Barrie Examiner, 17 May 1954, p. 4

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THE BARBIE EXAMINER MONDAY MAY 17 1954 THE PULSETAKEN Taking the nations economic pulse has become Irequent and popular pastime ever since the roof fell in overnight in l929 Humboldt tSask Journal Ask about III BANK OI NOVA SCOIIAS DOMINION AUTO WRECKERS took home most of the stitleholders are left to right Bileskl Hill Al Olmstead spoilsflromthe closing banquet as they celebrated the group Mike Quinlan captain Trites and Gibson championship and the league honors Members of the 4a Paine Se PIUS ll INSURANCE AT NO COST I0 YOU CAPTAIN OF THE championship winning Dominion Auto Wreckers Mike Quinlan right was presented with the beautiful Reeves Trophy emblematic of league supre macy by William Shaw COULSONS HILL Mr and Mrs Charles Pcppcroll and Linda Toronto were at WJ Gauleys on Sunday We are pleased to report that Mrs Gifiin is much improved after her long illness Mr and Mrs Samuel Biolley Stroud are spending few days with their daughter Mrs Everett Kneeshaw Knecshaw celebrated his 80th birthday on Sunday May family dinner was held in his honor at the home of his daughter Mrs Matthew Kneeshaw For the first time in Canada amethod olsavin that insures our savings goa Ask for free hooklet givin full details at your nearest ranch Your Partner in Helping Canada Grow The BANK of NOVA scanl Institute Shower An Institute shower was held for Florence Gibbons who was married on Saturday May 15 Your BN Manager 15 good man to know In Barrie he is Hancock TRY AN EXAMINER WANT AD PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING rridéy Mayf21 845 pm AT THE ALLISTON ARENA CHILDREN 35c DEADLOCK RESULTED for the leagues high single game of the season asboth George LeGear left of CNER sTelegraphs and Bob Thuriow of Sevenup posted 393 Both were presented with trophies in recog nition of their feats one with the Hiram Walker Trophy and the other with the Bar rie BowlingCiub Trophy LeGVear also cop ped the Deluxe Taxi Trophy for the seasons high three of 916 Marty Martell captain Frank McKenzie Frahk McKeown and Chris Chisholm members were left to right FrankSagriff EDGAR TdrPERs group champions were recipients of individual awardsand RINGSIDE $100 VREGULAR 75c MOUNTAIN RESORT Banif in the Canadian Rockies as so named by Lord Strathcona lllCl the Scottish town of Banff near his birthplace WESTERN POST The original HBC fort of Nor way House was built about 180017 near the northern end of Lake Winnipeg WEEKLY SPORIS outrun SOFTBALL Barrie District Ladies MONDAY MAY Edgarat Barrie Shear Newmarket at Elmvale TUESDAY MAY 18 Pro Wrestling Returns Here Tues May 25 Professional wrestling is schedul ed to return to Barrie Arena this summer Manager wes Allsopp made the announcement over the weekend Ilhe wrestling bouts are promot ed and sponsored by the North land Wrestling Entenprises and will make their debut Tuesday May 25 at the local arena The professionals of the grunt and groan sport Which has grown tremendously in popularity through TV channels will wrestle here every Tuesday night and Northland Enterprises can present some out standing performers The shows are in charge of Larry Kasahoski who also supervises wresting events with Considerable success in North Bay Sudbury Slault Ste Marie Pembroke and other nonthern towns Northland Enterprises draw their wrestlers frme United States and includesome of the foremost tele vision popularities such as the gruesome SWedish Angel the mid it get marvels of matdom Clhris Beikas Ricky Waldo and Maurice Vachon Wrestling shows at Barrie Arena DALSTON Mr and Mrs Ted Bertram Tor onto visited Mrs Bertram Mr and Mrs Ross Bertram and family and Mrs Jory spent Sun day ih Hamilton Mr and Mrs Brown and David of Hamilton spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Brown Phone Call From West Mervyn Handy of Kamsackl Sas katchewan telephoned his parents on Sunday Mothers Day Service Mothers Day service was well formers here The sport was ab sent last summer but many en thusiasts will be glad to see the struggle of human flesh once again N0 ADDITIONS Thomas Jefferson in writing his own epitaph made no mention of being President of the United States andleft specific directions thatnot word more be added to his copy NORTHERN COAL The Spitzbergen islands nearly 400 miles north of Norway pro duce about 470000 tonsof coal an nually attended The beautiful hydrange placed on the tableby Misses Jean and Esther Watson was in memory of their mother Attend WA Presbyterial number of ladies attended the Womans Association meeting of Simpoe Presbyterialat Central Un itedChurch Barrie on Wednesday so Collier