Barrie Examiner, 17 May 1954, p. 6

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TIIE BARBIE EXAMINER MONDAY MAY 17 1954 HELP WANTED INNISFIL TOWNSHIP SCHOOL AREA NO2 for Killyleaght Teacher required School all grudeSi south east of Thornton commencing Sept Apply giving qualifications ence salary expected religion name of last Inspector etc to Lougheed Secretary Painswick Ont l5058 EXPERIENCED BOOKKEPER MALE OR FEMALE experi Cnpablc of handling complete set of books Required by prominent Barrie ilrm Usual employee ben efits Pleasant working conditions APPLY BOX The Barrie Examiner WOULD YOU LIKE CHANCE TO BECOME AN EXECUTIVE WOULD CAREER WITH NATIONAL FINANCE ORGANIZATION INTEREST YOU Vacancy For Assistant Manager Barrie WE OFFER $264 starting salary including car allow once REGULAR salary inc resses FREE life insurance voluntary group in surance plan and unusual thrift cluh snvinus plan PERMANENT position PROMOTION dependent on ability QUALIFICATIONS SINGLE or married age 1826 matriculation or better IMPRESSIVE appearance mentally alert ability to meet public CAR essential lunior Apply or Phone for Appointment Personal Finance COMPANY OF CANADA l5 Bayfield St Barrie El BOOKKEEPER required at once Phone 5515 15657 GIRL Wanted Apply Wright Cleaners Dunlap St East 157 PROTESTANT Housekeeper to look after invalid Husband and wife To live in Phone 4527 15759 IHILOROITai16ress experienced Apply Bill Hall Camp Borden RCAF phone 143W 15557 DELIVERY Boy to use bicycle hours 86 pm Apply Crowe Co Ltd 76 Dunlop St West 15657 APTO SCHOOL miles north of Barrie on Highway 27 requires Protestant teacher Duties to com mence September 1954 One room school modern fully equipped with enrolment of only 10 pupils Excellent boarding facilities near by Apply stating age experience and salary expected to Murray Carson SecyTreas RR No Phelpston 15657 FARM Help wanted married man experienced and capable in dairy farm work to assist on large fully mechanized farm having large Guernsey herd on ROP near Toronto Year round employment Free house hydro milk summer firewood and garden Apply stat ing age experience number in family and wages expected to McCleary Edgeley Ontario 62 15 POSITIONSWANTED PLASTERERS Labor Appl 38 Letitia St Barrie Frank Fie 25759 PART TIME preferably sales man with Real Estate firm wanted in Barrie Communicate with Post Office Box 25 Barrie 25759 HOUSEKEEPER desires position in home where there are no chil dren Apply Mrs Butler co Ken BlackpAngus Ont 257 DOGS PET STOCK REGISTERED German Shepherd Puppies 10 weeks old William Moir Cookstown 3857 mfl Preperfy For Sale or Rent ABOUT 26 ACRES of black gar den land at Painswick water runs through property some timber Best offer takes it Box 23 Adel aide St Post Office Toronto 195758 15780 WANTED L1VE on DRESSED POULTRY HIGHEST PRICES PAID OUR TRUCK WILL CALL McLAUGHLIN Phone 77W Alliston We will pay for the phone call when we buy your poultry 331109 Borne Metal 17 Salvage assume IN BCRAP IRON METALS FURS IIDES BAGS BATTERIESI FEATHERS LIVE POULTRY Jur trucks will call Highest rices paid is prices paid delivered Phone Barrio Gaynor 2983 98129813 MAX PUSHKOFF AND COMPANY ard and Office 156 Titiin 8t 315u HIGHEST PRICES FOR Scrap Iron Metal Batteries 3868 INDUSTRIAL IRON METAL Dunlap St West lorndslo Phone silt31 or 6487 $1000 YOUNG business couple steadily employed wish to borrow $1000 Willing to pay average in terest Apply Box 67 Barrio Ex aminer 345657 SEED CT FEED MIXED Grain for sale Oro RED CLOVER Seed for sale rc cleancd Phone 806111 Earl Carson Barrie 10557 WHITE Blossom Sweet Clover Seed for sale 1952 crop COop cleaned Price $550 bushel Phone Stroud 10rl3 105657 PROPERTY FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartment Adm only Phone 3371 Phone 48 105057 15521f FURNISHED Rooms for quiet couple Phone 6643 155758 