Your Want Ad Is AGuestNot An Intruder In 8300 Homes THE BARRlE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY JULY 1960 ANNOUNCEMENTS REAL ESTATE DEATHS PROPERTY FOR SALE GDOIIMIN Al the Rioth Ic torts ilos ital Barrie on head July l9 so alarms Jane lloptini briosrd wile oi John Goodwin dear mother at Raymond Good will Ottawa and grandmother oi Duncan iahn nesting at the steel ley Funrnl Home 30 Vorsley st llarric tor smite on Thunds July 2i at nm interment barrio Union cemotm EILEENAI Ihe Royal Victoria Hospital harrie on Wednesday July i060 Chlrlollc Green in her 90th Plr sister oi the late Mrs Louisa en Elherington and hunt or airs Lambert Rub ing at the stocklcy Funeral Home 30 lorslcy SL ior srrvir on Ffl day July 21 at 200 pm Interment barrte union Ccmctery sPEARSAuddenly at hll home Jli tiradioni sl uarrte Onl on Sunday July 17 1960 neorre spcam belated husband or chrlc llna Jane Runner and dear ialhcr oi llets tilts Cccii sutrno ot shanty bay Georgina Mrs ired Vintcrbollnm Connie ihlrs halter both or Toronto and Clara tilrs Jack hullcrt ot Unrfle Drolt ther oi incl at beally Sash MRI sle illirs Vm Coulis and Phoebe Mr Jack Vaimn bath or To ronto Kate rillrs iliunroet berkl Calllornla Frank col Itngwood Dr Fred cl neelon in his 02nd roar llerllng at the Jan neit Flintml ilomc name is bradinrd St Funeral service Wed nesday July 20 at pm Interment harrie Union Cemetery sThATiIsuddenly at the Fuel rant General llospllai Monday July in loco Agnes illichle 31 Second 5t New Toronto Iormer employee or the National SInIIIe lum Association lirlovcd wile oi the late John stralh dour sister or Mary Shunkl or Niagara Falls New Yo sadie ihlrs Kcllyt or New Toronl Pearl tillrs ncsrdsnill ui Ellmhlc George or sihsrlrus the late Janie Am in her ertn year Resting at the bishop Luln Funnll Home Eimvnlc lr Iuneral service on Thursday July II at 220 pm In Iermtni invoic Cemetery CARDS OF THANKS vtlxh to express my sincere thanks to all my nclchhors and iriends or their many acts or kind noss also or the lovely carol lloucrs and pills during my stay in hoopltal socclsi thanks to Doctors crassiond anrt thtle also to Rev Harper and all the start or Royal Victoria liorpltsl Ibck and Lnttlc Ellis Utopia mm MARTIN in loving memory oi my dear nines who passed away July la was We dn not need spccizl day To bring you to our minds Eor the days we do not thlnk oi ou Aruvcryr hard to iind all thls world were ours to give Wed give it and more To soc your iace dear isthrr Come smii through the door sodly mid by lbe romily IlAnTlN magic dear hu Dallllzd passed july is lags When lall Ismsiléllkangp El ISIS laugh ï¬re In my dor usid oitmgyy aching is will Dlmlmlnb 7m pletm Whalfl ï¬r go IL and ru WIl Idls Max In 9o by Utilulmsbmc Lovlngly remembered by wild Dara REY ia Avin memry at e3 Elm and iiInl N5th Reynolds uiy 10 labia COMINE EVENTS STOCK CAR RACING EVERY SATURDAY NASAGA BEACH SPEEDWAY dead PM BARN DANCE JoLD TIME ILMQDERN Saturday July 23 AND EVERY SATURDAY JOLLY FARMERS EARN Two miles west or Elmvnle Hwy in MlDNlGIIT DANCE SUNDAY JULY 31 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE PA 82414 Condensed and classiï¬ed ail VEIIISDIEIILS arc Inserted at the rate of to per word pel inser Wilmerat per word or three four or ï¬ve times and zinc per word for or more insertions 10 addi tional charge it not paid within 10 days IHE MINIMUM COST FOR ANY LASSIFIED ADv VERTISEM N1 IS 80c IF PAID WITHIN 10 DAYS OR 83 IF CHARGED PER SINGLE IN SERTION ionl yes is Illenl who passed away STOUTT AGENCIES LIMITED COLLIER STREET PA 35901 NUMBER 90 HIGHWAY This IntPly bedroom cottage with large