Barrie Examiner, 3 Dec 1960, p. 10

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IfBuY Sell Rent IIir Swap ll TEE BARBIE EXAMINER SATURDAY DECEMBER 1960 ANNOUNCEMENTS BIRTHS CHALIILII At lioyel Victoria Holpitai Barrie on November 30 looo In III and lira Jann Chalmers Barrie Terrace run than Doulllr DEATHS noonSuddenly on Friday he eembcr 1m David Arthur pronce beloved air at In and lira Arthur rronca ot Mind me dear brother at Dorothy Inln Leo uagne Verna narbara llouglu and Catherine InhLI 61h Mar and loved unndson oI lira Marie Young and hlr and Ilrr George Maddern Rutlnl at the Iennrlt Funeral llome rrir nIneral InnII IIonday Decemher at 100 nm Interment Ehrll Union Cemetery PULrollDRetlred own not Ituter on Pn Drc late at Illa home so SIlvcnhom Abc Ton onto lose Pullord halntrd human or Knuth Mae Senoenon near fllhtr oI Joseph Pull lord or Guelph Norma Mis Cluk Bradley soun Porcupine nee IIIL Huold Elhtcly DI Munlr rul ml Pultord or tvtonipce and Sally lllre noben Kendrlckl Seerooro AIro rurviveo ny Il grrodehudren Health at the Jen nctt Eunlrll llome nerrle runenl scrvlce Monday Dec at no out nuerrneol narrie Unlo Cemetery IIsonIc servlco Sundly cream at Aurpieel Corolhlan Lodge rAIt nuslIAt the noyal Victoria IioI Illl Barrie Ont 0n Prh Dec WolIer rar nurn ot An gus Beloved hushund oi natty uIacIrhaiI Illd dear tether oI Deity leoe Mardl and the late Blll Dear brother oI Ado MN llunIph fly or London John 01 Mlcnle gap Rita Inlet Roy IIolungshead at Toronto Laura lire Colqu lioun or Victoria Harbour and nernord ol Bullc In his 51th you Rrsllllx at the lemon Funeral Home Barrie Funeral service lion Dec rt pm Inlerment Angus Cemetery CARDS 0F THANKS sIoltasne reltires at In late mest hi stokes lllh to extend thclr trunk and agpleclntlon to In trienda and neirh nun tor their klndncsl donor in illntiu and at the time at hla death Ilsa to Mr Fred Incy tor nn oomldcrltlnn durlnx recent your The Slollu Fatally IN MEMORIAM PATEnsoNln loving memory or wuliam hi Palerton who peeled away Dec I953 Wn who loved you Iadly min you It dam another year In our lonely nourI oI thlnltlnir Thoukht 01 you are ever near wire Luna and daughter Cllharlna nltNNchln loving memory or dear hlIIbnrld end tether wtlitam mtgr nannlch who parsed may December so Though hls rmllo Is gone iorever And his hood Iva cannot touch still up have so mmy momorler 01 the one we loved lo moon IIII memory II all klcpllllt wtth whlch well never part God mm In In keeping We have him in our he Iovlnmy remlmbered by We and iamily ENGAGEDENTS Mr and Mrs Inslln Phllllps Lancaster New anmlck en nounce the en ngemcnt or their daughter shlr cy Loraine to ADLM Donald Ellmore Royal Canadian Navy fldlIInx ion or lilr and Mrs Ernest Ellhmere Cralgnurot Onthrlo The weddinr uill taite place December 29 Iron at reven ooIock in Ihe evening at tho Church at the Good shepherd Lnnulm ME ML GAP HALIFAX GP Canadians can help in widening gap be tween the Western democracies iand the people oLLotinrAInerlca Canon Puxley president of the University of Kings College said Friday He made this ob servalion at meeting called to outline plans for Latin Ameri can Institute at Kings Ho said the institute could help bridge the gap between North and