Barrie Examiner, 5 Aug 1959, p. 11

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DIETICIAN umuwrfietnuocrll 1pr ivonnnIir ran omnan 11753 ham unacco an tubc Mo an 1mlu mu to ac laurel Inert an manta PAJTM iAlljeloWomea Moo It IO DJ Wraps rmzsiil Vim owicdar To liva in PA was lorro no You ow or good man its armammia 3° 1A1mps aoomsrzn room or tome upabln ol hanullul amp as books Ich an wrlullyltltlnl parlance nan quantization ionnr or arm norms 7BfHelp Wanted Female lumen waluau for day or nlfht work Top wuu Phonc an as 75in or uvuu Null Antonio or ui Nflflcn Inn to PA so Undlrlradnaln Train rlenccd Ptlrll Prlvto Hug 7BIll 7DEmploymerit Wanted CONCRETE TECHNICIAN numrs anNos yaan axpmonco Ichlnl uroulin concrun Canon Anb BO 36 Barrio Explain 7DI1dvlll mun WOMAN in Vlllall oi strand will mion baby In own homo neurone Phono stroua Drink mmla For Sula TOP SOIL AND MANURE FRESH C1 ROLLED SOD nunva on um lac per sq yd delivered PA 9818 Hsou FILL GRAVEL TOP SOIL SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED mcnnung and radial wmr Dfllvery cruiser unrueonn DENNIS MORAN 29 Anne Street PA 9101 Barri hlruu ARE YOU lillmESIED IN BEIIER SILAGE 13m about Blkwta Vinyl Ella ro VII Quen InLvethylend rum CALL FOBERTS GAS PHONE PA 54782 PWANG 51 Alum 31sz NEWSPAPER MATS ska miss meal tor not ban ifcirrlnri1x 25c PER DOZEN Apply rno Banin minor Barrie Ontario Ilflu JONES USED FURNITURE 79 DUNLOP smur wrsn wronmu own 79 WE our AND 5min GENUINE ANTIQUES ALSO GOOD UALUY MODERN SEINGS PHONE PA 66751 sm FOR THE HANDYMAN LUMBER FOR SAL Piumblnz caution Electrlcal Fixtures Gyprnc Icntest Asbcstos slums RoofingPaper VIENierhip Linoleum ALL orrnsn ms or MATERIAIS HARVELZDG SONS TIFFIN STREEZI BARIIIE vPA error Mon to Eli srurosy run4 opon METRO AND humans Ave RICHMOND New and announcing mo lumb Vina Iup nos and Ln sou nloo on amass on par no strings Complete nfgml rantrun and Picture Windows Moon rnrnuuon oeulnr Sqmuyvflool Iflonnd Elsetriw monnu pa rial am New sash and storm yin own or run nabllnrlc Av asu ENJOY YOUR thDAY5 ECbNOMlCALLY RENT TENTS fIENl and AWNING 1A1I0las cxlsun PhoncPAdwvv New outta wmoowr III uniunaw cod uranium aor from raorn um mar Motor and Inuu caldtua um inboard mm as Guru Phone fiA W1 mm otnao um um norm noun lrmu It pans PA Mm box rm marPu om mfluflu moan CINEI and film InrrcoArl no hon doubl to dons orema er and mm 1m urn woolllmr snvp Hm st cornor Mran and nun oMlu 11 um than ounrhlnio Ya mom and on ournor tonsil ahbnld ban noon consuld or ow this Norton work Build no Coop llnll 8AFor Sole or Exchange nooiu mick pun slow with pr in Toronto ould mung ulfltfl in Burma Roy OwendL barrio Yunirlnn aBioxuo l0 Farm Supplies lOKLivestock or Sale rouxml P1 waehhold Apply William Criticndcn Oro srn lion our Ml lflAIII so man wnhxs om Purobud runwonh Boar 10 months old Manny sum hinder CIIIVIIII or bindch Norman rum arroun ioAiai lOCll mplements FARM SUPPLIES Cr SERVICE CASI AND NEW HDLLANM FARM MACHINERY 0mm Uud Equipmanl Internltlonu Gnin Separator used linden Good used Spurnu dunno Av Bufll PA 62 IDSM cocxsnm manor on both In bod condition an or uick me an cube ranis MCCORMICK new Binder cut rm condition 5m Pollard lid fl uh pew also In Barred Rock ans old is 111 Jermny 7659 DCIBlIBI Miconalncx nearlnr Thruhlng machlno as andone Marley nurr omaor Both In roan condition Apply Harold Mulchin son an shanty Bay sum as xocnom IDEAL TRACTOR or belt work Manny sr nod runninl eon union or price you can mourn or mu type or tractor Phdna am Parry PA 6dle Perry Truth and Equipment Highways row JOClhl l0DSeed and Feed mm or oArs Herb Glbbonl Con lllnnism roDITsial lOEPouliry STARTED DEKALB PULLEIS AND HICKS are available nut to enable us to but on your rs unemcnu ordnrs should no place in advance it pro can mm on your poultry prob lem reoi rm to can or write HUNTDIS rumray runs Strand Stroud II rot11w ll Finnn iul mar Monroses $2000 wrnteo Private loan wm pay new sex or Barrie Examiner IIldIIBZ MORTGAGES ant 1nd boulbl sold and nmnlcd Commlrclal and residential moneys Ioaoen on mortgages Barri Iuon FA 68504 ma Chicks Phone Illa l2 Florists GLAns FOR SALE lor 50c Kern onion Grncnhouta 123 Puch arms 1213 13 Fruitsond Vegetables FOR SALE CUCUMBERS Also other GARDEN VEGETABLES nonnow rm 5135an HWY 27 OFF MASSEY Rooms DEALER 13Hour IS LOST ErFOUN ram Fomalo dog cross be tween oston buu and Plumber with brown and black markings 1517mm nLAcx rouse con lniar about assoc In Loblaws BAyilcld llllNllmIMfl as to ad eon IIJIS hrl soon3h PA I1Iu 18 Room on l8ARooms for Rent central PA libIN IIINIIEID Dan link downtown taro Pbm rA um imu unul Irish Badman also no MIME In tilt has for PA win iann 0N SINGLE Ram and on don on Board uona Choirl 3h Pnono pPA on amr you IMfllflll ISBéRooms wonred UNYUINIIEID nominaln on wanted and Ill gird prelcrredlymmnu PA 6331 spaluau 18C Boarders Wanted BOOM Arm aoAnn contort 1an unman marred Apply on noon at uppur uflex incram ===g 19 Legal NOTICE TO CREDITORS Cr OTHERS Crcdltorn or nmamr Ema Kiss Intent on on or arms In Conn ol srmon who diod on or about run day 01 Inch 1m mm or tour omn with tho undersigned oom tho flu on Aaron rm altar which our ancu or lb man will or distributed Richard Kerbrt EotchhlnAd mlnlrtntor by on rounilon Mum smith or McLean so can Btrcci Blrfld Ontario rrmnnnn 20 Tendo ndxnmsns dwui no rowed rd II un or lupp nailing tumor circulation nor mm in one Pcnuconial uuolnrn Alllstou no ona specification urnore Iran Mr Roy Carlson cm ol Carltons arko sno was torn Street Amaton onnm cloao Aux 31 nor bowrat or any lender not incur area lawful flaws Poo Box Allmon On solallno 21 Auction Solo SATURDAY AUGUST 21 Auction mo to firm stuck Implo menu grain rm rumoure sor nmio Wouwln at Lot 11 Con In To ihlfllle nnnho oldspuldnurrt VEne Term cub sun at pro ah DST No rc scrva an arm in in Co lln Auctioneer islalla1mlsllsrlfl SATURDAY AUGUST 15 Auction sale or arm stock 1m Elements hayuuuiiry and house om omen ror um Kneesbaw but 10 con 12 West cwnurnoury miles can or No it msnwny Terms corn No mom the rornr is sold hair It ns Iharp nsr sorry Cons no ucunnoer rr 175rsll1187189 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE PA 32414 Condensed and classified ad venisemcnts oro inserted at the rate of 4c per word per inser tion for one and two times 34 per word or three four or five times and 2m per word or marl= lnsertlons 10 tionol charge if not paid within 10 days THE MINIMUM ADVERTISEMENT is We IF COST FOR ANY CLASSIFIED PAID WITHIN 10 DAYS OR 38 IF CHARGED PER SIN GLE INSERTION water Church lonnatinn Coming Eventsjc per word minimum charge $150 Birth and Death Nolicrs and Cards of Thanks $150 for up ico words over words per word extra in Memorial No tices $150 if verse used per word extra rno Barrio Examiner will not nun ousibllity ror any error InI agva ent no ultra tho tee one nor roverrun cm gills nohneo altar to am tour aterand ryps styles or rams lispiay cisssideds may no obtained through The Examiner ldvutlain department All ANT AD copy should he in ur oiliccby pm the day beloro publication or roono Clmp noroan new isfrnror on Hour Town AByStanley KINFqLKs sHEs CLEANING ll OFETOVISIT ARE HOUSE Saturday by noon Baran SHE BuYs one sus WAUSEbli ER TICKET MAKES SURE THE THREQUNE SflSWlAFIE 0N aouslN ABELS YSODISHMSHM 4W SHE LEFIIN A1 loord ufl first year he should choose lines at his favorite vegetables from the seed cataloguss be picked out lettuce carrots and pmnps chlldrsns gardening tools wacmrldflndlothoaloreswere toolittlonndloollimayloratnll alxyaarqldg We bought light wright mill Ilsa adult tools andrhowedhlmbowtouuthom Alter the ploughing and digging bod been done our boy started sauerly to rake his own small square of groimd whila his pillar raked bypiccc or the fam llyiardcn FAR FROM PERFECT