Barrie Examiner, 16 Sep 1959, p. 2

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will holdits annual convention at the Mount Royal Hotel treat today Thursday and Fri day to dioqu the future ofld yl Among those attending will be Examiner vermin Manager Robertlhrlor mha is llvo ly interest has already been ex pressed by many of the on Id officials will attend thecom nation ch will be bllblilhb ed by addresses to doom in on Chili m5 promotional fields Round table cussimarenisosvitaipart of the agenda was cur enuuocunuplou Boon Morrow sisters Beta hlrley la and Joyce 15 om Conkstown display the rtbbons won by Doddsworth Duke 8N at the Canadian Na tional Exhibition Agriculture Show The three sisters help ed show the 7oolb Yorkshire boar which was named grand champion The boar was bred by their father Arthur Marc row Slimcoe County Corn Crop VTheBest In Years Page North Simcoc Agrep Stewart Page recontlydiscussed an im poriant crop on many forms in Simone County the corn crop Corn appears to have been one of the earliest and most important cultivated crops grown in North Simcoe Accord ing to Drury whose most interesting book All for Beaver Hat history of Sim coe County published early this year corn or maize as it was often called was grown exten sively in North Simcoe by the Huron Indians at the time of Champlains first historic visit to this area in ibisnearly 350 years ago There were supposed to be some 30000 Hurons then living in the area we now know as North Simcoe and they grew enough grain corn for their own needs and lot more to trade for furs insofar as growing grain corn is concerned said Mr Pagerthe Hurons seem to have been lot smarter than we are today as they appeared to have no trouble in ripening the corn From discoveries in recent diggings in the Midland area the corn grown was of the Flint type rather thautthe Dent type we now grow in Simcoe Flint corn is still grown in Very limited way at the present time and possiblyifiwe want to grow grain corn thisgtfar north we should pay more atteniinn to the Flint type MAINLY runners However in this area apart from Sweet Corn which we grow quite successfully for hu man consumption Field Corn is grown almost entirely as fodder forcattic and mainly stored as ensiiogc For this rea son since our hybrid Dentcorp varieties arehevier yielders than iheFlint ryl we will no doubt continue with the Dent corn Field Corn for ensilage is popular with many farmers with good crop while the cost per acre is considerably higher than for an acre of grass or hay the yield per acre is usu ally high enough to more than offset the extra cost per acre Corn is also grown as an insur ance crop as it is an annual crop that can be grown in years when our cl ers may have killed but and we are shortgt hay Eor the past several years duefto unfavorable weather our corn crop has not been too good on 5110 of corngrowingfarms This year however due to war mer weather than usual in July and August sndlots of rain in ost areas the past in nth the corn crop is thebest ltfost corn fields are lpening much oatll than usual this expect ithat some soonwillhe On Sep lookedhver the lots on Albert Ahdersnns farm near trillisAlber growing the silage litany farmers commonly wait until the first good frost before putting the corn in the silo with late immature corn this is often good practice as the frost tends to make better 511 age by drying out the green com little and reducing the loss from seepage good frost will lower the moisture content about 10 per cent This year however unless very late variety is grown or frost comes early the first frost date may be much too late to make good silage as corn that is too ripe is likely to mould or spoil quite badly Overripe corn will also heat too much with excessive loss of food nutrients flt ispretty well agreed that the best stagelur cutting corn to make good silage is when the grain is in the firm dough stage Corn where the cohs are not fully formed and up to the milk stage makes silage that is too wet and opt to be sour if in the dent stage or nearly ripe an we have just mentioned the corn Will not pack well to ex clude the air from the silo and we can expect lot of spoilage of the mould type CHECK NOW suggest that anyone with good crop of corn should check upon it right away as it may already be in the right stage to make the best silage If the corn does get too ripe there are two suggestions that will help first cut the crop as shorten possible and second pack the silage as thoroughly as possible VWhile corn cutting and fall wheat seeding will bethe main job for the next two weeks We should keep in mind that fall fairs school fairs and 4H Achievement Days are in full swing good fair was held at Goldwater last Friday and Satr urdny and today we have Orn Fair Ubthoff School Fair Thurs day and Midland Fair Friday and Saturday ggg LOCAL AND GENERAL BARGE COSTLY The Gravenhurst barge on which both Barriex Collegiate Band and the Royal Dragoons played this summer has proved costly showpiece for Graven hurst Civic Music Association Construction estimates were $8 