Scull Americans CODHNG EVENTS ANNUAL MEETING nhnmh HORIICULIIJRAL socmrv LIBRARY HALL WEDNESDAY DEC 800 PM WRIGIll 05 moms ELECTRIC COMEAND mum ml COUNTRY PAIR ALSO RUMMAGE SALE Sponsofldvby BARRIE AND DISTRIGT ASSOCIATION FOR RETARDED CHILDREN Ar TRINITY HALL FRIDAYHDEC 16 900 ASNI UNTIL 400 RM Inlstrlct irieude vegetahler preserves pickles Inns Jellle and hiked goodr accepted Arurler made at work shop win he on RISK lIoll open Izhuraday 100 It lozoo pm to menu dbnnllohr nor detail orpickup call Mus nAxIEItP was on MRS BRADLEPQPA 21507 CHRIST AS TEA and BAKE SALE WEDNESDAY DEC 1960 Z307PM 500 RM CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH SOCIAL HALL CHRISTMAS PARTY TIME WE SHOW CHILDRENS MOVIES DISNEY FAIRY TALES mhr® NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS Others MUST FOR ADULT PARTES REASONABLE RATES SPECIAL 6981 anemone do gt reminded that REAL ESTATE Phonon FOR SALE CARSON REALlon MOVINGTO 45A DUNLOP ST Next door to Die Imperial Theatre PA 66481 EVENINGS CALL CuAnLIS rim Ital PA um RUSSELL CARSON Rt PA IIII lmv QUINN neePA adain IIAItG smAn IIIL PA olsu Rul Estate Board Member or Barrie and DlsIrIrl MOVING Dont lorgel to render your INSURANCE and It you need extra coverage at my Itlhd SEE STEVENSONS PA 8620 B9 DUNLOP ST SUITE 103 JACK Engbnd REAL ESTATE anemia 59 MARY 51 BARBIE PA 60371 hiADIzINe Ibnnm PA 0614 PRIVATE SALE Io out end Stollnr hullt larra room hunglow Ittlchzd garage aluminum icreenr and sienna do iahed recreation room and bar PRICED TO SELL PA 68062 COUTTS Real Estate Broker Owen Street BanIr Member at Barrlo Ia Dlilrlct Real Estate Board PHONES Ollie PA ENSDream PIA 32592 CONSULT US ON bow down payment housing plans Inchnan of Propenlu ouatlonal flouslnl Loan Business Opportunitie Property Management BUILDINGS FOR SALE iwo small cabins galvanized Iron gargel ona IIDIIEPHBIIHIHK in 0rd Townth shooly Day MAY BE INS ED ANYTIME BEST OFFER ACCEPTED FOR ANY OR ALL BUILDINGS TELEPHONE BI LL PACKARD ORO Z419 irrGrayCIon KCDHL nleL PsIAIP nnom Ila humor or EAST PA 34252 OFFICE OPEN WED THURS AND FRI UNTIL 900 PM 0mm 10 Servo You llama Coulngwood Toronto EVENINGS CALL GRAYDON IioIIL PA 34608 MILLIE COLE PA 63535 GWEN THOMPSON PAO6218 AUSTIN LYONS PA ms NORMAN SheIsweII IIEAI ESTATE BROKER Dunlov Struck Em PA 89961 OR 68742 EVENINGS CALL Joe Longtln PA 6qu Everett shelswell 0rd 251i HowardNorrie PA 35453 Junk Wuhan PA 84531 Normun shelsweli PA oolsl HAROLD FORSTER REALTOR so BAYFIELD sr PA 5545 Member 01 Barfld and Dlshld Real Estate Board EVENING BALL PEG MORE PA 91119 EMORY MILLER PA Him GERRY MALLORY PA 37072 HAROLD F911st PA oIits SANFORD 51 room IIIEIII brick bungalow on double lot lelflf room dining room modern kitchen hedrooror And hath on romaee hamum heating Tolephonn PA BUILDING Iota in excellent rc sidentlal hxen with aewers ond water aid or $340000 52100110 down alanco Interest only Cull liussell Carson or Carson gfélmate PA 66481 or Rea PA REAL ESTATE ith Examiner enomlreon ooh FREAI ESIATI ROGERS CONNELL oléfuto PA 85568 TRUNK LINES nvnmnas CALI Inns II udoanPA 151 DonutsPA um FOSmIA HM I7 CDNNKLIrPA $9755 HEELS am at DISTRICT REAL STATE BOARD CLIFF BROWN REALTOR 12 IIIGII 5mm BARRIE PHONES PA 3024 PA 6a242 we hava amenCID In anytime