no 31 THE BAKED EXABHNIR BF RIF Oil T13R10 CANADA MI Gmouomoa IN THE HGHT FOR FREEDOM Ivar tiili Hem WImI WATliN CLOWEsl HILLSDALE ERECOVERING PROCLAMATION not waiting Civic Holiday In LitJCUILiUilCC with Li Iti=illiiill duly passed by the Council of the loWII of Borne setting opcut IVILUititly August seventh US ClClViC Holiday do hereby plOClUllll Monday Aug 73 1944 II CIVIC 20th =i iil 1x Liitti Wln tii lion itm ti lildl Li vttr iiillli iinin lit HUIII HIHVHXI ill lilvihrllp in lurch iii til We ZIIii in iiilt IID xii retina iti it iItuiI tiitiii ltlitWI mp1 liaiiilt til11 In iii lt acted in it flutiinlitl in ii tt llv linrY lnizlanl Bowel templaints of Children During lit lit ltir full captwitllf IV to llltflitilt nii infiintilui ltlii plain month it til Ilwi itiitilwt lit ll of lit biotin StrtiuIlmrrIv til to fettlui vuiitit flush troultln ltnnt untriwl ivlt lllill health If liti3 Inci thousand1 of it ll ttl ilIlt It the martLot Itiill ltliiii fi Get the Igwiiliitm li itiil it Th Milirurn lv ltrontol int FRY Tlili gm il It ltt II hlll mks oii itil til ill in tlil3 12ilIlivtiliit lv it int the pint Ixrzu Ii it lwn on lotiltr IiJIl it liiti in cat dust 14 III 11 til iili liuin ll fldllill Ill it vi ti ti ojivitdii iw lltlll ltl li tutt 11 Action Itltlt vl li tiWlii li lzt lc iltwal II liittt il 33 ll Ul iii luil If or oat loitI till ltltl iipi Atkinson Well iltittl iii tltllif nltitti rim ilikt ltIliillt int put been lie lniir initx in til Hit it tt illuit ltiiil ii iIi titl acti ill tli Now ttiilt tt it intm tlttlti Nariion ilo1tinlo ituiiiicily liirl tp Ailillislil ua cap li hill til llti Ktnit mi Ii lli lil Ito Iii lilifvoli liu lAi Ill tl Iitititt ii ftill lt il Itlil am quite well ilti before the Ht on in ill allAI YOU GROCERS Daiysthe tea preferr iilz the tiilirIIlitttililll lnlp dc titijiiti tntl ili lvgti In lintI tv he will lIl1Illiltl lit at li vIiiii oiititnz civl tns tlii lllntk illli itiil tzu t1t illi illil re is tpt ltion iliim wife and in tur llis from him in unit believed to have ilii it ieCtitt and his message Capt lii ed by thousands of families for its finer flavour is now sold bygrocers Ask your grocer for Dalyr Tea Youll enjoy it on can get CALYB TEA at BRENNAN DOBSON DOMINION STORES LIMITED BUTCHER McClilrlifHKill MERRICKS ifilii in mint toll liit Itlti of lltiut Wtlil HJtII tt with Iuiitt unit iu lloyal iiili nl tiiitula lli ttlllt of tll inuntn Jilllure family his Lilitci the late Aliilllilt llit Ewen thitl fitti3t for the lionittioi Department of vxnitetvatton Vouml Stripes twirl mound bililtt lll lu ii ltli mnnci of tlic illitillllt lliiv Munro who have tllilttill Hitttti nititiicr in ilitii ixu inc to on cnty action Wounded iho were in the last il and re llttl iiiiutus tinn ue eiilillcii it wear lttl stripes Is Your Name Smith ptisuiiuui ltnnroporly spelled surnaniv inil vagueness atldresziinc inquiiic onccrniiuz personnel are soinotmios headache in the litrcttoi of ilct itilli tArmyt it lilauh There are 31M Smiths in the Canadian Army Ittiil of them with the hristian name of William llrmvns total 307 ili l4ui 1693 and McDonalds Mac Donaldiz and Mucdnualds are some 37531 MHV Tribute to Service Doctors happy sequel to the tragic story of the burnintz of the lxuiithIts of Columbus service hostel in St Johns Newfoundland in December 1913 with the loss of more than llilt lives has now been told Burned and injured AH servicenien and Mer chant Navy seamen were taken to the Royall Canadian Navy hospital Some of tlie 44 were near death Others were scarcely recognizable For days RCN medical officers nursingr sisters and sickberth at tendants scarcely slept After year and half naval hospital officials have announced with pride that about it of the pa tients have returned to full duty with physical Category of The others stand good chance of ifull recovery and not one of the 44 died Dunlop Street Johnny Johnson New Air Ace Allandalc Dunlop StreetI 62 Elizabeth Street Thiitydive enemy aircraft de stroyed three DSOs and two DFCs pinned on his tunic consti tute the magnificent record tordate Elizabeth Street in this warof Wing Commander 72 Owen Street Johnny Johnson who leads Eltllt MUSCLEN Eat utlilinioods