Barrie Examiner, 11 Sep 1959, p. 15

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yr Automotlvo lAfCars for Sale HART InmNAnONAL IDIOR TRUCK SALE AND SERVICE MECHANICAL COLLISION REPAIRS AND PAINTING 0N CARS AN DTRUCKS DUNLOP ST CLOVERLEAF AND BARRIE USED CARS AND TRUCKS 53 FORD Sedan Automatic INTERNATIONAL SIM dump truck 1952 AND 1951 INTERNATIONAL wheel base Inlck INTERNATIONAL TRACTOR andlfhynrd tandem dump lroller 1059 FARGO I71 whccl base INTERNATIONAL K6 151 wheel base INTERNATIONAL L175 dump 1961 FORD dump trucks 1953 IvTON DODGE Slake with duals$800 1A12 BROCKWELL MOTORS FOR ALL YOUR NEEDS INANEw DODGE DESOTO OR THE ALL NEW SIMCA WE HAVE LARGE STOCK OF LATE MODEL USED CARS PRICED TO SELL EOE EXAMPLE 1955 DODGE DOOR A1 ME CHANICALLY NEW PAINT JOB $595 1955 PONTIAC DELUXE DOOR CUSTOM BUILT RA DIO ALL NEW TIRES MEv CHANICALLY 11 $1095 MANY llIORE TO CHOOSE FROM VISIT OUR USED CAR LOT FROM 7590 UP ABROCKWELL MOTORS STAYNER PHONE 1112 STAYNEII lAu Vlau MOIOIS New and Used Emudnucar Carl RAMBLER and IIILLMAN DEALER 1957 STUDEBAKER DOOR Rooter dlrcctlonhl Ilghte good IIres clean car throughout 1956 BUICK DOOR New chr eondlllon Automhtlc dlrectlonhl Ilghls healer whtto wnII tires tone 1955 PLYMOUTH SEDAN DlrectIonaI llgth hehtor radio block heater hood um 19 DOOR Good the hunter new poIat Job good molly car 17 GOWAN SPREET PA 66488 OPEN TILL PM Itomu HAROLDJORY MOTORS3 TIIIUMPn STANDARD DEALERS Repatn no All Makes 0111 nod NAJ TDwLDgServInH IL 15 nAYrIIIm 5T BARBIE PA 165 lAAu PIucED mo qulck dale 1955 Pan mo In top mochanloaI comimnn 5195 WaIInr calms mute 2121 IA T11 PMVAIESALE 1955 Dndzn Cor Iaunaequte cood1t1on Io throu prtee to IAIma can TransportUna duo Aut t1a 1151 Studebaker reach room shoeneat ano muo south Thornton HIghwayn Phooa Iyy 11r11 III1L1 Iuly ouIedhad 1111 1151 fl Automerlve lACors for Sale AUITIN Bod mfluon III In ht on Phon PA nun otter no no IAIMI me an Illngg Hon Hell nnd Jon 5211 Pom 5511 3111 IAlfl ECars Wanted mVAmY owned cur Radar to non eonoluoo Apply dx Demo Drummer lBllIl CASE FOR le CII Urn PIIG Tud Iwntndelpfiie 11°F pen 11 PA um 1511mm lCTrucks for Sale Isu Pom PICKUP ve umfluon tau Phone Conb Iown 101113 nu MERCURY Mm heevy duty dun Comolele wlth wood com hlIu on end hem Ibn uuck to excrlont roodltloo Afiply Clnon Knu 1o Ill Queen EL on rte PA 3435 101111 Bodts and Motors 11 no hnd TnUer wllh up molar PA um 1101 15 111 MOTOR 1541 EDI and 1nller also 1t hp rnator rar ule IA mu 21111 Business Services FOR SHOVEJL WORK EXCAVATING BACKROE CLAN DRAG LINE CEMENT BUSIINII 0R RAISING STEEL 55 BOOM SHOVEL FRONT LOADING LEV sumo on nAcKIIUING Dom WORK PHONE STEWART INSULATION We use rock woolThe mnwlnl Nelhod Prre Bumcl All work dunrootreo to Duke you how IVrIIe or thune SCOTT MUIR 211 MINESING AIRTICRT INSULATION REPRmIINIATIvz IIImDP FOBERTS GAS AND APPLIANCES Dmflhnlon or monx 0A5 srovea whrer Hauler WHOM PA um 11 Peoeuol atree Dryer dorm Hm IAINIING DECORATING and PAPER HANGING Wore no by BRITNDLL had WRIGHT zu DuoIoo otroot Wesl JEree burnth hono IA 68737 or PA ama 1193 EXCAVATINO GRADING