Barrie Examiner, 27 Feb 1959, p. 2

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Uh Merrie hammer NWMMWNWMMHWBMMM nauseous Flinn mflYfl moms Guidance For Education Into Age Of Automation In recent article entitled AntoniaV tionWiil Remoid Dur hives Brown oski states For the new machines do notmcrely replace the brute power of the muscle machines have been doing that for nearly 200 years ever since the first water wheel and then the steam en gine were brought into the factory The new machines are beginning to re place gift which is neator and more specifically human the ability of the eye to measure or the hand to adlust or the brain to compare and choose the spectre of Automation points its long shadow lat mans intellect The most common species in the fac tory today is the man who works or tends simple machine the operator éy the year 2000 AD he will be as ex tinct as the handloom weaver and the dado The repetitive tasks will be taken over by the machines as the heavy tasks hove been taken over long ago and men tal wallmum refine way ofphysical exhaustion Automatic machines will make it pos sible for few men to take complex product such asks drug or an engine through all the smges of its manufac ture We must turn men who do our repetitivecworlr into men with in vldual skills We can steer our society only if we combine general knowledge of where we are boundt0 go withh specific will of where we want to go And it lsrelov ant to recall that another word for the control of automatic machines mday is the word Cybernetics and that it is Greek word for the art of steering ship Education will certainly need the guliding handof forwardthinking men and women as our society advances grad ually into this new age of automation and atomic power plants Remember this fact as We move into Education wesk Curiosity Saves Lives Its not only what you do yourself but what the other fellow is going to do Thats very true statement in driving Prylhg curiosity into the affairs of neigh hours is bad manners Yet it is strongly recommended by the Ontario Bofety Lea gue to drivers Be downright inquisi tive in traffic Cultivated curiosity about everything thats going on Everything thats going on or stopping Especially stopping ry to find out if when why and where other drivers are going to stop JAsk yourself whyvthe man in the pass inglane is slowing down is he turning left or is he waiting for an unseen ped estrian Speculate about the ball that bounces into the roadwayis there re triever right behind either the two or fourlegged type Check on the car park Opinions of Other Newsp LAKEEEAD COUNTERS DULUTH MOVE Winning Tribune The provincial and municipal governments with an interest in seeing ihefullest possible de velopment of the Lakchead ports and the west ern Canadian trade through the St Lawrence Saawsy have at last nailed to speak with single CE Formation of the Canadian Lakehead Port Association is to be welcome especially since it includes Ontario as well as the Lakehead cit vies and prairie provinces Premier Frosts promise of wholehearied sup port ior the Lakehead secretariat should great lly strengthen the effort to bring maximum amount of Seaway shipping to Fort William and Port Arthur It is interesting to note that the development of the Lakehead porLa and maximum benefit lih the west from the Seaway which are the objec tives of the new secretariat have been subjects of concern to the Manitoba government almost since Seaway construction began ed at the curb with the engine running is the driver keeping warm or is he about move Give thought to the tires of the car you are following at 00 mphwhat happens to you if one of them blows out Weigh the possibility that the Highways Department put down those double white lines ahead because the curve is danger ousand not Just because they like to use up paint Use imagination and pat iencemot the gas pedalto find out why the driver ahead is braking sharply when the road is apparently clear curiosity may have killed the eat but it has saved lot of drivers Make every bodys business your business when the business is moving in traffic healthy curiosity on the road sometimes avoids very unhealthy crash apers Under tlieformer Liberal government and now under the Conservative administration Manitoba has taken the initiative in warning the Lakebead and other provinces that there was danger of missing the benefits of the Seaway It is too bad that united action could not be achieved before the last minute the year the Seaway is due to open it evidently took the $100000000 port development at Iluluih to bring full awareness of the situation in which the Lake besd might find itself Tbe importance of united action was sharply underlined at the recent meeting which set up ed the secretariat by the report of joint study of ihe Seaway by the Canadian Wheat Board and the Grain Shippers and Exporters Association Inadequacy of port facilities lack of essential services for tramp steamers and the need for improvement in grain handlnig points on the St Lawrence River were some of the problem which could hinder grain shipment according in the report It looks as though the Lakehead Port As sociation willhsve plenty to do OTTINWBBEPURT lionerary Waididogj Earns Gratitude EH typify the poised threat of Parllr meat which is intended to keep government and bureau cracy economyMood lamprey