Job inadequate Raps Royal Probe On Price MONTREAL CP Mrs Walton of Toronto member of the recent royal commission on price spreads and tamer president of the Canadian Association of coin swear an oday the commit Inadequate of finding out why foodmar ting costs went up in the last decade Addressing the annual meeting the National Dairy Council of Canada Mrs Walton who pre centcd mbiority report when the iccomrnem daiiors lo the federal government said the emphasis was mic placed in the commissions inves tigations The commission trying to find out why the difference had grown so large between the price the farmer got for his produce and the price the consumer paid for it in the store stressed the smaller factors in the cost of marketing Hire Handicapped Starr Urges Kiwanis Members llvoid WINDSOR CPlLabor Minis ter Michael Starr Monday urged LNG Kiwanis members to fight discrimination in hiring hoodi opppgdlgyvomsn and older work rears to avoid fantastic waste of manpower The minister addressed seslt sion of tha annual meeting of tha Uilï¬m Quebec lï¬rihhe diva sion of Kiwanis International No law can eliminate the prejudice which is at the root of discrimination he said This can only be done by education Mr Starr opposed diacriminar lion against women handicapped and older workers It maysurprise you to learn some workers are considered old at 45 This situation leads to fantastic waste of manpower en tirely aside from the hardship it brings to the individual Sorna women are considered old at 35 In federal provincial pro gram he said employment was found for some 4689 handicapped never worked and cost the gov persons of these somodï¬m had never worked and cost the gov ernment an estimated $3500000 ii RESOLUTION PRESENTED ro BARBIE CITY comica SEPT 26 1960 RESOLUTION Barrio Planning Board 79 cameraman Bantam Ontario 77 Gentlemen It would appear that the Department or Highways has changed its policy re the establishment of com merciai businesses in the Barrie oloverleada misleadappears that the Department of Highways may allow the development of commercial motel and service station facilities directly on Highway 400 This would be very serious matter tor the City of Barrie The undersigned request that the City Council ask the Department of Highways to confirm that the De partment will maintain the same policy re the non commercialization of Highway 400 and the protection of the Highway 400 cloverleafs as the Department has enforced since 1955 Many of the businesses in Barrie have established and expanded their business on the basis of this De partmental policy and we feel it would be most unfair nowV change this policy IWe the undersigned wiu obserye with interest the above request cc Barrie City Council Barriedhamber of Commerce Hon Fred lvi Cass Mlnistcrof Highways The above Resolution has been Yours very truly CITY OF BARBIE BUSme Asbestos an Cos Papas Ahlilbl Pap Ill vCMnuIl Alronu dtui Alumlnum Ltd GI Alhl ll allqu Jan oi NA Boil rui co lrlflllll IA 91 EC Iqu con air of col Cg lrflurln Canada Comm era Chemical CHI Curl Canadian on so can Ilia Baa Dan Lilli an Pow Hlfln Home the producesuch as cold stor ago advertising and packaging MORE IMPORTANT 0n the other hand payments to people and taxes in total un questionably far more important were not reconciled and were dismissed with far too little coma ment The commission had also looked too hard in the wrong places to find the costlier part of the mar keting system The wrong places were the wholesalers and retailers in volved in less than 29 per cent of the total marketing expenditures whereas there was considerable evidence to show that the food processors and In acturers were responsible to greater de ree for the increases that took place She also disagreed with the rec ommendation to set up perman ent council on prices lealf Can Erin Clair Chib Can Del rtlo can Nona cons mums gun Hall anus Initfvln lainonbiidg auaaar It Hollib er Ksrr ddfao nssse le Idyl Normal DIVIDEND minim rower Ind Paper Co Ltd dividend Nov Bhawinl sble Nov DOW402mb NEW Industrial no mo Golds up New York market gallon 7211 save every indication that us car reni down trend mart carry fur the before bale can emu shed The technical hound which snowed int Mandi Ilntlon of the buy cod lt level was extremely weak and $1511 resumed lull around Prices lava ground slain lud deniy Friday values rose to 15 million from 197 nllllldn Ind on the onnllnl tut bath the in dnltduflnd rillInn fraud their Holidays laws to mow lnto new low ground With little In to weekend nsvu doll lied to spur buyln fallen In cranial number observersarr mad closer to resent ievn Waste 55 than to Buy monly can lncoma lypl ob yeia nonlinua to bought an the V7 outflow of us gold The Clnlfllln market acted well could as exerted last Toronto intlIlfl Ill drclin compared with was let Ibo D4 LA Ind all It some eight