Barrie Examiner, 28 Feb 1959, p. 2

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autonomous Mannheim AgeL aimer Ban Religious Instruction £3 EnfimIMnm my mama wwwmmumm whlinodmolstnmt WM WOULD AID REPEAI 11 Ill15 mightyh Mn Dons bodduspokesman be mummde lFormulyTeacheninAiadlI Import would some other Kiwi Support repeal of rclig == ions instruction in Ontario public The conflict that can rault from toachin child religious concch which may ism nun the owner or Inn euuyard aunt other servantI hut thay worn killed Thenha ocul am thinking ta hulbuldinntl would Mm Dian but he too was usln tho hmoandnicn thinking If ha was dead they could keep thn truthme 213139 Jesutoldapunbloaromanwho planted vineyard and let It out to husbandmen then went on journey When he returned and the fruit wu ripe ho unthln wants to gather It but they were statorKatha Hm an CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Christ Forsées His In Parable Of The Vineyard By NEWMAN CAMPBELL Jesus oltcn taught by parables our lesson begins with one which He told on Tuesday of Holy week He answered many questions oi the various groups opposing Him the scribes Parisees Sndducees and others He also gave His tins and most penetrating ex posurewith condemnation oi Is raela unbeliet by direct state ment as well as by parable The quotation is from Peloubets Fe lect Notes edited by the Rev Wilbur Smith The lesson begins with the par able of the Wicked Husbandmen man Christ sold planted vineyard and hedged it round about and digged winopress in it and built is tower and let it out to husbandmen tillers oi the soil or ianners and went into far countryMatthew 2133 When the fruit was ripe and ready for harvesting the man sent his servants to the husband meo that they might gather it but the husbandmco took his servants and best one and killed another and stoned another Idotthew 213465 He sent other servants and they received the same treatment Kira HIM Last of all he sent unto them his son saying they will rever ence my son But when the hus bandmen saw the son they sold among themselves This is the heir come let us kill him and let us seize on his inberitanca Matuiew status So they slew the son too asked lVbcn the Lord eretore oi the vineyard cometh what will he do unto those handmenl His listeners so He will miserably destroy those visited men and willlet out his Ineyard unto other husbandmen which shall render him the Iruits their seasons Matthew 4iHl But Jesus answer was Did never read in the scripture The stone which the builders re jected the some is become the head of the corner this is the Lords doing and it is marvelous in our eyes Therelore say unto you The Kingdom of God shall be taken irom you and given to nation bringing forth the fruits thereof And whosoever tall upon this stone shall be broken but on whomsoever it shall fall it will grind him to powderlllatthew 214244 The chief priests and Pharisees who heard the parable knew Ha was speaking of them Thev were furious and would have seized Him but they were afraid of the people who lo ed Him and thought Him prophet Briefly let us tell of the woman Who loved Jesus and wanted to honor Him As He was eating in the houseoi Simon in Bethany she came to Him with an als haster box of precious ointment In her hand and poured the con tents on His head WAS EPENSIVE Some said that she should not have done so as the ointment was expensive and might have been sold and the money given to the poor Christ said however Let her alone why trouble ye her she hath wrought good work on Me For ye have the poor with you always but life ye have not always She hath done what she could she is come oiorehnnd to anoint My body to the buryingMark 11 The younger classes might be introduced to the imson suggests Dr Wilbur Smith by what they iiko to do or those they love They like to be near them find they liketo give them gifts and tovdo other nice thing for them So should we love Jesus and try to be like Him In world at strife Jealousy and often of crime we should show our love by being kind lov Ing and courteous to all whether we are to our own county or in Iorcign land If we do that we are helping to bring peace to the world in small but effectual way CONTRIBUTED