EVERYHIING IN IIZAI MATE AFTER HOURS CALL Enlth CampxhollPRA 57 Punk Ne Ioan Lan Feruu Gun 3466 PA Hm PA Cm llIemllzII ot the Banll IIui but hard FOR INSPECTION JUST ONE LEFT NHA HOME AT 25 MARION CRESCENT REDUCED TO SELL VERY LOW DowN PAYMENT SEE MORTGAGE HOMER BUILDER 66 HOLGATE ST PHONE PA 84897 Open Satordey and sum ON NEW BUY DIRECTFROM BUILDER SE SE SAVE $50000I HOMES AND SAVE ONLY FOURLEFT Lover Bedroom Homes MUST BE SOLD BY DEC SI 1960 BEFORE OUR I96 MODELS ARE STARTED 1300 SQ FT FORONLY $1439500 WITH $164500 DOWN TO NHA MORTGAGE BONUS FIRST PURCHASER WILL RECEIVE NEW ELECTRIC STOVE LQAND REFRIGERATOR THESE HOMES WILL SELL FAST AT THESE LOWEPRICES SO BUY NOW AND SAVE MANY EXTRAS INCLUDED COnIaCf LEECH PA82670 DUPLEX on Mary street UPIler Eve rooms and Iunroom lower ilve rooms Double garage Telephone PA H259 DAILY CROSSWORD AUROSS DOWN clone lJannto lho 2Employ nod sEsklmotool 95mm 41mm Alderman feelers gt republic EHeoltntlon malice syllable Pomona 6dedered land other Elbe In summer tributary TV show Bell 14 GIrId milIto playing 15 Poem tumorlent 1851pm Infinitive Mosh Hume Emerald man Idle 11 Smoothing IE shrlxnpf do wood 20 InwDutoh 18 Fish ablm 18 Yellow oohor admirer all rope 94th oallplz 250001 26an piece 281nle mnecoot jewelry zlollidamllh article aLAmorlcon furlradon on adAprontop 396reelrllzmu 400mm fluwm Mm ill us threador 45Weoilndioo kayo $Sweot mm 1951 fina 21 22 oz the 23Covor 24 Gaelmi 27 Blunder 30 The HIIVAH PHONE PA 32 dlv lion Valoa $43me 36 Pearl on brewing Fm rfiliflifiililfi Illllfifllllfl PlumHauli Ellfifllflfllll fififlflllfl flflfillylfiflll fillImuulll filinnn ilflfillfi lfifllfiflfifi flfll mv AN EXAMINER WANT An Monradalsr lat PROPERTY FOR SAL ROSE um men aaoltn ll 11an mm BARB BEDROOMS uniting price Ior thin haven year old bedroom ham llvtam room extra urge Idtcheo huemeot toned air on healior Isru tread Inge Iamuy home all room are extra In Law down meat and the balance on one open mortru BUNGALOW WITH BASEMENT APARTMENT lint clan bedroom brick hun gIIbw mm my mum room and dioloe room IImlly Iu ehen olue two hearoom been Inan lylnmen now rcnl It so er month rnu home In arcIloot eendluan only yuu old Many extru rermi clue to uhonl COMMERCIAL LOT Commercial lot at 132 located only one block trom landlord it Ind iI varht corner location $5900 VIA PROPERTY About two acres ol good gerdeo Iliad an whlcll Ll located three bedroom home VIIIII tomhlnntlon dlntnx room Ind uvlnl room kit their VIII bulltln Cupboudl three pIKo bath lull baaemcht with churn good wall WIIII Prulum mom lllnle Mntld on hulk myth tooth oI herri acrou lmmunool CALL on on EVENING PA 82379 IIemher oi the Bhrrlo and District II snat Board WOVINO enmpllll mwvlllx urvlu anr and clllzr Call COOKE CARTAGE STORAGE LTD YOUR ALLIED VAN LINES AGENT Bull Rd Home PAINy M575 sand or red booklet BEFORE YOU MOVE PA onus HENDERSON REALTOR Io COLLIER 5mm PHONE PA 8267 EVENINGS CALL OWE MOOREPA 34360 PERCY FORD PA 3100 RITA SCANDREII PA MS DICK HENDERSON PA H358 Member or Ennla and DIstriot and ontario heal Izatato Board uhooooo oeiuey Park hedroom bunnld necreruou room lurid roeoed atlo near public 11 hooll 95 IIIOIIIIEO moo monthly rel 500 pm BUS OPPORTUNITIES for non $4000 To some TO YOUR PRESENT