BACKFILLING OTHER DOTPR WORK DON PHONE PA 12503 JOHN KEY 5IzII BAYCIJY UPHOLSTERING REPAIR SERVICE AND MODERN Now ml than to recover your chmerfluld Chlhl on 3211111111 um 15 Pree roomm Monvthnn Expeflncu PHONE PA 847433 BARBIE Low overhaul Permit LIA tom WI ehetter deer omr Dntker Hed Duckworth 51 an as Endlan so sIzm SODDING SEEDING BARRIE SOD SOPPLY CRTATORS 01 MINESING 5011 AND DELIVERED DAILY FREE ESTIMATE PAR9816 LDAM 31111 DASHS EIOOIIIC MOIOIS PHONE PA 315 PLASTERING STUCCO QUICKBRICK an STONE Prée minutes Iemu Gunnnteed P110111 may saucowt 3153u ELECTRIC MOTOR Pm PICKUP 0N mm on SERVICE Por New Rotor Now RondIaa and RIDIIPI 50 HAROLD UWEINST PE PA 82209 Dorm Electnu Motors IAfin m1 VOLKSWAGEN wtll hoocpt pknu deep renew 510 In good Phone stroud MI IAI 141 1951 VOLKSWAGEN Conch ehow room condltlon Priced fight Tor gums Io Trhdo In consldered honePA 11454 IAIII PRICED F011 Qulck Sole 1955 Pan the In Communal1131 condltloo 8695 Phone Walter Cantu flmo no 242 lAInfl 1951 PAmLANII Tudor Hardtop two tono yeIIow and ok auto rnhtlc power ateerlng Ind hroxoL Dne Dwncr 170110 roller Exeeuont Dndltlan PhonePA 68321 lAIofl 1151 PONTIAC sedan Denvery d1o lpeclul nIdo wIadows taproot rto rocks on root oadeoo tIoo throughout 3115 1151 Molinth ourtoa room Knud rhopo 511 195 Ford hood mechanIaoI oood WroaIdn Ford Dad 1510 an Srouh une mlle Inul oI harn Phoneva mu an toll Highway 21 CONVERT YOUR FURNACE NOw Is THE TIME To CONVERT your FURNACE TO 011 NO FUSS N0 BOTHER Contact Our Semen Dophrtmeht SIMCOE DISTRICT aCOOPERATIVE SERVICES 251 INNISPIL Sln EARRIE PA 66531 LANDDCAPIN Pupre now or all needing For complete undon Ind roddlo heading or Cuilum IAIM $1 rota mung Phono dhdzr PA II MOST TeodoroSodom CARPENTER human Lmfl0fls 01 name trom out on Monmouth fiomKnun PHONE PA 5W SWJMLUGJLIC mum =1 51 PA who Illeineu Opportuni do Dogs Pal Stock THE FISHBOWL PET ROOM GOWAN 5T FBDNE PA um TROPICAL HEP TURTLE EXOTIC MED UANARIE Dunous Com 501le ma ALI BART MOUNTAIN 1511 111511111 WILNB ml DILRDDUND Purl or hole IIIh DIG PA 5101 01114 BA Wm re and HTS Phone Oro IIIn Tel101 PooDLxs Mlnlnlure lIIsz And whlte mustered $113 to also PA um or all Mrs ddooln no Dunlap st IL 81111 61113 PEIIALD Hound Pu rar nle month 0111 Phone 1101 strond CouId an No II Huhwny sIzde DIAUIIFU Germo Pow roguI tend II Chumplan Ru Bnuultx 155 mm 51 Could vmod phone 516 0124 nuss JEAN st VIoernt sum Home IICkel donated by Imporlal Theatre Now showtno Gulltvtrl Invnl Illo At We mm the Army 611 Employment CAPABLE G11 or Ray 111 he In 01 Than 1111 GInInI ore RR Elm 111 7A Help Wanted Mal MEN SALARIED POSITION Corner human who NUonaI F111 hootI arrmutton anon job curIty and excellent Advlncemenl opportunIty A02 IIu ngh lchoal zroduete collex erred LtherI cor ow hnce Ind 11 In on employee Unuentprognms PHONE PA om For Appolntment IAILII EXIEMKNCLD Plumber or Plumb orn helper vented Phone PA 111271 7AIIHZ MAINTIINANCII 11h handy wIth tooly Slant1y work Show Hotel PA hWIZL 7A1113 YOUNG MAN qulflled age 11 to work In grocery nore Apply 151 nrhdcord st 7A1012 TOBACCO Primer And on wont ed