SERMON Many Belong Few Belong To Christ By VICAR LOUIS KERESTES Lutheran Church Good Shepherd Lots live with Christ or give up the name Christian Entirely too many at us belong to church Not enough at us belong to Christ Entirely too manypeople claim church mem bership Entirely too Iew claim Christ membership Joining the church tor many is like joining club And quite popular club it is too Its mem bership is increasing as it seldom has before THIS boy in high school joined the Shakespeare Club To get in he recited Macbeths Dagger speech Then he promised to at tend regularly Tuesday alien noon meetings pay monthly dues and take part in play once year But never will the youth have much to do with Mr Shakespeare himself because Mr Shakespeare Is dead The boys parean Joined the church To get in they spoke few words in short ceremony near the altar They promised to attend Sunday services pay regular dues and possibly serve on church committee They became members oi Christs Clu But the Import ant onestion how much wl theyhove to do with Jesus Christ Himself In the case of many church member Christians sad to say Jesus Christ might as well be what Shakespeare is dead Churchmember Christianity seems both safe and popular It doesnt bother people then about how they live during the week what they say to their neighbors what they do with their chil dren or what they live for and desire intbeir hearts STAHTLING The religion of Jesus Christ is not practised when one merely joists this respectable communlt ity organization the church It Is practised when individual people discover daily the start ling truth that Jesus Christ has settled the score between them and God The Chris an religion then calls on peopleto take this Jesus Christ into their homcs into their workshops into their back yards into their total lilo Christ iana are to live with Gods Son Jesus as closely as with hut band or brother That was St Pauls admoni tioo to the Colossians when he said As ye have received Christ Jesus the Lord 30 walk ye in Him Col 20 In other words IF you now have accepted Jesus Christ IF He is your Savior you believe that He is the Son of God who has redeemed you into the family of God THEN there is nothing more Important tor you than to Identify younell completely with Jesus Christ and live every hour of every day with Him and for Him mount1 St Pauls next thought In just as signiiicant for us as it was for the Colosslans Beware lest any manspoll you through phil osophy and vain deceit alter the traditions of men and not alter Christ28 What St Paul warned might happen to the Colossians has already happened to many of our churchmember Christa ians today They have become blind without realizing it of course to the real issues of eternity Together with the Some veryimportant matters were discussed at the monthly meeting of the advisory council of St Giles Anglican Church Cook Street Barrie The meet ing was held on Tuesday Feb 24 at 745pm The first job of the new couno oil was to elect new chain rnan MnioerpC Clever was elected chairman and immed iately took over the chair from the rector Rev Riddel Onthe agenda was the torm ation of parish board of Chris tian education The peoples wardenycapt Moore ex plained thej tionandrole of board of Christian education and then went on to tellot the formationglot board at St Giles Members at this board are Gates Lemmon Moore Tarling Swan Miss Heis and Mrs Swan The advisory council gave its approval of this project and pledgedsupport to all its activ ities FUND RAISING The matter at fund raising was discussed at great length An otter from one of the pros IeSsional fundraising organiza tions to conduct fr of charge audiwithout obligation an anal ysis of the potential of the par length all in March The matter at increasedcon gregation and lack of space was next discussed It was pomtod out by the wardensr Shannon and Capt Moore that space was at premium and that the next phase otbuild ing must is promoted and im within the next The following paragraphs are ken trom bulletin Em manucl Baptist Cbmch Canadiln Anthem M11 Muir of Emmanuel has written line article pointing out that she is in favor at Canadian Anthem but not Canada as in spite at its fine words and