Barrie Examiner, 3 Dec 1960, p. 2

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ELECTIONEEBING OLD FRON believer in old time elect foneering is Veopraa Graham Dixon contender in Mondays election for the Area One school board Mr Dixon yesterday bitciwd up cutter to his horse Pegasus and started out on his door to door electioneering in the old frontier style The snowy road and driveways TIER sins made travel easy and quite fast According to Mr Dixon little too fast at times since this as the first time ve hicle was ever hitched to Pegasus Examiner Photo Jobless City workers Could Work On Farms TORONTO CF The unem ployed city dweller who has farm experience should look for work in the rural areeswhere there is scarcity of labor Put llc Works Minister Council said Friday during the throne speech debate in the Ontario legisla hire Mr Council said he was criti cized once for hiring Danish farm worker in place of Cana dlan for his farm near Hamilton He since advertised for exper ienced farm lidp and has not even had replies Wages on many farms are comparable to wages in inst toy Mr Council said Let my men with farm background who is Im8mpluyed take good look out in the country them jmighi be an opportunity there which he never realized ox isted Mr Connell told of rurvey the department of economics will conduct during construction of public works hospital pro ieCt et Goderich to determine how many jobs are directly or indirectly created by the pro ect WORK FOR 100 The Lakehead Teachers Col legs at Port Arthur now under construction at cost of $750 000 provided work for 100 men through the contractor and per haps employment for as many as 100 others in the community in directly Debate of resolution by Thomas Thomas CCFOsh awa calling for establishment of government consumers bur eau was adjourned to allow time or the throne speech debate Mr Thomas envisioned con sumers bureau that would con duct research into and publish expert information on the quel ity of products placed for sale on the Ontario market He said some check should be placed on companies which use misleading and fraudulent adverlt lining to promote business He said sales organization in Oshawa used the names of pub lic officials to promote sales oi an electrical alarm device against fire they claim the device is backed by the Ontario fire man shalstifiice Mr Thomas said AttorneyGeneral Roberts said he will look at any sales ma terlel provided by Mr Thomas ury Says Gross egligéflce Led Io Bldst Where 10 Died WINDSOR CEDA coroners fury decided Friday that gross negligence led to natural gas cxplosinn which destroyed the Metropolitan Department Store hare Oct 25 killing 10 persons and injurying more than 80 The verdictcama after four day bearing More than150 wit nesses testified Ruled grossly negligent were Jessopdium bin Limited oi Windsor and Union as Company of Canada Limited The neglh genceof the Windsor budding OBITU VERA BURNS Funeral service for Vera Burns was held at Steckley Funeral Home Barrie Mon day Nov She was in her dist year She had lived in the Thornton district until attenthe death of her mother in 1952 and than madeher home with her bro ther Chris and his wife at Churchill Miss Burns had been visiting in Thornbury when taken suddenly entered the General and Marine Hospital at Col Iingwood and died few hours later of heart attack Sbe was member of Thorn2 ion Anglican Church and Rev Harper conducted the funeral service urvmng are Six EmmaE Chris Ewart Beverley Herb Carl and Garvin Pallbearers were six neph ewstEugenefmibert Ron ivlioss Georgiana Gordon Burns lnterment took place in Thornton Cemetery There werewrnany beautiful flowers including those sent by the neighbors of Churchill and group of friends she had been visiting in Thornbury as well as from the family Friends were present from Thornbury Toronto Scarbor ough Detroit and Maple department in not isulog per Imlt was termed minor teeter in the blast The jury found the esploslon was caused during installation oi natural gas furnace GAS COMPANY AT FAULT It blamed Union Gas for not having bled feeder line of air immediately after installation and for not notifying the sub contractor that its work was not completed The jury olted Jessop Plurnblng andits employees for opening ARIES ERNEST STOKES After lengthy illness Ern estMartin Stokes died in Sim coe Manor Eeeton Sunday 0st Born in Mincslng Oct 24 1390 he was the son of the late Mr and Mrs Thomas Stokes Most of his life was spent at his home in Minesing until his illness in 1954 His main occupations were gardening and work in the Mlneslng Basket factory He was secretary of the Mincslng Telephone Company Con servative in politics and took an active part in numerous community activities The funeral service was held Wednesday Oct 12 at the Petblck Funeral Chapel Bar rie and was conducted by Rev John Robinson of Minesing Interment was in Mineslng CemEfi ry Pallbearers were Fred Richard Plowright Charles Grant Jack DowneyhAllan Johnston and NeiLKennedy Survivlog relatives are four sistersyolive and Rose of To ronto Mrs George Kester Martha of Winnipeg Mrs E1 lisonMcKenncy Ellen of St Thomas