Barrie Examiner, 26 Aug 1959, p. 1

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vOURgTELEPHONES PIE Examiner osmium pbouPA omentetanu flimbcrloalllcthw osmium on 95th YearNo 199 THIS PICTURE of Chinese child holding on empty ricc bowl Was made by George silk in Ilunan province in 1946 Part of Edward Steichens Family of Man display at the Ameri can exhibition in Moscow it was removed byUS officials ni response to Sovietgtobjec tions lif Nesterov presi dent of 1the Soviet Union Chambcr Commerce report edly raised objcctions to tho May Sell Goods To Reds WASHINGTON AP The United States announced today it is willing to sell the Russians vast arrav of products displayed at the american exhibition in Moscow Commerce Secretary Frederick Mueller described the offer goodwill gesture Such silica so would save the cost of shipping the goods back to the United StaIES There was no immediate word whether the Russians were ap proached in advance about the proposal or whether they would be interested Everything displayed this sum mer at the Soviet exposition in New1 York was returned to Ru5lt sia after the show closed 1800 75 ITEMS The sales offer covers about 1000 American made items including the 3200000 closedcircuitcolor TV unit be fore which ViceAPresident Nixon and Premier Khrushchev last month held their impromptu de hate on the cold war Also on the list is the medium price pre fabricated hotisc About 1000 items covered by the offer normally would require us export licences beforethey could be sold to the Russians Mueller saidthesc goods in this caseycan be sold without licence if American manufactur ers and the Soviet government can make the necessary arrange ments This seemed to indicate the American government would have no direct role in any sales negotiation When the United Statesspon sors an exhibit abroad it borlt rows products from American in dustry and pays for shipping them to the site Unless the goods are sold on the spot after fair the government also pays for shipping them home MaiGen Vanier Back in Canada With Prayer Quipllnd Quote by ROBERT area Canadian Press Staff Writer MONTREAL CF MaiGen George Vanier returned to Canada today as the Queens des ignate for governorgeneral The 71yearold soldier and dip lornat came with prayer at quip and quote We pray He may give usrhelp and guidance to carry out this great task said the whitehaired general when he met reporters aboard the Cunard passenger liner Ivernia here believe that Providence doex take hand in the affaiis of men And then he quoted Shakes peare There isadivioity that shapes our endshowever we hew them lle paused reflected on the quote and sked lovers ofShak pear forgive himif he mis quoted the English bard He did amend the Bard slightly Th quote from Hanflet Lawyer Neill Mists VIENTIANE Laos Reuters La on government troops the army post of SopVieng5 50 miles north eastof Vientiane which was have reoccupie PREsslTIMEiLASHES Theres divinity that shapes our ends roughhew them how we will fCALL ME GEORGE Asked by one reporter howhe should be addressed Gen Vauier replied Just call meiGoneral or if you know me well call me George He was to go ashore later to daystepping on Canadian soil for the first time as governor gcneral designate He left about month ago amid rumorsof his appointment to the viceregal task It boas announced in Haii fax while he was abroad that he would succeed GovernorGeneral Massey 72 count it very great honor indeed to be appointed by Her Majesty the timeout Canada to by governorgeneral of Canada this great cgunnonfour Governor eyacuated last weekalter two days of attacks by proACommu fence mi stry spokesman announcedetod AP flying President Eisenhowerto airport at in gt10 JACKSON Mos AP and militant segregationist governor The Boeingflifl jet airliner Europe passed high over Shan EDT today Ross Bornettfiobye old la er ecnme Missis track shortly which twowonien die 71 531318 BARRlE ONTARIO CANADApWEDNEsDAY AUGUST picture last week Exhibition director Harold McClellan ex plained to complaining authori ties that the picture was meant to be universal symbol ot hunger and had rightful place in the collection monocomins KNOW TEST CANBERRA Australia Reuters Prime Minister Robert Menzies was asked Tuesday if he would submit himself to crocodile test to prove his good intentions Opposition Labor member Edward Ward told the prime minister that candidate in the ricent Malayan elections had thed in stream in thebé lief that good people went on harmed while bad people were eaten by crocodiles Menzies said he would give the question his most earnest consideration He suggested that Ward could go into the stream with complete safety as the crocodiles run away Laos To Fight CommiGS WASHINGTON APlLaos has asked the United States for non military assistance in dis struggle against Communist aggression and US officials here predict speedy answer President Eisenhower told his press conference Tuesday that Laos has asked for help He stressed the assistance Laos re quested was in terms of money to reinforcethe police forces of the tiny southeast Asian kingdom The request came through dip lomatic diannels Ngon Sanani hone brother of Premier Phoui Saoanikonc metWiLh state the partment officials Tuesday Laos got $22900000 in US de fence support andtechnical as sistance in the fiscal