music it onlts our country not our Cre ator Very good thought is the comment of the Editor Rev Ernest Nullmeyer sun Msgistrato Biol 01 Metro Toronto has taken on To Church Christies world about them they are fondling the Idolsol modern electric appliances better jobs higher education new houses and more leisure time and they are sacrificing themselves on the artar of sin before the gods of WORRY PRIDE and Ismvnss banana The ether of the worlds phiio sophy would drug Christians into spiritual slumber and with the Christies world about them would have them dream Life will be good to us someday It only could get diliereot job It only we could go on long variation 11 only we could get new house It only we could get new car II only could make more money Then everything would be ditlerent Than would be happy DREAMS FOOLISH DREAMS In the case oi people who dont know about Jesus we nee not be surprised it they interest themselves only in the things they can see or touch or taste or smell But it we know Jana as the living once dead but now risen SonotGodwaoughtiore member that Christ wants to be the first and foremost obicct nI our alfcctions He wants to live In IntInnate St Giles Anglican Forms Christian Education Board The rector gave review of the first twomonths ol the par Ish in 1059and at the present rate of increase the parish num bers will increase about an other hundred families this year This would mean that in two years the nurnbertoi mern hers ot the church will have ruthled growth the CW 01 Barrie commented the rector and we as church have duty to the city and the people to provide adequate facilities for worship and Christian education Tribute was paid at the meet ingto Tarllng the gamer chairman otthe advisory coun cil and and Sunday School sup erintendent for the workand leadership he has given to St Chef The council expreged regret that he would no longer be in Barricpbut extended good wishnfor continued success in his profession The Tatling family be mom to Port Arthtnwhere Mr Tarling takes up new position withthc Ontario rnourrnrss is ensured In eséh service we for MRI details are are canted promptly and no obtrusiver yet with the proper ammmt oI profes sional deliberation to en sure thorough and appro priate direction regard oI thno oreimun This is indicative oi the Electric Power Commission outspoken stand against illegal blnxos Its about time we had acleanupinourdtytoo Leg alired gambling is terribh don gcrtoarrynation ondthirdoea notexcmpt CanadA with each on or In everythynfonrliie Hewnnh tobopnrtdnlithatgoesonln our mind our heart our lob our recreation our checkbook Ihewholoofliic ma NAME when woman marries she takes her husbands name and shegoeswithhlmtohishom She doesnt stay in distant city and visit him on holldns Slrnl Iarly when person accept Juus as Eis savior and tak on tire name Christian he will want to live with Christ live every moment in His presence and make every decision as iChristwould want him to make Live with Chrnt or give up the name Chris Bear Christs name prondly In cycry comcrolyonrllvesllvowtth him all the time Amen Colosslons 28As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Mid so walk ya In him Colosinus IzaBeware lest any man spoil you through philo sophy and vain deceit alter the tradition of men alter the rudi ments of the world andnot alter Christ HELPS FAISIED Europes first grade and nur sery school for child victims or cerebral palsy opened in Oslo Norway in 1058 POPULAR TEAS HAMILTON CmWomen stu dents at the teachers college here study etiquette among other things BrideS7tDbe hold trans seauma for dominates during the school term We invite male students too says Mrs Pyke dean of women and they thoroughly enjoy it ESSA ROAD PRESBYTERIAN REV BELL Minister MR FRANK DUTCHEH Organist SUNDAY MARCH JESS 11 mm Morning Service Rev Bell will commence his Ministry in Essa Rd and Stroud No Evening Service Induction oI tlienev Bali will he held in Stroud Presby terian Church on Wed Feb 25 at pm 945 tun CHURCH SCHOOL unior and Senior Dept 1100 amNursery and Kinder gartcn H15 pmYPS Fireside Meeting cordial invitation is extended to the public to worshipwith us meof the signer is sinner NO ATTENTION CALLED Teacher neither