Barrie Examiner, 27 Sep 1960, p. 7

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Missionary Work Studied By Group The first fall meeting at the Beacon Mission Circle was ro centty held at the First Baptist Kiwanis liux Vote Donation Kiwanis Auxiliary its fall meeting withapotuckfix Mrs DavidsSpecks To Churchill WI at the ham It also Davis oflvy spoke ward v11 Visited Canada Church Hall Creernore gull H°n sue 5° to Churchill Warrens Institute Another has of interest was Group One was le for mu decorated Washago Unit William mg preside at 11 September She that high school entrance exam the program with subject ed rth Sc 10 or the wcd look Ame ma luau told the secrets of dialstung old were first held to in Women on the Home Front din of Maxim Mary lfcflabh unber mm llrI Allen Budwln and stir am Medley presided mm Mr Mrs Davis illustrated her talk Lynne Marx dressed in oldtime service was conducted by young daughter and Mrs McNabb oi Barrie to by showing several pieces from coeturm and with the Assistance John Miller subsystem mm on mu mu on amount press be mud pram step how eachyin finish zntartslaed members vnth ery current events Mrs cm Rm wmm 55 19° airs Davis iahialorical convener duel Silver Threw Among the Emmett told of Miss Olive flun yam omdnmt Tbeways and means commit samh Sum muM in in iii in 3mm Cards Ward Buckner played me under me dummmp stltutes and has been member The program was arranged by she reaches the people through we dam male and mu Bet 5mm and Roy of Ivy branch for nearly to years the convenera of historical rc teaching Am Com 5m punt Chris mnmmud nm The motto The words of the search and current events Mrs in the Baptist Convention prom and budge would be hem Went Will be the history of the Procter and Mrs Saunte there are is Home Mission wan Bald You for new Chink future was ably commented on with the fonner In the chair Churches misslowies and Given in marriage by he everme 1y Miss Tillman October promises to be busy church services are conducted hm we law mm voted Theron call was notary olfar month for the members of in is languages Fliteen lady laws white 5m organ the Read Chum Rotten people find many lnterut Cbtnchili branch The itinerary misslonarlcs are supported by an new The bodice St hem zavzm lng and humorous tales were told Includes mllllnery class cater the Womens Missionary Society Had brim mm mm Imsuhg hum of the work and by the members present log to If three scene skit was drtv nsonlc banquet and progress Ram Unned AP Mrs Stewart reported on ilalloween partyior the dtildmn mallch by Marie Lamarche WM ma Pearls and lung peel campaign WeddingTrip To Pittsburgh Pa Standards of brow and white current the skirt was adorned with up Examiner Btu Photo BARBIE WOMAN MEETS MRS FROST Simcoa Centre women turn ed out in force and in color Thursday Chatting with Mrs Frost left is Mrs Mumber Mrs Clarke graciously thanked hirs Robertson for open ing her home for this most en joyable evening Mrs Emily Post Dies At New York NEW YORK AP Mrs Em ily Post 87 Internationally fem ous authority on the social graces died Sunday at her east aida home here Mrs Poet author of Etiquette The Blue Book of Social Usage utilized not onlyK books but also of Canada thyMIclle and Mrs Warden Pot Luck Supper fTh regular rynAonthly 1712 Angus was the home of Mn Ray Latimer Wednesday evening Sept It Meeting opened with the elngin of the theme prayer led Veryone Lords Prayer The first hymn the president events of yesteryear and the area convention of Dun Mildred Scott and Marie Tab mywm sin The mm She noted that the maple leaf troon which will be attended by hot was first accepted as an emblem hire Lynne Marx and Mrs in 1860 when the Baldwin with Mrs Allen as Prince ofWaies later King Ed alternate THE BARRIE EXAMINER TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 27 1960 oti ues of lace whilethe hack Wed by iwa enhanced with bustle effect formed by overlaying shined or ganza Her fingatlp veil of tulle illus Angus To ion felt from tiny coronet en misled with seed pearls Sho carricda bouquet in the pc of cross composed of Talisman rosehuds white baby mum and stepbaootis Mrs