Barrie Examiner, 3 Dec 1960, p. 7

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PHOTO OF LATE BISHOP IS ON COVER Honored layer Bishop Native Of Barrie native of Barrie who be came lthe Bishop oi Kootenay Diocese and who died this fall had the September issue at The HighAWay the quarterly publication or his diocese as memorial to him The Right Reverend Philip Rodger Beattle son of the late James Campbell and Margaret Beattie was born raised and received his primary and sec ondary school education in Barrie He left school when he was 16 to work in Toronto but returned tosehool in 1931 and received his Bachelor of Arts degree in 1935 He ob tuined his iicentlate oi theol cgy from Wyciitte College the Inert year He worked in several varied jobs mm garage attendant to missionary toobtaia the funds for his tuition fees The doctor of divinity degree was conferred upon him by Wy cliffe College in 1952 He was consecrated aa Bish op of Kootenay Diocese on May 1955 and took up residence in Kelowna BC Several of the otherBishopa in Canada wrote letters of re gret to the congregations or the parishes in Bishop Beatties gioieso upon his death on Sept The late bishop had been the AROUND THE CHURCHES CHRISTMAS MEETING The various womens organ izations of Burton Avenue United Church will be holding joint Christmas meeting this Tuesday at pm There will be candlelight service and slidesedepictingwther Christmas story will be shown The meeting will be open to all wo men of the church and is not restricted to the members of the organizations LAWYER SPEAKS At the regular meeting at the Brotherhood of Anglican churchmen of St GeorgesAl lundale Church to be held next Wednesday evening Arkle Dunlap QC lawyer from Mark dale will give an address to the men Any of the men will be welcome SELLING TREES The Bic Young People group of Central United will be selling Christmas trees Mon day at the church The sale times will be from 430 to 530 pm and from to 930 pm Proceeds of the sale will go to help rehabilitate crippled re fugee child CRUSADE CONTINUES The evangelistic crusade of the Free Methodist Church in Barrie will continue in until Dec 11 Rev Teal of St Caiharines Were you snowed under on your farm lusl winler Its not much fun digging out alter heavy snowfall And an mn is pleasant to try and dig out it youre snow ed under with bills Bills could pile up pretty fast If you were laid up because at an accident or sickness especially if you had to hire someone to do the chores or while until you were on your feet again CIAI Accident and Sielmels could help you in this kind or emurennin In full detail lust Calf WILBUR WALTON on Auto Accident and sickness Farm Liability andflorno Protection Insurance 52 NEWTON ST BARBIE Phone PA HMO CIA looperators Insurance Association Mrs Beth Hankinson of Bracs hridge will be the special guests at the crusade Mrs Hauksnson is an accomplished accordionist and soloist CHRISTMAS PARTY ivTheisunshineiGroup of the First Baptist Church will be holding Christmas Party at the home of Lloyd Miller 65 Newton Street Barrie on Tues day evening DEDICATION On Wednesday evening Dec at pm special service will be held at Christ Church Vespra when the Venerable Lighthourn Archdeacon of Simcoe will dedicate the re cently installed improvements to the church Everyone will be welcome to attend this ser vice WA PLANS TEA This Wednesday the Womans Association of Central United will hold tea bazaar and in the SucialHall Christmas bakesaletrom 230 to pml Greeting for For full rem call on MEMORIAL Issue chairman or several commits tecs and boards of the General Synod which is the national body at the Anglican Church of Canada The editorial in The High Way says that his legacy to the diocese and the church at large is that ol devoted life and Christian witness May light perpetual shine upon him and may the Diocese find successor worthy to walk in his steps Simeon Stimulants Oiir congratulations to Dallas Black son of Mr and Mrs John mack who was aucceaslul in paling his ilnala in chartered accountancy At the age 0116 he had won the highest academto and award atCollingwood District Collegiate llnstiiute On Tuesduy Mr McDon ald Clarksburg visited his dau ghter Mrs James Wliacp and tandly3Mr and Mrs Rod Mc Donald and faintly with the Culhama Mr and Mrs zlohnMorgan were guests on Saturday at the CanningElliott wedding in mn itychurc Maltoa Miss El the Black Ls pmscnlly teaching and observingin the Sheihurne pundalk district Recent visitors with IlrsRel lan Carmichael and It Cook were Mrs lreethy Mrs Sam Burgess and Beverley Nel son Freethy an of Toronto and Fred Cook of Barrie Mrs Russell McIntyre recent ly visited her sister Mrs Gord on Morrison Barrie and also her aunt Mrs Shaw Phelpston Mrs Harry Synott was guest later at the McIntyre home Mr and Mrs John Black ware Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs William Bellamy Avening FAMILY PARTY Jacks Lake Womens Institute ladies united with their husbands and chillies and all enjoyed turkey dinner together with all the extras Almost 70 were present for the occasion in Sunnidale Corners hall Later Dr lves enter tained the gathering with some of his becutiiul color pictures If someone you know is moving irlendl call Italy the Welcome agun ashes will help them feel at home Jainin ng