Massrva risk iCARRIER was Acacias iii Tim Tunnsrorir coitrs iir CAMP BORDER no 1953 Camp Romeos Mighty Mouse Comp Bordenselillghty Mouse has nicelife in the old army base its available or celebrations parades and oc casionally for its real purpose transporting tanks Mighty Mouse is tank cnrrierv acquired by the hjansr port Corps in 1953 IL specialty is carrying around 54ton Cen turion tanks Loaded the Vehicle weighs 96 Inns unloaded mere 42 tons But its busy animal mov ing little buildings being avail able for parades where it makes nn impressive sight wrapped up in hunting Kids have gasped atit gym nasts have hurdied on its lrame flags have waved from its steel supports and bands have march ed before Sometimes between the parades musclebound Cen turions have groaned off its car rier frame and Mighty Mouse liar ngninproved uselui ani mal culverts nanoth this nuhdlvlolon owner in not lululthntthewbolethlnghn been overdone with of Tbese NWlllWhil la torennlnnlummerdistrletiub LOADED MIGHTY MOUSE WEIGHS STAGGERING 96 TONS LOCAL AND GENERAL rrooY BANK nonaco How small says Examiner Tottenham correspondent Ethel Wice can people get Last Week lhieves broke into the home of Mr and Mrs Tom Barnett and took many valuable articles along with their small son Charlies piggy bank con taining $12 DIDNT SEE D00 The large plate glass door at the Credit Unioniat Stroud was brokenlnst week when small child ran into ithlaying out side he saw his mother in the bank Lowering his head and not seeing the door he ranvto ward her Luckilyhe was not seriously injured THESE LITTLE PIGS James Leonard of Stroudre cently sent shipment at eight Tamworth plgs by plane from Maltou lovMexico BUGS BUGGED Bugs arent sowell fixed as in days of old Insecticides have wiped out much at the insect world and the birds are kept busy trying to make both ends meat An unusual demon stratiouol this situation was seen beside creek atMinets Point Tuesday wbere path goes downfor householders to get water from the overflow at an nrtesian well There on the path was an not ill and three ants were having skirmish with peevish wasp who had noticed bit at candy on the path The ants finally got it down underand Was he mad Zip zip noLo MEETING ty court expé ts to hold special meeting Aug 31 to determine its olicy on the proposed Nottawasaga Valley Conserv brush fire broke on ott Tyndales ideroad The ouldering fire crawled overa egrassy areabut went out by tselt hetore manoeuvre the true Twentyfive Krueger 25 to douse the Iarea to insure against recurrence AT CONFERENCE Principal Frank Sawyer of Petroila District High School was one of four Ontario dole gates to the World Confedera tion of Organizations of the Teaching Profession held at Washington the first week of August it was held at Home last year Formerly Mark dale Mr Sawyer was adjutant at the 2nd Battalion Grey and Sirncoe Foresters during World War ll WINS KIWANIS HAM Antonio Decaricr manager of Zellers Barrie store was win ner oi the lucky draw for the Copaco ham donated by Emer son Swain manager of Coop at the Kiwanisladies night held Monday at the Oro Beach cot tage Lake Simcoe of praident Bill Lang and Mrs Lang couples attended Roastedmeoers buns and toast ed marshmallows rounded out the evening Fred Kelly best president was in charge of the music Jaek Butlerpast presi dent and Fred Pearson took care of the refreshments HUGH NICHDL Wellvkuown Orillia business rnan Hugh Nichol 44 died Monday night at his home on Barrie Road He was the own or at main street sports and hobbies store in Orillia BIG BLAST KILLSTWO BIGNECK 111 AP Three cases of dynamite in the rear of car exploded on farm Tues daykilling two women andscat tering wreckageover 15 acra The women were putting uses and detonator caps on the dyna mite to help larmer clear drainage ditch Killed were Mrs Lucille Krueger 49 and her daughterin law Mrs Wanda Employers wrlh stolfof 1024 people willrbe AnnOunée Mxofe Resritts For The Réd CrosS TeSts The imitating forthe swim ming classes of the Simcoe County Recreation Service took place at the outdoor pool Camp Borden with Red Cross examiners John Stulac and Ho bert Eynon Ninety boys and girlswere present for the test and 82 were successlul in obtain ing their JuniorJied Cross Wat er Safety Test These youngsters were Highway No 11 Robert CummingLindu Small on Sutherland Betty Cran field Frances Cranfield Everett John Tbibert Rhea Thibcri Michele Thibert and Ronald Le clair org llarold Dixon Sharon Miller Janet CampbellDouglas Lankio Mi chael Leernan Paul Forbes