Barrie Examiner, 27 Sep 1960, p. 5

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Tell The comm ran annals alemNasrunsnAr semesters21 lm THREE cmlmiims pacsanr Experience Re cord Were SGtiSfied sumlmronor pmronms Count 111 Government By JERRY CDUGELIN Liberal Candidate Thank you for this opportunity to present my views on Thurs days byclection in Sirncoe Cen tre This is very important by eiectlon tor the people or Simcoe Centre and for the people of Ontr aria if this riding remains on the government side we are in effect telling the government that we are satisfied with pres riding believe can do good lob for them at Queens Park ent conditions and happy with the way they are problem tt am elected the government will not change but tho people of Sirncoé Centre will have serv ing our To sum it all upby electing me the voters of Simcoe Centre will not change the government but they will serve notice to the toryGovernment that tiley are no satisfied and that because they are nr satisiir No sending another Liberal to Queens Fan to strongman the opposition in its fight for better deal for the people of Ontario Tho enthusiastic reception have received in the past few wceits makes me confident that the people of this riding approve of the Liberal policies and that they Intend to vote Liberal on Thurs Througbout the Sims Cen tre bycicction umpaign The Pkamiocr hasendeavor cd to present objective and comparable news coverage on all three contending cans didatcs Examiner political reporter hfiian lforcok and other starters have ranged the riding covering political meetings and speechu But apart from impressions gained from the huryburly on tho bustings this news paper believes the electors would also appreciate the opportunity of considering the various iatforms side by side at As the campaign draws to close we have asked each of the candidates to write summation of their views for publication in The Examiner Mr Coughlin lttr Evans and By ARTHUR EVANS PmmasiveCouservattvo In the past several months have been campaigning untir ingiy over the entire riding of Simcoe Ccntre first for nom ination as ProgressiveCons rv Mr Gearing the order is alive candidate or Simcoe en lgbabctlcail kindly consent Wo are happy to devote the following space to those surn motions in the hope that they will aid the electors of Simcoe Centre in bringing an informed and considered opinion to the polls Sept idaie with grcat newly tie and second after receiv ing that nomination as the Pw gmssiveConservative cand During this time travelling around this county know so well have met and talked many people many old friends and many made friends and what Take for moment searching look at the past You cannot help but agree the leaps and bounds Simcoe Coun ty has made have been tre mendous This did not lust happen by chance great deal of planning and know how went into all of these improvements Highway 600 for instance is leading the entire province to our doorway ail rural munic lpalities are benclitting by development roads of which the cost is paid 100 per ccnt by the Provincial government pro gram of reconstruction of exist ing highways which includes ed noticator the whole of Omar in that they are not satisfied that they believe much be done thn it1 no wing the Liberal criticism of govern mcnt policic van cutl cisrns andshouid be acted upon What are some of the prob lems sincerely believe that day Human Needs Above impresses me most is the way in which have been received by all of these people old friends rallying to my support and new ones coming forth and supporting me As have said in the past it is with regret that could not have met every The ngreSSiVOCOtlscrvlliVo single person in the riding Highway 90 from Barrio to Camp Borden now in need of immediate attention Highway 11 north into Barrie and could go on and on however as have said before these things did not just happen they were planncd and executed by JERRY COUGHLIN ARTHUR EVANS or outpatient services and to cover those who need it most the single most important prob lcm lacing our country today is the chronic everyincreasing un employment evident in every part of our count in rla there are 1000 people unem ploycd believe tll is lilo duty of the government to pm vid leadership in an effort to relieve this unemployment which in the winter months ahead will increase very grcatly fanagement and labor should be brought together by govern ment to solve problems of joint concern such as unemployment job and wage security and above all the elimination of job discriminntton hecallsn The Liberal party has all Avocatcdrthewstnbltsttr transferabil or portable pension scheme which will help achievo these goals MARKETING Our farmers