hundred yards oi shnre prop zine Island on which the naval establishment kept its store of No Further tï¬ction mmnsyrrsnn PLAQUE iiT PENETKNG Develop Histoï¬e By BELL Penetanguishene is moving little turther thissummer to ward iuiï¬lllng its role as 0n tarios richest historic site and primary tourist attraction lor the district Already spotlighted by the brilliant Arrian there oi the royal party aboard HMY Brit annia in July the east shore of Panetnng Harbor has been marked or iartherl development by thcOntnrio Department oi Travel and Publicity Several erty extending from the Old Ofï¬cers Quarters to the inner tip at Magazine Island has been designated historic site de velopment of which Is now progrus in recent yearslwo bronze plaques have been erected in tho location one inarking the siteoi the hehdquarters oirLieu tenant inter Admiral iienry Baylleld RN the other mark ing the shore landing for Maga powder Lieutenant Bayliold for whom Rich Site Barries Buyileld street is nam ed is known or his survey maps at Lake Huron and Geor gian Bay some oi which were used well into this century CLEAR GROUND This summer Dr Wllired Jury of the University oi Westlt era Ontarioh with team of stu dents Is clearing the ground on which the survey headquarters stood the stone base oi the ï¬re place having already been lo cated Meanwhile the provincial jetw opposite thetip ot Maga zine lsland will come in or cost oi red paint to raise it above the status of an ordinary dock Passlhle reconstruction the Bayileld building and establish meals on the island coupled with the excellent restomtion nndmuseum at the Oliicers Quarters may yet awaken resi dents oi Simcoe County to the worth of their storied heritage SUMMER SCHOIL Earlier this summer Dr and Mrs Jury operated their annual summer school of lndian arch aeoloy with some 1d students Foresters Busy This Is busy time of the yenr in the County Forests and Zone Foreman Cliff Duckwonh reports on some of the activities presently underway in Agree ment Forests in Simcoe County The regular shelf in all for ests are busily engaged in re Pairing iences cultivating ire guards and keeping continu Plashc Bag Death TORONTO CPiW Bow man director at public prosecu sons for Ontario said Thursday no further action is contemplated concerning the plastic bag death of Ottawa model Joan de Marcy coroners jury at Ottawa Wednesday night returned ver dict of accidental death by sui focation The inquest was told the myearold model had prolr aligperlmented with the piss 111 have no reason to be satisfied with the jurys verdict said Mr Bowman Thats what coroners jurys are torto hear evidence and come to conclu sron The matter is completely in the hands of the local authoril ties n9 senea of Mme III non Murmur srrscny AUGUST assaysay Chine ous watch for the chief forest enemies insects and Fire in addition to these regular duties the Wildman Forest staff are pruning 10 acres of Christ mas trees andthe Iorut is be ing gemapped At Orr Lake For est an infestation of larch saw iiy has necessitated the spray ing of ten acre area of plan tation Puipwood cutters have already begun on the years cut AtDrury Forest 40 acres or Christmas trees are being pruned and plans are underway to build new cisterns on may mg properties Spraying or an trobof red pine and larch saw fly is also underway The Hen drxe Forest stall have started puipwood and iuelwood operai hens and are also preparing re cently acquired property or planting next spring mens seam nunsrmuc 49pm St PA 3380 Permapcntn Spedflt $600 up to mm No Appointment News or TEXAST vsnsx am Hi Irr Cy Allison ot Barrie loking Wye or Mud Lake Indians ended inlorture on the eiiorts to locate theeractspot sandals to the United States where manufacturers cant keep up with demand oh 5465 linguistics in wristsview MB to the snd you are trom On DrAvls assistant nrolessor ol Englishn Liloan umuryco legs Khutnn0nt heads mot luloograpbcrs oompr log the ï¬rst Dictionary 01 Can dlan English it llhoped to pub lish 111nm British and die