400 and actual cost was found to be $1405450 this week RAPS SAMENESS Ontario Industrial Commiss lasers at their annual meeting in Crime this week were told their brochures sent to industr ies lacked individuality Speaker James Bowman said the signaturewere taken off eapb one could hardly tell them apart RESERVE CHAMPION Donna Bell owned by Mervyn Sanderso of Shanty Bay was Reserve est Mare at the Can adian National Exhibition horse show lRURAL srani The Canadian National Exhib on which today attracts visit orsand exhibitors from all over the world started as an agricult ural show in 1879 CAS IN BLACK It the present trend in the fin imcoe County Child rens Aid ocietycontlnuesL the society will beabout $2090 under budget at the end of the year The favorable turn in financing lspa yduetofhe fact that there are now lost children =ln factorattributed largely the steppedup protection pro poe County Children iety reports that itls nowdeal ing with pplicotlons files this yea iety 15 private adoption cases were also dealt with QUELL FIRE small fire broke out at Barrie sports store Tuesday when furnace flooded and ig nited on the outside Barrie Fire Department ar rived at the Dunlap St store in time to prevent anydarnege FACE THEFT UHARGE Two men will appear in Barrie Magistrates Court today charglt ed with theft following the rub bery Tuesday of packs meat ltfrom Grahams batcher store barrio They are DPettereonll Kingston and It Cleremnnt 48 Toronto Owen SoundIinn ToStart In Out OWN SOUND OF This Bruce Peninsula citys newest in dustry Canadian Library Sup lier is expectedto start operations early next month plant to houseihe new in dustry is near completion and machinery will be moved into it in about week The factory is being builtoy Owen Souudln dusirial Developments Ltd and will be leased in thevcompany which is moving from Toronto andjaisley The in uselei volopmont companywae formed here last year to boost industrial expen intbeare ment is not compulsory on em OPENING EmisglvON The open ednc morn ing session will humiliate attending it first round of in formative talks The presidents address will outline plans for the eonvtntlo and be will be fol lows enema lowild inn Kristine131 not longer Daily Newspupérs Alenetattoo The convention is designed to benefit the Canadian advertising and xalesforoe representtitres with view to improving newt paper odnging or the met chandisor and making itmorc informative for the consumer public 4H Club Achievement Days Being Held During Fall Fairs Achievement day for the Hi Clubs seem to be the prime topics of converntlon among the young farmers in the county at this reason Eon Jones of the Vnuy Junior Farmers rep scented North simcoe at the vlucil Junior Farmers Camp It Geneva Park Lake Couchicblng from Septem her to ll Goldwater Fllr Friday Sep ternber it was the rite of the first achievement day of the season hero Huronia 4H Calf Club members exhibited their unit projects Today the Ore 414 out Club members hold their achieve ment day at the Oro Worlds Fair where the judging began at pm Tho Vasey Cult and Tractor Club will have its achievement day at Midland Fair Friday All calves should be when by 101nm for judging to start at pm The tractor clubs safe driving conteit will be old immediately following the cell exhibit Elrnvale tflerr will hold their achievement day at Elmvale Fair September 32 Calves should be on the grounds by to am witbiudglng starting at W11 Mlnesing Calf Club scbleyev ment day will be held at Barrie Fair Grounds Friday Septetm her hi in conjunction with the Barrie Junior Fair Judging will begin at 10 mm The Ortllin Hi grain club will Offert Extrai Week Employees of Barrie Puollc ml found In Orlluslalr ng gungelry nthe morning the Cult Club begin ning its exhibit at pm the following day All Mlerr were requested to be on hand for the showman Ihlp practice at lo Im HAD MOMS KIDS The CA5 looked after five Whytehaven children Three have been returned to their par ents and two are itlll in the care of the society During the month of August 29 children were ed mltted into the care of the Inc iety it were discharged of those discharged six were re turned to parents 11 were adorn ted two were returned to their own societies and two reached works Department and the A9 sessment Department are to be given an extra weeks holiday each yearif they tdke their un nnal holidays in the winter Comptroller Waiter Glgg ex plained to council it would avoid having men away during the summer construction program and permit them to take holidays at quieter times of the year The assessment department had to struggle agalnatru deadline of September 30 each year Courts of revision and appeal followed that date The winter holiday arrange ployees and is subject to apprnv aloi the department head Urges Bame Support Book The Story of Simone County rnayor may not include pic tures and itorlea about Barrie It depends on whether the city agrees to help pay the cost of production Calvert Reevegof Port McNicoll and chairman of the cntmtyl tourist and ind committee urges the city to financial assistance