Canadian Spitfire wing in France Award of second bar to his DSO was announced this week by Air Ministry following Johnsons feat last week of accounting for his 35th enemy to overshoot themark Of Group Captain Sailor Malan RAF andbecome the highest scor lflnglghl8lpl1l0i oft hisuwarr iiyalso holds the American DlC Franchise for War Service Electors Commons providing life franchise for Canadian war service electors at any general election is most iii teresting document Everyiprovi sion is made for the Same privilege and secrecy of ballot as at home Qach mans ballot goesin aseparate envelope onthe back of Which is form certifying his electoral dis trict This form carries his voteIio The Bill passed by the House Iof flowers iiui fit low it wit hltiiiiviIl Klimt oi it li itzt Xiilv Violin illill will tnmll in hliltlt tltll mittl Wilma ito ilt ilt ittIiIrtI Hi loil ttiiy Vll Marion Wciili ltl Teach chinr ilooni iltt Stliimi limitti toititti In ttililii tho oi ilI Miiioii Vtiii tenciiti tot the htiontl nor in lit for 1th tiiiiliili IJtit lt gt place ll linen copied Illinlittil principal Lenny totttiinition School tiliLiitittlii7lt gtttttotlil teaching pommo Presbyterian licnic The lichyteiian iiurcn Sunday School picnic held li li iiistii laiii luisrirty evening l7 unis well attention ilillllililill uppcz viuch hilt litrlltiliLL to ion rvcd by the indirs Itustic Ilit to it by ad tact and nncs followed by social hour together inadc an en Ioyaiilt evening for children and adults The litrillilllll lake settiui and the lovely weather all added the enjoyment of the occasion Miss ll Orchard in 78th Picked llO Quarts of Small Fruit il people in their Ttith year no tossed vith as good health as Miss Hattie Orchard l3csidcshtv the good veuetable and ilower garden Miss rchztrtl has picked it quarts of small fruit includ mu red and black cttrranls goose writes aan iligttittit in her garden oShe also Illli time for ed Cross knitting and sewing and li July 21 tlniudoi hon ttt tie up lII iii one time ltltilillI itttl ntcrinont wt liii who has iii is librarian of the institute liorary llei many friends hope she tnay be blessed with be same good health for many more years Farm Forum Discusses Hydro The July meeting of 11th Linc West Farm Forum was held at Mr and Mrs Caiiipbcils on July 30with large attendance The subject for discussion Electricity in the Home brought lively dis cussion as to the farinets ability to afford such services Rural communities needthe services of hydro more now than at any time owing to the $3letiliy0flllWlTIT is to be hoped llllllisooii be made available ti all Jitter the discussion period hearty sing song was enjoyed delicious lunch of ice cream and cake was enjoyed Presbyterian WMS The Presbyterian WMS was en tertained at the home of Miss Boyer for their July meeting There was large attendance of mem Ohn iiersaudvlsitnrslIrslilLCanip be had charge of the Worship per iod and Mr 1n prayer ter of apprec atien Sutbe tlll loci The reading lot of fruit and Roll It answered by loom ing usedclothing for the bale and many garments were turned in Mrs Sutherland ilitik the study book and Mrs Bruce Cowan sang solo which was much en joyed Campbell read paper peiiovetheitea Thd Boycs as tea hostesses II Musing Close nps and Miss ll til on tiii who ill Zilitl Year Iftotnwa member ltll tiiiiii ll Yutit iittiililiii itiiite lumen UTOPIA tn iii iiiVP in llii Ligcii Iil itll it till lllt to it ls at it lawn no ltw tit uI to vi lillili iillll tiiti llltli lltflll icivicc NEW LOWELL wt violins lll liiil4ilti lWili ration of In ilttl lt Mi tti voio played at ltTili lunch i1 lltll All ptnt tlI iiil III II vi Ill jli iiid MM Hitl liiilttlit IHI IIUJj loioirtt tritii the iiitli Rita llowe ititlI in With her mother Ilarrtll lmz Illiltiil Illlill li lilliitlitS lotions paici iontiy lorono With his crunch litittwi Eilr itil Mrs llouc Miss itv liittt vi illil li Wilt it li llltmmtl ltittit iiiu liotihn lilll piiwo concluded by tho iti institute t1 ton cream The ltttilililt are ttllllitlitl to the firt Multiliy tttlli tcmber Have you Ienevccil your fliliil it tttiiiti Prurifsminiense Itching and coil upon oil citizen to Observe it