Barrie Examiner, 25 Sep 1959, p. 6

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Be ro chenille litmmmmmmmn SEPTEMBER IS 1150 lanolin ImA MI MN BAH umJ Sept John Ron nully in hi can year beloved nuahnnd at In Italr1 and dear like at mud Ind Bari li miifin dram arty Sigh Mull Home in St EllHI MfrI man Ii ius€n £311 iii Elli WI Cemill Engagemenh lar and In Clarence onroeld Wiorrovr iii saniozd street nan lle wiab to announce the rye meat oi their on bier liarilyn Arbutui to my inner aprior non oi air and llrs Wnilbeo sun or strand The marria Jill landline on October at at oclr at Central United Church parrte at Kr and In Allred Pilgrim with to announce the out enrol ol their thunder mane II to Donald ohn Swan coo ol and Ville Hulda Swan ol harm The marriage will take place on am Mr 31 me at uo oclock in st Georg Auucon church Barria bell ol Midland ooL wish to an nounce the on meal or their doubler nopoa to Mr Rob ert Gordon McKeuIe of Barrie Ont The marrla will laka placa in st PanII ll ird chilich lila iand on Saturday October l1 im at oclock In Momoriom JONES In lentil memory 01 Trout mwani ionei who pancd II Sept 1357 er remembered Ion Ced Ind Win Ind and dial ll Coming Events DANCE many Sopl 25 la Obitschill Community nailto lhi innlo of no Cu Ind bl urchin Spam bond by Chllll wuli lupiar rune III Admlnlon 150 Ind 50c nll DANCE TO ML LEBINE ORCHESTRA Ar mohmmi mu Mannie um rut Amplcei carpentarr union 303 in name and biatrlll Asioeiatian 2eron children will join ASSOCIATION MEETING MONDAY SEPI 800 PM KING unoaaa scuoor 199 aural ar nAimm DANCING EVERY SATURDAY CAnAm mm 4qu ONLY PINECREST $150 cowl For table reaervatiooa PHONE ELMVALE 7571 1415 CHANGEIOF DATE UTOPIA COMMUNITY POW SUPPER Will lie Hold WEDNESDAY OUI Miler Particular Later ll RUMMAGE SALE ODDFEIMWS HALL Collier street FRIDAY OCT 92 1111 Aunicer Central United Church WA Grand Opening Guthrie com munity Hall Saturdly Out Mn ilc byAmirown Orchestra at Rummage Sale Oct 1959 It the Odd Fellows Tmpit It pm under the auspices or no Clll Buver Rebecc Ladle 13M Colwéll nu Buy In Bush COLWELI Ves Tracy and Eli row are busy down at the bush cutting logs SCHOO FAIR Ihe Coiwell kiddies had very and lime at the school fair whitIi washeid at Thornton this year Ron Culver has gone to bill cl ew job in Toronto Tom Powell Jim Bristow of Kingston were down to visit the Culch fanlily last wedtcnd BIRTH OF SON Congratuiafiona to Mr and Mrs Winterich on the hith of ii son loin HEAD in home ram ospital alter his accident Mrs lillnrneraon is confined to 31 nursing home in Toronto her many friends wish her rods smie coin ie overhauling andrwilen Jim ed uvili her very upio III and Mrs Woodrowlkconc III was All Real Erich Classifications 17A Property For Sale Norman Shélswell neer mm axiom vo poplar sum rut PA 89961 or 68742 NEW HOMES $139340 DOWN Brand new brick bunloioI cam nine in avery detail ca Joa ariin to non your inmib tion appointment BEDROOM BUNGALOW $2I4SOO DOWN Now under ronmuctlon act now and you may iuve choice oi de no colon Thu bone carry ior union per month lnciudinr tam Call Joe Loan to Imiila inlpecuun ol your luturc homo NHA RESALES We hnvn good selection brick bunlliotn