to the back Or it can agree to buy stated numberdot copies nyr tourism is Ontarios third most important mnfially tnthe district tour int income Barrlesycity sum commie ct 158 PM industry and no book adds rub fan 11 BARRY CONN HUGHES Examiner City Editor Planes of the liSSRs TU ser ies haveflown into therNartb American limelight this week With the exhibit of TUJOAB jet transport at the Canadian National Exhibition bathe week end and Premier Iflirushchevs enlval at Washington Tuesday in lUiu airliner thousands of Westerners are gettingfhéir first glimpse of Russias jetage Vshowpieces Andfhey deserve the spotlight The sleek speedy jets of Aeroflotnamed after designer lupolevushered in commercial jet travel before any other cotmv try lnthe world it was fully ayear later whencommerclal ieiliners set off on inaugural runs in North America Two years ago on writing trip to Moscow wasamnng the firstWesterners to fly in TUIM Linnbering into Prague trorn llruesele in twoengine Metro politaneven withglimpsea of the silvery storeywa Molded belowhad been little prepara tion for the smooth comfort of travel in ietliner Wolting in the Czechoslovak cnpitols drab airport was New attraction have been ufiii we ve exht yettobebeldbylhisoldf EE EE ed and new tactilth are Ibll to handle oucb the whioh will Have ring Th 55 sseei it Name Christie Councilfs Rep Roy Christie has been appoint ed to the Barrie Dietrict Colleg iate Board as Barrles repres entative City council approved the appointment this week it norlng requ from the flu vv unity Womens Club to appoint hm der appon en come no mild fire from alderman but Al dermnn Morrow speaking on behalf of the lateral Govern ment Committee which recom mended the appointment utlev find his quorumten Idemisn Charles Wilton quer ied what policy the committee followed in recommending up polntmouts Alderman later Cooke acting mayor replied there were no standards known to the emnnuttee on how the sp polnimenfe were made but they tried to find rmmdedout type of board Later council tabled direct motion hltrodudcd by Alderman Wilson calling on the Provincial Government to allow elections to high school board where all of municipality was in one limb mull guinea and when pse eaming monster gliding up could hardly wait for my boarding pass Once in side eagqu inspected the comfortable if not lush appoint ments and the fir ct baggage tacks above The main section reuied around 60 but was led to one of the two compartments before havingtime to count There were no seat belts and had heard Russians eschewed them as unnecessary with such botshot pilots But New York limesmnn Harrison Salisbury recently returned to hisport in theSoviet capitol reports they are now commonplace new event the smooth as cent was taken in gradual sta ges and the seat belts were never missed The seven Russians in the compartment smilineg included me in the conversation and with the aid of sign language and hastily memnrludRIIu ian vocabulary of 21 words we were soon chatting away vigor auelyz Drinks were served before dinner and while avoided vod the circumstance accepted small glassof the dark Russian brandy for purely 1A MilPPR muntannin ire as likely being topetrongr for if at iiggigégir eeséfsiiigie 53 ii ii egg S5 There also be of showing of and Whit with di his the champion females BEEF CATTLE bring out good showing of these breeds The Shortliorn breeders will have divisions which will make for plenty of competition Class for market cattle which need not up registered onhnals cam way open for commerciairoreeden to show lust what makes good steer Yorkshire bugs are having regional show for District Fm being the counties of York Duf thgr majority school area ferln Peel PW My but dawned theirs at gulp and nodded politely and did the same Rum lan brandy in no milder than Russian vodka experienced the weird bell ration only part of which was two of going 500 mph rtraigllt eiwod and 500 mph straight lip Fortunately trim steward ess emerged from the everpre sent red phlsh airtains and served supper And by the time was over we were begin ning the descent to Malawi Vnukuvno Airport We had flown 1100 miles over Cueho slovaldn Poland and White Rue lla in is little over twthnurs Jet travel frightening No sir Standing alone on the at anihlvtw with the comfort army 21 words no re servations and no one to meet me wished they let me back on Custom fiflumdl feral booingad Mfgmbmml tonight AnnIt Estgga £3th is is is iii 33 sir fits est if gr EL Sig his it 153 Attendance 0n Second Day fair on weekend data hon hde hm it not was way you but mu mm Pony dunes constituted new event this year and flute went to Cliff Webb for hls pony team to McElcllern for his single to Milton Ritchie for his tandem and Lloyd Leeking for his saddle pony Robert storey took five firm in heavy draught horses did Fleming in the agricul flute with his percme and Graham sole eonant in the Belgians won it Renard light took four lint Trenton StCntll Hamilton Muskaka Killaloe Earlton Sudbury North Kapuskln WhiteJti Mongolia

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