Barrie Examiner, 3 Dec 1960, p. 5

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in 3mm trams Books Of Tle LUFTWAFFE By Werner Ranmbach THE LIFE AND DEATH OF The author of this book began youtth glider expert Germany and rose to the higiu post in the German bomber mend Here he relates the histo the German air forcc from secret beginnings after the Treaty of Versailles to its dos traction in World War ll An ac count of this famous career is combined storyof the Luftwalt anda study of the reasons for the man defeat Baumbach discus es Hitlers blunders the hectic planning in highcommand and the political intrigues of the Nazi hierarchy Anecdotes of some of the Nazi leaders add color This is an extremely interesting pict tire of war from the other side HAVE SEEN WAR edited by Dorothy Sterling These 15 storiesfrom World War II are sampling of the sights sounds smells emotions and impressions of real and fic tional characters who cxperiene all different aspects of the con flict Whether real or fictional the accounts are realistic be causeali but two of the selec tions come from men and Wm men who were at the scene when the battle was going on Those are not tales of great hcrocs but pieces from the lives of ordinary people Gls housewives Russian girl Chinese boy Polish girl in slave labour camp Some of tho people who set down their experiences may be new to the reader Others are well known names for instance John Hersey Bill Mauldia Nor man Mailer and Antoine de Saint Exhpery THE SKY SUSPENDED By Drew Middleton In August 1940 the Battle of Britain began For timethe future of the world was in the hands of several hundred spirlt ed young men fighting against greatly superior forces Drew Middleton sets down the story of those eventful days 20 years ago when Britain fought alone The RAF forccsdefend ing Britain were pitifully small against the powerful German Luftwaffe and history might easily have been different Here is portrayal of people battling for their life The author shows too why the Germans switched their tactics and how the tide of battle changed Mr Middleton has firsthand knowledge of these events as ho Was with the Associated Press in England and Europe from 1939 1942 THE PICTURE HISTORY OF WORLD WAR II 19151945 This big picture history of World War II put out originally as Coiliers Photographic Histr ory of World War ll gives clear and dramatic picture of those terrible and memorable years It is graphic record of the worst and the best of mens actions as captured by the lenses of hundreds of cameras ofi both sides of the line The pictures are accompanied by text Since this is an American publication the stress is on the exploits of American forces and the cover PRESTIGE CARDS son urn PERSONAL TOUCH KLNéyIELTY human St PA sslza RAISING of the United States flag on the Island of lwo Jima ythc Marines forms an in pressivc cover for tth pictorial history Perhaps the most famous photograph to come out of World War II it is equalled if not outdone by bears picture of the Arncrican flag being planted by Marines on Iwo Arranged in chronological ord er the book begins with the rise of Hitler and the invasion of Po land and Norway the fall of France and Britains courage ous stand against the German air force It covers developments in China and Japan leading to the American entry into the war Battles on land at sea and in the air of concentration camps and gas chambers are all here There are large battles and small skirmishes resistance op erations and commando land ings The human sideis emphas ised in scenes that are movmg tragic or terrible this is animpresive and ms structive picture of World War II SATURDAY GUIDE IOOF HALLSpecial dance to night on Collier Street to the music of Tom Crown and his orchestra from Orr Lake slacks and jeans are out IMPERIAL THEATRE Sur prisePackage wrapped up by Columbia Pictures fea tures baldy Yul Brynasr boldy Mitzi Gaynor and blase Noel Coward Contin nous today from 2pm ROXY THEATREDont ask us what IT is but It Start ed In Naples is at tho Roxy audit stars Sophia Loren Clark Gable and Vittorio De sica Fun and nonsense in Italy 1001 HALL0n Monday at pmtherefl he $160 jacks pot for the IOOF Bingo at the hall on Collier street Pm ceeds will go to the Cancer Polio and Tuberculosis Fund 51 GEORGESAt the Parish today there is to be social evening under the auspices of the St Georges Mens Club Includes light lunch Hall in Allaudale at 7111 PLAY SANTA THIS YEAR WITH RECORD DB TOIIIE ASPIRING MUSICIAN WITH GIET OF MUSICAL DISTRUMENT MUSIC MAPLE ave cENTRE PA 80249 Fantaro Time 585 740 p40 pan GIVE THEATRE BOOK TICKETS FOR CHRISTMAS FREE BONUS EXTRA TICKET IN EACH 300K gt Branden Band We My malls ago an famed band of the Royal Canadian Dragoons left Camp Borden fit tour of duty ovenIona In response to an Examiner en qulry to their anneal we have received the follth communication Minus Sgt Webb public relation fleet for the bud Your letter has beca passed on to me to answer as hanflo the publicity for the Band havetried to condense our tour so far out here as briefly apos sible so that you can publish it or part of it in your paper