or sale at reaaooabla ricer some carry or as low as 75 per month SUNN IDALE AREA 10ch brick bumuow in en men nnlabcd recreation room and other in that Muir be $treqmfiluli ilaiiinpr in no or further details mos CAur loo WA If meme Shaman On 2910 Ix GoldenPA Noman SheilwellPA ml 17Alom CARBON PA 6648I not around corner min lion theatre Open daily tron no to pm WINGSMLL filiaull emu PA Hid lorry Quinn rel PA 543 acorn want ru PA moo SuiLb Campbell ru PA 57369 charlie and ru PA soon Gelaid Mallory rev PA Him Member or EIHIIJHII Ducrici 6w 559 EH BCOLLIER ST PHONE PA 8590 NEW WITH VIEW NEAR SUPERMARKET New modem two storey homo large kitchen llvinl room bed tfunhimi are Eco Hardwood and tile iianrg hill but men carport unis loe Priced at $12900 IMPOSING SEIiING Nearly completed mrryhrick horns Large kitchen living room bedroonu downsta lia hed Min upstairs Clueu teen bath hardwood and tlie oors hillbasement Cplport Largo lot Priced at 513700 CENTRALLY LOCATED New is room bunguiow lleasonnb hriud Close to wane and hi renooli Montth payment $6900 BUSINESS PROPERTY An ideal net to garage ser vice nation an snack bar ope Iluor building years old 011 in 5yearold nix room home with large recrponn On nwy three miles moth at ced mat tor ouiclt rat 100 ACRE FARM All workable clay loam good water rupply pressure in homo hexn Modelnixed brick house well grinned barn close to town on Big waylflo irade ior house in Blflle Peims NOW RENTING In beamle landsca ed rendo tlal area bright in cm bed room apartments stove and ma supplied free use at automatic wa abcr and dryer Lame private Parking area Janitor rervicc l7A 1325 OPIZN ml Pull Member or iii hillrimpntarlo and Sundial Reli Jute Board Corby PA 85488 Ian Weislnan PA lShoi Harry ToolPA 37932 PIAiii HENRY ELRICK AND MICHIE REALTORS REAL ESTATE spams EXECUTIVE HOME urge uvinx mom dining room lob en den conservatory and util ity room Second iloor hed roomrand piece ba master garage oil heat gehkvmsgn STREET ARE can new nonzliiiiifrfldhihnl imitmbm Pml°°°¥i Ind ptinifihl war one wmGOWAN STREET livun EoKnTSiniZPJinmmm and ice bath III to $50000 Milk HJL Bonds in tow ylifaolimfmm rm IB NliifiA RESALE edroom on dinette lrucbon 13 mm mm lot in wn undergoing All Real 17A Properly For 50 clouificotioiia HAROLD FQRSTER or nAYlnzm rm BARRIE PHONEPA 66453 ANYTIME iiEAl VALUE way hoylaiaisiuomhricirhomator iizlul or kiddo and out piluu paved drive and uniarr leaned lot bathroom uprtalri and down separate 6mm modern tiledle gun in Rizalligand as infirm caiihu inen Pol lore PA in FAMILY BUILDING more when bedrooms Classified Bargainson This pagein 6Iusaifieotiona ROGERS 8i CONNELL morons tori humor EAST BARBIE PHONE PA 84568 ANYTIMEI Mm martinan menu union MIMI owlam am 11mm noun NEW luu haicx BUNGAmws rum MALE FARMS AN sum nommcs means momma AND APARWENTS 7A Property For Sale Now solid brick triplex bedroom ball In plan ceramic apartments lard Vin mm Hicbnn we baib extra largo cintbu damn TIO Iplflm iiil in prlvlil bucoulfl Ilodun in very Hull 15 return on invartmuit or liv pariicuiln eonhfl WI Earlball KARL MARSHALLPA mu PEG MOREPA 57119 nvmmics CALI on npartnaat rm rbr BUD IARTINSPROUD 1M HAROLD PORSIHIHPA Hm IPAl BRAND