Barrie Examiner, 3 Aug 1944, p. 3

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gw THURSDAY AUGUST 1914 111111111111 SETS 1111111 11110111 1911111 DATE Ciniinuvi 11 111 3135 111111111 mckctt 11 Alldlli 15 RlCliizltltdl lllt Ctgt1il1iil ing llixil 11121 11 llcoiiisi am 11111 iiien fxltildlnflili shinch over 111 21111 v11 1111111 1isiiliic s1 lldsici 1111 1111imi 112111211 ll 11111 11 31 11 1111111121 Avi unison 1311 tractor llt=lillllllil 111m iidiil shingles mm 111ntlis contractor Sliiiaizv burl1111 ilkiii $50 liicioii and 3111 lifiiiillc c111 7111 111 1111 i1 51W 1111 i1i Hi slii 111111 11111 1111 $1111 111111 1111 11215 1111 between Smuicn 1111 112111igti ieiiiciil floor one E111 1111 5111111 511 lthll ill Soiix honourv owner Garage 111 1111111114 iicwccn lniin 11111 1111111 hail brick p11oiii iowfilu $111111 21 lciiliclt llitl contractor 111 lZlVlll llllll cast 1ilv Iii1 1111111 111 Baldwin l1i tween uiii foundation 111lilliilili sidiiiii llul 311111111 garage 211 by iii fiit $211111 lliil1citv shingles iiier 151mi 11 1131111111 owner1111111111 linuigc iii liulisidc mciil foundation n1 1112111111 11111 111 asphalt Hull 32 McKiillilit owner liNtll 111111 Sonx ioiii1c tors llciiiodcllinu le111i 1111113111 1111111in1 ucsl li Ililili room lll Marlon iciiieiii cxniidcr carpentry llcshindliin dwelling 113 Marcus ll111 St cedar shingles $40 John Hunter iiwnci citsoii carpenter Alterations 1Iltltllllli for lllllt apartments loroiiio St 51111111 1F you WANT BREAD THATS JUST RIGHT Wes AND sweerf TASTI N6 TOO 1111111111111 11111 VtKlll 11 lluriie lnnniiii 11niiicd HWlll wollt liilli 8145 per 100 BARBIE FLOUR MILLS 111 Ifltll Ohiulillc llic ililllt1 zilrenily EVENTEXTU RED AND LIGHT 11 1cllsiiilii 11tlli 111 1111 111 11111 1111111 sillt 51 V11 igtil 51 11111l lilliw lilil ii mil1 til1ltlri 111 11 St Good Farm Commando Material Jon Hint1111 ciipciitcr illlllll ii iii iiisclllnii vultli 111211 551 tli liiiuciii 5111111111411 1111 1111111 foundation 531111 11 cvnqvn 11lic ouriicriigcitci cziicn 111112111lill iinilcr liltiliczr 111li 51 $1111 inf ilwclliiiiz 11 11111111 lliff1 1111 111211 lilr 11ll11111 1lllii1ill ollcn11li lilillllillllil 11111111 kiii llc lllill Si luwl ween iiiiri 11111 Visliiu iciziciei 1111111 111111 11111111111110 stucco wiles Mandi 51511 nevi1111 llil1lllllllii Pcriurey Gets 113 Months urn icDelibcrotc and Cruel lilliC EMogistratc Tells Him liiilgisncii ll11 11y ill 11111 niiiplziii lcffs Silllzdav 1111111111111 111 llic 1c of 1111 Alvin lC lrnlwr thiip lloiilcii tired and liilltltil 11111 on Wcilliis 14 Jilly 1111 t1111jlll llicili1ic 1111151 because of false 111111 made 11111110 Hinilli licic on July 11 111 iiiiiri1c litillfl lill 11 1111111111 111111 hive liiillllllli7llllll to 1y siiil 111s Worship cxiipl 11111 this litlll lilllilldlt and cruel v11111ll1llilll 111 the court is that 1lll llllll 11c iiiipiiroiicd in the 1111111111 llcfoiliiuiiiry 1111 11 months liltllllllllllll 11nd six iiiniillis inilc iciniinulc LET FLEISCHMANNS FRESH YEAST DO YOUR BAKING FOR Y0 911 you bake at home dont risk doughy indi gesble bread For 70 yearsCanadiariwomen gt have found Fleischmannsfresb YeiilJepizdblc21 It makes bread thats delicious light and smooth textured really good bread Thats why it is Canadasrjauorize fresh Yeast Buy Fleischmanns fresh Yeast from yourgrocer today L5 GIT MON VITAMINSM0 PIPI Eat cakesof FLEISCHMANNS fresh Yeast every day This You Is an excellent natural source of tho BComplox group of viiumlml LMADE IN CANADA 1111111115 1111 arr111sviiiiiniciiiir 111111 Remember Theres iusf as much difference In synthetic rubber fires 11111 many others 1111 131 71113111111 1111111 id 1fl1 1111114 1211 11 11s gt1tl1ln 1111 11111411 1if im 1111 nl 11111 114111 111 511 1111 1411 1111 ll ll 11llil 11 1111 111111 111 11 1111111 iilly 3111111111 Joe Marks Passes Member of Marks Bros Played 1011 Herc lrcpu lil Marlin Win