lmmndlhtely Phone Mom 1011 WILL chIIANGII $9 713 houn work rdurt IIIYe nor an Blnln Examlnu 1121 EXPERIENCED Men over years wnnled or deny arm Yehrly em ployment smo experlonce Ind wild expected APPLY BOX 53 131 rIe Bummer 1AIM 7BHelp Wanted Female INSURANCE INSPECTION FIRM opeolh Ior juolor represen In In the Home dutrlot Nu experlonce neoounry but upon cants must he IIlzh School zndu etes between 1231 and must on car Thlr 11 muted posluoo wIth expense hllowence For to tervtow wrlle no Do III BnIrle or telephone PA 32 ornoonr 131012 FEMALE BOOKKEEPER mphIona prolnned Aha aperntu record on STORE HOURS moment emunentlon to right appIIclrItT Apply to pardon to MR CLIFF KELLY HOME APPLIANCE SHOP 24 DUNLOP ST WEST 731113 LOCAL BUSINESS requlror hook keeper wlth some typlnv state qlllllficamml and sum dorlred Apply Box 55 herrla EDIminer 1311115 WAITRESSES FULL OR PART TIME Goodonk1n oaodtuom We poy top wont nllaml euppIIed Ind IAIIndermL APPLY UNITED CIGAR STORES LTD 20 Dunlop $1 Barrié 131013 CLEANING WOMAN wanted once yveek Phone PA H513 151211 HELP WANTED Agply EIIIaeor mm 231 nradrord home 1D91e nnIGIIT You may torneIIIn In rotII Jewellery ltnre Asply an tonCredIt awolero uolop 11 11191214 WANTED Immadlhtuly Women to Iron Tor ehud Ind do ht home work Flvednv wrek hone PA 154 7311 SELL Anylllling and lmplqymflf TDEmI mgr to Mont1 or roll don 101116 oa WILL CA ehmtrm In my hon n8 Ind PA 843 101012 tor Imam pond on 1va mono wonAN dullre II III hmkem Ingean wtth ad uor cm 01 1111 11 JDI mum donhlfi 11me mgr Inert moot nd 01 mo Una A11 to handle campIetr tel or book Ind mums seven yenn naoea tnrro nan amo ml llll IIIIIG max nut Examiner 1151111 For Sal Jones Used Furniture 79 DUNLOP 51 WEST We buy and sell Anthua And Good Modem turnith GOOD mRICTRATons aw TV OLD MODEL ROYAL woncum DINNEk smwc Chm BUILDER 51me DESKS INCLUDING ROLL tors IWARDROBB OUKCASE OCRINA CABINETS ooAx AND WW DINING sums De KRozIILLn LPIECI Ch$m 111110 sums WITH was covnns OLAIIGLDRDPIm TAan omANDIsTOII AND OTHLR IIA DIDs cvlcmtuAN SETTLE PERFECT CONDITION sxvnrtAL ANTIQUE CHAIRS oLAIIGI OAK OFFICE D1311 BlNLI cums carom 111 IN MAPLE WALNUT YOUTH Rm 2011er BUNK Dms 00111an SEVERAI nANGmEs ALSO HEAVY DUTY ELECTRIC nAN 113 ELECTRIC 1110mm WASHING MACHIle IA STROMEEIIG CARLSON Aurumm WITH MICRO PHONES LOUD SPmKEIIS Damrs BICYCLE CLUB srrlrns AND CHAIR IN IAPBTRY COMBINAIION RADIO 111 CORD PLAYER4 spams MANY OTHER USEFUL ITEMS WANTED OIdChInr and on siorhoo 5r Iver 11c PROM PA H261 tztr FILL GRAVE TOP 5011 SEPTIC TANK PUMPIZD axonum ono uredIor Wm Denvery Crushed Lllnestone DENNIS MORAN 21 Anne Streel narrlc PA mm III 11111110 ECKING AND LUMBER Con Cedar Ave Illchmond HIII New and Used Lumocr Ind Plumblns Supplies pLUIIIDING SPECIALS All materlou new and Runnntred Stnlnlen Ste1 Slnks unon 512511 douhIe 500 complete ToIItt wIth heat 5111 VanIry 3151115 13 uncle $156 Doclt To 5150 Inch Faucet Tan 55 copper PIpa and mung und Inch Son Plpe Ind mung Tollcl Sum 5450 REC noord SPECIAIS New Elwood 615 1x11 3125 Tempered Ha bond 4x1 $2 cemu Squares 12111211 and 1x2 2c per no