NEW NHA true bath car umber Bmia and Mitt heal latit Board lyAiati New Model Homes ONLY MINUTES FROM DOWNTOWN BARRIE $2000 DOWN PAYMENT OPRJVATE DRIVE ISPLIT LEVEL ENTRANCES ILARGE LANDSCAPE LOT 50 OIL OR GAS HEATING IBATBROOM FIXTURES Di GOLOUR AND CERAMIC TILE IFIBREGLASS INSULATION CLOSE TO ALL SCHOOLS worm WAITONLY AVFEW LEFT PHONE PA 68661 OR APPLY l9i GROVE ST EAST DAY 0R EVENING SLESSOR REALTOR 19 COLLIER STREET BARRIE PA 85934 ROOM BlliiGALow 1111 older bu flow only one block rem downviown bIIIII canvemencefia car rage only slum with 31000 down Phone Percy Ford PA 35936 evening PA 930 BUILDING LUIS MP on Hixhvmy ll clone to town is Acru close to town Buildinl Lo cenLrll in town so Acre to men irom city iimiLi Above grep are bargain pflccd for quick nlc Phone charlea Byron 55m evening PA N561 DUNLOP ST my in Looking or large brick home tor your or or Lam purposca Living room main room are inch big kitchen bedroom on iccond flour rlnlshod rooms on rd noon Puu hare ment with forced air oil mmlce chiKc clone to schoola and lhbwinl 19K eaiy mortgage 80 121 call Rita sundrcit PA 35934 evcnlng call one or our salesmenDay or evening FRANK NELLES PA 56696 RITA SCANDREii PA 84865 GRAHAM DIXON PA 68793 PERCY FORD PA $7830 CHARLES BYRON PA 35632 SLESSOB REALTOR OFFICE PA 85934 Member Barrie Ontario Canadian um Nauonrl Real little Board TIA181i PROPERTY TRADE TRADE YOUR METRO TORONTO PROPERTY ON NEW OR BEDROOM HOUSE IN BARRIE FOR mrjonuArlCNCAH MRS STEWART PA 58561 Downsview WITH VIEW OF LAKE New bedroom homes at d19 tinctloxh cciamlc tile bathroom with vanity Lardn than avarice cggbond md storio brace Lou ded gravel drive wi carport interestin price and torma GALL PA 66374 DESIGNED ECONOMY HOMES I7A22rM BEDROOM nunaalow with acres for dluidr rain Leaving can gin Con stdealaoail mgisfil no mo are mon coltan above nddrua may iiAluoiflm Try an Examiner Want Ad CBOSSWORD DOWN1 learn Lumiere bird Province Place Reliantity gmis yam tanoa Em Of Me enlighten India 8mm 6Bldnmuk 93Beforo Batmanii anperauo 2501am van 1431MB 25 ooutht shim who llAlziti T17 Want Ad more iiiawed moi water Portion ID Billiard El lot mnmr rii rlirl IBWaiellgod EMTl 18Unoflect€d Ifiifinmm aniline hug kitchen 3° flflllrfi vflflflHIIZHi figgiggfiiiu v1 fllfiflfl Pollr stain Once more Not aliens 41va thl This home in in int char condi Mus RANCH STYLE BUNGALOWS NAPIER 51 DOWNSVIEW AND PUGEI STREETS block to shopping cabin and public schools Ella atop on corner room bedrooms ceramic tilp bathroom colored fixturei Factory made built in kitchen cupboards All room fully deeds bled Landscaped Colors to choose Iroin LOW DOWN PAYMENT ONE MORTGAGE STAN CONSTRUCTION PA 85284 ROSE nut ismn mom 1a 5mm nAlllue GALI DAY on EVENING PA 82379 Member Blrlll Onillio Cuildlln Ind NationI Rabi hilt Board 11A if liAlflhilal ELLWOOD BLACK Realtor RR Shanty Bay Barrie 863R2 so ACRE DAIRY FARM clone to Panic clone to two highwayi on load mlfl JPlendld lull Ind lood hulldin but iii water now milk house entry contract ailo end drlvo riled lhla ii the Xind or arm that in hard to find see it film IWI ACRfi WITH bllhwl moill and wonderful View oi the gun rounoin country small brick house And Wonderful IIIva