INCOME with Small Gopllal Investment with PhllcoBendix Equipped KING KOIN LAUNDERETTE Featurinll Doubiamad DoubleProfit Washer with AUTOMATIC SDAK GYGLE PLUS com OPERATED DRY GLEANING MACHINES KOIN LAUNDRY SALES hm no common sr TORONTO ONTARIO meIIONEI wn Hall EXCLUSIVE SALES FRANCHISE Mnnulacturer or Interior wall an elg her an openln in thll tarrl ory tor represents on to vlrlt lunI her yardr woodworking shopr buildera and contractors QUAuFICAIIoNSI Sales minded be able to meet puhllc married ago no limit ItDQUmDMENIsx Stornfl room hall ton delivery truck apd he Ible to put up small cult bond APPLY TO BOX BARBIE EXAMINER USED CARS Eddy sho and sex Vlna Stntlorl huslneu 55 loner Iala For eddluonnl idiotmotion IP Dly Box Ill Barrie Exnmlner OUTSTANDING service St on lieIIaurant available or loaslnr No II KIKllwny north of Home Volume ln Execs of 100090 launnr Rentunlit floss profit In excess or $30000 Good living accommm datlon Capital required 36nov Only qunllflo pnrlunl Deed BPDIII Tel phone 61501 or PA 8476 MORTGAGES MONEY AVAILABLE You are Invited to discuss our mortgage problem with wl out ohligntidngflrovttllni tha Klrnpenlu are on re tend plans or out or city Interest at pravulllu rater call COUTIS hm TATE lamina Owen st harri PA an haunt aold and arranged ommerclll and ruldantial money loanod anexub Ing morning Dania Mortgala Droharo HIM == RENTALS PROPERTY FOR RENT LAND Iron 1mm Ifl acres all workable Located concession Ii Inrmtll Apply Salem PA Moon APTS HOUSES T0 BENT ONE nannooM Apartment partly iurnlrhed Telephone PA Iz noun tor rent It raannablo Trill Immedlll Ddllednan PA noon Bun hlnw onCoolt Street $90 monthly elephant PAIVIH I551 RENTALS We KIWIY DICKle mm lyin mad rtuooahla rant on éoflflutu 5L StroITE fP£5l°nrlm° Bonn It Could Bouton ran noon noelfl avarunanl our place no III per month Telphon PA Mm unlulgltlhld hymen or an or Tl whim PA 327 Pp loan aruncnt com lei luroirhd ret cohlatnid DFMI suit ourlneu couple Telephone NZWLII choaAlln Iar room ed apartment lee atn tiled Ilaori throu bout child welcnmt Telephone um KATIEGARAGB Wlnhdtul In $392 To I534 nu telephone on uxzsnou bedroom moot on Terrace heated leoo orIo laund mill phone PA m3 uu minimum heated Inert mnnl roam cantnlned 335 gluing Apply Red Ind WM pad mo nnoll luroishad partment llmii com PA um In 1M LAKESIIURE room artment Move In modern klIchen rated piece hath laundry solution Tele Phone PA um BEDROOM wlnlellled Coltlle In4 lldd convenlencea heavy wlnnlr oII heeung ruroiIhco or llnflun ldhed lie Dhble PA 68839 IIIIJDZIIN threo room nun hatllll llgumlllhld pbvflofm anrc eac core In no Tolevhollo PA $957 nooni Hanna or rent or rail place hilll bumIn whoMI eloll to In ortco PA um aiter ll runmauzn Living Itoora Bed room and Kltchnn mall cIiIlfl wel com son or who hedroonu loo Pho PA 85267 runntz rumsnzn noome mod urn kitchen heavy duty Itova I14 triaerator Living room bedroom Adultr Ahstainere Apply a1 Orvo SI PA um BOOM unturnirhnd apartman led with Ireo dro and wood WI nIiler Irom Pa nlwlclg conceaelon II Phona strnud Illlil rwo RDDM bright turouhed apanmont Also one large unlum Irhed room wllh relrlgerator stove and link leollllonl PA mol MODERN unlumlshed tell con tIined heated room Ipa uncut end Bun