gt IiiYiISV Rescu 111 Event nevi aicnrroaa Ska Writer KINGSTbNtQï¬e govern meat as eIeEIietyeaid Thursday discuss eonndl made the deci sion been ï¬restorm oi pro test which arose alterpiensior the celebration were eonognmi in tiny Criticism came from public bodice and some French leaguesnewspapers The celebration inns planned to commemorate the battlth 18 SSin which the nruuagnr Genernlflwme deieated the area at Generalhiontcahn ending the French regime and winning Can motor the British Theme the planned celebra tion was two hundred centurg lee of progressive partnership in LOOK vmwrnsiiuuo CABLES This CBC mobile television ear arouses great interest wherever it goes it carries TV camera and transmitter Safety League mounbai on aircrait gun tur rets which operate freely over range of several hundred yards without cables Pictures Wars On Bag TORONTO CPLThe Ontario Safety League will open na tional campaign next month in order to point up the danger at thin plastic iilms such as polye thylene bags used by dry clean lag iirms George Ham the leagues director otchild safety said Thursday Mr aim reported to no so ciew of Plastic industries that the campaign will cover press television and radio media He raldhe had been assured oi co operation by organizations in all other provinces and by federal authorities During the drive an effort will be made to haveall Ontario hos piials and possibly those in otherprnvlncuglssuapaniphlets mothm against im proper use of plastic bags when they take their newborn babies home This year at least 144 children it Canada under one year have died of suffocation Mr Horny uld Ten of these deathswere attrib table toim oper use at pinata hags Members the meeting said theauggestion that plastic film material could he made sale by perforating it were not true li two thiclmessrs oi the material cling to childs face they will still produce suliocation unless the periorrnations happened to come together gt REDS DOUBIEEAID NEW DELHI AmThe Soviet Union has offered more than double its previous economic aid to india by providing nruiiis equivalent to about $378000000 grrsrém vliillillIH Slillili 193 woken Formulas mm FISH cuirs more re use Narnia some are sent by the trans sighted at the receiving right oi an outside control room The equipment will be Ordered Deported Friends Petition WINNIPEG CF petition asking that 55yearold Chinese woman and her young daughlu be allowed to remain in Canada has been signed by several hun dred iriends andsympathizer Mrs Chin You Lai and her daughter Chin Lee San ave been ordered deported stay of nearly ï¬ve years with Mrs ChinssoninAlaw here They had been admitted visitorspermiis but when an ap plication or permanent residence svrrs 8203138311 DRESS sast JEANS JACKETS srspurns 40 Daniop St on annnm used or CBC iVe live cover age of the royal visit Satur daY Aug when the Queen ends her Canadian visit in was made the Immigration de partment ordered them deported Regulations stipulate thnt moth ers of Canadian Chinese cannot be permitted permanent resi dence unless they are 60 or over The petitions ï¬re to be pru ented to Immigration Minister Fairclough next week Cnsliom Grinding metallth feeding1nd rohleine come ranges or reuse Reactionto theannounoement was iivelySome oi Quehecl irencthnzuege newspapers nnd periodicals indicated disapproval Many letters were published in which French speaking Caaao diana said it wouid be wrong to celebrate defeat Mommy sim mm or coca miON GP Two monkeys that escaped an amusement park Thursday gave girderswinging Ter ranstyle display an the sn pelatructure oi the $20000 000 Burlington Skyway oiiiciais chase one oi them along nearby bench and lntotha water where they grabbed him wet and shivering The other was still atlarge Jack Knapp operator of the beach strip unload said children opened the cage and the two pigtail monkeys bounded onto the bridge Gilli BRISTOW PtUMBiNGHEATiN6 at 84 DUNLOP ST WESi ear VJ amen 93770 en at man woof sru Everything in Store VReduCed the resale agency in event it nuclearinnit on Canada but ot teen soy less than workr manmer needed lorVIhisraie The Army plane toiiornr sonic cause there are mnior forget areas in Canada open city at man mtg as hilereecne utilnnns corsan Wm Nenrly 60 militia oifleero today will complete at the Canadian Armystnii Collegehere the ting tweweeh on organizntw and deployment of wmueootumne me oi them 001 900mm battalion else to detect nncleeryradiï¬iqund rescuejano decontaminn as many persons pouibte hllted targets ï¬le will involveflnmt to 8000 man including regular and mit itia soldier in nilioers minted with mi new ennyplnns eaytbat nearly 400000 men will be needed to carryout theiob properly be Trumpeter Swan Slaves lxtihchqn OTTAWA CPIThehig trunk petersvgan teetering on the edge of extinction years 3101 added adoe today that he wont disappear The national resources depart ment announced Thursday that live cygnets were hatched onth ago at the Delta Man waterfowl research station irom captive parents4M ilrat such ior at least 50 years in North pcter big man who mnyweighuptoï¬poimdenow numbers about 1600th in the western United States including Alaska and hail inWestern Can ada The main hreedinggronnd is Albertas Peace River region andvthey winter on the west coast Their name cornea from the soundvol their iar voices The Canadian Wildlife Service associated with the project may use the captive trlnnpeters to re stock selected elem ANDERSON memos some consciences me You PM no ru youu your loan Lira unnanwnrrma Manufacturers ANDFRSQN pertment 01 women when 3111 Indthe Some pincer scytheybelievn the only leasible solution is ur corporation oi the WIBI trained civilian Civil Deluxe workers into the mobile column arrangement This would mean however the nnn months trained workers out oi thecitiel at Lirhe when roads congested byevacu low oliieerl sag pnvatelvtho only solution wont ar to be some system national octets tiva Iervlcehuithatthey doubt the government would ever adopt such policy Until recently Civll Deienco was the responsibility oi the fed eral health depertinent Butnow ruponsihility has been split oin ways amongth health drience and justice de parimeatl and the prime mlnis ters office This has dismayed Civil Defence officials and they any they believe the delence do Eeorge Davies am per we consrancnon Want SWELL nevasraoucnnva on sides romances Clarke JIQIIIIIIQ ï¬ttest Halal nznneoronn or re rem ouidbe ale howl edge client The ailing are Iothatnnclearlnlig out will be red to east struckfmge the new peréthollld Batty thesgliou pattern womb report IT ion IN russuu Theoiiwith highe rent to give more hours per gallon Prompt cries hy teoua drivers the finest nilabie ietuhelpyouplannowiorn comfortably winter enquire about our BudgetPlan cooP recoup IGANrIcsAlEN9we