of good water $5600 GraydOn KOHL REAL ESTA BROKE DUNLOV 51 EAST PA 34252 mus CALI mummy lion PA um um wins PA BTfli PAliQuuAmoN PA om ROBERT mo PA Hui JOAN LANGPA um PIAmu MOVI NG Dont iorget to traoaiar your INSURANCE and it you hard extra column at In kind SEE STEVENSONS gt PA $5201 is DUNlOP 51 1M ACRE DAIRY FARM with milk contrlci only iew minutca driv ta barrio plenty oi water coina flid soil Illd buildIMF tho pnnufo Priced to sell WANTED Listings at small hold inla mull faring or minus lqnd having riinriinx stream or pond houses to cxchlnzo iorJnrma or large arms or spinner have 150 acrti dairy soon to exchange or stock farm Anything in Real iaiolnywhera Write or phone any cveninr mwooli BLACK REALTOR IVAu Retll Estate Broker Owen Street Barrio SPECIAL BRICK BUNGALOW 36 Large kitchen mlaiaa built cup hoard wflh r01 hack on Connie top three bright bedroom bath room Céramlc file on wallahum men is framed or recreation roam DEW Fgfiflant LEWé Mungin pago men us ax COOK ST uhlio Ind high School Cal MP MUST an BEEN an APPnnch moan on 195 Am ECECUTIVE TYPE HOME Living room 14 with the laco mil rized diam room Im kitchen Three well design ed bcdroomr Garage attached not water oil and heatlnd Many other duo ieatures LOT80KIG HIGHLAND AVE West or st Vialcnnt street auth ern osure Wcll tread table or level holne mi ial HIGHWAY 90 FOUR ROOM BUNGALOW 14 18 rusuro Elliiom Down Wilt 000 Monthly payment PHONES Gilles PA 82455vaenm1 PA 84592 CONSULT us ON BARR I111B COME GET IT PRICE $97500 BEAUTIFUL TREE 101 so mo PHONE PA some 1734345 HENDERSON REALlDB HIGH 31ml BLAKE bedroom Home lar room with ilrnpiace kitchen and pin ette mill bmment Laundry tubs etc Double garage on largo lot Thu home is only yearn oil author information can out oi tica MELROSE AVENUE REA neaals bedrooms large living room and kitchen TM home is lmninculatc on beautiiiilly land lscaped lot For nirther moima tion turn to dude at thin edition VANCOUVER STREET year old hmkd bfllgwmmg $55 $35323 med bnturooin TIA24 ANGUS GARDEN SUB DIVISION LOTS FOR SALE do by no tt Apron from rchool good water streets yravelled with criuhed stone PA 84752 COULSON 11Azz4hlhsgs tion mill tenor INCOME PROPERTY Flu Twangmenu rent for 00 eleh lpmmentl Ii 323r5rhépiininh5lél cnlI sour oillee Mancini Dick HendersonPA new Geno MoorePA 82360 CHILD broworPA oases Member or barn and District and Ontario mu ariata Boned Ph PA 826787 ilAirnrhntl price 51500000 wit 17C+M6bile Homes actor buying your new Mobile Home or Iravei Trailer in III to the full lino on display at RUSSELL CHURCH MOBILE HOME SALES LTD Burton Ave No 11 Highway Phone PA 89866 ticindie IMAJJ PLACE rr Reason lbio Pbimn PA 5831 PIA3146 mom Home lame lot on nine street near nrhlo ayinenti vate Phone PA after Himduo nouanu2oo room inalilntcd larlo at Bride on near hirnway and buliPhnfla PA Mm l1A241I7 nanaoowl blindlow No lcr plece hath lie lane Terms REP Q0 Bifi 1523111 Examiner minum 17FFcirms fOr Sale or Rent LARGE FARM with and lioulo and bulidinfd uluo pity hick producing no lots or water on Swim Sh food road wlili or without option 11 Imperial purchne immediate ponreuion 011 but 10Barriol1nminer 11172247 BOW 90 Barrie rielret donated Theatre