points Ibbvl the was low rs Toronto ms index rats an wl three paint tb NO0N DOLLAR MONTREAL CF The v5 dollar was at discount of Per cent in terms of Canadian funds near noon today Mondays noon rats was 97 NEW YORK GP Canadian MICHAEL STARR annually lilr Starr said their earnings the first year mounted to 8500000 He said 45000 letters against discrimination have been sent to employers TORONTO DAILY am SEPT loan csss HINTS llléljBan Gas Stop On 401 He said that development policy is activelyundor con sideration in the cabinet and no minister has particularly strong views on the matter But the minister himself refus es at this point to speculate on what the policy should be or mlshths Naturally as highways min later hsvsrny own views but this is matter of government policy and as member of the government cant speak Mr Cass says Defines iiiorient But thisisthe problem as Mr Gangrene it as cabinetmama September is 1960 immediate vicinity of the ET Should there by any service areas located on major artery such as Highway 401 or should motorists be expected to use off highway facilities built to serve traffic on nearby adjacent and cross roads ll it is decided that such facil ities should beprovidsd should they be leased by the govern meaton controlled basis or should they be thrown open to general commercial cnmpeti tlpn Mr Cass admitted that the governmentimay decide it would not be in the public interest to permit ranhighway facilities But should the government decide all permit service aicss then it would have to decide the manner of operation Mr Cass said that experience gained from Ieasingsites on the Queen Elizabeth Way and High way 400 has provided the depart ment with useful information too would hot necessarily be thebest for Highway 401 High way 400 is completelydifteient operation said Mr use rltl essentially iWeekeiid an Vacs ti ed not for Du Dora m3 Don Item amous Play Hudson lay lis lllv TIWG lu Oil Aces $3355 ti locks Club Labia Pic ncco Minn Laurens Illrltfmu II VI MOI ALT IIOCKI Central Del Illa Dom lllflu luperlll Oil Norlrlda Kerr Addison In Water and Mar co com dividend Oct Clrildhn Vlgkerl Ltd 66mm 10c paylbib Oct ll ex dividend Bent so lunar comm Prion mwmur ii ui is list all Qs lit 17 17V snack Mac Powell Riv MINING Co trail smut mar genius up as United on Wall AmtII Willaq minusmm clue Me plybis nee ex on so pay YOII Hanan Industrial up 11 Rail down 17 Utilitiu dawn mloNln sauca EXCHANGE mill null dan 03 om down 1060 Mill of 9001 Th 115 doi Ir shaved renewed Mill re suitlndia in cans as unbrokanqdptnnd carter of U1 ammonia on down mi from new billion la the flrll quartr 15inch th land all no IllIII min gut in for lb flntylftxfl the like crl us up 11 his in ad bill Ilh all rfiocts ca volume increase of only 5s Aluminum Co or Clnad nuanced production is being bulb ed at cnadpotllnl at Arvfda one at te by current weakness in Arne cab markets rn cutback amoun to annual rudlw lion rats of 17 con tone In thl company Inchad it reduction to annual rat of Mr Ions from sumo In December ll bltt Thomson Ind Co Ltd dollar 546 lower at $102 Sld in terms of us funds Pound ster ling Md lower at 30 1816 PLAN BIG HOTEL TORONTO CPIPlans were announced Monday for construc tion of 34 000000 hotel adjacent to Toron new international airport at earby Melton heavy traffic as 401 will be when finished Mr Cass feels thatmotel ds veiopment is not necessary along Highway 401 because It is essen tially road that motorists will use because they want to get across tbspruvince ortoa par ticuiar point in it as fast as pos sible It is not tourist highway except as means to reach high ways serving tourist areas Mr Cass said he was aware that US roadside dining chain had been interested in establish ing along Highway 401 Every minister and member of theOntario Government should be vitally interested In protecting the financial smbility of the municipalities to his rid ing There are cases where large financial invertinonts have been made to supply off highway goods and services based on De partment of Highways of Ontario policy catahliabed prior to 1955 We feel that the small investor should not be sacrificed by change in Policy at any time The Government should not use the taxes obtained from business to compute direct ly in preferrcd competition where there are now adequate facilities available We have been told by Mr Crowhurst of the Signs and Buildings permit branch of the Department of Highways of out aria fthat if Motels were built on Highway 400 the Department elf Highways wouid build em The Department of Highways of Ontario has found it necusury to closeoffservices on the Queen Elizabeth Way We feel that no difference of purpose exists between High ways idland Highway 400cther than direction Baiting EXAMINER snrr 201960 Zli llcresr Sold Beside Hiljhway fhere has yetbeen narconfir mation from the Ontarlnvgovem