Barrie Examiner, 27 Sep 1960, p. 2

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NEW MUSIC STORE OPENING HERE Street view ol the new Can adian Academy oi Music Cens ire 42 Maple Avenue Barrie shows show window lull ol shiny musical instruments part of complete stock and low era sent to owner John Jooeltk Barrie on opening his new business enterprise Mr Joseiik be on two years ago in the music usiness locally with his Canadian Academy oi itlus it on East Dunlap Street He will retail instruments records sheet minis accessories in struction literature and music VOTE AS YOU LIKE BUT VOTE This slogan applies more ior this nrovircio lAnc ever before This time the party will not be greuiy talcum the change in one seat could do little to change party policy Before us are three youn men one business man of Hrsdlord another salesman in Barrie and the third an educat or in Camp Borden All have sul iicient ability to satisfactorily look alter the needs oi the rid ing It is then matter at sum ming up what has been said and printed and deciding which man has the best to ollcr With some thousands in the riding who have never helorc vote eligible to vote as they like but votes It could make considerable dil iercoce LAWYER VRITES letter was received by the township from iirm of solicit ors naming the municinnilv as at party toalleged damages caus ing loss of crops in portion at the property on which the drain age from West Gwillimbury Hooded the land of their client the amount of damages claimed is $1025 and the letter asks set tlement or court proceedings Send it on to West Gwiiiun bury was the suggestion PARK LIGHTING Settling ol the accounts lor the addition to the lighting in the park is being held up as Chair man of Parks Councillor Gibbins claims that the poles used do not meet the specifications The con tract called or pressure creosot ed poles and Councillor Gibblns told council that the poles used had brushedon covering Finan ce ChairrnnnCouncillor Law sug gasted that this should in ave been dealt with bciore the meet dog as dIEaccounfw5s1fi ovT erdue It was leit in abeyance to have detailed report WELL 0N WRONT LOT Building inspector Mason re ported to council that well had been placed on the lot which was assigned to the township as park lands on the Knowles Subdiviss ion it appears that the owner at the next lot had made an error and put the well on the wrong lot Mr Mason asked councils consent to switch the lots at the cost at the other owner BEAVERS TO BE MOVED Beavers in the lnnisill ditch in the second concession are again the subject at complaints as they are back at their trade and landowners along the drainage course are fearful that they will cause flooding when the tall rains begin They are also oper ating in the Big Creek that creek which empties into the Tol lcndul bay from source est oi Stroud and drains big swamp Clerk Ireton was instructed to write to Mr Norton oi the Lands and Forests asking for assisth co in dealing with the busy Can adian emblems SHOULD GET TOGETHER Shore Acres property owners are divided in their requests as to roads and entrances to their property They are south of the watercourse which feeds into the Gillerd Marina Inthe opinion oi some this makes the water there worthy of bridgethat will allow boot traffic to their lots Others desire on ordinary col vert across the too not span Approached by aoth cions who have brought along lawyers and engineerscouncll feels that they should bet nether and lemon in guitar piano as cordion and clarinet The pre mises include showroom and below practice and instruction rooms Oiilclsl opening is Sat urday at pm when open house is planned lor those in terasted Examiner Photo Council has ollercd to bring their roads up to standard and build the bridge on Locsd Im provement plan payable over ten years The estimated amount at the costs are said to have scored all some of the owners who ii they could get into the subdivis lon find the dirt roads suitable iortheirsummerinoodrrothers are asking to have raised brid ga made so boats can be taken up the stream All thaplnnshavemerltsmnd council members level that ii the Shore residents would work together they could come up with something that would suit all concerned MARKDALE MAN Communism PEE morn EXAMINER TUESDAY seminars 21 In Canada Worse Than You Think HONEY HARBOUR Stall lowerdirector oi Rotary intan nntionai told delegates at the opening plenary session oi Dis trict 701 conference here Mon day that Rotary had tremend ous opportunity to build up pub lic opinion in the world so that war became virtually lmponible At the lame um the speaker Gordon Benton oi Markdaie are pressed concern about Rotary in Canada Rotary is