Farm Kitchens And Utility Rooms Continuing last weeks article on farm kit ens etc we now turn to planning standards and locations for refrigerator sink and range This material was prepared un der the auspices of the Prairie Rural Housing Committee spon sored by the governments of the provinces of Manitoba Saskatche wan and Alberta and by Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation Planning Standards The aim of this section is to pre sent set of dimensions for stor age units work surfaces prepar ation centres and the overall work area so that the utmost con venience can be achieved in plan Iung IDEA KITCHEN SIZES Smallllle 132 sq ft Mediumllxll 154 sq ft liargellx16 176 sq ft Minimum width is ft the floor area should coincide with the above sizes regardless of width or length UTILITY ROOM SIZES SmallSXIZ 108 sq ft MediLImIZXIT 144 sq ft Large12x16 192 sq ft The kitchen and utility areas may be rectangular square or shaped The rectangular room is the most convenient and efficient for it allows the best work counter arrangement Back Entrance and Basement Stairs Although the rear entrance and the basement stairs are not actual ly part of the wprk core their relationship to it is important In order to avoid accidents the rear entrance area including landing should be quite large door should be wide enough ft Between sink and range to Between range and refrigerator to wvrw nu nan Sufficient space must be provld ed in front of cabinets and appli CORRECT MAILING TECHNIQUE Continued from page ten Proper Grip Important In the actual driving of nails there are several points to be con sidered First you should have proper grip on your hammer Hammers should be held at the end of the handle The best hold for tack hammer is with the in dex finger along the handle Car penters hammers should be grip ped as in shaking hands or the traditional blacksmiths grip thumb along the handlemay be used In striking the trick Is to have the axis of the hammer head in line with the nail at the instant of impact Sometimes nail bends because the rcsiStance to penetra tion is too great but much more ottenthe bend results because the nail was struck at an angle To faciutate controt atroid wrist motion Hammer hand and fore arm should swing from the elbow It is as important to keep your eye and attention on the nail head as it is in golf to keep your eye on the ball In close quarters you may find it easier to start nail with the flat of the head instead of the striking face It you want to avoid leaving hammer dents in wood use nail set and be careful to strike the last blow accurately In the ab sence of nail set the edge of the head OI common nail can be used The rule of thumb for the pro per length of nail subject to modi fication Is that it should be three times as long as the thickness of the first board through which it is driven National Housing Act building standards require nails to be of such length that when join ng one timber to another the penetration of the nail into the second or farther timber shall not bcless than onehalf the length of the nail few common nailing terms you should know are FACE NAILING Nailing perpendicular to the planes of the pieces being joined together with head exposed TOE NAILENG Joining pieces abutting at right angles as when studs are nailiedto plates from the upper side SKEWING Counteracting the weak holding power of nails In end grain by driving at slight an Um Irclv ances for easy passage minimum clearance of ft should be allowed between appliances which are op posite each other plan This distance is sufficient for two work CIS Clearance between cabinets at right angles to each other but separated by door should be at least plan appliance and cabinet angles to one another should be ft to permit the opening of appli ance doors plan to allow easy passage when large articles are brought into the house wide stairway ill will make it easier to carry groceries canned goods and fuel to the basement Stairs with risers not greater than and treads not less than 10 require much less energy to climb than stairs of steeper pitch Doors and Windows wi 1P mi in Most kitchens require two doors one leading to the dining area and one to the rear entrance through utility room or by way of hall If the kitchen is proper ly related to the rest of the house third door is seldom required Unessential doors waste valuable space break up the assembly of equipment and decrease the possi bility for workable traffic pat tern Door openings should be lo cated 28 to 30 from corners to allow space for the depth of base