msnt that it plans to allowser vice stations or motels along Highway lot as was feared by ODilYS STOCK PRICES column in nu mu in com so lmu lire Dead Fear Weekend Race srocx hairsr industrin nae Up Others Quiet TORONTO CP ibduutloll were stronger today in quiet stock market while all other see tioas 1er marking time On index industrfais were up mm golds atom Base metals were off no at 15035 western oils 01 It ms The it no volume was 465 000 shares compared with Pri dsys 309000 Dominion Stores and AngloCs nadian Pulp psoed Industrial higher up Vi each at 55 and 42 Imperial Life dropped all at as with Consumers Gas and Gati ueau Power of In each at Lils and M56 Campbell Red Lake and Molly tyre were among the few gaining mines ahead it each at 15 and Holllnnr and KerrAddison used each at am and ma Falconbrldge and Narands were off vi each at di and am among base metals Geographers MONTREAL CPlde lonely stretches of the Canadian north spparently have claimed the Brian Haywood and Andre are anier both 25 will be found alive Both studying for masters de grees in geography they ven tured into the rugged Ungava region of Labrador July to study earth formations An Eskimo found their canoe wedged between two boulders on rapids in the KoroIt River sou miles north of Montreal McGiil sent Coi Baird supervkor ot field studies for the geography department to Join the RCMP search and he retumed Monday Two other geographersAnne marle Kroger as and Jean Goodfellow 27 were reported missing July is on an expedition to Great Bear Lake Their l7 loot freighter canoe was found overturned on the lake and two lilo Jackets were found several miles away local business man at local meeting Sunday The Examiner learned this morning however that the gov ernment through the department of highways has expropriated is acres of land immediately ad jacent to thh ssst portion of Highwaydob from concession 13 on the south to Little Street in thenorth Noinformatlon is obtainable by us from Responsible Gov ernment Official regarding the use of this land sea No Motels Built on 400 PC Candidate Thsrel absolutely no truth that there are any motels to be erected on the 400 thats straight from the big brass 50 said Simcos Centre Pro greasivo Conservative candidate Arthur Evans in an interview with The Examiner today Mg Evans spoke In contrast to the arsï¬xprflfly grovupr of Barï¬s businessmen who corn plaiued to Barrie planning board Monday that It would appear that the department of highways has changsdfltspoltcy re the etablishment of commercial businesses in the immediate Vic inity of the Barrie cloverhaafs Mr Evans said department policy has always been the same along the superhighway as it has been for cloverleafs He said the department would be carry Ing on it program of having restaurant service stations such as Bardis 400 and the Chatter box Restaurant but no motels There will be no morevrest auranls than originally specified when the 400 was first put through believe its four We are not ignorant of the fact that Mr Evans Is running for the Prognessive Conservative Party asa candidate is candidate in Byelectioo authorized to antiwar question of this importance regiirding Government Highway Policy The Minister of Highways Mr Cass has received copy of cult resolutiontut to data we have re ived noreply In his intcrvicwwith the Toru onioiDafly Star on September 1960 he stated that western oils temporarily were checking the recont slide Central Delhiouinlngwoeutssttdu banks Gold climbed to their best daily win ip it years to feature Mondays sagging market On index they pimped 400 at ms while lndustrlsis following norvouly on developments on Wall Street and at the United We tlons dropped 48 at m7s Base metals are off 71 at 15038 and western lost 219 at 5249 Golds faced with the ms of the United States rovgmnlgl bwlng Canadian stocks to re place Myers 21623 YIellowknffe rose cintyroPorcu pine improved Yr at Steels utilities paper and all suffered at the hands of interomens and ï¬nancial un certainty Internatlona Pacer Ivluerced its group with drop of at lee Maciaren jumped litres points at so MEETVOUR melt CONTESTANT In The mvrsmrivr CHATS Crawford and Co Lid Dump It PA $101 F1 to What is snwlnvestment po olio On investment portfolio is is planned selection of securities put together to achieve specific purposes for the owner Each lecuirty in the portfolio has contribution to make towards satisfying the investors require ments as to safety of principal income marketablh Ith of capital MRS JOAN DUNGEY RR Utopia IR MillionAngus Area gt She is competing with other ladies to win an allexpanse paid 7day vacation in New York City for her and the guest of her choice you cm by ELP HER WIN suaseniamo or nauswmo to The canals committee verbally that meat Policy is actively under consideration in the cabinet But that tthVflnlster himself Pefusa