not the beali and endall at everything but this or ganization is handpicked said the speaker There is no coun try in all Rotary that has been given the consideration irom Ro tary Intern tionai that Canada in reeeivia Try Bus Route For 30 Days Decides Council Barrie wni hava bus route to serve the Barrie Central and Barrio North areas or days at least decided city council last night The bus route submitted by Eldon Greer SE 17 should be tried tor some bolero going into permanent operationsug gcsted Fire and iraiiio com mittee last night This trial period will he so days with the stipulation that alteikthatAtimenreviowewould he made of and schedule acceptance andEast route have already been started The bus company is expecting an average passenger load oi 11 per trip LOCAL AND GENERAL SEE ROSE SHOW Barrie Horticultural Society is sponsoring trip to Canadas iirst international rose show at Casn Lorna Toronto Saturday where 30000 roses will be on display Bus leaves Barrie at am Reservations may be made by telephoning PA 84235 or PA 84813 CLERK TO WED Goldwater businessman and village clerk for the past 15 Years Chester Martin is to he married in October The en gagemcnt to Marjorie Hamilton was announced by her parents Mr and Mrs Hamilton oi Tenturlicld New South Wales Australia BAPTISTS MEET Georgian Bay Association oi Baptist Churches is holding its annual twoday meeting in Or iilia today and Wednesday at the First Baptist Church BEETONIAN IS Beetons oldest resident Dan iel Webster Watson celebrates Haircuts 75 Saturday $LOO Billth CLIFFS BARBER SHOP Elsa Enad coma to favorable solution MEETYOUR Loco CONTESTANT In The BARRIEEXAMINER Fabulous Across tram Allantlllo Edsla Mn OANnnaMIsn no BillsSflflnd ThorntoCoekltownAileo CONT Es She is competing with other indies towin an nllfcxpcnae paid 7day vacnho CAN sy axonm InLNawYorkCily For her andlheguest of her choice ELF HER WIN sunscnlnma or common urn BARRII his 94th birthday Wednesday He has been visiting relatives in Kitchener but planned to be back in Beeton for the lat fair there Wednesday CHORAL GROUP Elmvale and district choral group is resuming its winter musical evenings Tuesday Oct and Earth Tuesday evening thereafter Sessiona are held in the United Church Sunday School room from to lo pm BESIGNS resignallon th rogrc was handed in to Barrie City Council by planning board mem ber John Rodgers last night Citing health reasons Mr Eodlt gers asked to be relieved of his duties on the planning board and the remaining executive suggested that Bud Thomas he asked to in cancy Council concurred with this suggestion Wliiliiiiili Wiiiililt llhis money saving washer rectum four casters 10 lb porcelain enamel top capacity pressure sensit iverrolle yaarwrlngor mechanismwarranty Jtl toniatie pump famous ma Whirlpool quality REE it129 coor Low PRICE sages one Down 1000 1s Month 50 llminfll It PA ml The advertising the router transieraJomJLAilandale its was relerriog to the not that Canada had member serv ing on the intornntionnl board by virtue ol the fact that Canada had been the country to make the Rotary movfinent interna tieoal The Canadian on the board does represent directly Canada but expressu his opin ion as world citizen MUST EXPAND We as Ratnrians have no lrifiht to keep Rotary to our se vex We must expand We are being badly outstripped by many other countries Mr Benton pointed out that the greatest weakness in the or ganization was tha lack oi sp preciation of the close associa tion Rotary international has with the United States it is time We Rotariuns were taking the world situation more seriously than we do admon lshed the speaker Where Com munism exists Rotary goes out Ha chimed that Canadians were too complacent We think our lree way of liie will never be changed The speaker went on to assert that communism in Canada was more serious than most people imagined Within tha country there were 34 com munist organizations 27 com munlst influenced publications and in the provloca there were Mr and Mrs Kan Mitchell Barrie were hosted and toast ed in 441 RCAF Association clubrooms Saturday entha occasion oi their leaving lor Owen Sound Mrs Mitchell leit accepts milk and sugar service in sterling aliverirom Mrs Del Kelly while Ken al so holding the set and Jim delivered automatically as the weather demands nothing for you to bother with And you get the finest in equip ment maintenance and service as well nseaay terms tolmako paymeriti convenient Call now about dependable economical Essa Oil Hoot ulna youth camps sponsored by iii communist organizations One at these camp was within i50 milesvol Honey Harbour it is not only our treedom that is being threatened but our very organization Gordon Beaten