and Donald Garner Bradford Bettylin Maurino arisen na Davidse Leonards Beach Niel McCallum Dianne Johns tone Katherine Durance Bev eriey Evans Grad Ride Ra bert Calvert Wayne Je ferson Sam Rickett Alliston Linda Somcrs Shirley Miller Kathryn Robbins Kenneth Cox and Maiy Cook Tottenhamflown Rod Abrams James Feehely John Fleck Frances Fry Ian Mollett Lyn Pace Murray Rhod es Joan Ballard Janus Worrod Tnttenham Country Sh Bullen Lois Breedon Turiihnm Kathleen GovtRun Stores Bertha Van Nickerk Glenna Brendon and Trudy Van Niekerk Waubaushene Mary Anne Barnes Lynda Hunter loe Bourrie and Robert Wilson Wasago Beach Robert Smith and Terry Ed wards Gillord Carolyn Hughes Shanty Bay Kntharn Quinlan Patrici Quinlan and Leslie Holden Highway No 27 John French Painswick Marvella Pitcher Elmhill Robert Baker Bayce Jamie son Roger Jamieson Marshall Hubbard and Ann French Stayner Eldon Sharpe Betty Brown Cut Hungary costs BUDAPEST Renters gtHun gary today was holding its first summer sales since the Commu nists took over the country 11 years ago Governmentrun clothing stores cut prices 20 to 40 per cent Un ion newspaper Nepszava reported sales will be held every spring and summer from now on No rushfor the bargains was noticeable here It was not clear whether the sales were launched todispose of poorquality stocks that have piled up or as an ex pression of the countrys im proved economic situation ï¬reflou Lookingior That ExtraRem on July at the end of THEN rHoNierk azsio closehousemate nannies LAacrs Bottoms wr under Con Melodee Kenny Dianne Loche Elizabeth Hutton Laurie Wat son Lynda Fudge Glenn Mn son Peter Morrow Garry Boy or and Garry Walker Zion Oakview Beach and cites Beach Sharon and LyoDowner Rosemnnt Allen Yool Wayne Halbert Philip McDonald Elainellolm es Eileen er and Ruth Bates asimilortest was held at Camp Borden fool for youngsters or Sirncoe County who took lessons during July Seniors had their tests on Aug tist l7 Altogether 139chlldren passed these Red Cross advanclt ed tests Tests for tadpoles minnows iisli and Red Cross Beginners were held at the various swim ming sites throughout the county their sevenlesson Pet period Instructors for the enemy swimming classes were Joanna Andersen Shanty Bay Judy Baker Elmvale Ken Beaver Barrie Connie Brett Rosemont Mrs Creighton Beverley ov Jeanne McKenzie Rosemary Raikes Mrs Tro hiay and BeverlyWestman of Barrie Tbe swimming andwater saf ety director for this program division are graded with top drivith nuflncr 29 feet which has been graveued make this road the ditches were grad out and between the rev ed road top and thede is trip whlcnrn lot purchaser will always have fronting him and which cannotbe trimmed orcaredforasltlstaperednod rough The places where the cement tile entrance culverts are lnlt stalled seem to be antlslactory and although there is little water to pass through the outlet there is plenty of room and we can see no reason whytho owners should be put to additional ex pense to use product of the steel plantawho last year were and guilty of belonging to combine for the purpose of heap ing prices up To force property owners to buy their prodilcts at double the costs and twice the length and size needed seems to us to have double meaning We agree with the subdivision owner that he is entitled to his roads being accepted He has done all that was required in the first agreement and shouldnhave his deposit bond returned The township has bound itself to take over the roads when they were made up to their stand ards This has been done We feel that ofticialdorn exceeded requlrments tor summerroads and should now be well satisï¬ed WILL ACCEPT SHARE The costs at installing the signals on the railwaycrossings designated to have this protein Busy wu opener signals are be placed on Miners Point sliced the will his at Cralgvele and them It Brambleylhesn cros sings on the CNN linear only few at the dangerous level crossings still left in liinlilil The HamiltonAllaan lina between lbornton and Barrio has 11 exceedingly dangerous crossings many them com ing on curves or train behind Bade three them over high slit ways undone over enervica road less than mile at what is intended to be centre towns lblp outlet the tracks cross three times All this could be eliminated by too eapensive change or these traolis upthreugh bush country frinn Thornton to join the€olwall branch of the same railway flie Highways Depart ment reported that it was in their budget to build an over pass over the mo crossing This would still leave level