It no do per In 51 It run 1412 EIDCLIII lvtre per 1L Complctu no of noarIng IdaterIaIy No 1111 lb Aaphut ShtngIoo sow per uare P110 5591 Newsprinf SCRATCH PADS For Sale Out To Any size zed PER LB Orders Accepted At THE BARRIE EXAMINER BUSINESS OFFICE L190 NEWSPAPER MATS slie 2211 1411 tar honror attics Kudzu etc 91 Inlulhtot 15 PER Dom Apply élhn nonIa Dxmlner we DomIo hen 91 Irmt ENJOY YOUR HOLIDAYS ECONOMICALLY PRENT TENTS CAME Cors coLmAN STOVES PORTABLE CUDLERS KIARPS Iron BARRIErmNg ahd AwNING 14 naysud streoI Bmlr PA ssm 515m KBUBNER Cory Gotten Maker complete to new condluon so Phone PA 61551 11114 011 IIDACD Hutu Urod BIInk Doors wlodowa and storm with down Apply no DIInIop St 111 312 IIIoPIAT Gu Rnnie end er 15 1humCr Elm Range lolnch NorglenElectflc Range 11 Rmzetles up RohIoopo 11me 11 BOAT MaToII Ind Irrllrr Pho Mr to Inpoen Gun Comm 153 Iohaord Dnotne 10 1931 Pool Stock Car Hhone mu 31115 GIRLSIII IECE Wlnter Outflte or Ills one Lune Nuggot SIZE one who my montaa Ina no 51 IX In no Excellent condl PA 05 Iflla Em WATER HEATER file utedfl excellont tdndltlon on Rel nnnb couId he canvertod to Phone 1111 um or 51 cont An 11 Tv D7719 In em summt mum Div ll financial 13111111411011 1101 MWWBIIE For Solo WEEK AssOrTecl ColorS DINETTES USED BEDS 11155 FLOOR Model or Gerrnany Ihlr week Phono HIM After 31 SMALL COAL and Wood Coak stave In good conoItIoh Phone PA 31151 alter pro 111115 PREMIER thlor Vicuulg excrII ont candluun Renonhl Phone PA 117571 81 COCKTAIL Droasos 5112 1115 COILSZSHS each new 55 ooch Phone PA 35 111143 MOFFAT srovn heavy duty In good workmz ardel sto Phone PA wsm 11241 111ng 312 Graletly Amsnacéé In tan yam ppy VIotonr st PA 1141174 371119 HARD TWIST vGIey andloflm Phone PA hIoII Luvtng PA Rugs 11x9 ond 1m Lam WAsRmGJIIochlnc 25 Chester field and ohms $81 Telephanav Tahle and Chalr s10 Phone PA 34661 DIIIs DINING RotIII sulte Duncan Ploer table and upholstered cholrs mahogany voneer Phone PA 31759 31113 MAN DICYC rnnoe In 40 hloko MUST SELL oll turolshIn sor fpnlfmenéh heroro not P11 my ov noun one 3712 TYPEWRITEES aIuce maohlou portath addla mathum orh nflflmu1uulo ervloo HJ Gosoey 17 Frances st same phone PA 04115 Box 35 smtth Crrooh rooroseaorvvo 1130111 OLSTEIN SprIngers one regis torad mono calf duo 10anc young grade due Sept Herrthy weaned mgr castrated any amount rrom one to thtrly Phonu VaIIey mow Pam Elmvnle 703151 10A12II OVERHEAD Pump Iack for deep 1115 p1 as roroe up wIth an no or Hot In er an hoalor Bhthmom hIpos tape fillings cheek mm mm shattahaaom punayr holly WnllaIIOJirovrn nn 112 MODERN store Restau amlfld lKIlCIIe ompmetuflnd stock rootn shelvlng mqu on area or noon so It Pflczdvto Kresge Co Ltd Phone or up LY nprmlne at 311m Bloo st ODD KITCHEN CHAIRS olm1ormor1ythonraparty ss Ripley ANlNDJNED PLATFORM MILES lONG MIR REMIR YEARS END SPECIALS USED CHESTS AND CHAIRS SWIVEL cIIAIR at FILING CA and Styles from USED CHROME AND WOOD from 1000 IUSED WASHERS reconditioned from 2500 USED RANOETTES reconditioned from 500 from 500 100 SPRINGFILLED MATTRESS 1500 LEVITS TRADING 33 COLLIER ST BARRIE