living and dining ares utility room large lot only and down its monthly NAPIER STREET Too bedroom rollso living room dlntns room large kitchen but mutt oil Inmate nrllc nicely llndlclped lelmi ST VINCENT STREET lFour bedroom brlcir bungalow eons blnrd living and dining room tour plooe tiled bath lull basement with semilinished recreation room im mediate possession LETS HAVE YOUR OFFER on this three bedroom cottage wlnltrlscd MI rumsce three piece both completely redecorated INCOME PROPERTY Well locsted brlclr apartment bulld int with nine apartments ll rent ed illodern In all respoc nicely pointed including oil turnsce Showbiz net income or Wu to FARMS rarmr have been selling vary wollr we need linings CorbvPA astoa hi Gentiler am alsbet lisrshall PA um Doris Nuttycomb PA um nsrotd wnlrsr PA oaola FRASER REAL ESTATE BROKER 3590 nUFIERIN ST TORONTO RUssell was lUII acres alldlsnd ares choice land in hlgh state oi calltvsuan modern buildings all carivenlcnch Would consider exchange or horns In Barrie Ne spsriroent house and lldlu Wu shop in Allistcn Four scpsr nto apartments on rsnled at $5000 per month DUO down For Air pointment call Mr Comm Reprï¬scmfltivu Archer Colwill Victoria lIlllbtlur 505th It Wheel PA 37800 HAROLD FORSTER REALTOR 96 BAYFIELD 51 PA $6453 $500 DOWN MAKE Us AN OFFER This two bedroom home is only two years old Nendl bathroom completed and Mali system Lo cated near city it tr Donor is most bnxlou to seu call Emory Miller now Member or barrio and District Real Estate board EVENING 0A1 PEG MORE PA 07170 Ellwlw mum PA 60476 GERALD MALLDEY PA Mill BUD MARTIN STROUD NR1 HA LI FOREpm PA 34 Norman SheIsweII REAL ESTATE human Duolop street East PA 89961 OR 68742 $2000 DOWN PAYMENT $8900 FULL PRICE An cxeeilent three bedroom bom wtth every convenience Iepturlng hot water on heating large lot 59 and garage Dont miss this centrally located homo It wont last Phone Jack Wilison In an appointment SPORTSMAN DREAM $5000 50 acres with mum trout pond possibility 55000 an acre wgih sts an and summer cottage etc to arrte 53300 20 acres with atrea REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE REAL ESTATE ROGERS PHONE PA 85568 ern bungalow so right bonedry basement lul alu Mort Mr onrn xluoo The linear and run have had lcr sale in edroons ilats uilh nrllale enlranc In has tour and lihth This garage is iully equipped and creep and will appeal to anyone no JUST 322000 very asked lor but seldn have tor aalel cellent boalhouse contains ed lower this lovely properly mdvinz to trailiornls Moderate cash gage at 95 inspection by appoint PA $5560 EVENINGS lIIRS Ill moonsPA ROGERSPA assaz PHONES PA 6024 besutltul bedroom home kitchen place both Up way nvrrilu garage FuI basement Is in immaculate condition ED 319 DUPLEX TORONTO ST Ilrlck bedrooms llvlnl room living room ltIct1Ln and bath SHANNON ST NELSON ST an luicly Ilndstllpcd lot bedroom ing room with irepisrr kitchen and plant ruti pneo snout We EVERYTHING OR 3224500 you own your own lot we will at tho many in our llbra lovely yasrsrnund home with more tn scoped grounds sloping gentlyto its 115 ti ol shoreline with an IL The house has all modern clry conveniences and ellproportioned rooms and modern bathroom with it you are so mlndedd0rtl miss this opportunity to CONNELL REALTORS ONE DUNLOP EAST BARRIE ANYTIME es meat daytime or evening phone CALL FOSTERPA Hm CONNELLPA c9705 IIIEIllbms DARRIE tls DisiiiicT REAL ESTATE DOAIID CLIFF BROWN REALTOR 32 HIGH STREET EARRIE PA 60242 HDLGATE ST OWNER LEAVING TOWN wllh large living room stairs bedrooms Lo kitchen bath upstairs down Newly decor properly In good location sllzoc