street AccouuTAnrs ARMSTRONG MacLAREN CO CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 43 Collier 8L Barrie Venue Styrorohto pull PARTNER MaoLAREN BCOM LA LICENSED TRUSTEE LICENSED MUNICIPAL AUDITOR ME BADGLEY PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT BOYS SEAGIIAM ROWE Iarristors solicitors Notaries Public Conveyancers Etc MONEY TO LOAN Office 13 Owen Sh Barrio Branch office Elmvale Ontario BOYS ROWE 06 saith COWAN 85 COWAN Barristers Solicitors Notarip Consulting Hours 10 em to 111 Monday to Friday Ross Cowan MONEY TOLOAN 53 Collier st Barrio Ont GLADSTONE CURBIE Q43 Barrister and Solicitor MONEY T0 LOAN 37 Dunlop St East Barrio 38 Dunlop st East Sartre Telephone 4135 HERBERT HARRIS 55 CO Certified Fubllc Accountants Toronto and Barrie Barrie office WilsonBulldins Post office Square Telephone 3397 PM DONALD MacLAREN QC Barrister Solicitor Etc Money to Loan MaSOfllc Temple Building Idrrio JOHN orron BA Barrister Solicitor Notary 91 Dunlop st Room IARIIIE PHONE SSZS SAMUEL nose cA SAMUEL HARRISON cA SMITH McLEAN 49 Successors Duncan Mccuaip ltc MEIER 55mm ARTHUR MELEAN as ARTHUR GILBERT 393910 mm Elli 2m Accountant and Auditor VETERINARY ORGANIZATIONAL AND MANAGEMENT Dlt FLEMING CONSULTANT Phone 25r32 VETERINARIAN and SURGEON Resident Partner NEEDHAM CPA ARTHUR POWELL CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 24 Dunlop st East Dorrie Telephone 5228 ROSE HARRISON CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS III Stroud MUSIC LESSONS 1111a Greer ACES ERANIIEXELL of Duncan Plasterersacoepts the Dixie were 1556 two mm agdwhen Corbett Memorial Trophy from Stew Harris in recognition of Max Hurley of Toronto brought hishigh average of 236 tremendous award to win in the such menth Stars 35 Whip Bll Wts ilki lYk WEDNESDAY MAY 19 mens Town Bowling League Eli an 23133 knnfwn p3 Barrie at Edgar JESSIE BRYSONR TEACHER OF PIANO SINGING and THEORY Pupils prepared for examina tionsoi the Royal Conservatory of Music Toronto all grades including ARCT Modern Methods Studio 21 Bradford St Phone 4118 WARREN MacLEAN Rim mono ORGANIST PIANIBT Central United Church Tencher of Plano Organ and BIDSIIIK Telephone 4285 Res 183 Owen so Apt Barn OPTOMETRY MAURICE BARRE FAAO OPTOMETRISI 24 Dunlop St East Suite 12 Entrance East side of Dominion Store Phone 2963 Hours 9530 and by appointment Phone 4109 Ianqu DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC JOHNSTON 11 Owen Street Phone 2010 OPTOMETRIST XRAY 15 Clapporton St Office Hours to Resxdcnee 5845 Closed Saturday Afternoon Successor to Corbett DC ROBERT SMITH 30 JAMES VEITCH DC OPTOMETRIST DOCTOR or CHIROPRACTIC 53 Dunlop st East Phono 25 By Appoint ent Hours 96 daily PHONE 3B 19 Essa Road NOEL STEVENSON 30 orromrraisr iLIFE INSURANCE Dunlap St Easblprrio ALFRED HARRIS Representlne London Life Insurance Cb Chartered Life Underwriter Personal and Family Plans Prozrummlns BARBIE DANCING ACADEMY and Estate Analysis Close Corporation st JmphsAudltorium Phone 9093 Group Key Man Partnership Fenstbn BalletPupils prepared for exam pnd Sole Pro rletorshlp Insurance RAD Tap Ballroom character FNIENDL DISOUSSION OF Adult Limberlnz Classes YOUR LIFE INSURANCE NEEDS LESSONS EVERY FRIDAY AND Phone 55511 2105 Iltl SATURDAY Represepttnp mndop Life Insurance Co DR SPEARIN VETERINARIAN and SURGEON Steele so Barrio PHONE 4428 OSTEOPATHY WILSON OSIEOPATHIC AND ARTHRITIO CLINIC WILSON BUILDING BARBIE STAFF EDWIN WILSON BSA 00 MAURICE RMUROOCK 00 TELEPHONE 2293 == CHIROPRACTOR GEO 85 ELSIE BURNS DIC Licensed Druzless Therapists Electric deto Hydro and Mechpno Therapy us Dunlap East film 3194 0II TUCK DG Queens THURSDAY May 20 GreerrACes at Newmarket Elmvale at Orillia Every dollar you invest in life insur ance is like seed sownxin fertile ground But unlike ordinar seed your lifeinsurance dollar yiel three crops It produces an immediate estate for the protection of your family It builds up asaving fund that provides cash or credit for emergencres Vespra Softball FRIDAY MAY 21 Midhurst atCraighurst Grenfel at Anten Mills gt aGrownio maturit yourlife insuranceI Edenvale at Minesing savings give you eindependencc that Today slop Value In makes old age pleasant timeof life lIGHIWEIGHI Bikes gt Ask your Crown Life representative turn into com DEAIERS rent RACES how you can make your savingsyield Youli be proudio who SESI WEDNESDAY MAY 19 Opening Harness race meet at Orr Lake three ways protection security retirementor write to Allandplo CROWN LIFE TEE INSURANCE COMPANY neutrons Ph 2801 ERIAI McNHDB JACK Nixon 11080 68 Phone 5931 iqKEEFjrs 99M Barrie 44154 amrflauiu It van Sophia Barrie Phono 4545

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