called the at tention of the pupils to the pledge nor asked them to sign it he said Jack Tracy member at FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH ctappemu at Worsley so Rev Luck 3A HD Minister OrganistMiss on Clousbley SUNDAYMARCH1 1959 us munSunday School All Ages 11 urnTim Lords Supper pm0n the ltight Side Broadcast CKBB Convention at Ontario and Quebec Everyone Welcome =2 CHURCH or STJGILES Anglican Is Coot St The Rev 11 more on run some SUNDAY IN Lam MARCH 1959 rumChurch School and Bible Class Ll nmIIOLY COMMUNION Nursery and Kindergarten pmEVENING PRAYER The Seventh Beatitudo Part pmClasses in the Faith Adult WEDNNDAYV MARCH 4th pmLENTEN SERVICE Preacher The Rev HD houndy Mlnesing TRINITY CHURCH Anglican Collie Street THE THIRD SUNDAY IN LENT 500 munHoly Communion 030 pmHon Communion Sermon Canon Read Sunday School Nursery 1100 soupHoly Communion Sermon rum rss SION OF OUR LORD Do you deny Jesus Canon Read 100 pmEvensong Sermon GREAT HYMNS OF THE CHURCH 2Jesu Lover at my Soul Rev Sherring 300 pmSenior Confirmation Class Orlanllt Mrs lid Roberta wsrrons wELcons lIlTIIEllAN OF THE VIOAR tomsmums PAWS SUNDAY SCHOOL um LENIEN SERVICES WEDNESDAY 730 pm Divine Worship at 11 am Temporarily held at CODRINGTON SCHOOL 211 CODRINGTON MlleIEE gt mar hutch ISUPT Mr Lloyd Foster SlurItlliliIISTEIITisiuitil nzoo pmHammered Church use pm Lprsyer Meeting HarmBny House All iweleoms Gospel WIIEII€I 0ro ctluneni March Mliiibllfi Sundny new and HTHIIOIS Muir with parents belicIs will weaken the childs confidence in both parent sand teachers The map said in members be Services Sunday School SUNDAY MARCH 1359 11 am longed to the Greek Orthodox SAINT GEORGES Allandalo Anglican Church of Canada Burton Ave IllErin Rector Rev Welter Dyer Organist MnG Shaw ATOM Choirlorder Mrs Smethurst rmnn SUNDAY in mm MARCH ISI fameHoly Communion 10 munYoung Peoples Bible Class 11 munHoly Communion Jr Congregation and Church School pmEvening Prayer Lenten Service Wednesday Evening pm We Invite You to Come and Wnnhlp With Us ST ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Gwen and Worsioy Sts Rev James Ferguson Minister Raymond Daniels Director of Praise II nm MORNING WORSHI Broadcast CKBB pm Reception of New Members CHURCH SCHOOL Classes Cluch passermenu cannon scaoox 11 am Fellowship at St Vincent St Collier St 112 Rev SE Lewis Lloyd Nford 980 pm SERVICE The 1100 8111 SERVICE SUNDAY MARCH 1959 Quarterly Preparatory Service 1000 amJnnior and Senior 1100 munNursery Beginners Kindergarten and Primary the Johnson st Iublic School under auspices of St Andrews Church and Presbytery or Barrio EMMANUEL Meaning and Conditions of CHRIST JESUS THE 1003 mu AI Collier 3L Barth ALL and wnncorm The Salvation Army Citadel 50 Collier Shut Snr Major and Mrs Cram SUNDAY MARCH IN 11 mm AN URGENT DIRK on EPINGTHE SABBAIH Stud School Citadel 11 mm Primary Dept pm Directory gt 245 pm Junior and Sonia Classes MlneIn Point Spur pm Ill yield my powers to Thy Com mand To Thee Iconsecrate my days Perpetual blessings trmn Thy hand Demand perpetual songs ti praise Roman tCalholiC ST MARYS CHURCH 95 MULCASTER 5T SUNDAY MASSES ram am 1015 pm nan pm Weekday Mass 700 am daily EVENING DEVOTIONS Sun7 pm Wad 730 1111 780 pm ST JOHN VIANNEY Cor Innlslil and Baldwin Lane Allandale Sunday Mass 800 930 1130 aLm Weekday Mass 745 am Dally CATHOLIC INFORMATION CLASSES St Josephs High School 90 Mulcastervst rues and Thurs to an pm Sincere Inquirers Welcomau Evangelical Baptists Rev Nullnioyor asseth SCHOOL DEPTS mm GOOD For HoTHtNCf NurseryToddlers and Beginners Church pmGOOD FOR SOMETHING Collier St MA BD Minister Organist and Chairmaster united Church Lent ls An0pportunity Come To Church Church Membership Christian Life Encounters With Christ The Cripple At The Pool or Bethesda THE CHURCH scnoor 010 can ago and up Jr Sr and Intermediate Dapta 1100 am age and under Babysit Iursery uonei garten Primary Depts NEW IIIilITIIiII IIIIITEII noss AND nonomo smears uptown anew an Inn economy Orginlstisnd Choirmaatel nu NutSew Jesus pm on up to years initializes Blackboard at his wnr we shins GOSPEL SINGING CHITB CH SCHOOL mUplo 91ieara m0 Years and qver Young Peoples Meeting

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