it no me no WWWMGHWTIIWSIM 1864 BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA FRIDAY MARCH I959 Canadians Swiss OTTAWA CPiA joint Sen ateConImons committee may be set up to study the bulky Clark report on the United Statespen sioo plan but qualified inforrn CHIEF LOGAN LEFT STUDIES LAW BOOKS AS OSGOODE WITH SON Iroquois Braves Rebel Seek Separate Nation BRANTFORD CP The United Nations may be asked to consider dispute in Canada This possibility has arisen from situation on the nearby Six No lions Indlao reserve brought about by bloodless revolt of 1000 whooping lroquois brave and squash Thursday The rebels including young warriors with headdress war palnt and tomahnwks broke dovm the doors of the unoccu pied council house and took it over as symbolic gesture to in dicato the return to power of the hereditary chiefs They declared the 30000acre reserve an independent country and Wallace Mad Bear Ander son of Lewiston NY spokes Oman for the chiefs said they would appeal to the United Na 9i see ions if the Canadian government does not recognize the new re gime Chief Joseph Logan Sr used ceremonial club Thursday to nail up proclamation declaring the 11vman elected council outlawed The elective group replaced th hereditaryl chiefs when the tep eral govcrnmcnt revamped th Indian Act 35 years ago Chief Logans son raid The chiefs are satisfied that the rev olution is success wmrnro QUEEN Twenty of the chiefs resplen dent in feathers and buckskin to Queen Elizabeth and Prime Minister Diefenbakcr notifying them that the reserve and its 6000 residentswere no longer part of Canada message to President Eisen hower asked that March 19 meeting be held to discuss treaties between our nations Morris of Ottawa regional supervisor oi Indian affairs told the chiefs their refusal to recog nize the federal governments jurisdiction might also mean re fusing 5400000 year in welfare benefiLs This amount innltldes family allowances old age peo sions and hospital services The reserve located four miles Govt Will Reject southeast of this Western Ontario city is the whittleddown rem nnnt of 700000acre grant along the Grand River which the British government gave to the Iroquois in 1704 Most of the Indians who settled the original reserve came to Can ada when the American Havolu lion split the Iroquois or Six Na tions Confederacy The Oneidas and part of the Tuscarora took up the revolutionary cause but most of the nation Cayugas Mohawks Onandagas and Sent cosremained loyal to the Brit ish flag and moved north into its protection after the rcvolutions success future Bids To Fluoridate Water Supplies TORONTO CHThe Ontario government served notice in the legislature Thursday that it will reject allnappliCatlons to fluori ate water supplies mienFtost saidthe ban will apply even if the residents of the community concerned approve fluoridation in plebiscite He said this legislature is su preme The seven communities that now have fluoridation would be permitted to keep it and Health Minister Dymood indicated they mct immediately and sent letters will be used as proving ground Rain CciuSingi Minor 51100de TORONTO CP Rain that fell overnight throughout South ern Ontario is unlikely to cause serious flooding anywhere in the province conservation depart ment officials said today They said minor watercourses in the Toronto area would prob ably local inconveo lenecsbut none of the rna rivers is expectedfto flood There were no reports of river ice breaking up Slightly more than half an inch of rain fell up to7 am today Windsor had nearly an inch Hamilton threequarters of an inch London and Toronto slightly more than half an inch Other centres had less than half an inch Northern Ontario areas re ported heavy snow At North Bay an estimated eight inches had fallen from midnight until 10 am and was continuing making driv ing difficulty Weather officialssaid the rain in Southern Ontarioku expected to End by the afternoon tailing for continuing provincial study This eliminates the bids of three mmunities OttawaSar nia an Teck Township in the Kirkland Lake area which had submitted applications for per mission to fluoridate their water curs pacts DrDymood said to the best oi medical and dental knowledge fluorides reduce the incidence of caries in the teeth of children of 12 years and under by about 65 per cent But no one knows for sure whatthe effect would be on life time of fluoride consumption There also were some people who felt the insertion of fluoride in their water was an invasion of their righti Airliner Flips 14 Aboard Die MANAGUA Nicaragua AP disabied airliner turnedturtle today when the pilot apparently tried an emergency landing after twofengines failed Nelve pas sengers and two crew members died in theicash There wero18 persons aboard No stewardesscs one Cans dian andtwo passengers were off into light and brief snowflur ries as temperatures dropped soupRAISING PLAN KILLED gt Th private hills committee of the Ontario Legislature yester daYithrew out hill designed to raise money for the Royallio torla Hospital at Barrie The corn mittce ruled hill area municipali to give grants totalling$350000 to thehospitol fl overa ten pliciten Canadian ress reported me ra said thebllldid nottl municipalities to set amountaand