takcs It can Ihls piece tiled Wis mung1n own root WELLINGTON STAT DRURY LANE some Down only rry occasionally do be hs tor sale lovely hich central within easy walk oI the rut Points it is gun iwa years old Illh rul orerslro kitchen three larger bedrooms minum storm and screen equipment and so asphalt pared drllc Any homelorcr could be nice plan and location The ouner rerircd lldb wt or or own tor any bazence To see it many DUPLEXBURTON AVENUE st spacious twonpsrtmrnt homo that we Allsndsle Roth hplrlmrrlu arc iully sellcontained Downstairs liar rooms and quality home Ila beautliui grounds ttonslly clean and tidy throughout mm liner homo plus steady ton monthly income Phone exclualie agents PA dssea LARGE MODERNIZED BUNGALOW 0N LAKESIIORE MILES FROM CENTRAL EARRIEI lIlul lakelroot property oi the type are oiten Combines all the advantages at an acre or well treed and land screc aeoul at down ocarltl price because the owner ls rcqutred to single open mort ungnlow LShbpcd living room din bnth Divided base havc otherscall usanytimc IN REAL ESTATECALI Us ANYTIME AFTER HOURS CAL smith ChmphcllLPt Mm Prank NoliesPA ass Joan LangPA b576l Members of tho Barrie Real Estate Enard BUY YOUR NEW HOME FROM PRATT BUILDERS SOME MORTGAGES STILL AVAILABLE ON BEDROOM EUNGALOWS WITH ATTACHED ALSO ONE AT 15 NORTH PARK ROAD WITH LOW DOWN PAYMENT OPEN FOR INSPECTION 79 pm illARloN CRESCENTOff St Vincent near Grave FOR FURTHER INFORMATION PHONE PA 847398 BUY NOW AND SAVE YES You CAN bUY Now IRUill CROSLEY CONSTRUCTION At Low Down Payment with only 63 the buyer saving or trom $150000 You can get 1bedronm home complete with garage Ior just rib1220 Down Only Lott GARAGE NHA Mortgage giving you bediacm ion complete in bvezy dctnll or just ONLY LEFT gladly custom Dullrl to your plan or one ry ot modern archlteclurally designed llama prices start as low as sumo per souor GIVE blivlcor CDUNTYS LARGEST BUILDER CROSLEY CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION LTD Call At PA 82670 In Barrie Ielscd Ilh IL hnld on Open phone PA 05563 dining room large pitco bath Paved drive cly landscaped lot This home Om bedrobmi led Good Income olllee ior details PROPERTY FOR SALE CARSON REALIOR PA 6648 to MAPLE AVENUE OPEN UNTIL SATURDAY JERRY QUINN MAnG stRAsl Member or Blrric and District Real Estate board ANGUS GARDEN SUBDIVISION HIGHWAY 90 as me down terms to suit Two hbnnunii healed apartment rv Good water Lot across rpm in east end Laundry lsciliues school Apply on Cecil Coulson $8000 per month rA BHM ill Clappenon st barrio Telo pp in 3419 Two ROD lurnisbed Ipbrimcnl eiun Phone ways evenings Vednesblyl Dl Etknndlr Graydon thhuoIl upper aportment KOHL REAL ESTATE bhmmb DUNLOP si IIASI PA 84252 EVENINGS CALL GRAYDON KOHL PA was ilIILLlE COLE PA 085 ROSE REAL ESTATE bROxm mm smm BARR CALL DAY on EVENING PA 82379 Member at tho barrio and District Real Lit board ELLWOOD BLACK IItilbd bboxzrt Ru SHANTY DAY PA um ELLWODD BLACK MOVING Dont torgct to tranatcr your INSURANCE and II you nerd extra covcp ago or any irind SEE STEVENSONS PA with as DUNLor ST SUITE 103 APARTIIIENT house and six in Angus shortt Phone RE 0545 lvooDEn sandy loam halt acre lot hiidburst Reasonable PA ion GOOD LoTs Dr sale on Highway 27 two miles south or Allundaie Apply to Anderson Holly 3250000 DOWN or bedroom bungalow with dining room brultv fast anlt recreation room tally gl7l$capt¢ $1500000 iuu price PA hiusT iiEbI this WcIk ilvc room cottage at bay Electricity full bath large lot extra cabin blcrlr tielol price Phone alter 000 pm PA 00701 BUS OPPORTUNITIES Situated oil three acres oi land on No II blghwayf Midway be tweenEarrie