Barrie Examiner, 1 Sep 1959, p. 13

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lees boa oi thebiurst Events to take place in the township will be the lnniafll School Fair Sept 16 at tnniaiii Park Mm 7thanuthousamischoeicbildren will participate in the events blah are both individual and Most oi the schoolrot the iowmhip have entries and ihose who have notdoneto may still nuke them The prize list which is now avail sable has total of as events and the totsl of money which is available to he won by school children in the township is in the hundreds of dollars Besides the cult prizes there are specials such as the Shesrd Cup which goes to the school where pupils have won the highest awards in points the Sproule Cup for the high est numbenof points per pupil the Watson Construction Com ploy to the school winning the second highest number at poinis Thompson General Store to the boy winning the second highest points Innlstil FormersCrcdit Union for the school winning thersccood high est number of points the Eaton Company Ltd gives book to each girl and boy win ning the highest points ol the fair CiiH bockbart awards cup to team at two pupils who place highest in judging com petition lluntcrs Poultry Farm swank cup to the champion livestock sbowman and Jack Webster awards prize to pupils in Grades one and two who win highest points flhme prizes are presented during the evening of the True tees no hammer ennui Sound 60M GE The greatest value at the is thcgopportnnity for thermal school minimloll M1 to ship to get together at one time and meet others of lrinialil both mill Teachers Indtpatcntsjhodo not have their children there will mist rare opportunity The prlu list which it now kit available through the Seue L117 Don Benny Lelroy of from the school board secre taries has eight pages of in tormstion oh items and mate ials that pupil my enter One of the mostlnteruting contmts is the peLscets any breed dog anyhrecd rabbits any breed and any other kind otpetthataboyorgirlmay eel is above the Ivaage Ind shows intelligence Thenthere will be by con lestants in the Public king contest good training for In tnre polltldlus andpuhiie lend em both boys and girls The singing contest is also open to both boys and girls other classes include weed classifies tion board sawing contest nail driving contest knitting for girls only judging of grain flowers and vegetables Wednsdny September 16 will be big day in Innisfll and only those schools who do nntsttend will be the losers There will be opportunities for swim in the lake us well as plenty of table space for fam ily picnic This is an oppor tunitytor township families to meet the children at Innidii schools and their teachers Heres Wardrobe Check Lisi ForMan Whos By HAROLD DESSLEB College Bound Stylist Wooi Boren As you rad it is suggested that youmnko list of the items of wearing apparel you still need for your bigyear at college Every college student whether he goes to big state uni versity or commutes to local college will find that sports costs nreessential for it good appearance Semi tted paddock sports costs are shown in all campus stores especially in soft Shetlauds and in earthy burnished tones ts the important sports coat for backtoschool You can choose from large muted plaids or hold District JUST Kl POP Scaleddownvversion of his other from cap to his brief easel This young man knows how to return to learn with everything he needs in side the handsome ginger colored leather case its washable Wile out Stabs Man Sentenced COEOURG Ont GP io bncco worker Samuel Row land 22 Gretna V5 was sen tenced Monday to three months jail for stabbing the man who kept Kowlaods wife out all night He told Magistrate 13 Bill tcr he plunged pockciimiie into John Woodhnm iocernting his kidney when Woodhnm brought Rowlands wile Knie 19 home in truck Aug 22 after bein out with her all night Mrs Rowland ran in terror from the scene andrreturned to her parents home in Gretna Va try the committeeon School inn Banking Police BOMBAY CPlA network ct police highway check poets today rings lndleesccond largest city in an attempt to enforce total prohibition in scorch of illicit liquor nul armed special police flag down all vehicles entering Bombay Private corn and buses are usu ally waved through alter cor ory inspection but trucks and envily laden bullock certsmny comparable to the most etilcicnt customs troabnent tn the port sineorlndin won independence in 1997 prohibition has become one of the most publicizedand eontroversiaiissues in the coun tryVOoeol the main planks oi the lndlan National Congress movement and stressed by Gandhi the desirability pro hibition has been written into the lndian constitution Article 41 di rects that Each ltoieshall endeavor to bring about prohibition of the consumption except for medical purposes of intoxicating drinks and drugs which are inhnious to health VARIED ENFORCEMNT The main argument tor prohibi tion is that it will improve health standards and improve living conditions of the poor by divert ing income now spent on expen sive liquor to bettering the home be uamined with thoroughness dividual blnh conducting bank tours and in general help in to tenchyoungneopte the