LARGE Housekeeping room furn ished 60 Maple Ave 1557tf FURNISHED Rooms suitable for light housekeeping Central Phone 2320 155759 LARGE furnishedbedroom house keeping if desired very central Phone 5211 155758 OFFICES or sample rooms ncar bus station and new Post Office at 53 Collier St 1546tf FURNISHED bedsitting room with kitchenette Would suit one or two adults Phone 3371 155658 ROOMED Apartment furnished or unfurnished Apply Miss Cam eron Penetang St 1557 ROOMED light housekeeping apartment complete with sink and rangette No children Phone 4056 155557 BRICK Bungalow near arena rooms and bath unfurnished 575 month including garage Phone 5082 155751l AUTOMOBILES HONESTJOE WILL PAY Highest Prices FOR CLEAN AUTOMOBILES Liens paid off and we will trade down CROSSTOWN MOTORS 220 Bradford St Phone 5430 31510 52 METEOR 2tone in good con dition Apply 64St Vincent St 135458 THIS IS It 47 Monarch 5passen ger coupe new tires and brakes in excellent condition Phone 6454 135658 PLYMOUTH Sedan in excellent condition privately owned radio and fog lamps 1949 Apply Box 11 Barrie=Examinen 135758 1950 CHEV Sedan motor overhaul last summer air conditioning seat covers Reasonable Apply 190 Saskatchewan Blvd Camp Borden or write Box 175 Camp Borden 135657 RAIESIORADIEICOIUMNS Deadline for Copy530 pan week day preceding issue ADLETS MAY BE TELEPHONED To OFFICE word minimum 80c PHONE 2414 Following consecutive insertions 3caword mlnlmum600 CASH RATE 3c word minimum 60 2c word minimum 40c MUST BE PAID wrrn annals BO or replies directedto this offiCe 25c extra COMING EVENTS LOCALS 40 word minimum $100 AUCIION SALENOTICIIS in word minimum $100 Followmg consecutive insertions 3c Word minimum 50 IN MEMORIAM CARD or THANKS IN APPRECIATION award minimum $100 ENGAGEMENT NOTICES $100 one and type stylcsfor semidisplay classifieds may be obtalned through The Examiner advertising department IIIho Barrio me adv cements taken over mamzu 1an Infection lash wllI use Manhunt IIll nor for errors In cowunlounotlflod FOR SALE GRAVEL FILL AND TOP SOIL TRACTOR LOADING Septic Tanks Pumped DENNIS MORAN PHONE 2907 BARBIE 745 THREEAIDS To HAPPY HOME Available at one address OFILTER QUEEN HEALTH UNIT The finest llome Sanitation System OJUNO FLOOR POLISHER OELNA The Sewing Machineofthe century PHONE BARBIE 8482 information and demonstra lions BOY TRACY 87 Maple Avenue 71311 FARM FRESH fruits vegetables fowl poultry honey eggs home baking At Competitive Prices FARMERS MARKET 36 Mulcaster St Barrie at the Market Square EVERY SATURDAY am to pm 72362 winterized cupboards Blair McCrackcn An 75657 APARTMENT Size Refrigerator in excellent condition Phone 5650 after pm 757 APARTMENT sized heavy duty range very good condition $80 Phone 5787 75657 HEINTZMAN Piano first class con dition $350 or best offer Phone 2951 or 6300 75657 WHITE Enamel Kitchen Cabinet all facilities modern style Mrs Skirrow Everett 757 ADDING Machines and Typewrit ers Sales rentals repairs Simcoe Business Machines 66 Toronto St phone 4824 71368 CCM BICYCLE in good cohdition with small motor attached $100 For TRAILER 24 ft long gus cash Apply at 26 Granville St ori phone 2773 75658 RUGS Broadloam save 50 New rugs made from old rugs carpets woollens etc Dominion Rug Weav ing Co phone 2706 748tf NEW Tires Atlas Grip Safe 600x 16 ply regular $2385 selling for $20 Joffre Averall Cooks town Barber Shop phone 75657 $3500PIONEER Log Cabin cem ent foundation furnished sleep field stone flreplacekitchen with sink and verandah Apply Mores Store Shanty Bay 75658 DEVILBISS Industrial spraypaint ing equipment complete with hp gasoline engine and Zgallon paint tank 280 Napier St Coll ingwood phone 358J 757 QUANTITY of used furniture suitable for summer cottages steel beds and springs studio couches chairs dinette suites ice boxers kitchen chairs etc Apply Box 12 Barrie Examiner 