Jean Cook Barrio was my mum b5 COC Will Sell then repeated the Christmas Cards out runs CLARK matron of honor for her sister and Mrs Doreen DAVIE an other sister and Mrs Ann Clark were bridesmaids Cami Mo Nabh oi Capreoi and Kimberley Jean Davies were flower girls for their aunt thc bridal attendants were gownod in identical dresses of Loden green featuring princess style bodice and very full skirts They carried cascades of bronze and white mums and Talisman roses The flower girl The COC me tin was held med mums mum sung Devotions were taken gem New 555 war in The bridegroom was assisted by rs HIM The second stalled President Darlene by his brother Bruce Clark as hymn was sung Roll call was Mooney viceprgsidcnll Gram groomsmnn Bud Clark and Bill we by marlin Mur treasurer Bnlce Gnu mm were 05M titled simply Etiquette was pub four visitors Minutes of the 1mg Lemmy Gregury Mur The brides mother received PrePasted Papers aw fififlgffer midweeuu we at phi BEGIN was extended to gillow lose Orggills over tell all Monday at North Collegiate where Premier and Mrs usiio Norths cafeteria was jammed Frost received the public prior with people wtshing to shake son as Mary Street Barrie newspapers and radio to advise what is socially proper and im prfils Her first bank on social usage quottenw lgokotho other pen ny ELEANOR noes In small bedroom bathroom therewlllhbeba pot locit sum was answered by 24 mm gisdlaéslstximby tllzaohrildeirgmemmorl son co WJWWMAPH me nsemen WA FBornngalungerzM major dizgfigmfig wallpaper the ceiling and re church followed by short pro The offering was taken and moss green silk shantung green ri as wase ucn ygovcrucsses ch lti he aliailoween party intha Hap Birthday was sung to low gardenlas fiaafi 12 3510 Wallpaper and bile Offered 01 Sfpcgfirgmmys bedslmads or church basement ErucepGauley and Ronnie Ed After reception thocobplc She married Edwin Main Pint in first tima Popular price Medina cums wm Imam gar Darlene Mooney rendered left on honeymoon trtp to Pitts taken wore dress oi coffee shade on Central United Church 11 and her committee or many years Mrs Posthad mm mm readymade plastic liner memo Christmas ids we mm de l9 lie home by the children to he matte Jersey with bcigetopper Tamtllaftlfinivibbzii3tll5b5lilildnuizlm iaiiyd °c5i°iambqfs3illlllai im Hut fur the Year or 80 °°° sold as tuna raisins ellnrl and matchin accessories matcbl fabrics into their line main wusThm pick ales and anold horn vlctrola and The Fourth Train stop was Outottown guests were from Mrs Cameron preslded at St 5° gslcléuizctlosggylfiapublfi he was mm one wall with matching fabric for he such lame memmmes gm by puma Kingston oflawa mom 131 Mingle ompl ted for the him manwm mania This year however there is 59 dip° Even the novelty papers have Meeting closed with hymn Ila Whitney Gravenhurst mil ans we annual Smorgasbord to he held to what is shaping up to be the hands at the Frosts and has Various committees gave all present The minutes of the With beige accessmies H0 manners Her lc ru of et Not so In um mm The fabric could be used also ecuuve will mm he Jan 30 momthanmnempaperg machine print manufacturers wanwm Mmnm ian motifs such as high button or me misslnn colsagg of ye aw lea roses com Mum and keep hooks up to really good show in this depart PlusPASTEDPAPERS matching fabrics followed by prayer Capreol Nov The Christmas too be Tonight is the firstreguinr whoopin bollorin election Mr and Mrs Arthur Evans their reports On September 26 last meeting were read Roll finite was pink Hardenifl home decorating fielbmauhinx post the pattern by using the fab gram On October at there will dedicated accessories and oorsnge ot yel gt At the September meeting of ments were served by Mrs Cook in 52 avaname only we custom dec for shower curtain giving it The hostess then served roiresh litCitation burgh Pennsylvanti The brill In 1946 she hum me Emily have gradually been introducing PM Nd pap shoes lockets oldiashioned po The firstcltaptel of the study plated her ensemble dale meat with marvelous match To make things quite easy ell rear and bake sale will be held Etiquette She once said his mates