mfifiicnhehlot lite ordingto report by Jean Mlnranocbsirmn at Sav oi the Amerimp Proponents of prohibition any in dinn religious and social atti tudrs traditionally tsvor abstin ence Liquor lnws in the various atatesjdiiier with complexity that exceeds similar legislation in Canadian provinces lnIBombay and Modrns there is total pro hibition except for ioreigners who can purchasevllquor by spo cioi permit in Aodbrn Prndcsb litter Pradesh and Mysore the states are divided into dry and wet tones in Delhi state drink ing in public places has been abolished and sales at liquor ro strlcted in quantity in West Ben gni token prohibition is observed with one dry day week in Bibnr liquor is rationed only by high pricesxu Today approximately 40 per cent at the countrys 400000000 population is covered by prohibi tion lows However there is no Imanirnnus consent as to the suc cess oi the prohibition experi ment in its chapter on prohibi tion the 1950 privately published Hindustan year book writes Though outwardly it may look impressive there is general conscious olinionln India that prohibition has now become ni mosi tnilure LlliLE NIGHT LIFE in Bombay Chiet Minister Chevan sold in an interview We consider prohibition is fundamental thing we should lhle uviogxprogrn sidand lobeone oithebest ways at teaching the popularity bonkers have on young peopiein learning to maintain round tinnehlvpro gram and toprevent them horn MbmominL overburdened by To Halt Liquox Flow hnve think it hos been reason ably cilective but cannot say it is 100 per cent successful In Bombay city prohibition has had noticeable effect in that for large cosmopolitan port of 8000000 there are few drunirs in the streets and there is no drinking in public Night life is almost nonenstent end restau rnnts serving soit drinks tea nnd coffee close at lin striking con trast to the nocturnal geiety oi nonyprohibltion Calcutta In rural yiilngu where pro bibltian has been enforced oiii ciois say there has been an im protement in living standards They directly link drop in liquor consumption with an increase in flash available foretood cloth liowevcr state nuthor od rnit enforcement of prohi tion is costly through the need to main tain additional special police and loss in liquor revenueeithough the latter is partly made up by new sales taxes Bombay news paper men sayiprohibitioo has heipedlencaurngc bribery organ ized crime illegal distillation smuggling and that in practice anyone whowanu drink cab have oneat price Meantime bile foreigners may pay tram 70 tend to $150 for bottle oi beer the vast nie lndians irrespective oi lawscontinue to we notional beveragewater been man baboon mess tour bankin Springfield ll iinols part pt notioli wide program by jbanh to instill ednuteyo ole in fld nuclei mittfiyesblideuu an abownbowallstinneiCasbv re sistor ssvingamncbine rims vnusinurs 3I69l Reiuinr 360 SPECIAL LUNCH BOXES mack 199 Linen 169 Aluminum gt Kiddles Slae 65o illusions HARDWARE 593 Hunter snn 11 Unions Demandzsc PayHike checks Each are equally handsome olive green is important in sports coats as well as the other tones known as burnished Whether youre in the entering class or graduating in June youll take to the natural shoulder lvyetyied sports coat lts nbout the easiestditting model around and designed pri marilyviora young mans physique Every campus shop has the natur shoulder in soft lambe wooi or Shetland about the two best fabrics for sports coats No college wardrobe is complete without some wool bulky knit sweaters Most popular this year are brushed wool plaids in shaggy Shetland Shetland by the way is about the finst wool for sweaters It wears well keeps you warm yet is light weight And Shetland colors never fade Youll see brushed wool plaids in VAnecks boat neck new coke Cardigans too Shawlcollar treatments are equally important but youll find them in five and sixbutton to eight button cardigans in bulky knits popularly called jumbo lcnits New color is mustard its in all sweater styles In many cases its contrasted with other colors 1Look for broad hori nontal stripeshut mostly in shaggy Shetland Heather tones too Replacing the grey flannel slacks fasbion are newer wool lacks in black and white plaitk brown and white plaids and jmuted heather plaids Patterned wool slacks go well with blazers nnvywhitc red or your school color blazer should complement your pat terned slacks this tall Theres more big news in slacks this tall than in any other category of wearing apparel Front pocket trutments ueate new interest in slacks Back pookets sport flaps and buttons some slack manufacturers have cliniinated the haelopocket altogether Permanent creasing has been added to the weambility of many new woolworsted flannel slacks check the label to see idmt yourslacks have this extrevelue it Will meanjewer pressing bills No college wardrobe is complete without half dozen pairs 01 wool argyle socolm Only wool can taloe authentic argyle colors or course youll need new outedacket tonip those Wintva Ibreezes between classes New developments in weavmg have mnde wool fabrics used in outerwear lighter in weight more comfértable yet they retain their ability to keep the wearer worm look for Persian