The boys garden was far from perlecttba rows won hit cro oked with some blank spam where either Iced had not bean sown had been covered over with too much earth or bad lulled to germinate Weeds appcnrcdwltb alarming regularity Sometimes their removal was ncglactcd and sometimes they were snapped oli instead of being pulled out Tho icihlco and carrots wars sum By BEM PRICE PARIS AP For 10 years now the North Atlantic Treaty Organization llM been looked upon as the sword and ableld of Europe NAIOs delensive shield con sists of ground troops with the task at blocking any Soviet nt iempt lo overrun Europe quickly The sword is the retaliatory power of the West nudgar or thermonuclear bombs delivered against tbeSovict Un ion by manned airth or mis siles Gen Lauris Norstad NATOs prescnl military drier once emphasized Europes need or strong defensive shield by observing that unless an aggres aim was soon halted the Allies would be faced with the impos sible task of separating the inr vsders from the invaded as tax gets lor nuclear weapons SHIELD STILL SHARP Al the moment the shield an pears thin and lbeaword while still sharp is losing some of its edge compared with the powerful and incleasineg modern Comnur nisi forces arrayed against it reporters tour of NATO commands indicates that as mate ters now stand the Allies pos sibly could muslrr 250000 men on the ground next to the Iron Clutnin though not all would mobile forcesequipped with up todale arms The immediulely available air cover for central Europe now consisls of somewhere bezwero 1500 and 2000 jet aircraft of all types The Allies also have classi fied but apparently limited mis sile counterpunch mostly in the shortrange category This Allied iorce confronti Soviet bloc in coona1 Europcr which Watern sources say has 1500000 men close to the borders of the free world andaldmm alljet air force most of which is concedlraled in Western Rus sin and the satellites MORE MISSILE$ In ad the Soviets are said be building large numbers of missilelaunching his for their 700 mile range 103 missiles and their I690mile T2 interme diaterange missilestln the satel lite areas west of Russia Although written into existence April 4949 as military organ izntiun NATO really began Jan Eisenhower theme 6ch star US general tonssumc corn mshd of Supreme Headquarters Alhed gowers Europe SHAPE The organizations assignment lfo safeguard the freedom com mpn heritage and civilizatio oi the signatorymations Upon his firslinspectioniour Eisenhower loundonly sov skinnydl lonaandanair fora about planes mostly piso ionengine types But hopes were rgh in Novembe turned up at NATO meeting In homo happily hing proposals for on iniernntio tional forces will Under the Ercncliplans ruined 1951wlih the arrival of Dwight r951 thorrench orator 0241903 Edifig 33 hula 635 The letinoo was coloyhd in the rumor and the small gat donutooknnawintortstinul platelho parmlpa war bit mail but oulwbat carr olll Evan tamer said he hadnav or seen such big ones 00 box of cloan and in the in which to More ids Another Red Letter day one noon in the wintccwhen our boy suddenly loohod up from his dinner plate and remarked 0b Boyllheuurrota are loodl Mo thor at you sure they rully are my carrots an callus iodly1 PAY BIG DIVIDENDS childs garden costs so little in money and it pays such big dividends certain amount ol adult Misha and encourage ment is necessary But Lbs gar den or be the childs responsib liltyll oiriolsamtheluwns which gardening can teach lo livinglessons of patience lessons learned not in books but responsibility linlshlng up on job and doing work well John Masatidd once wrota The days that mako us happy make us wise There is very spec ial wisdom which working with growing things imparts Dont let this ycarrlip by without giv ingyour boy or girl the chance to garden Children and gardens go Ibseflier NATO SwordIs Losing Edge Against