pointed out that Canada had become leading power and must remain so In the development oi international understanding believe the world looks to Canada or lead ership today In dclining the role Rotary could play the speaker stressed tha necesle oi creating within Canada public opinion that would not tolerate daviatlonlat ideas irom any political party or poll ticians We can accomplish this ii we have belie and sin cerity He 30th out that Rotary in taroa onai could do nothing un less it had the support at the membership and to this end he Iglged the need ior club program arming members oi the altar tien today Finally the speaker ioted out that there was no su tltute lor the personal contact either at the local community level or In the international ileld He urged the iosteriing oi international understanding through corre spondence between Rotarianr across the world Lynch look on The Mitchella are moving to Owen Sound where Ken will take now position with his lirm He leav es the position of association first viccpresident and has been on 441 executive since its inception He joind 441 with experience as Royal Air Force pilot and squadron lead er in World War ll Exam iner Photo Like luxurious comfort Likesaving money You can have the beat of both with Faro Oil Heat This is the healing that gives you the finest in warm pleasant livingand pinches pennies for you oaths some time Its so convenient tooEast Furnace Oil is uaaiiwihvnaaruilmpnfial0iifiahflflia Kinsmenconservation Pond Is Dangerous Unsafe Says Iury The Kinsmen Conservation sponsored pond where ieyear old Muriel Hicks died July 28 was termed dangerous and un nla by coroners jury Men IY The jury recommended the pond be closed all as from new and not be reopened until sixpoint improvement program had been completed City council said Barrie Rec reation Committee Director Win Law has already asked that price or improvements in By mcots Pond be given them Council wants to include tha price in its mi budget The in nest Jury heard that Muriel cka lo MaplcAve had drowned while swimming in the crowded pool with her sister Shirleyf LlIEGUARD USELESS Following iiir Laws testim pay that owing to the cloudy condition oi the water liia guard would have been useless the recommended renovation rogram centres rrr the slugs out oi the pond re tiling itwith bricks and iloal base or limestone and teat 50 FEET The Jury has headed 18year old swimming instructor Gre Littles evidence that Muri drowned in so loci ol watera tew laet beyond the point his keeping maximum depth at in human chain could reach soon alter she went underwith ad vrco to make the slope into the pool gradual one The jury took time out to see the pond Monday and at prev eat the point where Muriel dis appeared is sharp and sudden drown Other rccommendotienr that the highdiving tower be removed and properly trained lifeguard be on duty at all swim ming times when the pool ilnniiy reopens Parks Board Chiei Jim Env age told the inquest the amount of money which would have to be spent on the pool would be well worth it as tinii plans lor the whole area are to make it modern wellequipped play ground Heads Grea Books Group Sodia Maley was elected chain maa ot the Great Books Club Barrio at the seasons iirst met ing in Barrie Library last night Molly Brown is vicechairman Ellen Edmonstona is secretary and Constance Hardy treasurer Jim Savage heads the publicity committee consisting of Joanne Madden Eula Raikes and Barry oon Hughes About 20 attended the meet ing Meetings are held every second Monday but because of the Thanksgiving holiday the next meeting will he iuuday Oct The so sessions will continua nnflkflrobeglmmrofllwmd will include the following books SELECTIONS Conluciu The Analects Sel ectionsrrilato ThoRepublic Books VlVl Aristophanes Ly The Clouds Aristotle Euclid Elements of Geometry Book Marcus Aurv elius Meditation Sextus Em piricus Outlines oi Pyrrhonism Book The Song oi the Vol sung and the Nlbeluogs St Thomas Aquinas 0n Truth and Faisity Montaigne Essays Se lections Shakespeare The Tem pest anks an Essay concom lng Human Understanding Selecc PETE BARBIE COUPLE BEFORE DEPARTURE romvl confirm HAIRVSTYLISTSH 38 Maple Ave Barrie Open evenings by appointment PA 84661 17w mu fzoamtth Lions Milton Paradise Lost Hume An Enquiry concerning Human Understanding Nietzs che Beyond Good and Evil Sal¢ cctlo William James Praglt matism Selections Whenkidaflllail to remove emu neida and mm backache tired lociinT disturbed rest ten mm Dori Kidney rm timulnta hidney to normsl duty You iosl heilfliIlecb bl ter work hotter to COMFORT YOU BANK 0N atwava LOOK 10 IMPIIIAL isso on near iron an

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