and Oil Suit able for restaurant gas pumps PHONE 0R0 3723 MOBILE HOMES nARGAiN II It Holiday traitor 55000 Can be seen after Fans lab Toronto Barrie Islnor TRAVEL Taller siceps our ior rent bitch wiringover load springs supplied Phoar HE 9541 arm pin as FOOl Pacomsisor luxury level OPEN FROE to PM TUESDAYS AND THURSDAYS CHARLIE READ an PA um Inussm CARSONRu PA Midi but PA 02396 Res PA 51565 Largo lots 66 230 telling lor RENTALS ROOM APARTMENT Sell contained 10 over ï¬rst lloor DICK STEELE SON CHINA SHOP Onllier and Baylield Phone PA Sm LARGE Bright bedroom sportnicn Ground iinor Phono PA Kim ROOM uolumlshed Ibsih in Altsndole rboha PA note UNruRletlnD lloor pbnmrul parking cenlrsL PA H571 THREE ROOM Iurnirtlcd For partlcula Phan aitrr 400 pm convenient 355 not gamble hcat and water 10 Sophia ROOM Duplex uniumlshed garage entrance Adults only Newly docoratcrl section IA buo newly decorated at Isl Dunlop SL Izggts7 barrio Pbono Oflllll PA merit Private baicnny Phone PA 34863 evenings PA 09756 chen with rig and stove separate entrance In down town Apply PA basal or 18 iiiury st NEWLY Daccralcd Apartment lIv lngrnom bedroom dinette mod ern kitchen With trip and stove Cenlrni Adults Phone PA H576 urToIJAIE apartment nll venlenccs private cnlran bath lncludcs heat lights Call an niter noom apartment bested untur nlshed control Suitable ior busi ness couple Reasonable Phone PA 6ï¬7fl Two lRomi root iiirnuhed ari rnonts with scit conta lied heated laundry CilItIis Oh but route Clnsa In stores PA basal ALCDNA DEA bedroom house on paved road Summer or all year round dwcilln neasonabla rent Phone btroud 9N5 0N5 DEDROOM apartment in year old bulldlhg Laundry laeliltles dryer parking chn and Grove aria PA 04451 EiibT END Tllroe room uniu lshed apartment bot and cold tcr bath and laundry toeilltle Parking$500u monthly PA 0276 boo Apartment booted stove roirlgcrotor Control Available Im mediately $70 monthly Phone PA 32471 evenings PA Misti Rob Apartment on Norlb st licnlod unfurnished private ebb rance Phone PA 04510 noon or evenings LAIIGE Itooms bed Sitting room and kltchonottc complete with Ill and stove Sulihblc ior girls or young couple PA MIMI PIvE rnom apartmcnl unrurnlsh ed large bright rooms north Bay Ileld st UtllItIEs Included auras available 60771 Rooms and sunroom unrurnlshl ed laundry room raclllties on street parking Phebe PA 5663 alter pm 2i ROOMS rind bathroom iepbnlb entrance across rrom park largo living room stove and remgerator PA 32050 FURNISHED bright two room apart ment rangcttc and refrigerator cxtra bedroom It deslrcd on bus line Abstaincrs Phone PA 02940 IIEATED sELP Contained room apartment bath separate thendn stot and entrance parking and yardPA M557 CLEAN seli contained apartment rooms and bath private entrnncc parking laundry iacllltles Phone atter PA 06555 daytlmc PA 04042 215 Toronto st CENTRAL apartment $55100 and p00 one or two hcclrunms very clban and hrIEhls PIIVEKB hot wa IEI heating laundry room pblkIlIB facing liike PA 84515 mvbN Newly decorated sell contained apartment new turniture quiet private humc Sultablc or business lady ncasonabla rent PA 04851 Two ROOM iurnlshod apartment with retrigerator andstove AVRIL able lmmedlatciy Heated hot and cold water supplied Central PA 114442 APTS HOUSES T0 BENT one now avaUabla Itka room ground laundry Isriiitica 38 ROOM apartment and bath Light supplied Apply lb of oclbie to business HOUSE rooms also sun room LIVE IN LUXURY one only new Hbc room spacious modern apart ONE rURNisier roorn hudht edit tarlo st alter and ill lmmedia uils llviiii month 50341 with back ysr tion call Moderate st Avallablo ping