are caught in costprice squeeze their net in come is steadily decreasing The Liberal party bellevcs the gov ernment should establish De partment of Marketing which will seek out new markets for agricultural producLs and sup port the farmers own mnrkct Ing associations Wo do not op prove of Bill to which puts farm marketing groups under the con trol of commission not respon sibleto parliament Liberals be lieve credits should be made available for the construction of storage and processing plants that will attend the marketing season for farm products Education is something we are all concerned with The Liberal party believes that lack of mon ey should not bar anyone trorn getting as much education as ho can profit from BURSARIES We believe that bursaries and scholarships should be made available to every deserving stu dant We advocate $300 per year cost of living grant to stu dents forced to attend univers the chronically ill These are serious nn mart icrcic in the prose 10 laii of Ontario the tourist business is an Importau pan our on omy At the present time the tourist industry is depressed industry At Wnsaga Beach even the Consorvntivcs admit that much of the blame can be ploc cd on the Department of Lands and Forests which has mode mess of the beach Wilv shodd our tourist industry be active for summer We have good skiing fncillties ncar Harm land in this riding and the De pnrtment of Travel and Public yphouhljmvidmnduammm ottrnct tourists from the United States and other parts of Canada to those places The Liberal par ty also believes greatericradit facilities SAID be mane avail able to tourist operators One of the forgotten mon in our society is the small business man Til wtrnus iirorciri policies otthe Diafenbnker gov ernmelt has possible for the small 12 gs man to obtain credit to improvements and expenses The Liberal party advocates the establishment of Department credits information and advica to assist small business men in Ontario The average worker finds it difficult or impossible to obtain the large down payment neces sary to build house today We advocate lowcost housing pro gram to provide homes for as little as $500 down and low monthly payments Using prov infliai credit this would cost very lit ORDINARY MAN This is platform designed to help the ordinary man in Ontar iothe former the industrial worker the small business man It is platform which am proud to stand for and if elect of Small Businesses to provide Other CO By WILLIAM GEARING CCE Candidate Tile two great partlm were like two bottles Each bore it contained but each was em pty James Bryce entered this election as CCF candidate because believe at political party must be guided by profound sense of puts human welfare above other considerations Commitments to their finan clul supporters render the Tor as and Liberals unable or un rwluinLtoJctnvholabe accordance with this principle When first became interested in politics and examined the pol icles and records of iitieal ti reiected the ol par ties for that reason found that the CCF does put human needs above other considerations and that is why inrrflghtlng this election as CCF candidate Both the Tories and the 11le nls have been in and out of ob lice at Queens Park and at of tawa They have had ample op poltunlty to introduce health in surance at cost compulsory automobile insurance at unrestricted educational oppor tunities le islation to protect the consumer alnst deceptive ad vertising measures to protect small business against unfair lsompetition pad dominaitxilon by arger corpora ons gen pro ducer controlled marketing plats agricultural price supports relat ed to production costs posh tive program towards full em ployment and the many other progressive measures needed in country ut they have not done so In stead tbere have been delays Investigations by royal commis lions careful study and little or no action Promises have been made and used as cums paign ammunition through sev eral elections and stillhave not label denoting the kind of liquor justice and conscicnce which nside WILLIAM GEARING The pcopleof Slmcoe Centre deserve jobs decent incomo through fair farm prices and fair wages Proper health care full educational opportunities pleto political liberb and hon est government That is the has Nsb is of the program which Lad vacate EMPLOYMENT Being against uncm ployment is not enough We need positive program of action including the follow ing measures Planned industrial develop employment merit to secure full and fair wages Systematic planned con struction ofmuch needed bospl this schoolsand lowcost hous ing thereby increasing employ ment in the construction and sup ply industries People who get these industries will stimulate