Being the only band in the Brigade it is only neutral that we are kept very busy We an rived here just as the Brigadier was starting his quarterly in spections of tha units in the Brlglt ade of course wrwera amploy ed on all of tho parades In May of this year we were sent to the Gaza strip to enter tain the NATO forces there We undertook engagements in 10 days and when you consider that some of them were 500 miles away and necessitated flying this wasquite an achievement Thetour was pleasure to us as it gave us chances to renew friendships with some of the Ar moured Corps types from Camp Borden and also to meet and an trt lhr tl alui many of theoiher pictures in am on es $5 graphic book Examiner Bit PARADE om On our return onm Egypt Bilth coon incurs The Many Parts OlSimcoo County Enmtnor on mtg It was with more than little pleasure that we accepted the invitation of the Georgian Bay Devel opment Association to write the Simone County sac tton of its latestpromotional booklet Our only fear was that feeling so strongly and so personally about this county we could not ade quately gét it acress to outsiders our travels to many different parts of the world have never changed the special regard in which we hold the county that has been our home and place of em ployment orf and on for more than dozen years how does one explain that sort thing to stranger Ev Perhaps by mixing few of the super abundance of lmprestons and memories held so fondly over the yeiirs we can present kaleidoscope lf not straightforward description of Simcoa County and its attractions This ls what we wrote Within the waters and the lands which enclose Simone County are such diverse activities and at tractions that it is wellnight impossible to tag the whole with any sort of character One can only try to list some of its parts PLACE TO WORK Simcoe County is place where people work They work in communities removed from the grime the clutter and the noise of the bigger industrial centres to the south The neatly modern industrial buildings springing up around Barrie Orillla Midland Colllngwood Bradford and even the smaller centres are many of them escapees from the bigger cities They have found pleasant locations little more than an hour or so from Toronto with all its advantages and few in anyof its disadvantages Sinicoe County too is place where people play They swim in one blue waters of Georgian Bay on the one side and Lake Simcoe on the other or in the rivers and lakeswhioh dot the county They lounge on the long white beaches of Wosaga they ski they sail they hunt and fish and camp they play hockey they golf on the countys many ecum es they curl and bowl and play baseball They attend Communitygoncerts in various oom munlties they watch young thespians perform in the Georgian Bay Drama mtlvnl they visit the lib caries they choose from more than score or thriv ing weeklyanddaly newspapers in the country they listen to itsrhhree radio stations watch 116 television station IA PLACE ronMormN slmcoa County is place for motion Yachtsmen vlsit its parts and traverse its waterways cruise shipssei off from Penetangulshene for the 30000 islands to the north Railways and superhighways slice through thecounty and Jet planes from the MAE Station Sweep high overhead yet it holds hundreds of quiet valleys and pleasant parks Simcoe County is history Museums like the one 1ust begun in Alliston are found in many of its communities and historic site markers dot the countryside HISTORY MADE ALIVE It is history made alive before your eyes You may trek the old NineMlle Portage from thecounty seat at Barrie you may wander through Stephen Lea oockLs home tat Brewery Bay in0riliin Just as it was when the great humorist lived andwrrote there you may stand before the smoking fires of Mddlands Indian Village and feel you are going back 300 years to old Huronia You may even join the University of Western OnoJ arlossummer School of Indian Archaeology and delve into one of the old Indian stiesyoureeld Watching the Collingwood shipbuildere send great vessel down the ways hearing of the multl tide of products produced by Slmcoe Countys indust lea visiting the mighty army camp rotBorden you form one impression See the rolling farms the prize vdairy herds the bustling fall fairs therstutdy pio near log cabins the great reforestan tracts and you form another Glance at county map and read the intriguing names Tecumseth and West Goalltmbury Tossor ontio and Medonte Utoplaand Uhthoff Martyrel shrine and Fair Valley Anton Mills andOouohieh lng Ballyeroy and Thunder Bench What is Si coe County It is whole that is even greater mnnntlhe sum of its fascinating parts Busv veISeas we wen promptly despatcbed to Dusseldorf to amalgamatoswllh two British Army bands for troopiag of the color ceremoiu ad the Queens Birthday Juno 12 parade of this nature calls for many rehearsals with the bands taking very large part Then back to camp where we were sent to Sennelager for Brigade adiemewhero we took part in mounted marchth of the Canadian Contingent ln Ger many This was trgmendous effort from the band as it meant nonstop blow of 1V bouts Arriving