Joe political adver is Egg iii 33 5er lea lightly purchased by the nu lery but not mnsldered showing to their new owners pnbilcl 811075 Sensing male hum of sarysccifedathimmhanhcwasiicisls hinrlolly changed their THINKING MANS smoi Drilling omivon Well Is An ExpensiVe Business CALGARY CP So you want to drill your own oil well The Standard 011 Company of California and the National Sup ply Company Limitcd had some discouraging statistics this week fotanybody contemplating going into the all business its an ex pensive proposition Thefigures dealt with typical oil well close to populated area that was drilled to depth of 10 000 feet As starter the survey suggested the following would be needed Seven hundred and twentysix tons of steel as trucks ranging from tandem tractor to light pickup three cranes road grader few house trailers and in men whose occupations range from lawyer to truck driver ONE IN ELEVEN Total cost could range from 3600000 to $2000000 and dlllllng could continue for two years And the catch the survey ad Only one well in 11 produces The study gives detailed an alysis of how tbs material equip ment and manpower would be The steel provides isotoot derrick or mast including sub structureihree engines and torque converters and three slush pumps 10000 feet of Alliinch drill rgipepplus jointspcollars and cos ES Should the well be producer another 80 tons of steel tubing must be lowered into the well to carry the oil flow SEVEN RAUL PIPE About seven of the trudrs are tractortrailer lmiis to haul in the pipe Another seven trailer units bring in equipment for the der rick and buildings No tank trucks insulin cement and about seven are needed for seisrno graph electric logging and per foratlng services equipment The remaining trucks are needed to supply the well site in catlng crew and the road clear Ing crew The labor force includes lend men and lawyers to acquire drill ingand minerals righls for the operation once the reconnais sance crews and geologists have recommdcda site surveyors transit man engineers equipment operators road builders gang pushera and their helpers MUST HIRE MEN Once the equipment for the rig arrives on location about six riggcrs four crane operators and arlgup man and bls assistant are required With the rig up 14 Canadian Industrialists rotary helpers six derrick men six welders carpenters electri cllns and mechanics five driller and drilling foreman must be hired In the course of drilling the well these materials will probably be needed 4050 bags of cement 1000 feet of manila rope7500 feet of drill cable 000 tons of drilling mud i00 tons of bentonite 150 tons of barytes five reamere five core head bits 10 hard rock bits 150 drums of emulsified oil various tools for recovering broken bits and 40000 barrels of water Should the well blow in it would probably produce about 500 barrels of crude day At an average price of $50 bar rel the return would be $1250 day Few wells therefore pay for themselves until after year of operation igniting the drivato rid eurGreat we The Road Ind not limos Iakesofthstscourgeofouriisb labiforgotienhithavmut libss ermen the mocking bonmehbecntakenouttobesbnwato its anged when Murphys point was owners no less than aloe time won and applauded in the wtfiyears Get that man am off my Since 1350 limbo umber back screamed lime muons elicited over $2500000 when Sarnlae MP was repeatedly has been spent on about 435 paint demanding parliamentary re inns and sketches for the gallery view of the need for more uech and $5904554 on 259 picturu to nlcal training and research in Canada then the Ruarien Snit niksond Lunlk streaked some our skies to show how right Mur phys thinking had been Recenilylwe have learned the wisdom of his long un easiness about various aspects of Polymer the Crown corporation manufactunng artificial rubberst Sarnia CHECKING 0N WASTE Then there was the long trail of parliamentary quutions which The Sarah Sleuth asked about our tax money friuered away on Portugeso palace bought as temporary brmkhouse for our am bassador in Brazil and the st tendant mysterynf the disappear 5303 KPIYNS WHY which was unsatisfactorlly ax plalned as having been lost when some bureaucrat improperly in volved us in the currency ex change fluctuations of third country Now Murph has done it again lichasfocumdblswsryeyeeon what many taxpayers have coma to distrust as the lair of question able artistic taste and axpenance tlie National Gallery whose ea iirnated cost to every taxpayer will jump an unexplained 50 per cent in this moneyabort year It began when Murph made Help Develop East Africa ay nusssls ELMAN KAlVlPAIA Uganda CPlin 1956 the opening of Canadian devaloped copper mine at foot of the Mountains of the Moon in western Uganda marked mileslme in the economic axpan sion of thls British protectorate The Kilcmbe Mints owned jointly by Frobislier Limited of Toronto and the government sponsored Uganda Development Corporation today have made copper Ugandas most important FEBRUARY 11 Miss Bessie Kings told the Lady Lions her experiences the previous summer spent in Caliv forms with four friends Janet Gaynor she de scribed as having flaming red hair and looking older than inpictures At bowling alley Tyrone Power invited them to join in game which made an excitingevening for the Canadian visit orsAt another time they sat beside EdwardG Robinsonwho moire to