tionariesrdo not reflect Canadian usage satisfactorily he said Such terms as riding park Momentary constituency tcp ante school and cushlon low key hnve distinctive Canadian Ontario Ridings To Get Byelections mum on Voters In two eastern Ontario constituen cies will have chance to show their currentpolltlcai preferences in byelections Monday Oct Prime Minister Dielenbaker announced the all data today for votes to fill vacancies in the eonl stituencles oi astings Fron tenac and Russell The Hastings Froatenac Com mons seat was vacated by the sudden death last March ol former External Aflairs Minister Smlth Liberal ranks were depleted hy the death March Omer Gnur MP for Busseli who died the Parliament building Im sums mason Tums mnlsia ReuterslJim nisians will vote Nov to elect their first legislative assembly prosident HabibBourguibn an WES Tflmvéh ii €11123 ec pu Pm giving details of how people will in attendance 0112 whomwas be ï¬ned June are schoolwhieh draws mam allpartsoithe province was again located at the Forget Site just east of Wyebridge over Bcsidcs the work at Bnylield the Jurys are doing research on the lite of Etienne Brule whose adventurous career among the shores nt Penetang Earbor From thisiesearch may come where Eruie died In September Dr Jury will spend someweeks in Barrie making further study oi the Willow Creek terminus of the NineMilcPortage working in ctroperation with th Barrie Chamber of Commer earners SANDALS ca exports plastic munï¬ning rwo FEATURES tsonor noaIN Hoooj LONE rsxAN PEBIAI jrnInn slit1mm msr was For Lovsum mm Ion3 our ck inam musrs hliplsAve Esme Winn Eunu STARTS sugNniAY MIDNIGHT snow AND conrlnuss AlL NEXT WEEK Morass sic sgscIaiL savannaWITH roman gjivi vots under the new constitution motion Dr Avis not tum ior settlcmcntbe and alter the Amer ican Mormon Anisrlcans were predominant among the settlers lheigreat stream at British set tiers who later flowed into the country Wthe speech or their wmmmw Colmterï¬tzthls influence to mmoextent hasbeen the pres ï¬gs 01 BritishEngUsh W913 among the cdueatednndtha can scious practice at teadiing Eng llsh cnrried on by Enrico Byero son and otli Tcwerï¬nerlpans were drawn to British Columbia because the type of farming land was not to their liking Nevertheless Amer ican influence BCrpeech has been stronger than in the rest of Canada because of the strength at the norlhsoulh lines at munlcstion MOVING llsnmghne younknnw is moving call the Welcome magnum help them feel it me Joinin carrying on our communitystrwitionnl int ofhoewtality lall nlcomo on the name and ed familresyon lmowwho are vans time6301 WELCOME WAGON Iiunner 2000 kind at mam new no one with his bare and maullt Jim gr bed the bythened Inducedthe The six bluetlck mwnylookiophn they have ewes hound tooth muscle and have inherited hatred for they have treed hundreds at wuss holding them with snoris and throats until their master on neared to shoot them Once gains warden Jim now is the provincial govanments hdinds Slams otigcus mambo We nowhavo the but dozen than get lurithu ioh bainld Tbreourne direukomhm Arlzrsnd theothcrs were bred from Timmstock One mistahs isvfnr wows hunkrsto tryto breed themst no 10b tor Slneo took up bunting our are years 38051 my dogs havsheenmauied todeatbbyth cats Jlljn is on wild and night whenever there an Wrigler around it may beatri moot with the dogs snitflngatb been or trip by air The dogs love air travel 5mm Makes Fabric Like Leather sanctum Fï¬bllé Leauer Coating surmount mpdern syntheticserubhsbla ï¬nish which renews and revitalizes old chestcrtields broastnooks leatherettes lamp shadesknnd awnings wiill markable ease Fabricscoated wil rsl it have the look and eel oi newlycreated expensive leather that has been colortoned withdine artistry and vA good taste 82 Dunlop IE PA 83270 Last Showing EVENING snows 650 AND coNrINubUs SAjrumiAv FROM 230 FROM now on an am YS HOUSE or HIT nlon ght Fr ay Saturday as A1 noon asrwe Ii use rw HENRY HATHAWAY 20 CI3MA5=cpE COLORby ns LUKE onus on on maroon um