Modern Red Forces meeting The NATO council even set iLscll goal of 100 battleIll divisions in Europa byibo énd of 1854 It was claimed at the end 1951 that NATO had 28 combat ready divisions at hand FRENCH WIIIIIJRAWUNII bare five months later May lsfihIound SHAPE olii termnow commanded by Gen Gruentber grumbling about the withdrawal of French division from the shield forces to light rebels in Algeria At that time Gruenther bad 15 divisions assigned to NATO and based in Germany live cacb from France the United King dom and the United States Some how lboseother eight divisions had not materialized What disturbed SHAPE was not so much the withdrawals the French division but the precedent set in weakening the sblgld in subordinating NATO interests in national interests Meanwhile the leéhnology or warfare was undergoing steady evolution from nonnuclear in nu clear The age of the guided mis sile and the battlefield rocket had arrived Each can carry atomic warheads Inthe dawning age of atom toting missiles and rockets the need for armies to increase their mobility and dispersion likewise FROM ASSEMBLY spectacular Sixtiesf which would thile Soviet ex piollatlon Branch iha alannkl was 301 Mr and Mrr 5m Axlord Alain andBovalsy oration lingr Linda Summon holidayod lul Each with her grandparents at ow g3 Mn Black Toronto Ac companiod Mr andMrs Loroa Sommers and lamily to flood Loki aodvlsllod Mr and Mrs Arthur Hutton sondsy August John Dunn more look the service at th Una itod Church with Charles Drury giving the rcrmoo Charla chos Plha Ten Commandments as his text August Herd Cnid wcll will be speakar GILFORD The list meeting of the Oils lord Willing Workers Garden Club was held at Mn Gran ville Hugbu Wednesdly July 29 at 730 pm with toll attend onceol Isht The meeting was sued by the club verse Tbs ro call was answered by showing vegetables from members gardens Car rots bests beam and kob rabi were brought Carol Chutercnd her notu Mrs Todd judged the veggie ables Achievement Day was discussed and Eileen and Fran ces Sawyer gave demon alraiJon on tho trauma of beans Mrs Hughes mad lunch increased The day 01 the loot soldier fighting in mass was ending On June 195916en Norslnd said the Allies metal danger might spring from weaknesses PROBE WEAKNESS Norslad told fa long meeting hot the weakness of NATO might start soviet probing operation which might well get out of hand Norslnd went to Wshington last spring to report on NATOs military posture to the us Con gress He said the 13 divr ions now assigned to NATO were not enough that beheaded ruinh mum oi 30 divisions equipped with atomic weapons and more missiles Whether NATO really possesses 13 combat etlective division is open to debate The passing years however have seen some technical and logistical improvements in lhe military picture When NATO was born the hip cralt detection radar operated 40 hours week Now lhe radar net work scans the Iron Curtain around the clock It still has short range reaching only to the Russian border But gaps in the network have been plugged LINES visited morally It HiltonElli snowman ml 115le hymn TX PIPIIY Pool 0vnier Threatens Arrests ll TeenAyers Keep Using Pool DUNSTABLE England AP Edwin Green throatonedlodly to hnvn somabodyarraaicd If Jeanaged girls and boys keep swimming naked In his pool The police came Monday night and snakcd eight nude youths and our nearly naked girls 15 or years old out of the water The bothers gel in by burrowing under aIonco Police look thclr names but didnt mast them Lam aler willbavc to prosecute it this happens again Green told reporter That ia the only way to stamp out these parties There have been or too many or them lately Two of the girls bad on nylon panties and anothar was wear in only bra it was silly prank but cursor Mri Johnson of Toronto Mrs Easily oi Gormiey and William McLean of Saskatoon have all been guests