75758 15 RANGE Shelters 4x9 wire bottoms and sides with door gal vanized roofing several heavy gauge galvanized wire pens 9x15x high Wire bottom and top hp heavy duty air cooled refrig eration unit complete very rea sonably priced also quantity of cedar fence rails Crawford Oro Station Phope Oro 75057 Accommodation Wanted OR ROOM house urgently re quired in Barrie Apply Box Barrie Examiner 115657 OR ROOM House on main floor apartment Wanted Adults only Apply Box Barrie Exam Iner 1155157 CHICKS WE HAVE dayold and started chicks in pullets cockerels and mixed chicks available weekly Order now while theylast Bred from production under RC super v1sion since 1938 Hunters Poultry Farm Stroud phone 53r5 245763 DO YOUwant laying pullets In months time Its not too late as wevhave quantity of outstanding Hy LIne pullets all ready for the range These birds were floor blooded and are completely feath ered These chicks are priced to clear as we are starting another group Contact SimcoeDufferin Division of Gilmores Hatchery 60 Penetang Street phone 2735 Bar rie 245461 Business Opportunities CHINCHILLA Breeding An ln teresting and profitable business making big progress in Canada and the USA Stonehouse 111 Haddington Ave Toronto 12 Out They are not Rabbits 29475770 DELICATESSEN Store cnny ar cade dance hall co tages for sale Situated on acres of land Newly remodelled Good summer business and year round Must be sold due to ill health First reason able offer will be considered Cou tact Bill Ruffet Belle Ewart 295061 ESTABLISHED town business Snack bar and Gas pumps doing excellent business worth Investi gation Cash re uired $4000 For further informat on contact JK Marshall Representative Jr Real Estate Broker Owen Coo erativg so Dali2371 WOOD FOR SALE HARDWOOD Hardwood 811113 Softwood Slabs sted and deliv ered Dennis Moran phone 6439 WW ROOM BOARD ROOM AND Board central lo cated Gentleman preferred hone 6274 125657 ROOM AND Board Canuccom module 10 men Apply 92 Essa Road Barrie 125759 PLANTS FLOWERS TOMATO Plants for sails Mrs Hoover Stroud 275859 RAINBOW Gladioll Bulbs 55c dozen or $4 hundred Mrs Sweeney 78 Dunlop St East over Oughs Hardware Apt Phone 2305 275559 STRAWBERRY Plants Asparagus Roots Raspberry Canes also quan tity of Beaver Oats Henry Kanis and Sons Phelpston Phone Elm valc 57114 275759 PLANTS Plants Plants Tomatoes Cabbage Petunias etc Come and so our large assortment at the greenhouse Con Pics llcnry Kanis and Sons Phclpston Phone Elmvale 57Ii4 275762 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE NUMBER OF weaned Pigs Apply to Spring Wyevaic Phone Elm vale 51r52 95657 ll PIGS WEEKS old Apply II Marquis chroy west Highway 11 Con lnnisfll 957 14 WEANED PIGS Apply Walter Schaly RR No Thornton Con lnnisfll Phone 19r6 lvy 957 BLACK Gelding years old quiet good worker miles north of Barrie No 11 Highway Alfred Salebury RR Barrie 95759 THE MEMBERS of the Central Ontario Angus Club cordially in vite you to attend their annual Spring Sale at the Fair Grounds Fergus at one oclock on Saturday May 22 30 females and five bulls will be sold The best lot we have ever offered Your inspection will be appreciated iv5557 === PROPERTY FOR SALE ILACEY REALTOR 93 Bayfleld St Ph 5298 am9 pm MondaySaturday Reps CarsOn Al Rose SALES LISTINGS APPRAISALS 16261 GORDON STOUTT LTD Real Estate Brokers Aurora Barrie Oakville BARBIE DISTRICT REP GEORGEWRIGHT Phone Barrie 4800 150 Dunlop St East Member Barrie District Real Estate Board 1645tf WHY LIVE IN TOWN Why pay high prices for urban location when fringe residence dis tance is now judged not in miles but in driving minutes STROUD VILLAGE Brand New 112 Storey Home large rooms on first floor Unfin ished second floor will provide three more bedrooms Full base ment All conveniences Hard wood floors throughout An in spection visit is absolutely necess ary