at this point to speculate on what the policy should be Has Policy been decided sin ce Mr Cass statement to the press of September 1930 Mr Evans states that the De partment policy has always been the same for commercial devel opment along the super high ways as it has been for the Clov erleafr Mr Crowhurst of the Depart ment of Highways advised all policy of the Department of Highways was changed in 1951 withregard to controlled access Highway Cloverleafs The Planning Board of the City of Barrie denied all know ledge of this change until few weeks ago Mr Evans ststes that he be lieves that only four service sta tions an drestaurants were pro vided for in original plans of the 400 Highway Mr Crowhurstot the Depart ment of Highways stated that Therewers eightservics sta tions and restaurants proposed in the original planning We cannot confirm or deny either of these statements take Your choicel Mr Evans can see no motels built on 400 Highway He states there is absolutely no truth that there are any motels to be erected on the 400 Highway That is straight from the BIG BRASS WHO IS THE BIG BRASS The resolution in question in cludes restaurants and service stations as well as Motels Planning Bd Says Regulations Re 400 Outside Jurisdiction deputation with petition signed by more thou 100 hust nessmeu in Barrie vvlsitcdubar rle Planning Board last night andintirhéted heir concern of possibleehanges in policy on Highway 400 restrictions The planning board informed the deputation that regulations imposed by the Ontario Depart ment oil Highways on Highway plicsnts for permits to thsJDept sxammsn of the board The board did not feel it could make any recom mendations to city council on this point Regarding building within the city limits adjacent to Highway loo each such application had to be accompanied by Depart ment of Highways permit lg it was within 1300 feet of the gh Way Three potential areas for tha development of service sta tions and motels in the vicinity of the highway wore zoned in the city limits OUTSIDE LIMIT Respecting the question of the new molel at Essa Road the board informed the delegation that this had received clearance from the Department of High ways and it was in any case outside the restricted 1800 fast if Dept of Highways regula tions regarding areas in Towns and Cities adioinlng controlled access Cioverlaafs was changed in 1951 why did the Barrie Pian nlng Board continue to send an of Highways for clearance as late 1959 Why did the Dept ofrHighways in 1953 iguana psr mit fora commercial business in an area over which they had relinquished controljn 19677 Will the Barrie Planning Board or the Dept of Highways obtain or supply copy of the 1957 amendment to the Dept of High ways Regulation Act to be publt Iished in local Newspapsri Do We Judge Candidate by Na ture of the Gossip The second nimor about pos sible change in policy respecting controls on Highwayeror was more deadly to the business prospects in this community It has been given some substance by the fact that apparently three business man from the city who went to the Department atnghways totlnd out could get no clear answer If tliewritei ot this Editorial Column would wish to the front pagcof his own paper on the same date so his editorial an pnarcd he would find that the Dept of Highways had purchas od twenty six acres of land ad giim were beyond the jurisdiction jaccnt to the area on 400 Hi DEADLY ISSUE AFFECTINGALL BARBIE BUSINESS way which was recently survey ed for Service Station and Red taurant Wasita RUMOR or ll foot Bertram Bros Given Tourist Centre Project local construction firm has boan awarded the contract to build the Ontario Lakeinud tour ist reception centre Just out of Barrier was announced Turn day by Public Works Minister Ray connell Bertram Brothers Limited of Barrio wasawarded the $38347 contract having had the lowest tender The job is expected to provide work for the regular working staff but is rift expected to rs qulrs extra casual labor rs portad spokesman of the firm this morning All the help will be local OX cept for that working on the ace bustical tile which isjnotemsnuwri factured In Barrie THREE MONTHS The firm described the infor mlation cdntreas thrssvmonth J0 Work is expected to start as soon as the contract is signed The onavstorey building will be built on Highway 400 at the foot of John Street With reference to the above news item we heartilyandorse the decision by the Ontario Gov ernment in incating the Lake iand Tourist Reception Centre in Beautiful Barrie copy of our Resolution has been sent to Theharrlajhamb er of Co mm fee requesting their support THIS space ass sacs PAID pan or ran wonasronan Businessman ro acoumr THE CITIZENS OF BARRIE ffll THE APPARENT DISIN ERESI BY THE GOVERN MENT 0F ONTARIO IN THE WELFARE 0F BARBIE Ray Osborne Chairman Lloyd Smith CEcll Mllla Daltoh White