cabinet on adjacent walls Windows either The window area should equal 10 to 15 per cent of ilhe floor area of the room Atleast one centre should be directly lighted by win dow Forareasons of safety and ease of cleaning windows above the stove are not recommended Windows should be 16 from the corners of the room to provide space for overhead wall cabinets on adjacent walls and should be 42 to 50 from the floor to per mit the placement Of equipment under the window sill Location of Refrigerator Sink and Range The direct path between the re frigerator sink and range forms work triangle which serves as measure of the eï¬ficiencyof the kitchen arrangement The sum of the distance between these units should not be less than 12 ft and not greater than 22 ft Experi ments have shown that when the distance betwen these units is less than 12 ï¬t counter surface and storage space is insufficient when the distance is greater than 22 ft the housewife has to take extra steps during the preparation of meal Tradin through this Work triangle should be avoided as it interferes with meal preparation Ilhere should be enough space between these appliances to per mit the housewife to move freely Listed below are the recommended distances as measured from the fronts of each appliance See plans and Botween refrigerator and sink t0 STRUCTURAL STEEL Angles Beams Plates Channels Reinforcing Rods and Pipes INDUSTRIAL IRONIIIMETAL Dunlap St Ferndale PHONES IIIIII3I =1 Inn Clearance for an at right ELECVTRICAL APPLIANCE REPAIRS House Wiring and Power Installations For Prompt Service Pick Up and Deliv ery DIAL3880 SIlIlTlIWOIlII ELECTRIC 11 Victoria St Barrie NEW SPACEMIIKEII FOLDING DOOR by Modernfold Doors designed fur your home and your pocket book WHY LET DOOR SWING CUT DOWN THE SIZE OF YOUR HOME DOOR swmo STEALS SPACE if your home is small you can make each reom larger when you use Spacemakerfolding doors outremodeling with For in losing valuable floor and mu space when you have to al low for door swing you deprive yourself of space youve paid 101 MORE WORK SPACE Spacemaker doors fold inside the doorway completely out of the way They cant stand rajar interfere with cabinets or ranges Even the most contpact kitchen is easier to work in when no Space is wasted on swinging doors QUIET SURESTOP smnas BALANCED HINGE CONSTRUCTION METAL TRACK VINYL COATED FABRIC COVERING Door Sizes Opening Height =66 or em 66 tor Itiltilé 66 or 613 Rolling PostOnly Iron FULL DETAILS cannonPHONE Opening Width 2l6 30 40 Stock Space EVEPYTHING IN LUMBER pHONE 2496 BARRIE gle SIAGGERING Offsetting nails to prevent splitting especially near the end of board CLINCH ING Bending over the projecting when the boards are too thin for friction alone to hold them together It is used only in rough carpentry The next article will discuss the wood frame building and the pro per use oi nails in the construction of some of its more critical joints points of nails CULIIVAIOR GRADER 0R SNOW PLOW FIhLD OR LAWN MOWER Waterloos conlwy of experiencc in building rugged dependable machines is your surance of quality In any Waterloo Garden Tractor Service and replacement parts are available throughout Canada Powerful engine massive 600 l6 tiru veritable workhono around the term or market card $294 WATERLOO 4° The Imbolweon all purpose HP machine for small estate market garden and extra hand obs $16950 we WATERIJJD the AllNEW warsnnoo Our damI lc model Lb HP ightwolghl for urban or suburban homes on small estates 0900 Waterloo pm 259 INNISFIL Sr in Cotor llIo Miracle Iuhdc Costs you nothing III sq9 Illééemi ï¬ï¬ulï¬m HOW WM FIND THE WM GNIVIN M01555 IQNLOGK VQHIIT THINK HES RUINE GRANDPA Jumoss ITALREADY RUNNING AROUND THE HOUSE WITH YOUR NEW 115 THERE YOU 60 AGAIN SKEETEB Willl YOUR HANDS IN YOUR POCKETS IVE ASKED YOU NOT TO WALK LIKE THAT YOURE WALKING NONI THATS EVEN WORSE BUT GEE GRAMPS DONT KNOW WHAT TO ELSWORTH GONNA DIG REAL DEEP HOLE AN WHEN MY MAMA IM MARIN SECRET HIDEOLIT AMY Luisa 15 ram LGWQRT PhoneZtztl MINEDWEEWILLI 10 PA ON WINDOW5 AN 700 BUT HE 90556000 CHATS THE TIE GRANDMA GAVE ME FOR PRESENTl III IONTBEABLE THOSE nosey SWEATERS you instant Dial 2471 For Pickup Delivery By Chick Young rLbADMIT IM WRONG an IF YOULL ADMIT THAT IM RIGHT YOU DIDNT THINK YOU COULD GET PID OF ME THAT EASY DID YOU WHle WE WAlT6 WE CAN STICK NONII Now YOURE HOLDING TlIEM LIKE THIS now WILL mu ET OUT moooo WORK BOYI ILL Do As MUCH FOR you IF GRANDMA EVER mos you ANOTHER ONE OF 51 LIKE TIIlSNO THATS NOT 600D EtTllEENOWLEI$ SEEIIOVII WAS HotDINO MY HANDS BEFORE we THIS WHEN MY MAMA FIND$ ME GHELL