to appreciate the fine con struction and outstanding comparw ative value School church shop ping all within few minute= walk Full price $10000 with $4500 down SLESSOR REAL ESTATE Clapperton St Phone 5934 Fish Sales Representative 1657 BROOM HOUSE Hillsdale 16 miles north of Barrie Phone 3761 165761 LOT CENTRAL 4312 165 minutes to Catholic Church min utes to Post Offim Box 10 Bar rie Examiner 165759 BRICK HOUSE rooms oak floors throughout bathrooms oil heat attached garage Apply 244 Brad ford St Phone 3349 165361 IN GRAVENHURST Large sub stantial brick house with shop or office front 18x18 attached Cen tral For particulars phone 2202 or 3300 Barrie ROOM STOREY brick home large rooms modernized forced air stoker fire furnace This home is in excellent condition garage Location Mulcaster St Coutts Real Estate Broker Owen Street Phone 2377 165658 $70001 STOREY Upstairs un finished complete rooms and bath on ground floor full base ment hot airheating galago large lot Tlffin Street Alsoat Essa Station room bungalow and other homes in Angus area Mort gagesar anged Apply KMar shall Be resentative Coutts Realtor Owen Street Dial 2377 165656 bungalow large livingroom stone fireplace picture Window with View of Bay modern kitchen spa cious closets bedrooms land scaped Also other line homes available JK Marshall Reprfitfitativey Coutts Realtor Owen 165658 ate phone 4751 in village of 165759 IsrINcrIvs Rina type brick seen by appointment Street Dr James Veltch DC wishes to inform his patients that his office will be closed as of May 14June Those requiring care please phone 3194 or 3070 57 MISCELLANEOUS COLLECT IONS No collection No charge Credit Bureau of Simcoe County Box 60 Orlllis Phone 4762 5121120 Painting Decorating FREE ESTIMATES on all work Phone 453r3 Creemore LAMERS BROS New Lowell 55759 JERRY COUGHLIN LICENSED AUCTIONEER INCORPORATING SLESSORS AUCIIONEERING SERVICE Phone 5449 Barrie 119 Wellington St East 52664 FLOOR COVERING Armstrongs Floor Covering Linoleums Rubber and ASphalt Tile Plastic Wall Tile Materials Supplied and Installed Free Estimates WOLFENDEN 90 Cumberland St Phone 5185 51794 FLOOR SANDERS TO RENT Art vour floors shabby Rent our High Speed Floor Sandc and refinish like new Reasonable rates All types of floor finishes available BOYDS PAINT AND WALLPAPER Clapperton StPh 5206 5am IF YOU wish to have your grass out please phone 6652 557 FOR LOADING grading and back filling phone Stewart 20823 58 PAINTING and decorating inter ior and exterior For free5 MIMEOGRAPIIING AND Public Stenography Barrie Business Coll ege 66 Toronto St Barrie Phone 4824 5136tf FURNACE and chimney cleaning Chimneys built and repaired Also light Itrucking Hazon Drinkle phone 4882 55262 LAWN Mowers Sharpened Lit tle 258 Dunlop St West For pickup and return service phone 4785 50 cents extra 55174 CAROLES Bakery of Wasaga Beach will move doors west of old location on Mosley Street with addition Tea Room Tea cup read ing by Bess Selfee 55658 LINCOLN Weldealer New and used welders electrodes accessor ies Arc welding taught day or night Andrade and Sons phone 10r14 RR No Stroud 54161 N0 DOUBT SIer rs YOUR WHEN YOU BUY AN COMRIEIn hospital at Ottawa on Sunday May 16 1954 Marie Dumond age 47 years be loved wife of William Glenn Comrie AshbusyIPlace Ot tawa Resting at McEvoy Bios Funeral Home Ottawa Funeral lutiday to St Brigids Church for requiem mass at 745 oclock Burial Notre Dame Cemetery POOLEAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Sunday May 10 1954 William Poole beloved husband of the late Ellen Hoult dear father of Ernest Cecil and William In his 83rd year Rest ing at the Jcnnctt Funeral Home Barrie Funeral service Wed nesday May 19ot pm In tcrment Barrie Union Cemetery QUINNWAI the Quccn Elizabeth Hospital Toronto on Thursday May 13 1954 Basil Quinn in his 741n year son of the late