centre 590 per month To arrange Inspece RENTALS APTS HOUSES To RENT Two bbDItooM bungalow go agc ook Collibgwood PA c5315 Iiools all to possession south name on No way Phone Olliilo FA 420 BBDIIOO building Loud ry ldcllitsiu dryer parking Owen and Grovc area Available Aug PA 86331 or PA 04463 ariment In ultGENTLYwantcd We wlll pay you 20 to 25 or your old mattress on any new Senty smoothtop mats tress with to year guarantee and in night ircc trial lmvits Trading 13 Comer st PA Maui UNIURNISHED our rooms bath spacious apartment balcony heavy duty ttoveclcnn private entrance quiet Available Immediately Ad Phone PA 334 aitcr on clock pin SELFCONTAINED apartment with room bathroom Private entrance Laun dry racliities including dryer om street parking Heated with not and cold water mppllnd scam par kitchen Conveniently ioca illobErtN semi detached duplex bedrooms living room dinette lrlt chen piece both full basement laundry includes Penetang St Available August PA izlsas APPS HOUSES WTD WANTED to rent or lst or Sep tember bedroom house east end Quiet Inmlly box 97 barrio Examiner ROOMS TO LET Ebonooill central gentleman prce erred PA 07427 R00 on room and board with Iv Isl room Apply at us Codrlngton cont FURNISHED bed sitting room bed room irltehcnctte Adults prcterred PA 01024 or PA 50540 FURNISHED bedrooms working persdlns abatalncrs or as bedroom and kitchen or couple $050 per room lib Buyileld st LARGE ROOM tarnished reiriger ator randettc use or wasblng ma chine Lots or hot water 91 Mary drivewn near shOP ROOM AND BOARD BOOM and board Inc one or two working men Share room Lunches guided and llizlit laundry done hone PA H16 or apply 33 Kunb peniclt Drive SUMMER RESORTS bcuse at 22 North si Available August Apply Ru en Kcnwell up On extn roam In basement st sloao0 par month Phona PA 731 bEDRoolil $7000 per mctmb home rooms Suitable ldr sublrtting close to downtown August lsl Please call minimum bungalow hardwood conveniences in miles ll High yearold bedroom ted PA MODERN bedroom semidetached ultimo oawsiï¬tmtts 9min FI II HAS MELON OUT OFA SINGLE BOULDER PA 82414 BELIEVE on NOTBy Ripley 13le voucn LIVES EXCLUSIVELY ON FOR SALE FILL GRAVEL TOP SOIL SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Excavating and Grading Water Delivery Crushed stone DENNIS MORAN 29 Anna strcct PA c2007 Barrio PIANO Iieinlzmah one PA M057 VAN nah 7x9 or one ton truck Phone 0rd IIIOIlill heavy duty rangc Admiral rcrrlgeratrr PA 33145 CUnIc Pr Croslcy shelvadore push billion tlelrost rcirigerator New condition 505 FA south PIECE grey chesterilcld mil suitable fur rtcicntlan room or cottage bullet and glass door book cost Phone PA 051 EQUAIIES hi Insul Brick i00 piano cement blocks also quantity or hardwood Ilooring Cheap for quick sale Phone Jiltll stroud lilAllOG NY doors $350 and up Gyproc Lt lovtc bros aints £75 alter pain In ouruqahb our horsepower John son momr goon also mans bl cyclc $500 Phono PA 87227 200 hraoiord Slrnet NEARLY NEW wringer and stand largo galvanized tub 10 PA 571 Gllcs l5 Parhside Drivo back apartment ONE DUAL wall rurhace with on 60000 DTU may use either pro and or natural gas Contact bishop Puncral Home Elmvnln 90w URGENTLY wanted We will pay you $10 to $25 or your old mattress on any new sonly smoothtnp mntv tress with in year guarantco nights tree trial Levlts Trading Collier 51 PA SZJDI mic 1x9 with rubbcr pad Reirlg bmtbl Cu 11 Space Heater 50900 BTU nadlo Phonogmpb Dresser Automdtlc washout mt Peteraorousb Cedar strip Phone 16I1V Camp EGKAEIL ARTICLES WTD URGENTLY WDIIILCI We WI you $2000 to $2500 tor your old mattress on any ncw scaly smooth top mattress