as our miii°37udtrii iii no Welcome 8V1 on the name and ad families you kn moving PA 65302 Wars 10 BUY CASH BUDGET ALKER so humor sr Cards USlHGSSflIfi LayAWAY loDAY CHARGE or BARRIE 35539 industry Specimen books of famous lines of Christmas Card Blank now avciildble IIIIS FEATURE IS CONTRIBUTED TC III Weflimprint your personal message to letR business associates and custoiners iCOMMERCIAL PRINTING near annalssxamliisa ABA 266537 couhrrasws SPECIAL PRESENTATION St Aldens Church members and their families gathered in the church room for supper prmntation in honor at Archdeacon Lightbaum and Mrs Lightbourn Mr Irwin McMahon was dtairman Dr Lighthourn was presented with purse by Roy Jones and Mrs Lighlbourn and Monica with gifts by Mrs Jack Pugsley on behall of the VA Frank Sand ers and Jim Leigh church ward ens sphkc on behait oi the con gregation gt Congratulations to Mr an Mrs Jim OBrien who were married in St Aldens Church in Hawkcstoae Nov 25 Mrs Frankfhawlord has mdvc cd to are Station for the winter to stay with Mrs Elmer Uncles SKATING PARTY The Simcoe Presbytery Young Peoples Union held their seml Quill Musical 91W PIANO ACCORDIONS Trndrr Gretel Marlin Gibson Guitar and Ampuhcn SOLD AND SERVICE PEEL CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC 54 Dunlop St in cans Johnny built annual skating partys the Borg rie Arena on Wednesday even ing The Hawkestocc Guthrio charge won the prize for the lar gcst number at member in at tendance here were also prize as for relay races and the best couple skating TheSunday School Christmas concert and the congregation pot luck supper oi the Hawkestime garriteddiugecg will slurs on filly 17 It 30 pm The dedication the newlyrenavated basement is at 730 pm followed by the con cert Miss Marie Newton who wu seven years old on Monday was honored with birthday party by her mother Several small guests werelnattendeoce to en joy the birthday cake and freshments TEEJARRIE EXAMINER SATURDAY DECEMBER If ST or refreshments and gm Sunday evening St Pauls Sympathy the community YPA enioyed some wonderful slides of the Holy Land describ goes out to Mrs Harold Webb in ed by Rev Logan Varey BA the death at her mother Mrs LTL assistant curate of Holy Horton Strcud Trinity diurch lhornhill F00 IN cm Gerald Knowles had the mic fortune to let heavy iron all on his foot with the resulbthrce broken bones and cast INJURED KNEE Douglas lrallck is confined to the houseduo to pamf ul knee lull AYPA BOWLING St Pauls AYPA spent pleasant Saturday evening bowl ing in Barrie Alter bowling they returned to the old schoolhouse CHRISTMAS GIFTS snowman From iwhlta sold snow he made it It was hardswork and Johnny was justly proud Johnny built snowmanin day Hepacked the snow hard put in coals for the eyes and nose and Daddys hat was placed on top But for more of Daddy than Just his hat went into this snow man Just asJohnuy worked hard to build the snowman his father is hard at work too building Johnny Daddys greatest dream is to mg Johnny moulded into man of strength vision and character Luckily fictivhnny Daddy la wise loam Rn realms thetthe most important tingle hfluenoe upon his sons life is the teaching at LCWWVIHMBEMMSMWSMWW finding him to Church services regularly In making certain float Johnny knows the henna Gods words ominous if chm comr and outlets so Sathenwillaoehiagreatast Shop Where Shoppina Is Pleasure How men Do we Hear It is So Relaxing To Shop Here srnax sass cuma econins nouurou ausqur RIBBDNS sears rracs asun MOUNTAIN POTTERY PERSONALIZED CHRISTMAS CARDS DIcK STEELE sou ll Eb true signitizauc at Christmas is rollback in our beautiful Display at rrlignoua 895 tea ming can nun mun WEAYMOUTHS noon moan so Duulop st PA H055 THEcHURcH Fon an ALL FOR THE GHURCH TheChiudinduzrutnrfadoruimthfol he building of charackr and pad dtizunhip It storehouse of apiritualvaluq out strong Church neither demon MICHELlion canmvivtThcrcale fourmudnuonsvaigy my person should stand mines mine as support the Church Tillynet For his own uh 2Far his childrens ah For Iii uh of his community and nation For the sale at the Church itself viticth his maul land malaial support Plan no In druduagaluiyandmdymrhibledaay Day Book Chapter Venus Sunday Isaiah 124 Monday Isaiah 2381 Tuesday Psalms Wednesday Thursday Friflfll cause on ma cuuacu BYV IIIE FOLLOWING BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENTSI mu CONTRACTING Majamount Pith71in nugonf morons 2A EMS n0 LEM RESTAURANT ea W29 as Duniop st harem urnonsrnnmc vaun mamsanwon Pa mass as Bradford St STECKLEY FUNERAL HOME hearsay commit 158 Vefiiralt waanm mcmw co mom so new st WM MOREOW Roofing Contractors PA was in tuwv at Holly 74 MAURICE immune Building Materials rs 35711 mamas so DENIS SHEARD LTD Lumbersdc Building Supplies as Painswlel PA was ashram nnos LTD Building Materials 76Letitia st PA 36100 429 eat SANDV naso ONUMENTGO PA amt 154 Burlomm STOLLAR cousmuorron 11m PAe7m114 Sinuh Ave canvnnr sum it GEORGE navmsr consmnorron LTD BARRIE wannth meme um as Anne or narrow anaemic do 255 Bayfleld St PA 33229 boron rams PA flZQSS 107 Dunlap SLE charm my amp manna snor VIDA 84577 18 Gowan St Attend The ¢hurch for Your Choice Md ItheBarrle Examine church Announcémen ts lorthellimes or Churahserviees an Anti ties

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