John and Margaret Quinn Funeral Monday May 17 to St Marys Church Barrie for requiem mass at am Interment St Marys Cemetery AUCTION SALES Every Thursday at 1809111 Elmvule Community Sales Arena Phone Whitton 102 Elm vule 59th Wednesday May 19 Charles Thornton Lot 21 Con 10 Ora Township 12 miles south of Orillia or 13 miles north of Barrie on Highway 11 Auction sale of dairy herd farm stock implements and household effects Sale at 12 noon Terms cash Jerry Coughlin and Sproule Auctioneers 5657 Saturday Mny 22 Ed Richardsén Blue Harbor Camp Washago auc tion sale of household furniture and effects Sale at pm DST sharp Terms cash Charles Thorn ton Auctioneer 5759 Saturday June Warnica Here ford Farms complete sale 47 Poled and Horned Regis tered Herefords at the farm miles south of Barrie Highway 11 Sale at pm Lunch Womens 1n slilute 5861WF MARKET PRICES MAY 17 1954 HUGS CATTLE EGGS POULTRY As quoted by first Coopontlvol Packers of Ontario Barrio Hog Market Unsettlcd EGG Large Medium Small 33 31 28 26 24 Over lbs Special Grade Grade Grade to lbs Special Grade Grade Grade to lbs Special Grade Grade Grade Under lbs Special Grade 30 Grade 25 Grade 16 Capml 20 over the above prices lOWl Grade Over lbs to lbs 23 Under lbs 2l Ianunnu 22 20 18 15 14 ABOUT IT turn 1111111111511 International Harvester Refrigerator 35 HIGH ST LIoIIItIIrIIrt 01103 BARBIE PH 4963 as Inst 10 1quin those old with IIIIIIIIIE 0011 51111111116 Floors EQUIPMENT You can do professional tiefinishing job with our Complete casytousc Clarke Rental Equipment Save time and give your floors new beauty and lustre we furnish money and all equip ment materials and complete instructions 0n IleniIIl Plan includes everything you need PHONE YOUR RESERVATIONS 0IIIIIIS IIIIIIIIWIIIIE 12800011101151 East Phone 2550 WE DELIVER AUTHORIZED Issusks or HUNTING AND FISH ING LICENSES dispersal 12 FARISAt Toronto Western Hott pital Tomato on May ll 1954 to Mr and Mrs George Paris Cookstown son Peter Goorgei GREENAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie May 15 1954 to Mr and Mrs Vern Green 107 Maple Ave son GALLAGHERAl the Royal Vic toria Hospital Barrie illlay 17 1954 to Mr and Mrs John Gall agher 67 Park St 11 daughter KINGAt the Royal Victoria Hos pital Barrie May 17 1954 to Mr and Mrs Ted King 39 Donald St son tihomas Edward SATURDAY MAY 15 The first large variety of items for spring planting was on the market on Saturday morning with plants and seeds selling well and promise of even more vegetable and flower flats available for the holiday weekend The last of the Dutch sets and multiplier onions were for sale this weekend at 25 cents pound and there were Canterbury bell plants for uale at 25 cents bunch and Sweet William plants at 20 cents each or two bunches for 35 cents Tomato plants were 35 cents box and gladioli bulbs were 50 cents dozen Seeds for planting included pen cil pod beans at 25 cents pound and corn Cooking beans were also 10 cent3 pound and there were plenty of parsnips on the vegetable counters Cut Flowers Bouquets of red tulips were poplar market item this week s31 at 50 cents dozen Customers included quite few tourists and although the market was not too busy it was expected that the warm weather Would boost business In spite of Satur days sunshine however there were no outdoor stalls to be seen inthe area beside the market building Heme Baking There was plenty to choce from on the home baking counters with rhubarb raspberry cherry peach and raisin pies selling from 45 to 50 cents Bran muffins were 30 and 35 cents dozen and butter tarts were 45 cents dozen Plain sugar cookies were 25 cenle dozen while datefilled cookies were 40 cents Date squares were 25 cents half dozen and fresh chelsea buns and jamfilled buns were 40 cents dozen Pink frosted cupcakes were 40 cents adozen and chocolate cher ry and