xvi11111 Zinc lltl 1111 111 l17 nosilli 1111 11n uliicl iiiliill 1lllll who for 11w 111 tll members it 1111 iili1iil 11111111 li1cii 111 111111 do liil 1111 11 111 iii111 11 Mciuoiml 111piti 111131 iinlnim fll one liioilic of iioiiil zriiiip lllal1 liinic 1111 11 1111 1111 ACllt vlll ly 1111111 Mels1 foiitiii mayor 11 1111 11 of 11ii1r1 1111 $111111 lliotlicis illl lioiii liilstli 11111 lltdl liiili wlicri llicu 1111112 who more 11111 1111111 llllilllfl lziiniccrcil iwir 1110 war 1111 111211111 tliili many ycurn 1111 the 111111 7111 still 111 1211 1111111 illiilllldliltfl tlicii link 1111 the family sent spciiiliiill 1111 silillllltl seasons 1t hiistics l1lc and eventually 1ctiiini tliirc 11111 11 lillll lVllilt 111 of llic scrcii lVllllllgt liiiitllirstrcic 111 the show lll ncss 11 one time or iinollicr llll five of them lllllilt it their llfc cziiccr Robert loscpii loiii lliiiii and Ach 1111 of whom toured the country for many years with then own stock ciiiiipiinics loliii 11nd ililcliityrc Marks only occasionally went on the liiilll There were two sistcis Olivui uiil Nellie 1n their home locality the entire fain lly was known for 11 wit music 211111 song long before the individ 11111 members and their stock coin panics eiilivcned lhc ihcolre 1111 of Canada Friends and associates 2111 over the country will also long icnieiiibcr them for their generos ity and wiiriiiliezirlcdness while in the history 111 the ihciitrc lllt brotlicis PIAlollgl their name with integrity and honesty For many years they attracted wide patronage on their frequent zippczirzniccs in Ontariociiies and towns including Barrio For your they were tlic theatrical fcziiurt licrc luring Barrie Fair week lllieiitvrcperioire included both nielodrainzis and comedies and iii cluded such favorites as Undei Two Flags Parsons Nephew East Lyric Kathleen Mavouitneen The women of the family the wives and daugh ters of the brothers contributed to the success of the various Coni pzinies and May Belle Marks Gracie Purdon Marks Kitty Marks Ella Marks and more recently Arlie Marks vercfavorites with Ontario audiences Thedeceziscd made his last four in 1923 aflerwvliich he retired to Christies Lake where the mem bers of his family and their de scendants at one time owned 701 acres of land and sixteen suiiimei homes INNISFIL NOTES 1ByRGsi Blind Crossing Contributes to Another Accident line and vtheTslderoad on Monday afternoon These crossings will The Two motor cars collided one be ing turned over and the occupants li jured at the corner of the 9th 1111301111111 dgglgggnllgw 31111131111111 VETERANS OF of 111 11 iliii 111111 1111 gt11 and 811 1=iliil sticky 1lii gt 1111111111 11112111 ii11 pilillti 11lll V121 flmiiv 1111I 11111 tii1in1 11 111 11 111 iiiti iiitii mile 11 111 iiiji 11 1111111 tlllfllltlllli in llll lilllllilJl 11111111 11111111rtlicon iif 51111 1111 1111 111111 1ici lnillct 1111 iliiuiii 11 ilii1 of 12 1l 141111111 of M11111 lliililcil 11111 111111211 1lllltlll11 of system 1111 11111 loud 11111 111 gt11 11111 1111 11 the izifuiitii icinolixtiutiiinE lll lViiiill 11111 1111 11iiliiinilli iiiiilnilig fiic 111411 when 1111 pciioniicl firevl 1111 isz1 111 i111 lili inl ilimi who 111111111111 contiluiilif 1111 1111 lilil lllttl iliil iicos illl fiicil 1311 1111111111 on 1111 51m 11111 Uiiioriiiiidlclv 11111 1115 uiii not up to tho 114111 lliifli $1 iiiiluiil oil the loiistirr lhitl uni l11l1l ill1 tiiluicd to 1111 hustle and lllltilli ofl iiili 111 1111 1111 11111 ioliiplilcill iii the Illiilillili iiidiuiil of liilin iiinc 111111111 111 1Mll 111y 10111 licltlr Mziisliull of lic11111u1itcxi oiiiluiiiy nus liilili iiiiii for 1111 111111 11 15 fllilflttl their by the llilll 111110111111 311qu Vin McNiilty that 1111 Foresters would not 191 thick to llllllill1llil llll1 1o llll licir allotment on the llrcii iziius uiil coiiiplcic llic rifle work but liistiuul iilll1 inkc 11 111 day 