Ierylce Av nahlo Immediately Telephone PA Mails OR noonlApartmont urnllilr ed halted Bulk and or two women or mlutary couplo Coma and me it PA Mont or PA mo SELF CONTAINED centrally loc ted room apnrtmtrnent and In Nawly decanted Avlfllblo new Ielophcno PA 3556 finds 1duzlloms 3ragewaterl rc wa as Vrltny onwm BIIII cgoITc on ILR stroud Phona lieflell stroud room wantjnds Phone PA 82414 WWW rut amps ova TIE EDEN RIVER MW MS COLLECTED AN ANNUAL KM SINCE I555 FM ANA rowsN4 TOWNS RENTALS APPS HOUSES T0 RENT ROOM Pumirhed Apartment Ad our only Apply 63 ery El Phone PA 040 R00 unlurntshad rtment 0n lint Iloor separate entrance Cnhvenlencu Telephone PA HUM 15 Two nullloonl Bun blow all conveniences on lnr lo Douhla garage Phone dado OhkaIIa or wrlta lo 71 Elm number humid and both Iurnlah or unmrnlahed laundry Iacllltle now ly decorated Parking Vary cen tral Telephone PA M671 PARKING sPAcn to rent or can onl Downtown area Pnonn IIIe uIIough II Melrou Ava PA 84239 arm LEVEL homo hey Douala hentcd Zulu Adult tamily preterm Spholalu roomr I115 month LIIer lot Avallshl Dec 16 PA omt nounl unIurnlahed heated Iplll moot privateiell nntalnrd 55 mon Telephone PA oases nun lamma Room kitchen and bath Fumililted Laundry flclllllu Parking vary cnntth Tclchhom PA soon AHRACHVE npnrte moot hut ma wanr mpgued ply 253 nunlop st list we PA 55471 or who worme on Now AVAILAIILP st Vincent modern sprcinur onenedroom ground Iloor apartment Heated Laundry InelIlIIar 10 monthly To In phona oro 1511 collect two room vain CENTRAL Sdll contained room lfnxtment Puklng Iacilltlea Availha Dee Toluphono PA HIM Ior mrther Inlormauon NEWLY Decorated room art ment Runnnnbln rent Gar eat lng 0o codrlnglon se Phone stroud 24hr UPPBII DUPLEX ilve raomI sun room and garage Central down town Avdllnhle Dec in pIy II gazlgfcullauih lb Melton Ill PA ruuNIsnnn vnpnrtmenl control rooms and hnth cell cootrlnod on me cntrnrlce Ireot II no and Wm tor parking cu lied 500 month 13 PA ozzsn AJuOmpartlyJurnlshrd Joetoil lpnrtmdnt Cloan reprote en trance 37 Eclu St North Allo agglornplnment Telephone PA WOULD SHAH now bedroom home with cnmtortahle intelleclt tual pemon or widow with child Bill 520 Dual Del byv Excell ent loomy Evenlnga PA um nannnu three rodrn orderruined npdltment lcll contained heated Iaund ecluues Nur our rtop Avllll lo llnmedintely TeIePhwna PA osto HELP CONTAINED second floor bedroom Artmen with Ltth room and klchitndlnnud control location IIented $60 monthly Adults only Tolophonn PA on LARGE Modern Apartment Kitch en with ruirigerator living room and two bedroom and hath Plot water heated Laundry room with gEIég Telephone PA M124 or PA Rooms To LET FURNISHEILDEII sittln JIQQIIIL Dowmnlra Adult only elephcna PA ones PuananniI or Uniurntshed Rog 33 and clean Very central WEE clean bright room Qlllat home Contra Pllldnl APPU l7 John st or telephone PA W130 noonApartment sell contained hot watnr llcullnl mood noor very clue to downtown Immediate osacrslon coo per month Phone EXCLUSIVE lower duplnl hed rooms llvng room dining thI kIt chen Conveniently located Av 11 Able Immediate Phona PA no evenings PA lie hath Itove refflierntdl heated Downtown Avallahlo immediatelv suit couple $76 monthly Phon PA 92411 or everIIrIgl PA Hm