and one brother George of Winnipeg acib twoinch union coupling on the inlet side of the meter wbich cial regulations From the testimony given We find gross negligence on the part of Jessop Plumbing and Union Gas were major oontrib utlng factors Russel Perkins manager of the Union Gas Windsor office said lat We feel we were not nag ligent did not violate any at the codesf LIST OTHER CRITICISMS Also cited by the jury as con tributing factors were Lack of steel columnsrin rear outer wall ch collapsed trapping many victims The boiler room where the installation was being made was with the municipal building code Construction of the building caused abnormal flow of air in the building explosion is not reliable method of testing the jury said cnergizingf new empty The jury said in disasters and emergenciestire underone command which should be appointed by th mayor NAB ILLICIT STILL years in raid in the Cool mount away along with truckload of distilling equipment action is contrary to the provin not constructed in accordance jacket heater in the boiler room was fired and hot at the time and was in poor condition The human sniff test to detect natural gas prior to the In major recommendation heating units in buildings where the public islikeiy to be present should be done after business hours or when the building is defence forces be coordinated CORK Reutersipinsh police Friday made one of their biggest hauls oLilliciL liquorformanyr ain distict of West Cork More than 700 gallons of highly potent brewcalled poteenwas carted mm SATURDAY DEW INNISFIL By nos PRESS CONFERENCE Major Kinzio called press conference to spread the news of how low was the per caplts debt and the per capltl tax of the city at WI oomplh meat His Wo on his in formation it may have been that there had been sudden increase in the birth rate xiv ing the statisticians good aver age to work on Per Capita means every man woman and child including new born babes and all are coiustcd to assume their proportion of the debt oi the city and that average is what counts pcrccnlt tage wise According to the Blue Book the total debt of Barrio at the and of 1959 amounted to $829968000 so this with any additions for 1960 is divided by the total of the population which ll computed regularly and ayman hi sent to the outskirts to change the figures on those high ways signs that tell of the growth of the city gt Innislils debt is $64134700 This includes debentures for schools as well as the share of those which we have assumed for the secondary schools Now it seems foolish to divide this by the total number of ratepay ers shown on our list as perma nent residents However this debt is shared by aboutlt1500 taxpayeraali of whomcontrilr ute to the total tax burden at their township So instead or making poor baby sorry he landed in our municipality to tird himself with debt hanging around his neck big enough to keep him from ever becoming in love with the place we will divide the total debt between all taxpayers and find that we have debt at $0523 per ratepayer The Blue Book published by the Department of Municipal Af fairs gives considerably more detail They put out total popu lation at 6006 end this would make our debt close to $10000 per man woman and child Du then we have those parttime ratepayers who so willingly come and contribute to our taxes especially our school debt which is aii the debentures cover an cept small amount on com munity halls Major lginzle stated that for the total indebtedness and the taxes collected his city gave more services for the dollar they spent than others in their group Vecen agree with that Many of us in Innlsiil are paying more taxes for silnilnr home in the township than our friend in the city with sewers sidewalks wa ter supplied street ligbts gan bage collections without pay ment of additional tax better police and fire protection and lower cost forypublic utilities Then of course all of the popu lation of the township does not live on streets and they could not be supplied with all the ser vices that are provided in the city and many do not pay more than half of the taxes that are levied in the city Our mill rate of about 50 mills is about 21 mills lower than that of our neighbour in the city EGG MARKETING Over the signatureoi one of Innisfils leading egg and pinch BroducerayCralg Hunter letter as gone out inviting the poultry producers of the area to attend meeting to be held in Barrie next Monday night in the Board Room of the Department of Agriculture The purpose of the meeting is to discuss suggested outline for establishing an egg market LOCAL AND GENERAL FIRST SERIES 061 auditorium Barrie was the locale of the first of four Christmas parties being held for employees of the Canadian Gen eral Electric plant last night whenthe assembly division cele bramd Tonight the machine shop holds its Christmas party Lin the auditorium Two more snob parties are schmfir next week snaps BARRIE compass Alia ecent rue tingLo£the coming Yet deal is Jack 5tohar mes vCHRISTMAS LIGHTS The city has taken on festive air now that Christmas illumin ations are in operation The City Hall Memorial Square and high