year that ended June 30 How much Loos asked thattime officials refused to say TRAFALGAR Ont GP CNR section foreman told an quest Tuesday flight that he had spikes removedirom section of before passenger train derailment last nthin James Buttaro underthe Canada EVidence Act said the sp es were removed to pusha tw bed crash killed Lillian Moore 65 of Acton 0n andMrs Gértrude Duran 73 of North Bay section of brolgnv roll pierced tlIeJtzoach which they were sitting About 30 other passengers es Mr Buttorp raid asec not rail about three at long be de veloped arec buffered minor injur To moor FORCE MB on Ike FlyingiToWGermqny ToAllay Facts In Elirope WASHINGTON AP Presi dent Eisenhower set out on fly ing trip to Europe today to seek to bolster the Western alliance nod alloy any furs ovcr anew cycle in USrSovict diplomacy His US Air Force jet left nearby Andrews Air Force Base at 357 am EDT The first stop on the flight to Bonn Gemtony was Harmon Air Force Base in Newfoundland The landing wmlnsae623m The landing time was 613 am EDT two hours and 20 minutes out of Washington The refuelling stop took one hour and six minutes and the presidentialplane was back in the air at 720 am EDT bound directly for Boon The estimated time of arrival there was 630 pm local time tlz30pm EDTr The forecast was for good weather all the way with the giant plane cruislng along at 540 miles an hour aided by to mile toil wind at an altitude of 29000 feet PREPARES FOR RUSSIAN As prelude to trading official visits vllh Prcmier to Khrushchev of Russia later in the fall Eisenhower is trnvclling to Boon London and Paris He is prepared to lay down sblemn promiso that the 115 will join in the use of force if need be to repel aggression While sounding this warning to the Soviet Union he also pro poses to say that the US seeks to be loyal partner in advanc ing the cause of peace with honor and justice These are two of the paramount purposes of ladoy venture into personal diplomacy Eisenhower listed them at press conference Tuesday He will confer separately with Chancellor Adenouer of West Ger muny Prime Minister Macmillan of Britain ond President de Gaulle of France UrnStiles At CNE Opening By nova monsoon Cnnndlan mi Staff Writer TORONTO CF The caval cade called the Canadian Na tional Exhibition swung smoothly off on its 16day iqumcy today with bands playing the fleet in portaod the first of nearly 3000 000people blickiog through the turnstiles The ONEtho worlds largest annual éhilléitseffiiis swam within city offering every thing but overnightylodglng for the people who come to see the show Asksiifi Aid adjust th Birih goi LONDON ReutersiThe wife ofan American serviceman gave birth to twins aboard New Yorlnbound airliner high over the Atlantic Tuesday night The airline Pan American an nounced today that the plane touched down this morning at Gander Mid and that mother and babies both girls were doiog well company spokesman said the mother isMrs July Ann Stivers the English wife of an air force man she was flying to New York to rejoin her husband at New Yorks Idlewild airport Mrs Stivers was attended at the delivery aboard the plane by two fellow passengers husband and wife who both are doctors and by the stewardess trained nurse InNew York the airline said the pilot Capt Roland Bell of Massapequa NYradioed message wont TWO WOMEN DIED Ra111Spikes VBefORLTIdin Since the installation of pip ine under it by Ci es Service ll fining Canada Limited two JOB TD INSPECT It was hislob to inspectand eachday usually correcting the depression by jackingup the rail and tamping stones under the ties 0n the dayof the derailmeht herald he had completed nor mal repair on the rail shortly be led LASTMINUTE RUSH Tuesday the city was still be ing built Llghts which will shine brightly tonight were still being wired and point which gleam to day was still in the can Down the midway fat mechani cal men laughed with only tech nicians to hear them Show horses stamped nervously in un familiar stalls and announcers tested their voices in empty hails locsdayafteinoon 19 warships of six NATO nations anchored in Lake Ontarib opposite the CNS groGhds The ships underline the exhibitions Inteinational Year Tvvins Aboard Airliner Passenger aboard plane in labor Planehas No lipriorityio land at Gautier Then another message cracklt Just beenadvised by steward ess that twins have been born rmsr DIRT or KIND Pan American said this was the Macmillan To Host firsttlme twins had been born on one of its planes and possibly the first time on any commercial overseas airliner The doctor and stewardesses who assited at the birth were identified Dr Clarence Ing de scribed as missionary of the Seventh Day Adventist Church and EllenMandzik and Yolanda Sisto both of Manhattan Tbeplane landed at Gander and the mother and babies were rushed to Banting Memorial Hos pital here were doing fine The hospital said later they Crown Attorney Peter Mcyiiln iams aske Did you consider giving as nalrto approaching trains fore the arrivalmf CPR pas senger train travellingabout 12 minutes ahead of the CNRs ln zCitvaimitedl gt After the Pit trainrpusae he noticed therailswaying and out of alignment Hanoi decided to remove several pl loosentbe raiibefor atte to force itbockfn pl laborer were exacti on the CNE baseball diamond theme nndmark the opening