of Mr and Mrs Milton Reid Rodney Bell is wbrklng in Sault Sic Marie Ior the sum mer Milt Reid is still confined to bed but improving nicely Gordon Groso of Windsor is on vacation and is visiting Mr and Mrs BGrose Frances Anne Chuntler of Newton Robinson spent the week with her grandmolher Mrs Mervyn Noble MINESIN Rev Mr Kobmson preached his first sermoniu the United Church last Sunday July Mrs McNicul oi Newmarket spent last week with her sister Mrs Plownght and Richard Plowright Miss Beryie spentlast weekend with her par ents Mr and Mrs Bert Bulky Mr and Mrs Plowright were in Aurora Monday for the funeral ofa urotberimlaw Dal ton Richardson Pnrke at Toronlo VWilI RdllingiSoon or BEN ransom DETROIT tam no Spec taculnrSixtics lake over from the Fabulous Fifties in tbeautw mobile industrythis month Within 30 days the last loe 1955 models will roll iromtbe assembly And the iron tiou already under way with few 1960 models completed What will the new decade bring Some of the new develop ments are certainties such as cars and olumlnurngcnglnes Some arev still in the dream stage but will bacommonplaco by the time 1909 models are in the showrooms Consider for tbschnnges dur mending Cars grew ribenvlsr wider ger lower almost iwpe Rarhb or our new ones the Chevrolet Corvair th Ford Falcon tbe hrysler Valiant and the Dodge Dart Ford has another small car in he works fur about 1951 and flick Oldsmobile Pontiac will filer another compact car or possibly three separate cars around IEsalxlE tithe comma rmNEEh compact in sD trb taulo thehollcs properties in ness is convincing the publictb itssdjlaller brother the Amerrcan were for preter what it calls room no mo got the rd two in lengih and widthbut it will still be luxury car Chevrolets Corvair will be North Americas si rearen car and the engine will be or re of aluminum Nobody knows now whether other makes will switch the engincllocatiou dur there was nothing lordid about it said one the swimmers gaul Cohen flycnrrold shr £111 itIThe girls were at one Ind the pool and the boys were at tho other It was quite dark We couldnt see anything of come there was lot of laughing and we must have made too much noise which resulted in the police coming One ol the girls aged 17 and measuring 362367 raid rather crusaly dived lo wearing my bra and panties The wotcr pulled off my panties and It took hall an hour to find them lrn never going there any more inrsnrsr narr orrAwa or Bank Canada interest fafi rlsins for the fourth week in row reachod rsmrd 72 per cent from 566 last week the behind bank re orlcd Thursday The bank rate which is scared to the average yield on weele sales de rs of government treasury bills now has risen by 42 per cent ramble on July The previous high was set last week The record low was 11a last Aug HOLLY Miss Doria Elliott of Kingston spent the weekend with her par enls Mr and Mrs Wilson Elv lion Visitors at Mr Hurley over thaweekend were her daugbla er Mrs Reynold Rutledge and childrcn of Toronto and her granddaughter Patricia Hurley or KingCity Visitors of Mr and Mrs Par iament last week were Mr and Mrs Nobes and amin andtwo neices from Pelerhorough also two ndCoy boys from Coiling WW ing the 10 years to come butihs switch to aluminum engines is almost positiye The Buick Olds Pontiac smaller car is trying radically new and smallerva engine at aluminum Chrysler mayhava newaluminum power plant ready by this time next year and Ford too isvwcll alongwithpiioi desrgns INNOVATIONS The 505 brought power steer ing powenhrakes power win slows power seats air condition ing inch wheels automatic headlighhdimmers wraparound windshidds headlights swivel seals fuel injectionand sir Vsuspension mo many other developments In the 10 years LhEUS industry built al most 58000000 cars The 605 will bring electric cars family and suburban driving

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