Chrlaunas tree on Grove Street West are eywatchem orrEs log program The eight points are as follows To provide egg producers with the but possible price for oggs and to pgvent sudden price fluctuations To provide consumers of One tario with betterqusllly of eggs To providemorc competition at the retail level and to re have some of the burden oi price competition from the pro ducers level To provids the Ontario pmdu cars with the largest possible share of the retail price To increase or retain Onto rios share of the Canadian pro duction To cooperate with national egg marketing board To retain the production in the hands of small and medium sized producers by avoiding units which would put the smallt ler producer out at business To provide Ontario producesr with accurate information on their products Mechanics of the plan allow iorafundtobesetupbasedon the supply and the levy of tee from all our sold LOWEST TENDER 0111 In discussing the tenders for the tile bed and scptic tank at the Park which will be needed for the new flush toilets council gave the contract to Becton contractor whose bid was some what higher than local bidder However it was claimed tnot the local tender put in by Her ford Fisher had been altered in the specification so that in case of quicksand being encountered any additional costs would not go the responsibility of the bid or This change in thavspeclfica tians resulted in the bid going to the Beeton contractor who will no doubt bring his labour along to pet rm the work The bid accepted as for 36500000 which includes the tank and tile bed Only the plumbing and building will be called for bid in the new year FIRST CHRISTMAS PARTY Hnuing attended the first party for the Christmas season last night the Shad of the Examinfli we are just slightly slowed down this morning However we want to compliment the committee on the splendid success of the affair and to tell those who missed be ing there they were the losers No one mentioned Merry Christ mas hnwever Edmonton Club Nips Vancouver By ran cannons rnass Claude Evans got rough in troduction to theWestern Hoc key League Friday night when his shutout bid dissolved in the third period and his Vancouver Canuolrs went down to 43 loss to Edmonton Fiyers in overtime The veteran netmlnder from Kitchener of the Eastern Profes sional Hockey League might have had it rougher if he had been in Victoria The league leading Calgary Stampeders de feated Victoria Cougars Evans is the fourth goalie to be tried by the Canucks this season Edmonton scorers were Ed Diachuk Chuck Holmes Ray Brunei and Gene Achtymichuck Vancouver counters were by Jim Powers Bruce Carmichael and Danny Belisle The victory gave Edmonton sole possession of second place one point behind Calgary Van couver is two points back of Fiyers in third place Jim Brown led Stampeders with threegoais and one assist Wally Hergeshetmer and rookie Cliff Briatow each scored twice and Ron Leopold and Lou Jan kowski got the others For Victoria it was EillSaun lore and Gerry layer with two goals each with Best Fizzeli Jim More and Don McLeod get ting the others Christmas are let string of Santa lights withpnrcholo of TOYS Stress ZStrain Factor In Bradford Tragedy Evenun Bradford coron ersJury mday found that Mary Loreen Creighton dis covered dead with William Graham Creighton on the fourth concession of West Gwillim bury Township Oct 29 had died from two bullets from 22 calibre singleshot rifle they believed fired by Mr Creighton The jury further stated that in their opinion Mr Creigth committed suicide using the same rifle The Cmightonr young rc centiy married Barrie couple were residing Jttbe home of his parents when they leit el molt without notice for holi day lntho 115 Evidence presented in End ford court before small aud ience of witnesses and rela tive of the deceased showed that the dead man had made several visits bathe couples doctor John Portaikotf Bar rte during the year preceding the fatal trip The doctor test ified that Mr Creighton had complained of Physics at ments which could be explic ablo the result of tension stress or strain of some kind but which werenot attributable to an organic basis In September Grpham Creighton had complained of having great deal of trouble sleeping Dr Postnikoff test ified that be bad referred the patient to an Orillia specialist psychiatrist Dr Crawford Jones Dr Jonas testified that be felt at the time Graham Creighton was in state of chronic anxiety Between Sept 14 and Oct 21 be told the court this patient had made five visits to his office The patient had experienced failure in his chartered ac countancy examinations and had earlier had difficulty establishing his home in east Barrie Graham Creighton had mentioned his plan to move in to this house by the end of NQFImeexid giving bi avo vice Dr Jonel said so he could make his own deci sions At no time did the pa tient give any indication of disharmony with his wife CHANGED MAN Employer of the dead man at the time of death MacLaren gave evidence that the man had joined his account ancy firm in October 1550 and had been doing extreme ly satisfactory wor for the company Sept0 Mr Mac