bioomingtqperfecllon and around there an matching fab tier Street Dec Oct 22 has been the date set for the annual rummage sale at Oddfeilows Temple Col Mrs Cook conducted the worship opening with reedin entitled Evening Morning an Noon Willi Pray The scrip metiog of St Marys PTA and will be held at 930 at St Josephs Auditorium Parents and teachers from St Marys school and StJosephs high school will met together in the interests of the children Others interested in education the science of living it embraces high in qunmy everything it is the code of EXACT MATCH sportsmanship and of honor it is cthlcht Younger Girls At Most oi thesefabrl are vat dyed and hendscreened Some are excellent quality cottons oth are area such synthetics as vis cose or acetate in all cases the match with the wallpapers Is am rics coordinated with many pre pasted papers Almost every ups of design is represented There are fine damasktype patterns in large color range of delicate shades right for the formal typeof room there are excellent geometries there are pretty medallion designs ture wastaken from Psalms 147 will also be welcome special all others Ho 148 invitation is extended to St John The meditation read by Mrs Vianney PTA Cook stressed that we should large variety of ilorals are VANCOUVER cri Lack of 333 $12 33de included in the twin paper and fabrics from dainty all oveminy see the beauty in things around us and give praise instead of finding fault The service ended with the hymn My Times are in Thy Hand and prayer by Mrs Walton Mrs Harold Noland conducted Bible quiz During the social hour refresh ate school board will outline the functions of the board and will be prepared to answer questions in relation to the separate school setup Plans will also be discussed for the coming year and the program will be outlined After the formal meeting there will be social hour MARY HAWORTHS MAIL Young Bachelor Jilts AmorousGirl Friend Dear Mary Hawarth am fairly welltodo youngbéchelor have my owncar and always have been well treated by my strict but loving parents Three years ago met booth tiful girl who fell in love with me at once and being some what confused said loved her too though knew didnt sort of coasted along enjoy ing the association and didnt worry too much about it Then she became desperately amor ous and my firm resolve to re sist entanglement was hardly match for her feminine wiles Soon was constantly on the defensive against marrying her This chronic turbulence added to her true love made me grow up fast and realize what careless thing was doing SIT COWARDLY Now my real problem is how to tell her No more Is it maniyeto tell wonderfulgirl who loves you that youve never loved her and were simply tak ing advantage of her And thus break her heart Can real man look into lovingwomans eyes and deny her the only thing she wants Youll probably say its cow ardly but liam just about ready to leave town and join the Army or something simply cant marry her not even if she were pregnant as have no capacity love as sermon to support her in the style to which we are accustomed Please tell me whatto do be fore wreck our lives either hers ormine or both GL Dear seems to be the huntress fashlon nowadays this girl is setting trap for you think with her dramatic per formanca of being madly in if ya dont love her andnever did and are just getting clear on that score yet havent the courage to tell her thetruth supposathe next best brand of honest behavior is just to leave town as you suggest and let that lendit llrryouscan koopher at bay of course doubt that your taking to your heels in selfdetense would be total surprise to her Women arent fooled about mens feel ings as rule They know when theyre loved by man and when they re not But often it suits their purpose to hoodwinlt him into thloklng that they think he loves them when they know he doesnt really it you see what mean In such case they are banking on habituattng him to situation in which he may come tofael honorbound to go along with their makebelieve Very likely this is roughly the story of your romance to date And it your performance hasnt been honorable well neither has hers