lamb collars shawl collars yoke fronts and backs to wool tweed the blebreasted and single bmstedjncketsere equally popular iiyoure sixieet tall youll look great inthe new double brasted style Shorter men find diet singiebreasted Jancket 190 rt to enema Euler tnssuitsans scoa are or eorqlzo in fine mohpis going checked Gray and white live nndvhlnck brown and black are typically Ivy our on Youll find the checked look in Iketype jackets too Andtbores news in linings Soft wonlpile om holds warmth is just about tops infingertip length Jackets Youll find thatmany stadium coats are coming with wool pile 5611mm lhoy keep your ears warmas toast when youre watching that allimportant football game Sixloot wool mufllersin college colors make smartlooking complement to your wool outefiscket Keep warm too With knltted wool gloves nine sport leather palms known This contrasted sharply with the agencys Aug 24 report that 12 persons were killed and eightinurecL Tbesjnma waleiit again Sunday bytyr can Red agency said ports listed threepersons lulled injured nndsix mining It reported 50000hmnes around the cityo Foocbowwereevecu ated whentyphoooJoan struck ibengency snidfm houses were hosed and1784 more dank hanRcd china ty phoon Joan rolled quFormosa NeWsIAgency bidtyphoonilris ed A720 persons injured 618 the lite 05096 oth is un Ele en personsldiod From Railway WASHINGTON AP Eleven unions announced Monday joint demand on the us railway in dustry tor incent hourly pay boost and improved welfare bene fits for more than 600000 non operating rail workers George igh union spokesman said nationwide US rail strike probably will take insisting that present threeyear contracts dont run out Nov Leighty contended the agree ments clearly specily they expire on Nov butraiiwnys have con tested this in discussions relating to holiday and vacation improve mans requested earlier by the same union group Rail industry spokesmen here and in Chicago declined com ment MIDJANUARY THREAT Even if the termination dateis agreed upon Leigbty said strike threat wiliqioom around midJanuary after the mediation processes outlined in the Railway Labor Act are carried out We look or tough times ahead he said The nonoperating unions rep resenting cierks and maintenanue employees already have received rnii management proposals for fivecent hourlynpay cut in re sponse to the holidayvacation Peculiar So Ki Lennon neutérsi Hitlers own story at Germanys night of the long knives on June 30 1934 when lstormtroop leader Ernst Robm and more than 150 at own Brownshirts were killed in purge that leftliitler undisputed party chief was told here today It appeared in new sciins it official Gennanldoguments cap3 Erancdlnvitesi IkélotVisitl noqu tAPJGenernlissimo Franco has invied lresident Eisenhower Sp at diplomatic sourcesnid Eis bnwuexpressed pleasure at the invitationhut hasnot formally accepted Ernnco also expressed unqualli tied support forfithe presidents personalme to ease Easb MllllstEl17tllliidtlrI Maria Cas teiiiawhocamo to London tor thntpurposo place Nov if the carriers keep sum Troop cues in 150 men sexuality some convenient time alligilly his 725 Industry In US demands Theworkers now aver age $30 an hour Operating rail employeesen gineers trainmen firemen con ductors and switchrnen earlier demanded pay boosts at 12 to 14 per cent The railways countered bytproposing lscent hourly pny cu Also the carriers claim that featherbedding meaning pay re ulred tor no work costs the in ustry about $500000000 year watching Ships Man Falls Drowns ronoNro or neoffour men taking close iookfromm sloop at the isiNAio ships an chored in number Boy was drowned Monday night when he tell from the vessels boom The body of Neil McNeiinlant superintendent of the Bristol Company of Canada has not been recovered Jack Hansen owner oitbe sloop said the threw Mr McNeil two litcisckets but he disappeared below the surface ibe 19nhips from seven NATO nations are here in connection with the Canadian National Ex hibitionsnd have nthacted tho sands of viewers bothjron the water andshore Aoiusrnntr corrrnrou BULLET AMP WDODGRAIN JV lied Hitler Said turedby the Allies when Berlin tell Hitler reported to cabinet meeting on the purgegtior more than year he said he had been womhing tbenctiviiiesot Robm and clique of stormtrnop lead ers held together not by loyalty to the movement but merely by personelambition and peculiar tdencyla reference homu TU ii iii ADJUSTABLE TAPIRED BRONlE FINISH The premium tendency or Robm explained not only why the posts of siortntrooper leaders were filled with inferior person nel but 3150 Why Ruhm hnd do liberately waged war on the army It would he been an incoucelvable fol the SELF lEVELlING BRASS TIPS They had ported ev summertime bsnmv NEW YOELiAPlv Soirlet RentalKhnnigiebeg will deliver W9 illll BS illii enmi theNECTV $153 networks remerfi nIew sentences at tinie lheggress will beirom their lnm 995 Woman cotourrut COMFORTABlE UPHOLSTERED SEAT rs snowmen It runs Ywdnovubofltnyoocabu am am so may fern Nev laymen Mmflunhnkt 1de II can nbmlgmywmm om EASY TERMS onlcur Bniss MDUlDiNG nouuoro ORHERS NEW BRONIE DOLLAR DOWN DOLlAR WEEK

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