employment still fur ther since they will then be able to buy the goods and services of work in mmouainoph com agricultural products in rela tion to duation costs And it shou encourage instead of hinder the growth of dcrn oeraticaliy operated produc er controlled marketing plans Similarly the Ontario Labor Relations Act should be amended so as to guarantee genuine col lective bargaining rights to all working people the unorganized the organized and civil servants The Ontario Hospital Plan must be improved to in clude those services which are not now provided and to ulflJuciLasAho lapseot coverage of unomr ployed persons who cant pay premiums An urgent negd is comm ensrve medical insurance plan operated at cost and designed to make available to all the best medical care that medical science can provide True to form the Tories and Liberals talk exploring ways and means which will mean delay after delay The need is for ac lion now anuqarloN most pressing chal lenge is in tha field of education Looking for leadership from the botario department of education is as difficult as trying to find cough drop in coal mine according to the chairman of the North York board of education Although an obviolls exaggera tion this statement underlines the failure of the Tory govcrrr merit to provide leadership in many aspects of education With regard tortilla financial aspects obieducation the pro Vince should make available tul tion and living allowances to stult dents who have the ability to en ter university And at least 50 per cent of the cost of education should be paid by the provincial government As demonstrated by re the lids have had good government late would have possible in the short tim George been in government of Ontario has lemmeni Which has fore lm made this province second to Thamorc have travelled the more realize how much Simcoe Centre has progrc in the past 10 years and the future holds for our riding great deal of this is due to and good representation by my friend Johnston ask myself what is roullwd mcnt just that is the very government 16 YEARS one to continue this good govern as you must The only answer can come up with is experience expcricnce gained at munic ipal level because after all yourscit bestow In my 16 years of municipal governmentrIhsv immense amount of knowledge and insight into the prohloms concerning municipalities and their people have seen and worked with those about solutions to them which would be beneficial to every to bring none in the Dominion of Canv ada an enviable record indeed And how has this been done By experience under the load ershlp of Premier Leslie Frost In every phase of government wenecd this experience to con tinue this job and on Sept 29 we have the chance row Premier Frost and th Irn gressivo Government of Ontario that we endorse his policies and also elect to the Ontario Legis lature representative with this experience do not intend to attempt to get your vote with empty pro miseswhich in the future cannot mm have never done this in the past and will not do it now but do say elect me to Queens Park and sight and has kept the future of this county and province first and foremost in its mind have been accused by my opposition of hanging on to Mr Fmsts costtails If all of the benefits we have resolved have contributed to this would say they are good coab tattsto hang on to NO YES MAN This however will not be entirely the case do not in land to be yes man for any one and if elected to Queens Park as have stated above shall attempt to give this ri ing my utmost in representa of my ability to see we receive an fair share of good legisla Oll SeptembeLflm rwulmrmysasmT tions to your problems will treat them as my own and fight for this riding as have always done and you can rest assured will sac that Simcoo Centre gets its fair share of the many improvements need ed in the in AT CAMP aonnnl Opening New Mess Hall ay in our county is day every one has the right to choose the man of their choice to rep sent them and believe that am that man With all sincer ity ask you to seriously con sider the issues at stake in this election and mark your ballot for ART EVANS In Honor Of Col Webb Thursday Said to be one of the most modern and fully equipped mess halls it has been named in honor of the late Col Ralph Humphrays Webb D50 ODE MC ED is distinguished war CAMP BURDENWebb Hall Construction Company of Ham new swman dining hall for corporois and privates of The Royal Canadian Arm Corps School will be opened here in colorful ceremony iiton work began on Webb Bali about 18 months ago and was Service destined to replace the antiqua ted wartimehuts in which the RCASC School personnel have had to dine Col Webbs son AICol It