ONT PHONEPA8ISOI 12 IOClmplemefits YOUR DION DEALER PhoneElmvole 752R6 We have land used Ind new top DEE hnrvuun Ind blowers One used Gall homater Ind targo hIawar CampIete for hay nod corn Ono good used man cutting box One John Deere colD oIhder PTO wIIh lender and Internnoon corn under both your and A11 In gpod common and autonomy prtoad FRANCIS MOREAU ANTEN MILLS IncIndalolrs IIOLL chlokan who 11 Mod roll oxeellent coudltloo Phone PA 83397 IoCIIIa IoDSeed and Féed HAY 101 SALE nunde Alfalll prlced Inc hole or payment by lny Applyvl Wood shanty Roy Phone PA 957 Inn1143 IoEaéEouIIry Chicks STARTED PEKALB PULLEIS AND CHICKS nro hvnllable out to enable us to best nnbyou ro utfimezall orderé no vulc ultry Ir lems fez tree to orwrlte Hummus POULTRY FAITH Strand PhnnIlfitrmfi 12 THE Best Deal On Loans IO $5000 IT WILL PAY YOU TO GET ALL THE FACTS AND THEN SEE SEABOARD WHEN YOU RECEIVE LOW COST RATES CLxANLY ITArzD FLEXIBLE TERMS UP To In Nornfls PERSONAL SERVICE ALWAYS IROMPI SPECIAL PM FOR BOMB GWNDLS LOANS MAY DI urn mhunm Seaboard Discount CANADIAN 11mm NLDUNLOP ST IZND FLOOR PHONE PA WT II77I1MIllll1l1ulfl m2 12 Florists éUILDING NEW HoIIIEr Full yerlet ado grown lowerlnl unmo Iue Spruce klddlu end tarIdes UIIII IDR HELL SERVICE STATION IIRDcKs ouch HIGHWAY T0 COLLINCWDOD Ille run out hen And no or yourell 1111 16 Personal REA Now lthInl CAR 110111 AI Clpunn wlok soul 15 Con lette enlufl Phone 107 Cncmore 151042 16A Womans Corner rAIIIIIDN Dulznor wlu do are doll clothes 15A 214 nlIerouons mhktnlz homo PA In awn 18 Room and Boar NURSING HOME Vlchncy or couyelrscont or am urly Indy NunlnE GIN THE FIVE MAPLES MRS HILL aIHORhTON PHONE IVY 2m 1541 8A¥Rooms for Rent humus turnIrhod Deslro 11ch IBA11I oIa Couple PA 19931 BEDROOM for rat PA HoodNor pm one or two persons PA dazed PURNIsIIDD hudroarn Reasonole PAl dam FUElelIED Iloom hedslttIIIE room wth or wIIho hoard PA wz LIGHT RoonL Aduluonly 311 $7351 tnL PA 1151171 chen unre 11 15a nflu LARGE ms pnvueou Onkley Pa Females only 11 p111 LARGE turntrhed room wlth hnslo use at 110011 control Rensnnhble rates H852 aI At 21 Adelalde H760 rt 11mm cleoo ham centrn located nradrord st PA 1111136 RouM AND nquID Phone PA Mm suaIey glrli CIDSD PA 54115 to do tow Phh working men onIclt Dflvnor phone PA 11475 0D AIIo uundndr oI Colon Hm blnhdy Ind Chflnrnu grain or an OMEGADELL PIhrwlck hy Roxy TheIre 1611 LEAVING 1dr st John New central Phone IRA1M 10011 pnvlic hath Soluble or NATHAN Central IaAIoI iultnble InaIon Purntshod nousekoepmo IRA11m LARGE Turntahao Room wtth twln hoda wtth or erhaut hoard Con MIA10 FURNISHED nodoitllno roomklt Phone PA UTA111 tumohed room healed heavy duty atavz 11mm sun puod Alan SIDEIe room 51 Nany St 4111311117 hourckocplng me and Beodlx CentroL Phone PA 15061 IDA12I7 18C Boarders Wanted AND ROAIID Ayahtag 130a SINGLE BEDWOOH Board opuon Phone PA doc1L1 110011 AND RoArtD tor men only Inc1113 ovatIahIe 11 may 11101112 goon AND 011m avatlnhle7ior roe14m Room AND RDAHD hyLUohloJo1 Apply to 311 KcmP 19 Legal Ontario Fuel Board In tho matter the Plpe Llnes Act 1951 And In