Laren said Mr Creighton had come to the office following CRASH KILLS EIGHT YOKOHAMA AP Japan ese electric train on trial run smashed intoesmall bus Friday killing eight and severely injur ing nine of its passengers The bus carrying young workers to an athletic meet was hit at railway crossing reproach furore walkout on one accountancy exam Sept and said just couldnt go back in there again Mr Macharea told the court that Oct he had looked up and noticed Mr Creighton walk out of the office at 10 am He didnt come back Mrs John Creighton had come in and explained that her son had left note saying be had gone on holiday From September on be was not the same chlpit seemed he had withdrawn into him acid the employer explained Tottenhsm farmer men discovered the lying beside late model car this facing west in the middle of concession mad at 530 pm Mr Koop mans told the court be had first noticed the car at about 46 pm but had paid no at tention because he assumed it was left there by hunters Having finished plowing field the witness said he went to the vehicle law the bodies and remained at the dune while John Kelly Adj1a Town ship and two Schomberg lads Bill Flanagan and Ken Lister who had driven up in car went to phone police He told thecourt that ho had heard no noises or shooting af ter 415 pm POLICE EVIDENCE When police arrived they found the following evidence as presented to court Friday by attending constable Brsd ford Ontario Provincial Cpl Lee In Mr Creightons left hand was 22 calibre Win chester singlevaction rifle bullet wound between his eyes was surrounded by powder burns The butt of the rifle was lmbedded between his lmees bullet wound with powder burns was found on the neck of Mrs Creighton Part of the contents of box SOshell size of 22 calibre bullets was nun opposite the open left front car door pair of bloodsspntfered eye glasses was found at the scene the rifle in evidence con tained spent shell Thirty nine uoused shells were col lected at the scene but Cpl Lee told the court that adjaceny of thebodiel to tall the near the mad left doubt as to the actual number of shells in the area gt clothing bar connected at one and across the rear seat carried clothing The right and of this was not connected Cpl Lee told the court On the rear seat floor was found plate containing fresb pie and spent shell Onltbc rear out in found mans wpllet On the right of theiront rest was found womans purse Drop ed over the seat was Jacket at the left an unrumpled plaid jacket was under the steering wheel note wal found under the yield jacket The ignition ey was found in the oii post on The oflicer said there were bloodstains confined to the left float portion of the vcb tale and cited blooded areas as including the windshield dash steering wheel and open inglatch The car was located on road which does not can boot with Highway 400 but does join Highway 21 In the trunk was found large club bag containing about $900 Barrie Ontario Provincial Police Constable Cpl Wheeler testified that there was evidence of wo mans flngerprinil on the nicer ing wheel as indicated smudgss there gasoline bit dated Oct 20 but later shown to he one day behind because of an erroneous dating mach ine was found in the car It contained Brantford address MEDICAL TESTIMONY Coroner Dr Blackwell Bradford msdebis summary for the jury He said evidence pointed to Graham Creighton to his wifes life then tak ing is own life Evidence from the doctors showed he suggested that Mr Creighton had not been mentally well and was laboring under stress shalethat he had haddiffi unity adjusting to events that would upset him if he did take his wifes life Dr Black well said then it was an im pulsive rather than purpose ly planned act When the jurys verdict was lead by Dr Blackwell the cor oner commented Your ver dict is feel the only one For YOUR Dining Pleasure its the QUEENS HOTEL where during the weekdelicious full course meals are served and SPECIAL DINNms on SUNDAY ansmnss MENS LUNCHEON served daily fro 12 Noon to230 pm lielop so LTPLEASE NOTE If our delivery Ihjuckor our hired at trucksarrive late or after hoursvve ask you lo bear wiihjhem because due to the vast number of deliveries this is beyond Moderate Prices Barrie PA 82424 Due to the tremendous response to our part nership sale we will noiopen till 1100 am Monday December 5th This time is re quired to replenish our store display stock eiivcry T6 those who hails attended our partner ship sale we extend our sincere appreciaé tion for your confident ce To those who have not we hope lo see you in the near PHONE PA 60551 onnrama 0N no RADIO AND nnconn PLAYERS ovarian man can so nave same AND sniwmn mausrsroa RADIOS samnmsron nu issues or Ramos man YOUR own runes roan wonuaaor Locarno or awr was ONE mm com on Antennas canto to the value or 100 or 70 Cash Layaway or Budget at Ti Feétoiié so nuance or names suns minister sinus 7i2 tin1MB Distributed THOMAS memes suvpuss BAKER ORILLIA YOU ARE INVITE TO VISITOUR SHOWROOM For Further insemination OonsultYour local gt Retail Store SMITH aunmruasq 17377 Dunlap its Barrie an aannm

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