non nnDnooM Bungalow with recraation room em end or Dan rIE Two children welcome Apply Role or Connoll Realtors Phone PA hum ROOMED sell vcontllned IDnrte ment on ground floor Lovely hill kitchen Heated end cantul AVAIL 3311 Immediately Telephone PA nooM Apartment wIth stove and rerngerator Avallnhlu now For mnhnr inlnmnuorl call ruler 33er sales 37 Mlplp Ave PA SPACIOUS hedroom atairi apartment with pflvlthzl and entrance Pleat and hydro supplied Located In Allandale Available Jan ml Phono PA 8525 as MONTHLY Six room house heating newly decorated Gar Large lot Children welcome It Carson PA Midi or resid ence PA HIGI nmncrlvz three room nDlIIm ldlied heated apartment Nawly do eorated sou continued Stovo ra frllenltoc supplied separan upon ronce Adult only relaphooa ummann Apnrtme Living room bedroom dinette modem kltclrtsn with Iiove and reirlxera tor Control Adultd relarred Avallahla immediately 843510 noon Apartm bl tiled plec LARGE hebhoonl or Housokceolnl Room hrrnished oc unlurnIr ed 0n ground floor CentraUy located Ialephona PA 1194 nnIuIn Iumlslud hournkeeplrtr room VIIII range and flimln utes walk tom hna dcpo Phon PA 702 DUNuALow Io dhllhl wlthrymlng girl Ccntrnl Everything Inpplled Slflpzr week Girl nryoungcuuyle grefcmd Telephone PA Him or 55062 AmACIIVE Bod Sitting Room or hustnesr rlrl Nawly decorated Well equipped kitchen ahared wth otherjtrl Central Telephone PA 87052 gt ROOM BOARD noont AND nonnn nvdllnblu iTel ophonu PA 37133 Lananlront Room wltll board Parkl accommodatlon dentrul Phono 912352 BOOM AND ard in rIvata home Ior one or two glrla Ill pack lun ches At our stay For further in lomltldn phone PA DINO ROOM AND homo Large oom iorcoole om wtll rult one or two perroru Ill pack lunches law com bus stop Phona PA ARTICLES for SALE NEWSPAPER MATS sizes uxlh Ideei or lining hen houses attics garages etc Perfect insulator 715h PER DDZEN norrlo min Barrie mums INSULATED yamround Label cottage nntI room cahto Doing craters ou heatrd woo monthly clbLlI 2500 Onl ehlld Phona loan error hummer Apartment living uedroom kltdllcn and toilet plzlsu weekly Also large ground near had sitting room wordrooe space mall wrll quped kitchen SI weekly dell amt oveologr PIIIINI room artmont Kitchen pc hath Hy ro haot Water and parking ru lied sltuat ed In nlco part ot Available Immediately PA ocioz lvenlnl IA 31425 YUBNIBEEDEI llroom ylrtndcnt no er ov alogtFio telrlgantorfyfiell conthln ed Avullohlo immediately Apply Armstronr Hardware during day altar call Pl com nation In the country dig room home Modern convenlanoes coal urnc hertiog Seven mllel Irom Bnrllz near IIlghwn too Im flewmy poneuioa oioohona Iw NEW AND Mflflllfl one hedroom aplrtpienta overlapLog rcenIo Kempcmelt dry heat wa ter parking sod Inltorservire In allied washing lulu Automl wot Jib WHOLESALE TO THE PUBLIC our huslnestJh the role NAME BRAND merohondloa It fROCK BOTTOM PRICES DISCOUNTS UP To 60 ON JEWELLERY HOUSEWARIS GIFTWAIIES APPLIANCES CAMERAS LUGGAGE llAnIos sfigrérs EQUIPMENT FAIRVIAY DISTRIBUTING CO 40 MAPLE AV PA olssi overlookan wrlterr ARTICLESfor SALE DIVE WP FREE INSTRUCTION EDRO EQUIPMENT LTD 56 COLLIER PA 521 Rose Cowon Preildent 100 WOOL BROADLOOM Cargets We to Wall are ESTIMATES NORTHLAND DURACLEAN PA