him TUEQDAY 1200 Luncheon Date until pan 1210 Sports Digest 1215 Market Report 100 Bulletin Board 105 Farm Features 105 Regional Weather 15 Farm Reporter 30 The Country Squire 45 Time Out 30 As You Like It 00 shut Insficran Book 35 Heres To The Ladies 00 Club 1230 30 News Headline 52SCamp Borden Sports 535 News Quiz 540 Movie Merry 00 550 Great Moments in 600 News Headlines 602 County Hour until 030 New Headlines Ind Farm Market Report The County Plowmens As also granting $5 to age sociation is cvery contestant from the county who plows on Local Counttics Day OBSOLETE INSTRUMENT The seraphine now obsolete was keyed musical instrument which preceded the harmonium 31 Musics Clock 45 News 00 New Handlin News its Farm Market Maori 00 Snortl Roundup 30 News floodlit Tello Quest 905 Tradtml Post 930 Red Skelton Show 945 Mid Morning Varieties 1000 New 1005 Tello Quest 1030 Trndlnz Pout 1055 Tello Quest 1100 News 1120 The Hymn Corner 1130 Tello Quest 1130 Round Up Time 1155 Tello Quest WEDNESDAY RM 1200 Luncheon Date until 1210 Sports num 1215 Market Report 1230 New 100 Bulletin Board 105 Farm Features 105 Reoloniil Weather 10 Farm Reporter 130 Time Out Revival Time As You Like It 335 Book Nook 400 Parade of Hits 430 News Headlines 430 Club 1230 535 News Quiz 540 Movie Merry Go Round 550 Great Moments in Sport Clothes make the man says the old adage But today more and more men are learning that they can also enhance their standing with certain people by owning life insurance Take employers for instance To them mans ownership of life insurance suggests that the is foresighted thrifty realistic Above all it reflects willingness to accept ref sponsibilify an attitude that impresses every employer In fact anyone who learns thaga man owns lifpinsurance regards him with added respect They know that it repre sents one of the most important assets anymancan have Yet perhaps the most important effect of owning life insur ance is on the policyholder himselfth gives him senseof achievement For in no othei wayixcan he create such valuable estate for so little in so shdrta time So life insurance can do more than provide financial security for your family and yourself in latergyeiprs Itialso influences peoplein ways that help win succe iHE iiEEJiitsunAitufcomAuirs IN Arm Comprising more than 50 Canadian Britishond United Steincomponlu addicting inConodo IT CITIZENSHIP To OWNUFEIWURANCF 1105 Good News Brosdcost Time Out continued num MONDAT MAY 17 195 Variety Spite of life gReport from Parliament Hill By non BAIL nowe MP for DufferinSlmcoe OTTAWAflu the theory that jvaricty is the spice of life Parlia mrmt should have few dull mom enc In the course of single iyou could shake stick atcer Elainly more than most people real ize The past week was typical gtcat crisis blew up to make No it Ethe average But in the course of ijust runofthomill procedure the lliouse ranged wide variety of fibpics Just consider the dayby day list On Monday Ross Thatcher of the CCF made his speech on how ems iilyat least ituminded that way Ithe government could out $100 000000 from its expenditures and put the money back in the tax paycrs pockets On the same day the government uncovered import ant plans to serve the booming Chibougamau and Manitouwadgc mining areas with branch railway lines On Tuesday Clarence Gillis of the CCF contradicted Thatchers speech of the previous day and took his partyoillcagues over the coats for departing from Socialistic principles Conservative Leader George Drew dealt with the Que bec provincial income tax His point was that Quebec should be thwarted only when she was trying to take more than other provinces were receiving from their tax ren tal agreements He called to the Prime Ministers attention that under its new income tax the pros vince still would beircceiving $25 000000 annually less than tax rental agreement would give it Trade and Commerce Minister Howe revealed that the govern ment was agreeing to the tmpor tation of additional natural gas from the United States through Windsor to serve Southwestern On tario On Wednesday Agricultural Min answered that one Michael Seigneur from France had been admitted to Canada by speciat landing permit in 1946 had since been given Can adian citizenship4nd Llal he is the same person who was con demned to death in abseiitia by French Coust of Justice for hav ing had dealings with foreign power in World War Ilwith view to encouraging the undertak ings of that power against France On the point as to whether Seigneur also had been an Inspector in the notorious Walfen Stormtroopers Mr Pickrsgill replied that infor mation is not available On Thursday the Prime Minister announced Canadas readiness to proced alone with the St Lawrence seaway despite the lastminute move of the United States to par ticipnte He also explained why Canada at the present time is tak ing no active part in the Indo China settlement at Geneva nor in the Unit3d States move to create regional security alliance in Southeast Asia On Friday Fisheries Minister Jimmie Sinclair explained why it hadnt been waste of public money to publish pamphlets on the cruising speed of goldfishthe sex life of lobsters or the relation of the moon to the eating of mussels He showed that all pamphlets re latcd to very practical problems of research The foregoing Ls still just very partial list of the topics that the week produced yet still wager that even among them you will find some you were not aware of Similar to the theatre where the actors may change but the show still goes on in Parliament the subjects change daily but the show always goes on CALL THE EXAMINER FOB PRINTING PHONE 2014 RENT NEW CAR 0R TRUCK ister Gardiner announced that the Agricultural Prices Support Board now holds 33000000 pounds of but ter purchased at 58 cents per pound which it is cndeavoring to sell for 551 cents per pound Mr Howe said that the RCAF had been found atfault in the tra gic Moose Jaw air crash and that it and TCA would settle damage claims arising out of the unhappy affair State Secretary Pickersgill DriveACu COMPANY LTD 69 Collier St Phone Ionic 2112 We loouh unlitan but do tons on SIGNATURE can on Fw onerdar service Nsbankable security Requirements runntruns are easy to Rightaway loans for any good reason 50 1051000 More men and women borrow from HFC than any other company in its field Phone or come in todayforafast fricndlyloanonyourownsignatum denunciations 28 Dunlop SI Wangcom floor phone 5529 IAltltll our film IIANGt Mum menu ElliT TV Vliliuniielll Epleltl Electric your Crosley TV this schedule of CBLT Programs Toronto Distributors are happy to present three times weekly for the con venience of viewersin Barrie and District MONDAY 230Movie Matinee 500 Robby Workshop 530 Adventure 630 Atl Lib 45 CBC Television News 00 Tabloid 730 Living MAY 17 800 Vic obecks Parade at Sports 330 My Favorite Husband 900 Boxing 1000 studio One exCBS 1100 Adventure Bound 2100 Sign News TUESDAY MAY 18 Matinee Party Music sound only Junior Sports Club How About That Cowbov Corner Ad Lib CBC Television News 230 Movie Matinee 500 Lets Make Music 530 Childrens Theatre 630 Ad Lib 645 36 Television News 700 Tabloid 130 Living 130 Dinahshore Show exNBC 745 On The Spot 800 Milton Berle Show exNBC 900 CBC Theatre gt 1015 Songs EWIth Evelyn Pasen 1030 Hans In The Kitchen 1100 Drama Playhouse 1200 Sign News WEDNESDAY MAY 19 300 Life With Father 830 Fighting Words 900 Whats My Line 930Dominion Drama Festival 1000 Ford TV Theatre 1030 The Music Hall 1100 Western Sada 1200 Sign off News VERTICAL MOVEMENT When the picture is moving up and down adjust the vertical control to bring it to the Correctly centred osition sit1 Distributors in Barrie

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