them and also saw AnneeScmple McPherson Michael Graham age 05 RR Newmarket was killed byan unknown hitandrun driver was dragged for 75 to 100 feet He was first seen byGeorge Frrcke driving alonehwho placed his robe over body Dr and Mrs Laurie behind and the former pronounced News of Former Years gigs man to be dead ills body was badly mutilat Ty Arbour former ChicagoBlack Hawk and Montreal Canadien forward star was engaged on February 10 as ccachof the Barrie Colts follow ing the sudden dismissal of Gordon Mocking Al hour was coach for them in the last season fashion parade was put on by the Mens Club of Trinity Church with GJarman as announcer There was an old Rector of 1039 Rev Mr Killioy Grant and his equally pleasant wife Mrs Killioy Morrow an old fashioned grandmother Coles modern grandmother Thomson very merry widowDr Sproit charming bride Sims Mae West Herold Wardmnn and the many gosslpy andamusing members of the servingcircle ParagraphiéallySpeaking Lillieperson who talks himself doesnt derive as much pleasure out of listening as he does listening to others talk as thefilement of surprise islackingr To it may concerni To lick the dandruff problem shave your head every day Omar Khayam referred in his Rubaiy at to vessel that learned all awry probably an eleventh century orackpm lbr flash ibamuur some traceram Dlii Sunday and Statutory Enfldlys excepted WEN heapié who live in glass houses dont need picture windows we those who arise attire break or the We wonder how the incohmey got that Another reason we wouldnt volunteer be thefirst person launched into space itsthat themocketvmight go into orbit Wsum hwlufla 111 navigation copy 53 mans dim1L lit month 00 in cam Canedit year mum mflgufitixli Toront Conedlan rNeVwrpsperPubr unmanned mil pm mqW ruff unions cicinsi were mini1 hing Dc also mittens prob ed may oin anon around the sun in which case we fear we should eventually become rather lone Moscows boast that it nowhne traf ficlamsls probably ture as there is no doubt considerablezcompetitlon among fewmilcs of pav It is wen that American manuiacturers wi bulldsome mediumsized cars to incomes Thoaé with mediumsized incomeswi op rse son in buy in ge ear mammal Tru naivs Russian NonAggression Pacl No PeaCe War Guarantee nynn SIMON Canidian Press Staff Writer Premier Khrushchev let fly at range of so miles Tuesday and hit Prime Minister Macmrll an sharply over the head with anon aggression pact The widespread dismay with which Kbrushcbevs Kremlin ad dress was greeted by Western observers while theunsuspecling Macmillan toured Russian atomic plant outside Moscow is clear indication of their un spoken misgivings regarding the prime ministers Russian visit Kbrushchevs oratory threw lit tle new light onbisatiitude io Lwards slnnmit conferences Bel iin the Middle East capitalism foreign mlnlsters meetings or in spectlonof nuclear installations Tbeonly apparent novelty was the nomaggression pact In point of fact Russia and Britain signed treaty of friend ship in 1942 Russia revoked it in 1955 and Macmillan himself proposed last year thatlit should be renewed RECALL CHAMBERLAIN PACT Neville Chamberlain signed similar pact with Adolf Hitler barely year before the start of the Second World War Ger many and Busch concluded an other in 1009 and began fighting tee of peace and its absence does not rceptlbiy increase the anger war Macmillans success in his pri ynte talks with the Russians do ends less on the aiming of dams mentsvfham on preparation of the groundforjremoval of the nude log humor of distrust betw an and 1041 in short nonaggres sinn pact by itself is no3uaran NB if Khrushchevs revival of Bus sias old complaints against the West providesva few points for the conferecs it may have made some contribution to their efforts But it has not necessarily provided the atmos phere for their discussions Russias premier is renowned for his abrupt chhngs of pace in foreign relations and is capable of denouncing the west in public on Tuesday and amiahly con ccdingapoint or twotoaBri prime minister in private on Wednesday EFFICIENT BLACKOUT The efficienthews blackout of the talks effectively lorestalls anything more than speculatlo on the relationship tw on Khrushchev the orator and khrushchav the negotiator But in the absence of reliable leak the pundits arefree to ponder the significanceof one official announcement Ma is due to follow up his visit to the atomic plant with flying trip to Kiev This time Khrushchev will be going along One reporter wrote that Moscow considers this as evidences the Russian prcmicrs hig personal regard for his guest can also betaken as c5181 that Ma lan considers it agood idea to remain withinlearshat of his boat nunaral In the flrst year of operation 45000 tons of are month was produced and mining activities are eventually expected £2000000 $5600000 year Virtually uninhabited six years agar the Kilembe Valley today houses 2000 mine workers null and concentrator has been built copper concentrate roast ing plant is eight miles away at Kasese and new zoomile rail extension links the mine with an electric smelter at the Owen Falls Damvat the source of the Nlie cobalt concentrate also is being produced and siockpiled from whichan estimated 1000000 poimds of cobalt can be re covered annually TheUKilembe project is only one Canadian contributionto the grgwth or IBfillsbEast Africa In