future councils could scape inaking the grants Carneron bus ess ad ministrator for the hospital hold arperiod wasnft ex OophioléIn an Examiner reporter he did not agree withtheirport The bill would he asserted have tied councils to making the grants rescued by cowboys working nearby At present municipal counc may not commit futore council The bill provided that Icaco municipality inthe area would have contributed annual amouan Craig said legislation still to come before provincial inseam bly may ave the effect of achieving what th ital boardvqouidiiko council may make certain grants spread ovcrxa period of yars Thisis eiipected before the Legislature this sssion and it passed will open the way for the hospital board and local municipal councils to negotiate an agreement similar wh ch culminated in the resen tatlo of the private hill to the prion bumcommittees that ants said there will be no legisla tion at this session to implement any switchlo the existing Cana dian pension program In fact the twmvolume docu ment by Professor Robert Clark emphasizing that it would take much time and money to set up contributory scheme in Can aria appears to have had some dampening influence on the en Nehru Opposes Leading Talks NEW Reuters PrimeMinister Nehru said today it would be almost quixotic of him to call summit conference as iCanadlan OppositioniLeader Pearson has suggested Nehru said he supports the idea of greater contacts and meetings but summit meeting is matter for the principal powers concerned Pearson suggested in the House of Commons Feb 26 that Nehru summon siimmit conference of Western and Communistleaders to help fcut through the circle of fear that now envelopsus Mothers in Bala Force ArenaeCIosé BALA CEOMothers in this villageso miles north of Orillla have brought about the closing of the municipal skating arena fol lowing Saturdsys collapse of histowel rink that took eight Ves An investigation of the roof asked after snow was shovelled thuslasm for such plan ln some federal quarters informants said The heavy upensc involved would be factor in government consideration possible move would be to set up joint Com mansSenate study of the report similar to committee which not in 1950 with the request that it make semesuggcstions for gov eminent action SHIDT NECESSARY Health Minister Monteilh after tabllng the damage document in the Commons Thursday said he would have to look it over before announcing pollcyHe wouldcon sider the question of referring it to committee for study Prof Clark is University of British lu economist chosen by Prime Minister Diefen baker year ago to look over the American system with view to its adoption in Canada As for the American employee employer contributory program it was true that its maximum Accused Forgot 12th Marriage versions can APMrs Elizabeth Duncan returns today to the witness stand amid reports she willhe asked about as many as 15 alleged husbands Snapping sobbing and shouting she admitted to 11 marriages ThursdayShe saidshe coindnt remembéi lath meotiopedby District Attorney Eoy Gustafson MrsDuncan 54 pictured as an intensely jealous and posses slve mothesz accused of hiring two men to murder her Cana dianborn daughte inlaw Olga Duncan 80 She was vague on what became of the many marriages Some off showed it in weakened con dition and Balncouncll ordered it closed BATOCHE Sask CWSeven persons including six children were burned to death hire Thurs day night The children four boys and two girls ranging in age from four months to seven years were the entire family of Mr and Mrs William IIryciuk The man Ed mond Pilon about 60 of Sask atoon was friend and guest of the family They were burned when fire de stroyed the Hrycluks uncom pieted home miles from this village 40 miles southwest of Prince Albert Child 6ian CPlélwoc children died Thursda en tire razed the be young night oom of pitol Tha private ills committee passed bill that will give the villagav of Wasaga Beach summertime election The bill introduced by Johnston PC Sirncoe Centre which now goes to the legisla ture willchange the Decembor voting day in the village to the last Saturday in ugust This was reques because that majority of taxpayers in Wasaga Beach Ilvc there only in the summer vAt normal municipal election timeouts vo crop ofth villa AF ire Razesbedtooin Apartment Killed in Flames were annulled she said Otbeq husband told her they gotdl vorces Children Adultg me In Home Fire The children were Hubert Michael Richard Marlene Kathleen and Stephen four months Kathleen celebrated her second birthday only hours be fore she died Mr and Mrs Ilryciuk and the childrens grandmother Mrs St Germaine were attending public health lecture at the vii iage church when the fire broke out apparently around pm When they returned home two hours later they found smoke bil lowing from the house Mr Hiy ciuk yanked open door and flames exploded in his face their parents firs floor apart ment here Dead are Mark and Keith sons of Mr and Mrs Gilbert Biliett led to safetyiby the father Mia Billett wasvisiting neighbor at the time The alarm was sounded by Marilyn Susan about She woke her fatherto tell him that thekltchen was on fire Mr Billett carried the girl andthe infant to safety but flames blocked his reentrva