cocoanut layer cakes sold at 50 cents Rhubarb For Sale 1103than sold at 10 cents bunch on the market while green onions were five cents bunch Spring roasting chickens were 50 cents pound while broilers sold at 40 and 45 cents Extra large eggs were 48 cents dozen and Grade large med ium and pullet grades sold at 45 42 and 40 cents Now to have PHONE 2414 CLUB SERVICE EXPLAINED TO ROTARY CLUB Roturiun Denis Sheard Chairman of the club service commiltce in his address given at the Thursday luncheon of the Rotary Club of Barrie outlined the duties of his Committee and supplied detailed and essentLul information on club membership faf interest to chry Ilotarian and In new members in particular The speaker explainul the club classification system the procedure to be followed in submitting pro posals and the place ofthc com mittee 11ml of the club in making decisions lie briefly but fully de scribed the followup prcgvzun and the methods used in supplying each newlyelected member with basic Rotary information so necessary in developing in him those quai ities and attitudes characteristic of good Roturians everywhere He was introduced by John Stevenson and thanked by Jim Nesbitt who commented upon the wealth cf information provided by and the clear presentation of the subject matter of the address Charles Wilson reported on the clubs plan to continue sponsoring the swine club referred to do nation of $50 to the Inner Wiiccl to assist in the purchase of motor ials used in the hospital project reminded the members of the tree planting plans for late May and announced that donation of $100 had been made to the CNIB Presidentelect for 19545 George Pricke Jr reported briefly on the Youth Centre study being made locally He referred to the Inter national convention of Rotary be ing held this year in Seattle Roy Barrand informed the mem bers of the progress being made by his Rural School Music Festival committee It is hoped to have MajorBrian McCool assistant to Dr Roy Fenwick Director of Mus ic for Ontario present on May 28 when Miss Eva Rumbles annual festival will be held under Rotary auspices in the Barrie Arena Marion Ferris Grade XII stu dent at BDCI will fly to Ottawa to participate in the Rotarysponsor ed citizenship information plan leaving Malton on Sunday at pm and arriving back there on Thursday at pm This Canada wide project was inaugurated by the Ottawa Rotary Club some years ago Dick Goodall of Kingston New Hampshire was the guest of presi dent Jim Gilmore this week Har old Henrys makeup attendance card was received from Orlando Florida Several quartet selections rendered under the direction of Dick Steele in honor of Jim Veitch with Angus Ross at the piano fea tured the weekly singsong IN MEMOIIIAM LYNNIn loving memoryof Pte Lynn killed in Italy May 17 1944 Although we smile and make no fuss No one misses you more than us And when old times we oft recall Its then we miss you most of all Father mother and sisters 57 THE TIM your NEW IIIITIIII IIIITIIII 111571111110 Old furnaces cleaned and repaired Troughing done Also storm windows removed HENRY CAN You no ON YOURFEEDI P1101115 4844 HIS NGVPROGRAM THESE 12 HYLINE PuLLETs are being fed at the Barrie Psrm Supply on the complete Purina Feeding Pro gram without any home grown grain THE RECORD 14 weeks old consumed 1olllbs Of feed per bird at cost of 555c per bird Present aver age weight per bird 34 lbs COME IN ANDSEE THEPROOF OF THE PURINA FEEDING PROGRAM und enter the Pullet Derby guess which bullet lays the first est and on what day Win Valuable Household Prize sitin $10000 DeLovoiI Deep Freeze 12 CUBIC roar srzn LIST PRICE 5352500 BARRIEPARM MARKET SQ SPECIAL THIS WEEK ONLY SUPPLY PHONE 2982 Listen to CKBB at 740 aim for Regional Weather Forecast p1rnIrglnsnnrrr veinu suwiL tau as

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