1111 iiiip llorilen next month The Viitcinns liiqiiil So for is the comb went the outstanding piece of ccicnioninll lllf was the lilClllltl iiioiiiitcd 111 llctrciil Tuesday evening by pin1 111111 from the lioiestcrs ill personl 1101 of which were veterans of 1110 First World War zipt lrcd Brown 1lllll was in conunnnd and the scrneziiit was ROMS Charles Day Mldliiirsi lhcy were trained by RSM lcd lwiss llzirric Lcd by the buglel lilll1 they iiinrchcd smartly through Iic camp and staged the ceremonial before the flag at lienilqiiarlcis building Capt licrl Bell Midland was Canipvlieid Officer 11nd offil iizi blliliill eluted at the Retreat Final Week Features lluit Seven of the Canadian Army Show was in Niagara on Wednes dziy evening and most of the Forest ers took it in 11 the big Ordnance Drill Hall Anothcr fine demonstration was that put on by the Pioneer Section in laying minefield then clearing path through same Throughout the Camp those around the lines were roughly startled by few No 75 AntiTank mines being put off 101 veryfar away Pioneers of the Foresters were l11 drawn from 211 Sound as Headquarter Company lid not have enough men at crimp to place in all the specialized train ing platoons On Thursday morning the Sir Pounder AntiTank Gun crew reached the Climax of their training by firing 21 rounds of the real live stuff zit dummy tank on the edge of Lakcszntario All 21 rounds went through the tank Lincoln Wellaiids had UkiainfanCanadian crew which did nice job also while other gun detachments parli Iimmins Platoon and the Veteraiis Guard from North Bay Instructors on the AntiTank Gun wereCapt AuHuggett and QMSI Moffatt Toronto both formerly with the Armoured Corps at Cllliip Borden Foresters antitank section was composed of Lt Walls Sgt Mickey McBride Cpl Bill Butler UCpl Vic Martin LCpl Gerry KinsellaiPte LovettBirchBarric and Pte GeoBuntingiCollingwood Not so mawny qualified on Carrier and Motor Transport driving as was ixpecied The tests were stiffer than ever this summer Capt War3 ren Wilgar Pte Ernie McLeod and Pie Bruce Ferguson got their Car rier tests but another dozen from continue to be dangerous while the Barrie got sufficient experience in vision is obstructed byFrTr owth sideroads should be made which may be at Camp Borden in driving to get throbghnexLiimc Ihe Fall Only four of the 11 who cipating were from the Algonqiins THE BARRIE EXAMINER BAlifllE diizillbi lilali llnvesligaied llAl 1ii PAGE 3= 32 11 PT Us Mamq EGBERT ll 11 111 11 11 can Time 211 in luck $11an Monday Aug 7th the himblyn timid 11 Wil on the Airbut at new time6lS 11 As you 11 iii 21 year has been heard each morning at 101 im 11111211 11 11 11112171111 The war llOWtVLLllaS brougliimniiy cigtii 1111 1111 113 11 coin expedient lo transfer the Broadcau 111 12111 c11111a1 11 11111111 111 laer new Broadcast will again feature Highlights if 711 131 m1 1111113 which are of supreme interest to all of 11s and 111141 211 111 m1 entiiii and inspirational in this 11011 intro vi 111 in liu 1x loinicr Hundreds 110 once again may we 51 ii Kali Aliken 0111 Station 111le iii 1115 MONDAY THROUGH lRIDAY p111 1111in Suggestions and Enrgyrsins for the Balance of like 111601 PACQUINS HAND CREAM MARVELOUS COLD CRAM THREE FLOWERS LADY ESTHER 55c WOODBURY rat49 mcuii From You Own Chain NECATlVE ToSIW 29ers PONDS Meier Tkmny DAOGETT RAMSDELLS 29cJJC FOLDER IERGENS LOTION 25947 ITALiAN BALM 35 ALMOND AND eruzoALMDND Colomdzsc mu CREAMS 1913 lncludn On in You vaua Panel TABLET TONIC One Table 85 Equivalent to 7W wutvl Beapfy Band Box Mario With Munuil Bmwcr YCJSf lottlu of 100 Special 39 Prrsnnaf Comfort Cnntligu Sigh Delightfulluiily Aid 11 Carton Mounhold Favorite Rose Violcr and ARM in an SIZE13 23c LIIY V3 smnoiimnr CfRULY YOURS gt Will all 010 Boys in In Suvfu Inch HA Ambassador Papciries 49 Anemia Colon 10 15 KlLLS ALL SMALL INSECT 13 NewGuararilced WW lnrfmticlde kin