apparently She cynically bypassed principle to lend you astray and yousimpiy followed inquisitively part of the way If erang blow she dealt herseii NONCONFORMIST Dear Mary Howorth Regard less of what others may think or say Inm strictly nonconformist about tipping and not in the least apologetic am working women minus iuxuri so why should give gratuities to other salaried pair pie am fully willing to pay the market price for goods and serv ices but tipping Never So long as society con tinues this obnoxious undemor olatiu practice shall continue to dissent and shall make my dollations to the poorLSincarely NOT AS AFFLUENT Dear Mary Boworth Why tip hnlr dressers Most of the good ones in the better shops get good percentage or good sni amaand thelr takehome play without tips can beras high as 312000 year who is not the shop owner takes two months vacation year winter montbvin Colorado with representativeof the sepnryflmuy we Spmany at nighi mates and oventeaching of sex educa tion are the basic reasons for an increase in the number of unwed mothers in Canada says Mrs Wilfred Kitching wife of the Sal vation Armys world leader They are younger paw too lshe saidvinan interview here Many lsy 14 and 15yearolds are in our homes ordinates will give luxurious If the room Is too small or is matching walland window pat wall so Ce problems to be met these co customdosigned look that will makayoltr decorating twice as easy and twice as effective Besides the obvious idea ot using these lookalikes for win blossoms to large floral bouquets broken up with many badly These would be especially pretty in bedrooms posmoned Windows and doom There are alsotoilcs with their term can ream an job of french country scenes and mo tlfs 1mm me mm or mm gene that caught our eye was Even if the are no Specific clever arrangement otVictor science Now Piles Without she suffers jolt when youJiow outfit must be reckoned boom My hair dresser for icxamplen his famllyior arid the summer month in California worked to years before map riago was never tipped didnt come close to Sumo year and my husband hasnt hit that bracket sullenthough he might it tipped HA Dear Scribes good question indeedwhy tip If anybody has constructive answer welcome it Mil DIES AFTER FALL WATERWO CHEdwin Dotzert 57 who fell from roof 17 in Clifford last Wednesday died in hospital Monday dows and walls hole are some other suggestions lingual FURNITURE PRICES SELECTION SERVICE AT BARRIE FURNITURE LTD masses er en onset van on colonial Lott Pain or Discomfort ml Substance as And not as in SW litsou Toronto Ont Special the first time science has ound new be substance withtlle ability to shrink hemorrhoids and to rellovopoin and itching Thousao ave been relieved tit this moxpeonva mbstanco right in the privacy of their own homo without any discomfort or inoonvunlenoe Ingres after case while gently reliamng pain actual reduction shrinkage took place Most nroasln of allresults were so thoroug thataunamre made statements like Piles have ceased to ho problem hllbo asstage newdlitealfngsgb savory famous solentlliil institute Now this new healingaubstanoa isoflercdinaufipoaitoruoromtmm form called restoration Ask for it so all drug storesmoney back guarantee GENElItAt lEQBTB 37 DRYERS bneuen WmI ooouun rearunss Time selection up to 140 restart switch Full washer loa minutes Safety capacity Noheet fluffing Eiiicient lint trap Mag netic latch GE Written Warranty Wld or lab at 36 Depth rm Backsplaaher lit 41 Wt 185 lbs PRICEDT0 slur YOURBUDGET EASY BUDGET Mellillllliii antitrust reams Factory Trained Service Lots of Er 123 Pehcteng st at st inceni ca Pnrkinz Monet Vonnit rd 311mm spendmytelephonermofleli vhf is mic story WQna of our telephone peoplerecentlly passed neighbourhood lunch cpunter where some children were about to order second round of milk shakes and soft drinks One little boy called Ji announceffirmiy dont spend my telephone money Mary 10 db had one dimeleft his Obviously Jimmys parents had convinced himthat hed never have to or worrynor would theyabout being late or getting lost it be always kepta

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