back in Camp we bad Just about enough time to pack our bags before leaving for Brussels where we were joined by other bands from the NATO countries Denmark France Gennany Holland Italy USA and Belgium which had two bands participating three days of rehearsals the show ran for five days On the last day the King of Belgium was present Althoughwa ware strong and tho other bands were from 90100 we were far from out blown and our colorful untforms brought the house down every night PLAY E93 ROYAL Since we haVe been in Ger many we have had the honour of playing before royalty on sev eral occasions Princess Alex andra being the Colonel in Chief of the Queens Own Rifles of Can ada came out to visit them on the occasion of their centennial and we played at the parade mess dinner and ball Also the Princess Royal payed visit to the Royal Canadian Corps of Signals here and we played at much the same type of engage meats DANCE BANDS four tbre dam hands have been kept at full stretch the de mand from units is too much for us to keep up with We have just finished troop ing the color parade with the Canadian Guards on the occas by NELLES DAVIE of Barrio PUBLIC VS PERFORMER It seems fairly safe to say many musicians today plan their programs with little can cam for the pleasure of their listeners Anyone who has travel led and discussed programs with concertgoers on this continent must be aware many are unhap Pl with what they are offered The position the musician tak es in that he knows what is prop er and acceptable whereas the public is uninformed musically and often lacklngin taste There is certainly some truth in this charge but it does not necessarily Justify the music lana attitude IVORY TOWER Performers should not assume the public exists forthelr the performora greater glory flows over excellent the musicians fal cnt and presentation the public has the final word No amount of complaining argument or stub born resistance will change this If the performer were to think about it he would realize his position may ho just as unworthy as that of the public who reject him It is not consideran to do whatyou want to do whether anyone else wants you toor not People cannot be expected to gather regularly to listen to pro grams which dont interest them And it is really unimportant from practical standpointwhe ther tho public is wrong and the performer right or viceverso Public taste is the way it is be cause it is the way it is We seek improvement in all areas of hu man life but we recognize that to be really effective it has to be sincere and voluntary So if we would improve public taste the place tostart is with ourselves We may find it pretty ion of their seventh btrthday dlflicult Audit should give us This wm truly wonderful par ade complete with sunshine af ter two weelu of nonstop tor rential rain Most of theiads are looking forward to our return to Canada and we are hoping thatwe wfll go to Camp Borden although there is strong our that we will Join our regi tat Camp Gagetown N0 FRAUlElNd great percentage of us are bringing back European cars but as yet not one of our eligible bachelors has found Gennan fraulein suitable enough to be classed as an expott model flha German beer we find is very good but in most cases die housing situation is not so good The cost of living as far as food goes compares with Canada but other things such as clothing household items radios record players furnture etc are much cheaper Its nice to hear that musical ly things are looking tip in Bar We are now getting ready for Christmas and on behalf of Cap tain Spooner and the band would you wish all ourfriends in Bar rie through the medium of your newspaper Merry Christmas and Happy New Yonr willbe Iohnny Mathis Playing OKeeie 1217 The formula of success is view ed in the JohnnyMathis Concert which will play the OKeefa Centre TorontoDec 1217 Two hours will be spent watching Johny Mathis sing and dance from the time the curtain rises through the finale with his em tire companythat he has been touring with these past few weeks Johnny will entertain the audiences throughout the show with the exception of time given Andre Taboo world famous pup peteer who appears with his delightful marionettes Many production numbers will be webbed through the show with Johny and the Hermes Pan dam core at which time Johnny will sing auddance with them These timbers will include opener Dancing Mood Gal WithYal for Shoes rTeKddade land Putting on the Ritz At one time during the show Johnny sings ballad duct with Nathalie with the assistance of Mr Tahon The highlight of the Evening songs the number one recording star has made famous in the last five years including famous show tunes and old stair dards Youth 19 Charged With Knife Slaying woman or David Norman Brenner was charged Friday with murder in the knifeslaying of Cazllaidwlg 27 Ludwig died in hospital ofmul tlpla knife wounds after he was stabbed following an argument which began in restaurant and ended in In fight on anoarby street Police found Lad lg lying wounded in€he centr the ma They seized Idaggertype bolts more patience with others Those who have stood