Period Nair Dinning Featherweight Papetris 2939 Devonslflire Papetties 49 Papier Palisian with Colored Edge 49c LUCKY WRITING PADS Linen Finiih Special 1c Enveloqu to M11052 0111113101 117C WRlTING PADS Opaque Air Mair T31 35 Featherweyiglit lac2 for 35 Canadianlclive Amy 19618 Aristocrat 1015 Dillon Skin qrmu1 15v30 Queens Court 2530 KingsCour 14 1511256 legShow Hard to Tell From Real Silk Stockings 100 Duration LegDo With New 503112201 finixb lll iii1iiuilovs ants by Simply wipe 0111 11 One application dusts to days Economical Mid eully Jpplicd lNViSlBLE lNSECTlCIDE in SCREEN PAIN oz 591 SWITQBC 16 ox Two Sin REGULAR111N103 there was lnpreswor naturd robber tires and now as then Goodyeuileuds lnvfeufures and in valuo Thols why we say Come In and sec Goodyeors Synthpellcre before you boy There are many goodirousons why Goodyear ghouid still be your first choice for 11ml to 115 111111 AREElliilBlE 11113 13111111 NEW 0000mm gosmsriiiliaiiuiiirswg 01111111 0111101 IDEALERV Nou rdwuwszlniialjSE 11 EClapperton St BarrieOnf Phone 4335 MINGWEARING COMPRESSION SKID DIAMOND DESIGN lRVICEi Stop roads Spillilfng oFCouncil The Township Council ments of the cdunty levy rAnothei was to give pointers on the new assessment ready done alofig the lake shpre Visitors to the park hood of $3000 was spent to instal these bridges The dock is stil inaccessible roach Penelaug Mari Loses Life in Invasion ceived by his mother special meeting at the Township Park last week One purpose of the meeting was toarrangev pay the assessor some Butthis was at little late as con siderable if the assessing was al Lt Sandy Couttsond his Three GovernmentT Dock at Innisfil Park over the weekend who expected to seemthe governiiientdoclr all repaired and live bombsxto fire their WeaDOII raised above water were greatly disappointed tdfind the structure STE ifswsaifieoriditioifexbpti forwercrrnotwhigh expiosivebut couple ofwooden bridges through the stone approach At the rate per day cost of the equipment it ifestiirtdthit ihihe neighbor Bertcookinycp TKrtaiisc and dangerous to PtefRaymond Lcroix 20 son of Mrs Adlore Lacr ix Penetangui shene has been killed in actionfin the invasionaccording to wordre Joining uplast September Ray iried the MTtestyguaTieifndnc held 1llllll from Barrie frbm the Carrier platoon Sgt Clar However ence Martin Stayner Sgt Cliff Duckworth Angus and Pics Bruce Ferguson Les Cooke andJim Bris tow Barrie qualified in lliCll wheeleddriving tests PteKitclieii Collingwood passbdthe motorcycle testwith ease nchj Mortar section reached the culmination oftheir training on Owing to the seriousaccident in Quebeosome weeks ago the bombs the same in firing Thissection in cluded SgtHarry Wharton Sgt mortarmen got theexprience Just Thursday afternoon when they used Pte Henry Dawson Pte Ken dall Pte Ed Smith Pte Fred Sar jeant and the carrier driver Pte harry Hodges gmond had been overseasbnly four months on completion of histrain ing at Brantford and Camp Borden 4gt cents office He has one sister Evelyn and two brothers John 11 and Wallace who is sailing on the Great Lakes gt Single copies of The Examiner At all newsdealers or this if 559 FOUNTAIN was 1151I682460 KIinu TARBET PLAYING CARDS 40 HEADACHES FLORIDA WATER 11119111111 118 57 Hosiery Tfnf Murray Lithium not any revel NVENHNI on BARRY1 vowom LOTION 00 Delightful 5111 Will Not 11111 Die In 111111111131111111 rgAhlteiytliellath or All Shaving Bring comfort quickly Check one rig Rec licvd ilLliyVcs REEilllEFliill roam LLTIOX 115qu11 31233111110 PACQUINS isUNiTuRan iviw ABnAsioNs Iconomkul 331 Nothing Film M1 13 FofMunmon Moths Sile Workers Sutton and White 9110 Skin 57 gene 73 to HW SHE HOURSMon us rad from ii aa FREE 830 pm Wednesday 830 11m to 1230 pm Sdturday830 PHONE mm to 1030 pm Openfevery shady Lam 10 pm DELIVE 111 army MW Aw 2650 iaweawmwamuwmmwmwwmuaas 13

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