the menu 01 In Iter tIoo by tho Cnuumen Cu vamp my or run In eonnrum xu Ironmlutoo om Uoo rum me ConanU mm muoo In 5101 coocroetao the Town or vuprr to ma IaIrroreuao 11th 51 no oIo mono no In In TDnnII or nu dtnnce or NOTICE 01 HEARING The Onlnno 1an Bond hrroh oppoIou Thundny the 11111 no all SP nubr I159 ID oretoc an lhl to non Elrlern Humor In ll lhl nonrd Onkes 51h Hour 790 my 51 Toronto unmIo tar the harm or move AopIIon HonI Ind on pumu Inlenmrd InnIn Co In or In pllcalIon In pmd and Author purlch Ion oatuoro the omen III In CIerka the Nunmpuhm taro whtrh In Drowned Ilne wlll pan to An In the Sahel ton on ahaat Md Zlmmemun Hywpuod Ind Tag vIIIe III Illchmoud sx Wot Ton Dughugnklflle Ilrmfihflontd oron at September 1159 ONTARIO IUPJ HUMID CROZIIIII Cnnlrmnn WINGFZLDER vIceclulrronn 1941712 NOTICE To cumruns EllId or CHARLIE Cub lg afllhcngllvnemn or no oun amulet In no tumor In In tho NAN AII plrlolll hoono cIaInu Int the more at he move dufim an nqulnd the the rotno wIIh lho undemrnod mrcuton an or hetore Illa oth day a1 October 1959 mar whlc date the Duet qu he dhtnou ed ImongstJho parllel entitled than hlvlnl re lord only to the ohm or wIIIch aouo rhII nhvo Deon men Dhted It Now Toronto th 91 day orsplemhrr 1059 Roroud Mcflllllyn and Grunt urcutorn or the orIIo ol Chnrlu Culoon co Grent QC 877 lakeshom Road New Toronla Out 19411114 25 TREASURERS SALE 01 LAND FOR TAXES MUNICIPALITY OF CITY OF BARBIE To WIT DY VIRTUE or IAnnANr under the hand or the mayor Imd 521 or the carparanon DI tho Ctty harrtn bearlnu the dan or the 21rd day or duty 1115 cummundlna me lovy IIDDII 111 mm monnonod In The IoIIowInr tut or lmnr 01 tom Ihmnn and cost no horeln SH Duh Iluxcby olve nouce thul unIoss such AF rehrand 0015 ara manor patu rhaII In ramputhrewuh the As Icssment Act nIDcecd IasoII hy puhho aucuan tho 5an lands or too much harenl ll muyhc necessary or the taxes 0515 and charges at the Cannon Chambers CIIy Inn 34 CollIer sum DarrIe an thno the nth day at Dcccmbcr AJJ 1959 at the hour or ocIock In the otternoan usury an hdIoIIroedatIewIIIh fill at tho tame tune and place one weak Inlet on December 11101 1959 AD where1 rho Comoradon or the Cltyot porno wIII purchastz any and all parcels at Jhad II the puctarrmnu 11111 the an rem and costsucorpcd GIGGTrohsuron 1511mm uI rk IN THE MATTER OF the Closlng Black Street arid IN THE MATTER 01 The Mums Dal Act Seélion 469 and 472 Chapter 243 RSO 1050 TAKE NOTICE that he CouncII Ema Cflxlparatlnn thebCItyuor aw ah Haon at thl Nanoa atloasl hol agweek tor our succesflvc weeks In The Barrie IIxamInor Consider and Ir dacmedexpedlcnt DIES bylaw to oIose and stop on DIaok Street 1512 cordlng to egtatered pIanvNo2s 1n Khe CIky 01 311111 FUR TA NOTICE that any person who clnlms thaI on land MD or fileudlolnllydf rentedhyIhosaid yIuw and who appuosto ho hoard shaII be heard by the Council ellher In person or bxhlecouoool SolIoIIor on archL ThIsNatIce Is tun uhIlsheIl on chi gath Llay or Aung 11159 gaa ETIIAUGHAN theCIIy MRulflc YESEAGRAM ROWE on he

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