Webb of Ottawa wfll be on hand Thursday to cut the rib ban and officially set the new World War He held various appointments in the Corps and sinned in the Canadian Army Service Corps and went over seas as Lieutenant with the lat Divisional Train in 1914 For his servlcosduring the battle of Ypres in April 1915 he re ceived one of the first MCa to be awarded Canadian in facility into operation ctionsand will lvorlcto4hebcst other industries program to train for new jobs workers who have lost or veteran who in World War set up and directed the catering organization for the Canadian commanded the 4thDivisional Train from January 1916 to July 1917 when he was trans cent order by Ontario Hydro to its employees not to engage in political activity Ontario needs cen fulfilled The Tory prom ise to pay 50 per cent of the cost of education in Ontario is now ed will fight for it at Queeni lty away rom nme Park We believe that the property owner is hearing an unfair share of the public and high school costs and that the provincial gov Exceptfor six years overseas with the RCAF have always lived in Simcoe Centre Before 17 years old Where some pro gross has been made it has are about to lose their jobs be cause of automation portable pensions schema Bill of Rights teeth in it my to protect the po all citizens including civil ser Under contract by Barclay the ferred to the Infantry While Commanding Officer of t7thBattalion tnnw the been done reluctantly under the pressure of public opinion spear headed by the CCF Hospital plans are an example The On farto Hospital Plan came into being only after the CCF Sas katchewan plan had been suev cesstully operating for over 10 years And the initial hesitant step was made by Ottawa not by the Frost government which wiu remove one of the ma jor obstacles to the employment of older workers Useful public works projects such as the construction of more bridges over railway crossings The Government of Ontario should bring pres sure on Ottawa to adopt the idea of priee supports for vmn SCENESIROMINNISiILS 1980 scaoolrlllll cmment should gradually as some more and more of this burden Incentives should be pro vided so that an adequate num ber of weilquaiitied people will be attracted into oln teaching professions do not think the present Ont aria Hospital Plan is sntisfact ow It should be extended to nov Westrninster Regiment he was awarded the D50 and Croix do Guerre but in April 1913 he was severely wounded Coionel Webb was oommis the war was farmer and sin ce the war have been sales man and an auctioneer This work has taken ms to every sec tion of the riding know the people of this riding know their problems Living here in Barrie in the centre of our long narrow riding am within easy reach of all the people of this Davies PA um amount of donations except for reasonably small amounts Also there should be limit on the amount of money which political parties may spend Finally wish to point out that if am elected intend to fight for the principles of human welfare which have described and do not intend to be sit ni backbe vanis and employees of Crown agencies Tory and Liberal sil ence about this fundamental is sue indicates lack of concern about the basic fights of thous amnk of our citizens In the interest of honest government the Elections Act should be amended to require that all political parties reveal the public the source George CONSTRUCTION LTD lAlSI IIMES TODAY sanaanm HITCECOOKS RUTLEDGE Adult ant STARTS UPROARIOUS Mlle FROM TH so THE BIGBESTSELLER as Marriage and how to mix the two Honor sumolong r5 it JOHN MILLS INTRODUCING nanny liIILLS Starred in Walrmsneya ransom DOG SHOW sawmany en tries and dogs of many breeds contending for top honors Rachel is French poodle own THE Poms were the envy of all the school children at innisfii School Fair First prize won by Lynn Rogers of ed by Bill and Noreen Kc nedy of Alanna Beach School was the winner Lad at left is just an interested bystnndet Nantyr School nbovc Littlest pony was ridden by the littlest contestant Bonnie Ebb of Knock School cam now isa proud little youngster as he holds the hat tor of his prizewinning pur rrnsr ralzr for marching at the innisfii School Fair last week went to Alcona Béahb bred Foiled Shorihorn bull And most professional show izg manner the youhg manhas School Here til 8A Alcona Boob ADDED annals ts Wonderful world Tiger Buy at 700 and 1010 WonderfuiWorld At 845 Ladies VA Chiidrerlsl Wear FASHION SHOW PLEASE bONiT EAT No Extra Admtsafon THE AiSlES in CINEMASCOFE and limoWl yiiiiiSiiiiESliliiiiiiiiiiflii iiiilili llllll firm ON OUR STAGE JOAN GARRICKS ON THE SAME FASHION snow PROGRAMME WEDNESDAY ONLY

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