rescue the boy latiod freque 200 No other ch dren Susan node bsby Dan were CopyI4 Page lube30 Iour PuckSters Score Goals Both in World Hockey Tilt Clark Report Dampens Pension Enthusiasm benefits now at $117 monthly wen much higher than the $553 month Canadian pension But Canadians couldnt provide tho US scale because Canadians on the average earned about wper tcnt less than Americans This would be the case cven if the Canadian people were pm pared to have asubstantially higher proportion of their na tional income go into such pen ions than will the people of the 53 BRATISLAVA Czechoslovakia CP Canadians sharpened their scoring averages almost at will today submerglng hapless Swiss team no in lopsided match in the world hockey cham plonships Four players scored three goals each Johnny MM Bart Bradley Red and George Gosseiin Scoring twice were Dennis Boucher John Paul Payette Al Dewsbury and Moe Benoit Pete Conacher Jean Paul Lambnode and Floyd Crawford added singles to complete the slaughter McLellan added two assists Nfld Cabinet Con End Union ST JOHNS Nfld CPlyvPre mier Smallwood won unanimous approval in principle from the legislature hu rod ay for an amendment to tho provincial La bor Relations Act which would allow the cabinet to dissolve any national or international union hi Newfoundland which had sub stantial number of officials con victed of heinous crimes Mr Smallwood said it was aimed at the giant International Teamsters Union run by pimps Panderers white slavers mur derers embezzlers extortlonists and dope peddlers There are teamster localsihcre and inflor oer Brook claiming total mem bmhlpof about 1200 This bill and second one which also has received second reading andwould desertify twio $9 Million oéai For Canadian Firm LONDON CP Canadian farm machinery rcampany has won contract to supply £3700 000 59101000 worth of tractors agriculture machinery and spare parts to Yugoslavia it was an nounced Thursday The contract goes to Massey Ferguson Ltd and itsBritish subsidiary Perkins LtdIt calls for 5000 tractors powered by Perkins engines Seeks New Policy To Protect Indian jWASIlINGTON AP Sena tor Mike Mansfield DemMont called Thursday for new policy Sign protection of American luvI gt tent Senate ma ioriiy Adar supported bill which tirged goislow policy in the release of Indians from their status aswards of the govern ment station at Goldstone Newfoundland locals of the Inter national Woodworkers of Amer lca CLC is Imder bitter attack from the Canadian Labor Con gress Premier Smallwood told the legislature Thursday that Imiona established in the Hoffa tradition Etiyoirld be driven out of this coun Jamcs Hoffa international teamsters president who Premier Smallwood says intends to set up Canadian empire of teamster organized transportation workers has declined comment But Casey Dodds of Toronto teamsters international representative said if Premier Sinaliwood wants for take son wellgive agoodflght in Niagara Falls 0nt Thim day night CLC staff seminar heard IWA District President Landon Ladd say in tele phone conversation from Grand Falls that his union will fight through hell and high water to win the strike PRESS TIME Payclta threc playingcoach Iko Hildebrand four and Gasselin Conacher and Stan Smirkc one apiece as the Bcilcvillc squad scored total of 35 minus In rather preliminary matches the United States outclassed East Germany 92 in group game at Brno and West Germany beat italy 74 in the Group match at Ostrava Third period 15 Canada Ben oit Smrke 16 Canada Bcroosoo Payette 410 17 Can ada Boucher Payettel 120 13 Canada Gosselin Bradley 600 19 Canada Hilde brandl 1800 20 Canada Benoit McIaeilao 1605 21 Canada Fayette 1630 22 Canada Craw ford 1735 23 Canada Dewshury Gosselin 1940 Penaltyi Craw ford 935 Stops Edwards Klener CERTAIN 1N FINAL The win coupled with Canadas 90 whitewash of Poland Thurs day made certain Canadas entry into the final round The two top clubs of each of the three groups of four teams will move into the ï¬nal series to be played at Prague 15410 20101363 Queen and Philip Will ViSit Alnca LONDON Reuters The Queen and Prince Philip will fly from London Nov 11 for month long African visit to Ghana Sierra Leone and Gambia Buck ingham Palace announced Thurs day In Acorn Prime Minister Kwamc Nkrurnah said Her Maj esty Queen ElizabethQueen of Ghana and his Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh will re ceive ar royal and Ghanaian welcome from man woman and child SHES Pioneer 1v Vanishes washroom AP and may neverbc heard from Calf lost when the probes mom or prime Mini the Commons that Prime Min visit OttawaMarchdois on hi Set freight Rates Subsidy Ploneer IV vanished into space today again The space probe tracking contact at 815 am MST today transmitting signals became veryweak Macmillan to Visit Ottawa gt star Diefenbaker today informed ister Macmillan of Britain will way to Washington omwa 01gt Federaltreasury subsidy or tile reduction of freight rates willbe maximum ister Hoes notified the Commons today 320000000 Transport Min Saskatchewan Victors QUEBEC CPiA final rock draw to the button by Skip Ernie Richardson today gave unbeatcn Saskatchewan thrilling no victory adian curling championshi verlwinless Quebec inqthe 10th round ofthe Can