crossing Highway 27 where serious accident occurred this spring and Highway ll at the entrance to Barrie which has had its share of troubles The last we heard about the change at the rightoiway was that it had been referred to the legal and counselling department for con slderation Anyone who will take look at map of thearea can see the feasibility of thelproposal LEAVES TURNINQ The maples are turning and only last week we saw house hdlder burning fallen leaves The summer must be gone rm End or Films in OIdOpera House In Orillia Orilllas old Opera House will close down to moviegoers this week Greenwood manager of Neotleth Century Theatres in Orillia said this weekends show would be the last in the towed Orillia landmark While the tirms lease of the building doesnot expire until lun 1961ltstenninatinn is be ing negotiated Orillia Alderman Ken Curtis said the Town Hall Committee hopes to keep theeudltorium as concert hall It has for sev eral years been the site of pre sentations by the Or coin munin Concert Association Film are was available at the Opera House as early as 1912 but moviestore not shown there regularly until towardthe end ofWorld War sion to sounrl in 1529 For the next few years Moorehead and Flllman and the Hanon circuit operated the theatre Leslie vicary previously manager of the even older Princess Thea tre took overyln 1939 The Twentieth Century firm appeared on the scene in 1941 This leaves theGenevn on Or illias remaining downtown movie house Manager in the twenties was Sol Robins who saw the conver wasMrs Elliott obBar rie An indispensable member or the staff at the swimming cent res is the Shore Organizer who is responsible for the smooth op eratinn of the program This summer the shore organizers were Blanche Corbett and Harv ey Jones of Barrie immï¬sflll if Bulldmghlnardwalfo of Materials ckoWNjoimonp 429 More ST nun Areas was ran 1i¢tivitie marshesa stressed The Gardening Club uni bu drawn to clou withflho Achievement Dalia at Mullet August 13 andal some part its fallfilir rather than annohieyemen fAt Avening August Joan Marie mum at Cloverleaflluhp creeinnre was with the South Simcoe Womens his Idiots Seliolarahl Joan was Chibvlender for the past and has done outstandlor lnlH Homemaking Clubs self she has just completed her Grado 13Iucccnslully loan is plannlngto attend Macdonald Institute in Guelph this fall Mrs Kells president at the scholarship committee presented Joan with th scholar At Thornton Mrs Spencer president of the South Simeon District Wonuo losti tute presented Helen Roll with the provincial honor pin and certiï¬cate which indicates sues oassful completion pl 12 tH Homémaklng units PRESENTATIONS Miss lrvinn also madesome presentations Mrs JoePaddi son of Clearview andMrsFred Usher ol Bond Head received certiï¬cates indicating that the ladies have been 4H club leadlt era for live years Miss lrvine drew attention to the tall training school for the South Simeoe Junior program held in Alliston September and and in Stayuer Sept 10 and The Junior program in North Simcoe County is the Supper Club with the Training schools in Barrie October 19 and 20 and in Eirnvole October 21 and GOOD NUTRITION The supper dirb teaches the girls good nutritional habits in relation to protein mineralslnnd carbohydrates The Senior Training School is being held Septembr 15 and is in Elmvale and September 17 and 18 in Harrie or any inter csted clubs who wish to send leaders Miss lrvioeexpressed the hope that there will be great many individual vegetable exhibits at the fairs that the girls have entered after completing their garden project DOCTOR CHARGED MONTREAL CPDr Paul ine BeregoliGillow pleaded not guilty Tuesday to charges or evading more than $88001 in fed eral income taxes between 1944 and 1954 The case was deferred until Oct ls Theod ntsnyingihnt goes lVE Gorfro sea We invite you to not 11 To BELIEVE rri hi earn FOR YOURSELF whdtSHURGAIN SuperLayingMnsh can do tor you Of course to do thls youlmust keep recordsvarid we sug gest theme of our handy egg production charts Remember the cost per 100 pounds ofteed doesnttell youmuch Its the canto that feed PER DOZEN EGGS PRODUCED that tells you the real worth 011a ation Your own records will tellyouhow economically SEUR gt GAIN amperliaymg Mash produces eggs Plan now to put your new flock on thé sirrim GAnlpro gram for better results for bigger returns Makesnre you nskus for handy EGG PRODUCTION your flock CHART or crown nmspann We ust 201112 daystvgn moat run matul and the exhibits appear urination commit