of the St Lawrence Seaway Flagship of the NATO fleetls the RoyalNavys HMS Scarbor ough modern antisubmarine frigate which flies Lord Louis Mountbattens flag GRANDSTAND Snow Tonight at 7pmtlie grand stand show Canadianofsapstorrr ing American will open on stage The hand of Her Majestys Royal Marines under LieutColi Vivian Dunn will perform the beat ftetreatmeremony after the ceremony Aftcr opening the exhibition this afteran Earl Mountbatten was to attend civic ceremony and open the RCAF and Canai dian Legion exhibits while Lady Mountbatten visits the interna tional Red Cross and St 2Jnhn First Aid Post Tuesday as children from T5 rontos Home for Incurable Chil dren toured the grounds and met the Cisco Kid tDuncan Renaldo who Jieadlioes tbei grandstands matinee show Churchill lind Ike LONDON tReutersSir Win ston Churchill will meet President Eisenhowere here Monday night authoritative sources said today They will be the dinner guests of Prime Minister Macmillan at 10 Downing Street Churchill is on vacation on the French Riviera and is flying here Sunday He will spend 40 hours io London and then return to the Riviera ular repa for oimoshtwo years Engineer bk the the rail section in gShiii Problems To Ike GENEVA Reuters The threepower conference here an ending nuclear tests agreed tm day to adjourn for six weeks un til Oct 12 Conference sources said that Soviet Delegate Seniyon Tsornp kin who was in the chair govo his governments npprovol to proposal by the United Staics and Britain last week for recess Amerlpan Delegate James Wndsworth sold that Britain and the United States agreed thatao adjournment of few weeks in their talk was desirable The progress of the talks which began last Oct Si and the molar points of continuing disagree ment between East and West are expected to be discussed during the coming meetings between President Eisenhower and Pre mier Khrushchev Western conference source said these discussions could well be of first importance as far as our conference is concerned AGREEMENT IN PART The conference 50 for has agreed on 17 articles of draft treaty to boo testson estimated twothirds of lull treaty One of themoior problems still to be settled isthe staffing of the 100 control ts envisogcd titroughout the world as part of the system to guard against vio lations of test bun OustsAhi¢a QLCCPropcseli TheCanal WINNIPEG CF diani Labor Congress Tuesday suggested th at South Africa should be expelled from the Com monweolth unless it renounces its racial segregationpolicy In arstatement issued by CLC President Glaude Jodoin the Con gressurged the Canadian govern ment to speak up boldly and un equivocally on this issue It called on Prime Minister Dietenhaker to raise the matter of apartheid and the slave laws and regulations prevailing in South Africa at forthcoming meetings of wealth statesmen Should such efforts fail the Canadian Labor Congress will call fon the exclusion of South Africa from the commonwealth of nations stattmient said CONSIDER NEW PARTY The CLC executive council is meeting privately here priory politicalseminar of CLC and CCF leaders to consider the pro posed formation of new political party built around the CCFZ The seminar opens Friday andcon tinues to Sunday In itsattack on the South Af rican governments apartheid or racial segregation policy the con gress said it had received in re cent months documented reports describing inhuman conditions suffered by the native population of South Africa Mr Russia originally insisted that the home country should he re sponsible for staffing the posts on its own territory but now has amended its stand to allow out elders in the posts Erltlsh Delegate Sir Michael Wright saldioday that Russia and the West appeared to be moving closer on the question to staffing 3Year Secret Out Model Wed Prince LONDON AP The secret leaked out today of the marriage three years ago of the Mahara jrih of Couch Behar one of Indias wealthiest princes and shapely London model The hrldeot civil ceremony was Giha Egon now 29 Tho Mohnroiah is it After the weddingin Septeidu her 1955 the Maharaiah went back to his bachelor apartment llis wltecontinucd to live with hcr mother five minutes walk away The couple have lived apart ever since think am the only pedal to the world they told said Ginas mother Mrs Arthur Egan who finally broke the secrecy She did not soy why her daughter kept it secret 1t cited the introduction o£ whipping as ncornpulsory pun ishoient for whole range of minor offences the mass trials and imprisonment of thenative population pass laws and residential restriction Such policies it sat oonstl tote system of forcedlahor ro peatedly condemned bythe UN and 1L0 The CLC also announce it had deferreddecision on do applica tionby the Internationallinion of Mine Mill and Smelter Workers ilnd to affiliate with the con gress The statement said the CLC will await developments at the MineMill unionsannual con vention scheduled at Toronto Sept 14 Youth Flees filter Shooting Man6ll BLIND RIVER Ont tCPi Jonas Metigwab 60 told police how youth aimed 22 rifle at him To ay and demandéd moneythen shot off his thumb and forefinger The incident occurred at Cutler ilndian Reserve 25 rmiléa east of here Metigwab said the youthfled into the bush after the shooting

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