before New Orchestra Features Youth vital new Canadian cultural ESaluccldy lodge THE BARBIE WK SATURDAY DECEMEEE THE MUSIC on hundreds of audiences and noted their reactions are in the best position to judge what is accept able to the public The musical student often taught the mechanics of music and the repertoire from music at standpoint only He lives in musical atmosphere and is led to behave perhaps unintention an be will spend his profession of career performing before just such groups vanmp snoop When he stands before an aud ience in the concert hall he is hardly prepared for the much more varied group in front of to him Musical audiences are made up in port of genuine music lovers intellectuals wouldho intellectuals snobs socialclimb ers mimic tud the friends had relati same This is the hardcore audience which varies little from year to year Because of their special in forests they will go to concerts no matter what the program as long as they are assured by the right people that they are at the right concerts WE IANED ITI The insincere gushing many of these people in dulge in often mlsleads the performer If he lacks experience he maybe fool ish enough to believe them It is important to realize that many of these people haveno interest in music as such They only seek to use music as menu of an quiring social stature They at tend concerts in something of the same mood they would go to funeral an unpleasant hut nec essary social obligation They are all wellmannered people and so they assure each other that the whole evening couldnthavn been more enchanting If this were the extent of the enterprise isthe National Youth Orchestra Association of Canada which is to give its first public concert in Torontog Massey Hall on Dec 31 Aim of the NYOAC to teach talented young musicians to play in symphony orchestra under professional conditions thus as ruringa coostmt supply The associationsformation be gan when Waiter Susskind tho internationally famous oonduclt tor brougbtthe success story of the National Youth Orchestrn of Great Britain to Canada four seam ago This ILK group formed 41 years ago has be tome one of that countrys most prominent symphony orchestras Mr Susskinds idearwas taken up We group oftnterested matton oftha NYOAC withJed eralcharter to administer its operatiops as nonprofit or ganization THREE SESSIONS Thosa chosen as numbers will meet for three smsions year one weeklat Christmas and Eas ter respecfively and two weeks during the summer always dur ing school holidays in order not to interrupt their general edu cation At the end of each course the ordlestra ill give concert as fittin climax to the sessioue work It will not enter into any commercial conunitments other than atmusical nature Wampummommies GABLEIOBEN Playing at Battles Roxy Theatretonight is It Started In Naples Clark Gable is called upon to tinow the luscious Sophia Loren out of his bed in this scene in the romantic zoos and culminated in the for ims gt concert audience wamight be tempted to accept the status quo But in eyery concert crowd there are number of innocent bystanders who have not com mitted themselves These people are really the most important part of any aud ience because they represent the only available means of in creasing the influence ofmuaic It may be possible to turn thea casual curiosity and vague fond ness for music into real enthus iasm WANTED ENTERTAINMENT It Is immediately obvious that their musical wants will differ from those of the educated mun iclan Consistently successful musicians have recognized this group asnn important part of err audience They are aware that these people are more may ed by musical show than more austere performance But then the hardcore audience in also largely concerned with pub ting on show So while it may seem poor taste to give in to the public and perform works of dubious music at merit which entertain is it equally poor taste to pandgr to the social ambitions of group of snobs by giving them what they wont Concert halls exist for the ben efit of the public If it were not necessary to have public perfor mances of the arts such halls would not be built litany experts try to determine what the public wants What the public wants is quite obvious tcrtainment CHARGE MURDER MONTREAL CPLPall Elmile Daltnire 87 was charged with murder Fr ayaftcr coroners jury held film criminally respon sible for the hammer slaying of his wife Carmelle Dallairehal was found in criticatvcondition at her home Nov 28 and died of inpltlplo skull fractures two days or ran IN censor Technicolor comedywithmusic which wm filmed in Rome llggles andvplcturesqueCapri le plays Philadelphia lawyer while Miss Lona is the Neaoplitaa diamAer SPECIAL DANCE rnmv and sunny alarm Ioor llAlil some so pm rather Neil aimibiselompbw EASETOM CRDWE mdhkOROHESDRA mmOnLake Spotlight DanceSaturday Refreshment Booth and thekroom no snacason JynANs seamen EMISSION jar Adult Enronmm nit mound loll amorous DEMMb RICHARDSONAIM CLUNEStlfllilfi BIKDWIClEMDHNW ltAtSlflfif WWW liliolltlllm ansom MURIEBMWD KNIGHT 0hr AMAVISIOW minim

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