owl mum IiEArrll wingertyne Washr our 113 Nlpler Street Pinon bedroom rulte Ipring mattresr good LIKI now PA um 011 dry Hardtop on owner good condulou tire auto Inltlc mono Phone PA slim PINLAY IraXII SlumA ly Kempa ll Cullen In Ontlflu Iiu BASS planeIccnmloh ya old 31100 ply It In DrIvoV nCAr Camp ordcn Phone 1110 Bhlzcrltollonil lxe ucellcnt mm Call 70 will hell or M115 on sun ID sign Tclephonq PA 55154 DoUnLE Barrel shot on with can It toned cnndIlIan nIlPhonn PA mill II la up to II SNOW TIRES 110 is white walla nearly new But ouer Telephone PA scald cIrnIerAd mono or Can PA ozone Ivrhlhn Ior timber in tormotino 21 rdLImsloN combination dio and Record Plover alro cubic rato netrlgerrtor All good condl tlon Telephone PA ml DAVENPORT and two matching ehain ood ior recreation room PAJflfi ELLEN leis cm good motor Men Choir Mr Conan Cam cosloo sxdero 40 lnnlrdl SACRIFICE Pefildn Paw Co lxégll not condition PA M113 rules niectrohome Etono IllPi unit high gloss walnut o6 molt sacrihoe APPly nussell hore lilohlla IlomeI PA aiIhat WELL MADE oval Walnut It olon Dlnlns on ta are turned curportr Tolep mu PI M124 CIISTOM nuILr 210 on llianur lctlon Monte Carlo nook huohnell rcopa Bunkmlller Inlet grade barrel sling ond levels PA him butwecn and pm BINGBB Snwlnfl Mlchlnr round hohhln Ind all ragwlIll new cue Tnka over hymen $573 per month Ior mouths Apply hole at Bnrrlo Ethlner WALNUT BED IPIIIIE lfllI Duty trees matching dr neut ette $10 fitmentCI llelrl er ator sin II in good eondlton Pbooe PA heart or PA 375 UEED TELEVISIONS Iron great telectlon also Telamnken Storag IllFl and To Recurderi components ee Muy st sror wnmn LINE Pnezlnl heat trper II lax 15 it lengths csn approved uIermostal cantrahed Available loom Rurlcll cauroh Burton Ava moo CHOICE prunned Scotch Phi Chrlstmu Irees oeIlvere dog or truck lo Also llv for planting rm size no IIIw phone niiaa max mall PRESSURE Paint douhle piston oompreuor of nlr hose and so feet alot nose two gallon hint pot In Dovuhlri gun Telepone stroud IURIZ IMGE Smll BOILER eqlllppod with Iron uremia bladed flokll ram Pump nlI datumtin thar cohhflll lplog nod uni hooter APPIY loy rurl PA too PORTABLE hemloglon nand Ty good condition laki on Kano per month to Poll nor Isl Bhrrll or set menu or IE monthl Examiner USED Frlled Itovel kitchen bed room IIth roam lumllm Ill In good Ilndltlon Apply Rlllsoll church Mobile Home in Burton Ave Bard wannnvzn cup Colteo Peron torn now Berkley Heater Antonia tic Ii rectionr Telephono PAozssn or apply 115 Bnyneld SL LIONEL ELECTRIC Train 011 gauge complete wlth train hoard nwltchesr IIglIlI and loony exlrnh New condition Prlccd riilh Iot quick rain Phona PA misc PHILIPS ZMNCII Telovlslnn mow also Moflnt ehuraer nanga wlllt oven timer and minqu minder 75 Terrill can he orranged Apply in odioi Pmurs much TV in now coo dItlon Will accept but oIIer Also humor alarm lungs with oven tlmel AInondltlon 75 Ann ho sin Telephone PA or iii Din clc mule 6r 1le ll cont Centre St or telephone tiller lull moo nEPDlSEBBED Bram BOW inz Muc Ina puolt button omrd hltd rev rdd automatic hohIIIn villi der and lully outomatic tenIon Tillie over Pnymenu $831 er mnnll write her name oolc PA M310

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