New ihowinr Admiral In Pianono PA 755 NJ Apia Houses For Rent NEW woman APAlminlm menu Md ill Imbal Anilch MSOOFTIOE sPA downtown PA also on PA mas lielids DOWNTOWN APARTMENT mmmmm mm ww gt MO uonnnlmfl Room lidBM NEW ROOM BUNGALOW mated annually lbihbod ilirviuhoul Adult promno Available lnniadiiicio PHONE MR YOUNG PA 83588 lidMl ROOM APARTMENT IAIN Si LOCATID HEATH AVAILABLE DIM KELY PHONE MR YOUNG PA 83588 MODERN LARGE ROOM APARTMENT mach mindl flee uli aniline parkinz Central rel dentin area tioo MONTHLY PHONE MR PREST PA 58340 OR PA W79 iiiaids furnished WATMG OM Aarimant A3214 mu uni2345 Armaniv modern apartment large room uniurninhod in PA enema 11001 as Ionhlinedvylplrtmt om ea 1117445 finiininm P°Ih2 PX cam 31145 BEDRDOIII Apartment In AnKIIJ honed hat wnier luppllod Phone BemlocltMlM Anzul 1712345 HOUSE FOR RENT oil belied lilo holirchoid lilmiillro or an Apply can hand iiinil liPPait ourhnx oil Grove St menu ind bath heilrilAdiiiu Phone PA aim or PA 66555 maus 23 and Inn iii2 on snail Apartmenu uniiirn 157in6d orthiy lilallimstm on W71 muzs mumsnnn apartment or rent ieli contained irate entrance Aiilb 0i in honl PA $2710 or PAliliMoii 1712345 ialn arrogant Mfihtmhflii en van newly dlegoraied Plague PA 85739 lilzxzt ROOM Apartment unmmlihcd Eatedygehll cogAlilinfiedlbaerlizy call men one Ecol St TREE1247 NEW Moian 1bedroom rpm am with kind atov4 laundry relv illmas BOOM recond floor apartment available Oct aihedrnonu din an mom kitchen bath Hunted so Pcnstang St Elmo PA 77 After pm Ill22 BOOM unlumiahcd hue apartment with private entr Immedllie panelllon Phone Miss ti ist may illum PUPl5 lei cqnuined huh ed Iplflin HodSMITH room or as Ill21M Room bachelor apartment hilly imnlahsd kitchen com lately sell contained Avniahla Dc Phone PA om mzlrza mourn room ground floor apartment Pflveteentrnnce nunlop st Phone PA 39235 mzrzs LARGE furnished boiuelreeplng room with rangeite ure as rrlg Ind liendix Central Phone PA 031 12126 manna room abutment heated modern newly decanted Central Inctiori Adulta PA 54851 mam nanlloom urtme in modern binldlnl urine and stove washer er No unall children Available at AFDWVZW Owen st PA MW 11126 menu Located apartment sell contInca lapPIKE enillnfie llave $5 automatic warher Available Phone PA bsolo iii2125 imam bunynlow on paved road mile groin Barrie ideal sure roundingr conveniencei rult cl derly couple Phone are in LARGE lnedrnom house and mail roomooplex all conveni ences Phone no and even an 96594 in rnooni BE Andia I7JflZd LAtGE hri rooms iiiniahed heated liedn or room liltchon with atove and nl Available lira mediately Phone Nil 121 nurton Ave iii2144 Iowan DUPLEX room loll contained lune Central location Adults Available Oct IPiloiah PA 54739 between and pro 114123 mumnan lei contained aparunnat rooms hath down Ital hot water helfln heavy wiring heatedsun arch Centrally locate Available ct 153w per month Phone PA em tiltut gt Omlflllgflgrdm mull Get quickYeSmu with Examiner Chiss eds hone PA 3241 OnlllyJllk Public in tbplimfingmfidn vi guyam onoinm Pbooli la room saili contained noiurniahed ariment with dn an and ruga Mo ern lilt chen th heavy duty atove Laundry iaciiiiiei but an ht lacludedAdui