tttroniinttiy MPH pl liligpi Plifkjltlllill MLIYUII this Both titI oi itilJ lftz GILFORD LIII tut ORO STATION cowl MW ilw wt It cc ell nil tins In Mrs lD mm per 100 lbs hAthlE noun MILLI illI lllt for ttltlII ittrll unit Hit it iIII ittl 1it Iti ti tvt II it ii ittl iiiilt on lt litt ttgt rim Relieved quickly by this Medicinal Ointment There are two form of itching which are especially tlistrt stoic it prunlit vulvaea from ltllll onl wowo tllllt Jillii ticcolid pruritiqiini itching ho lttlulll front piles ln Jiilllii il iil ll II The Ilti of limit tinw form of intense itching an often tilIliili to iomto lint what you do want it ltlltl from the severe and Itlilt iiu itching Then let in i7I tilNlMliNl help you for it lniu llliilliillillixt$1 quickly as applied Uni Hard it viliulways be kept at hand for quick no ittli the need arises GU cts box Economy size jar $200 til ty ilir Mathews tIoIontti at her tion from cu 743 social italf olfactoral distTm ff standardized ballot is used On is printed tI vote for and he fills in the name of thecandidatc of hischoieel The ballot Iis sealed in the envelope by himself handed to commissioned officer designat ed who in full view of the voter places the sealed envelope in an other envelope addressed to the special returning Officer Theof ficer sealsthis and hands it back to the elector whothen mails it him rr LIKE WHOLE WHEAT FR msrANCEi says ILil Samson Kelloggs AllWheat is Canadian whole wheat in its most delicious form Serve it for breakfast every day Your family will like its lusty satisfying flavour Its economical too Get couple of from your grocer Kelloggs in London Canada packages of Kelloggs AliWheat Made by at Its vvhole wheatmflaked toasted readytooat ing French in their self IIbe operation of sorting and distributing the sealed ballot papers to thenproper electoral districts is Conducted by scrutineers WOrking in pairs each one representing different and opposed political party EXCHANGE TONGUES Frenchspeaking students from Quebec are learning English while they Work on Ontario farms and Ontario boys and girls are learn neighboring provinCc Recently 20 students left Chicoutimi by Canadian Nat ional Railways for the Niagara pen insula and the Country near Ham ilton Several of the girls will live with Ontario families whose children are spending the summer with families in Quebec Read and use Examiner Classifieds vocal was presentatiOn uses 011 Monday evening very pleasa time was enjoyed in Drilhses Ointment July Slda the Community Hall by the ithni bersof the Womens lnstituteIand the Emergency Reserve Nursing Ciriss the class having Icompieted their 13week course of Mrs Roy Goodfellow preside after some community at Bertie Mulbblland and Merle Webbvocal duets byMrs George Mulhoii and daughter Jean vvith Mrs Gordon Mason acom piano instrumentals by es Jean Campbell Edrie Webb Betty Spring Rev Paisleyin few happy remarks congratulated the class on the com pletion of their course tent at them tokeep ondevelopirigthe ability that is within you Mrsr Hugh Campbell Orillia DistrictyLeader complimented the class on having taken the highoc percentage of any class in her trick34 having finished the course out of an enrolment of 40 mem bers She told of some of the great international work of the Red Cross Society and concluded by hoping that other communities would follow Strouds example and organize class As the roll was called and each member presented with her certificate Mrs Camp bell pinned on the Red Cross Emergency Reserve pin very pleasant feature of the programme by Mrs Small from the class to their ve were givenby Missle Many of litebuses the used foserve you areOn ariotiieriiob now II iI iNight and they are taking war workers moving to the from lines This is big job tlakes allthe buses and drivers available and plenty of igasOlinOI Byrne faithful leader Mrs Bert Wrig toi their workfhelping tokeep uppliesY BARRlE OWBUS TERMINAL 73w Collier Street and tireisligPlease remember lhisllhe next itiine the service Enf too what ydu7ci liketo have== II Attrvacrory Gray Couch Linesrvaitihuve OI great fleet of sleek new Highway CruisersI Then you enioy finerservice than everbefore Phone 3162 if