with ten year guaran tee and CH night mi trial LRVIII Trading at Collier sn PA 02101 BOATS 8i MOTORS flS 25 FT CABIN cruiser completely equlpped Phonc PA 60704 CUsTDaI built boat trailer and hp DInrurlc including out IlIe prescrvers lights anehoc an boat cover WIII accept any so onablo offer PA Mail lti CABIN ammoyr GaitRig round bottom auxiunry englmt lrt slniicd sleeps two good solid cruising boat ior two In top coir dlllou Contact bcdlord phone 2021 oro station LIVESTOCK TWO Holstein cows due no years old Phone libs ivy Elite Itnsonablc made by FARMERS MARKEI Coming Events So per word minimum diarge 3150 Bith and Death Notices for up to 25 vords over 25 words so per word Extra In Memoriam Nlr Ices $150 tit verse used be per wazu extral ERRORS on cortRECTloNs Advertisers arr reminded that all phone inscrtion orders an accept all as convculeucn to you in do venison lhelbturb tho CIbIsiï¬zd Advertising De artment request all veritaers to lodly rechecis their sdvortisemrnt immediately utter brat insertion in ordci that any en ron or omissiunll may be reported berore am in order that same may be rectiiled tor the rouowlng in insertion order We wish to po nt out that The barrio Examiner is rosponslbir tor onl ono lnccr rectly prlrltlid insert an on any advertisement rind then only to pro extent or portion or ad that involves the nttsprinr Errors which do not lessen tho value or the ad vcrtisornent are not ollgibio lnr ariccilolu cg metro goods ilnter and type atylca tor semi Illplily classlurda may be obtained litrouilh The Examiner advertlslnz lepnrtmeni bLiND LEITEII REPLIES inlurmotioh vliar aflï¬ert at cm or illan mind not err or Ropllcs lint strictly conti BIIHII llti Ill otter flaxglï¬lll la hold ony 10 days sitar last day it puhllcntian All WANI Al copy Ilitluld be In our oIIIctl hy II pm the day beiore ptitllicbilob Oil Batu storey brick bedrooms living room dining room kitchen This home Ir immaculate and ip priced su 3311 beautiiul boma is located taehcd garage aluminum wlndowl one murtKIile merits Phone Mombor or banis and Distnot and 12000 PULL Pitle ior cult Iwa linune Ironlage on paved highway acre with room bungalow fill basement young orchard For up tber Iniermailon call Gena moon CLOSE TO GE right at $950000 with terms to urchlser To Inlpcct call oore ONLY YEAR OLD steel st has le rooms and atE rmy £229 Evmmus CALL dzuz MOORE um PEuCit FORDPA iimu Em scANDbETrPA was DICK HENDEltsoNPA baits Ontario Real Estate boards nd halt acres with our room EllI miles ram rrie close to storel lwlvboony broth tinital IIERSSVNN IIEE IIIISSII ES FOR RENT Largo building 4000 square Scot floor area heating hydr two wllhrnoinl hot water All OI part PHONE PA $9767 OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT MODERN Dulce Accommodau in the Wilson building at militants rental Phone PA 203 APTS HOUSES T0 RENT $85 PER MONTH Ona and two bedroom apartments Irolo 305 per umntll Laundry Ine Ilitles Janitor scrvic With or without stoves and rotrigontors PHONE PA 84670 arm or area oms ad is urnlsbed PA Hill arteI boohl iurnished apartment upstllrs un Phone PA 59105 welcome immediata possoulnn An ply ta Contrast UNIURNIsbbD tour rooms mod ern ground iloor apartment trout and back entrance heated laundry room In basement ciao two round aparirnent auitubi tol couple Ape giy1asl bayliold or phone PA 07 NEW LARGE sell contblnrll bedroom apartment Cantrslly lo cated close to annuals Eivo clns etc piece bath porkinp see stayc rem crator laundry no le Ilcs options Available trom Phono PA b0129 non unturnlsiled apartment lnrgc rooms modern kitchen stove supplied burn adjacent On