Rhone PA in LIOmDmblia 195 EA 842414 an than filial DD pm mom and bamvaiiabin act at wm 11m heated noar bun I6 St 11 room and bathroom no Wm Poona PA 6091 lidu commune Soot hoe room aomania tor realm clone to aehoola and hop tha seclo iunaoou art in hail Vary pconmntral Avanxbla Flinn PA 49 111w noon Apartment announce gaingo and innNow available coal °° 59 MING mail mthe ll or Si iii4417 noon laminad cue bot Illran Inerl on PA 19 3311211 turnith hamkerpln room um heated with ran 115I central Ahntinerr Phonaia muzi Mold Quintin hoatod haw il decori ova Ind ll atom on Duoiop Hart one child wolcoml PA WW 11130 hoolu col contained hated arimani central location riv antiIncorwllh an month Phone PA ex pm 1713645 mm loll contained man artncni builtin cuph on nuies wllk mm down own Avauabis Sept so Adulti us monthly PA 66283 171le BRODEII Unfurnished healed on meat Central Excellent con on Reasonhie tent or bualneu il or couple on baby Phone PA in iiiu aoolu Rouse oil iiilines The property in commercial location on Brndlurd st Unmrniahed Apply 99 Victoria at or phone PA Mm 171111 FURNISHED Lowci Duplex belied bedroom livid room Michel Ind Ithrooln laundry Nico gonna Central Available Cct enonahle FA 5407 maoi nucleus loomed oil gunmant longitudier niiinn ml Aduiil Pooh PA gain amr day and saturd i543 liionlilm now lbcdroom codrinrton ureaA nugonmii 1353 riinii muu BEDROOM unfurnished lplrl merit loco Milli privalr ent rance envy wiring ottitrest arki innit Ashamed luv2 FURNISHED 0R unfunlahed cam pliicly modern named downtown apartment Sultnnle or human couple or aupie with techred family Phone PA 94542 for up polhtment oil2345 om ziiznnoou Apartment new ly decorated centrally located no ohiccuon to child united Must ha lbw itifsl°°°5lri °= pn on ave an PA 2293 or Pitoozes UTEms Available Oct CouiLKIeII BOOM Winterltcd homo immed lflio possession hill and cold run ning water oil hwlfid llrfllh Eli lien in minutea drive from Cain grdnAigfil lgall zo alderoat ana Allister 565fl Ill21 UPPER DUPLEX acioun livlnl and dining room fltchen Deo rooma with illozaia ou Iumleo in separate basement block iron downtown overlookln the hay Adults only Phone 811 1712446 WELL Furnished Room hon guarantee and plenty but water eight ndfinfififii mobbed centrally located Allfo large rooms immediate nosaersion 33mm Ply St VPA 324801 Automotive IACars for Sale FOR 339 HAVE YOUR CAR COMPLETELY REPAINTED aody Work and Tobin lama HART GARAGE nliat HAROLD JoRY MOTORS TRIUMPH BTANDABDDW can EhfilNAg dame 75 BAYFIELD 311 RABBI PA 94165 Mil sooN WILL BE OCTOBER Ill your car Ki through Im tel 11 there should be any Ibouiar the dopendlililit resent car then tips ldlmoblla Super 85 wltb Intir mailwhit in mm 11 con rillit or quick ule ed DANGERPLELIJJ MOTORS USED can LOT 3233 Bradford Sh Barrie PA 65527 441 AAkh 0W¢v MOST RELIABLE DEALER Used Lars llsa Chev ctmvutibie on md Cadillac 62 Seriel Sedan loss Meteorblame cluh coupe lassPlymouth Hardtop Coupj mi chev Model ioeoSedan 1954Pomlhe Model 2211 Cold 1954 anidiiulsdvfly dadn DeSnio Sedan eyllnder Pontiac model all enlan N0 nowti rumii OPPOSITE NEW wp iii BAYEIELD PAmu 53

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