UgandaI Tanganyika and Kenya 4here are Canadian industrialists government employees ly and missionaries PEOSPBATES MINED In Ugandas Eastern province Frobisher also has share ina $20000000 phosphate project at sukuln plan has been an nounced to mine 25000mtons of ore year yielding 400000 tons of phosphates In Tanganyika the Canadlan Exploration 3Company Tangan yika Limited is engaged in saw milling and general Its Canadlan managing director 42yearold Baker mgrad uate of the University of Sask atchewan is chairman of the Taganyika TirnbenDevelopmcnt Association and past chairman of ihe Tanganyika Mining Associa tion Ea israiso an electedmcm ber of the Tanganyika legislative mun For years Canadas biggest in terest in Tanganyika was the great Williamson diamond mine near Lake Victoria but the mine was sold to the AngloAmerican Group of South Africalast year following Williamsons death In Kenya Canadian Dr Ted Mergcts of Lulu lsband BC is goverdmentpsycbiahist Dr Gor don Wilson of Vancouver is gov ernment sociologist and his wife an avsnnTcH or PHllOSOPilYI MIDEURST risnever wise to compromise With conscience on swivel None buts fool from Simons school Would barterwith the divil After 5311 who dont Evelyn il assistant commis sioner if community develop mart in Nairobi and the white high to increase Ugandas wealth by lands are Canadian schoolteach ers and farmers who grow Cana dian varieties of wheat Kenyans educated at the Univerle of British Columbia are workingin the colonys expanding hmbcr 1n dushy East African Airways Corpora don employs Canadlan pilots who fly Canadianbuilt airliners Spartan Air Service of Ottawa making an aerial survey for the hint in our variousembassies abroad These purchases raoge from Green Landscape by artist unknown for $535 to two mail but very fine Chardins plus Rubens and Martini bought as group for 3835000 REVIVER NEEDED The averaga taxpayer would need very strong Martini in deed if he could see some of the Things being bought with fill money as art treasures There are some fine oldmasters and modern Canadians in the Na tional Gallery in the aodegree tern rature and degree bu mi ty which found discourag ing visitors and no doubt damag our moldmillion dollar cob lection last Saturday afternoon but there hr disproportionate mass of gaudy daubs which manyj taxpayers neither under stand nor enloy Typical of these is the framed mosaic lavatory flour boughtior our embassy in Washington which recently shocked visiting parliamem tarisns Murph is still digging into line National Gallery He may seek the justification for the sooper cent increase in the cast of spa clni services this year for the mmrmt increase in the sta nographic staff He may askfor whom is chauffeur suddenly who provided He may analyse the llstai recent purChasesapd askwbeiber it is the purpose of the National Gallery to subsidise young Canadian painters or is that the urpose of our $100000 000 Arts uncill And he may queationtbe need and the paslt sible cost to the taxpayer of the restaurant proposed to be in cluded in the new National Gal ley now being built lBLIZ THOUGHT ne ldng approached the alter and offered thereon il Kings 1512 but your offering is gluten acceptable as that of the king The widows mite was magni fied by Christ to first import Kcnya government ance QUEENS pm gt Déiiui Financing No Cause for Alarm Dy pen oeran cm pendent For The Barrie Examiner TOEONTO What is tho true financial position of the province Your observer always goes to debt as the best answer to this In the complicationse nicer wordthan is often usedlof relt serve accounts funds and other accounting mechanics used in our provincial bookkeeping the state of debtis the one clear fig ure that gives an accurate indi doubt the state nfOntarios financial health DIG INCREASE The estimated increase in the debt nnnolmced in this years budget is $1290million Thlsflgurelrkslarg byfnr the largest increasein or his tory However there are factors which alter the picture Oneaf them is that by the lime final financialdctai are straightened out the figuie unduubtedly much smaller second is that when viewed in true perspectivetheamoimtls not nightsbins large CHOSE COURSE growth in the province and the tremendous capital works pro gram of the government in the past decade anda hall be ex plains manor than my sions mold not reasonably have been carried out ithout either imposing an inordinately high level of taxation which would have retarded therate oirdevgi opmentand limits advance tr obligins the prom to in car avmoderste and manageable incrcaae in its net debt We chose the latter course Nevertheless our financial tinn today is strong ACTUALLY DOWN Tonmsian cc our total net debt this yearrepresenls only per mat of the total personal income of the peoplecf Ontario nt against l5 per cent decad nlhalf ago flfi terms of our revenue the pcsl onis evenmore fave hie Today only in months rev clue lsrequiredio retire whole net debt as againstch years revenueadécade anion half age gt in constant dollars per capita our net deiitlsst3March 31 was filcwmpared with sharper while thateds disagreement about deficit financing as yet afar having followed for nuinber 01I Twill league as presen ts achievement atvald to incom Piiled in the province ibat were free of traffic fatalltl 1858 The year ervlousiy

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