second floor or nursing hbmc Ideally sult cd to business couple with dcpe dnnt requiring day nursing re The Five Monica Thornton cle phcnc ivy zililz APARTMENT large bright livini room and modern kitchen heavy duty stove and MIL lvllh or with out extra brdrcom iurnlshed oi uniumished Runnable Also bed our contaluctl rooms and path smpbeii Ave at Dunu I10 miles turniahiilgs bayilold street We Sell and Trade Now and Used Equipment NEWSPAPER MATS 8119 1215 ideal for tibia attics garages his later PER Dobbin Apply Ibo barrio Examiner Dorrie Ontario JONES USED FURNISHINGS Dealers in antiques and good used always have We good selection AND ESSA ROAD PHONE PA 68261 STEEL nuts and springs brondor Itoviti cream separator alttlnlz gonnlil Sillthblg ior lddully et Dillllrm acailes to coup in el rain in ova acr two or war Ftwnl low Store Pm c9 350m In mini Install an bed In OITAGE TO RENT with beaver dam tï¬lxie r5 $353 giggifamlwgp Ngmggg duriex tull basement with libflndlfy CSE lo mas eight weeks olid 33101 close to highway city mm For mmnm gmfllezhngï¬lstgg Aagsih 71hennr Vgsfnikgeggï¬g F592 Eaénnscpalgiihus strou 14R mm WE 453 and Pm mlahl dulydn iSIgi 50 acres with to 7000 Christian mm ï¬lm Won cm um YEAR OLD Holstein cou duo 4rugr5to7yebraoldrwlth Witto an an RAM sue mm 519 mini Silver ArAnrhlENI nicely decorated July 25 DETA recnrd 0082 cut this fall spring on property Palace aluminum as it long stove and rctrlgerator suitable 325 years 10000 492 at linu 1mm TH Futurism room cottage at Highway 27 north clue to harm ease DPOA sleet 51 complstely equippad tor one or two adults heat water mmwand Ema 53 years Hugh Ritchie Elmvate 15 31 copes SHAPE ï¬ggobmf ao3i LammVPEW gxflggggm 57° swimming area tor children Close Phat 795 11 mon one zoo feet lakeiront Lake singst 939 U5 EAR Poms gRgigï¬gofld PM LIVEsTOCK ncnr shant bay llh lard WW Chum APABA EHAN TWO bEDRocuu healed artmcnt tags cab nr and lungs GGolunliit scah in modern apartment Suilding FURNISHED mm com in WANTED Mq Ebola 1a 5WD N5 ORMAG 9m 555 mm mm slde conveniences immediate boss 8650 Li N50 ELEAK St Vincent Available August 15 4am You uppgpohb bull 10 months 3E so acres with excellent stand or flu jun mMut ULCEQ gamma ac son in 47 hardwood located 60 Con are loud Asmini rm Emmi as ï¬g gmmgggi rtei galPie instgm asgd steady rvrnmcr oar mm mm nm Meier mm mg ï¬ï¬‚flflflfllï¬ within FEED SEED GRAIN Hah rt Em Shasw 3m 3M6 Gm manna gm ngAeSSaozma cgfermgziltgigxmflcgt Eilmuylifé FOR SALE BALED my far sale About WIN flailing mm supplied $7006 per month Plume bales Reasanahlc IHIEE Phoné Norman Shelwell PA will mum PA oaiia Varwuerd 09R Strand rank wtuson PA 04m 31 RENTALS CAMPING MW bout NEW AND lilodern one and two NT FARM MACHINERY Youth by nvem bedroorg aparttrtitcrixgs ogrlnoklng EQUIPME 3m reenc ompen ay as arid and nor too to FOR RENT issue chimps Kiï¬onntigmwsshirfév nun Tents Tarps Camp Stoves FARM SUPPLIES AND REALTOR ties PA c2902 Camp Cots Portable lee Boxes co ER 91111 ï¬lm ONLE 1740167 aran new sloop EXtépï¬uian oii°oeoéi£ BARRIE TENT AND SERVICE poop 0E TowN new titshandbaatibiitaa AWNING 03 owns max 174 burlap Ave bolalo PA Hall Case New Holland and David Brown Farm Madman still Available iow odds and End to FIriIsh Haylns SeasolI Special Prices Threshing lllnchines binders Combines now available tor approaching harvest season ELEVATORS Illnnuiuctilrcd and Sold by ALEX SHAKELL PHONE STROUD 731111 The first and only bnlo olovatol adapted tor bales sheaves or Itiqu grain Prlccaiu low as 5325 per out Available in any length Auls cllAlillP combine all crop 50 with plrklup scour cl In extrn Mr IIISValIZEL°Iiiopis 135