Barrie Examiner, 31 Jul 1959, p. 4

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new nannies nary Book Seven Paths TobPéabe One so the chic aims oi 1n ternatlonai has always been to promote goodwill between the nations Aiurther step towards this laudable objective has been taken with the publication or new book entitled Seven Paths To Peace 1t comes at the end at hall century during which Rotary International with italic ino clubs and nearly half miuion Rot arians in more than 100 countrlu has been working ior the advancement 01 in ternational understanding How important this is was emphasized in Britain shorttlme ago by sir John Wolieriden vicechancellor not Reading Universlty tvhen during BBC broadcast he said that learning about the people of other countries should start in the early years in the home and that very much enlightened teaching oi history and geo graphy was needed We have got to recognize much more than we do said Sir John the merits at each othersbackgrounds history soc ial systems and forms of education That is to say there has got to be established at the student age twoway traffic in ideas tool to this end could well be Rotarys book Seven Paths To Peace It delves into the background of how peace can be encouraged URBAN TRANSIT OF THE FUTURE iMontreal Star Ii gasoline is not the worst babltiorming drud in the more progressive parts of the world today it cannot be for short of it gt The big city is the locus of lite and compul sive consumption of gasoline is poisoning it Diiiarant studenk of the battling problem of trailich congestion put the situation in dliiereni ways To Mr Todd an ofllcial oi the Hamiltonfiheet Railway Company traiiic is sticky mass of molasses good smile He feels as do many others that the answer lies in banning cars from downtown areas and couples that suggestion with one for longer bus iness hours in twoltshiit whour week Mi Todd who was speaking to the National Retail Men chants Association suggested an alliance be tween merchants and transit interests toopea rthe wayiior such adevelopmenL The picture Mr Todd sketches is attractive some ways Sheets cleared of cars with one or two passengers would permit iast travel by bus escarryiDESOtowpassengersanduseoi enough buses to oiier something close to con veyerbelt travel sponsonnn rv raocaayis St Thomas TimesJournal Until the last few days many Canadians baliev ed that the sponsored television programs of the CBC were paid for by thslfirms whose names are projected on the screentoo otter and too long in most cases The CBC report reveals that only 17 program in English and French out of 10 cover their expenses The CBC bears part oi the costs oi the othersThe CBC production staff putsprograms together much in the same manner that newspaper advertising men devise layout and offer it to those who want to ad vertise Sometimes one company will bear the cost was to have it known exclusively asibe SoandSo Hour while other programs may bear lhe name of two or three sponsors during the telecast TV advertising Is more expensive than radio hence it the program are to be at such quality as to make public appeal the CBC has to toot some of the costs Amongtbe presenmions wbich the CBC gives financial support toare such popular nunliners as tbaHlt Parade and Country HoeDown Some oi the programs have nboraie settings and require good deal oi costumingzithe purpose of whicb appears to be sunning An item with Western tang appeared on iront page Cattle shifted uneasily as heavy thunder rolled and lighhsing flashed across the skies There vvere no cowboys to sing and ride herds the raindrove insbeets aeross the pas rturs iieldoi the cattle pouadfthree miles north oi Everett Pound keepet McMsstér 1was guarding the cattle by flashing the lights of his Vcar across the field at intervals but dazed Paragrapiraiii span ounge generation wouldntjknow tonhook Home ri Néws oi Formei The introductory chapter deals with the principles inherent inllotarian phii osophy and shows how these principles can be applied to the search for inter3 national peacdz other chapters deal with the various paths which can be followed those of patriotism conciliation ireednrn progress Justice sacriiice and loyalty Summing up there is chapter entitled Impact in which there is dramatically impressed the importance of the individ ual in achieving the objective soughtf An indication of the treahnentglven is theiollowing paragraph What can the Rotorinn do What has he already done What apportuhitlescoma to the Rotarisn because he is Botarian And has be taken advantage of these oppob tunltlesl These are only few oi the searching questions which willcome to the Rotariana and the nonRetail too as he reads the story of other Rotar inns and more important as he appraises his own movement along his personal path to peace Thlshew book willno doubt be in the hands of majority oiARotarlaus but it could be read with proilt by all those who are interested in bringing peace to troubled world OpiniOiis of Other Newspapers to oiiset the quality of the presentationsslog ers who cannot sing and dancers who go horsing around and indulge in acrobatic rather than dancing Many views will ice that more entertaining programs couli be given with less expensive ar tists and less expensive settings Salaries of some of these artists are Prepcsterously high bet ter talent could be got for much lessat least un ill and it they stardom But it is unfair to the public and to other business firms that the tanpayers should subsidise programs that do not pay for their own advertising They are getting advertising at less than coat and ootain an lid vantage over their rivals in business PUIELIC SCHOOL FRENCH Ottawa Journal The report of thechief inspector at litaw lie Schools Mr William MacSkimming hast some straight things to say about the teaching oi French in the schools topic sometimes unfor tunstely cluttered with controversy This is the way in which Mr MacSkimming disposes of the arguments of those whobelleve French canbe taught too soon An examination of thereasons for their opposition reveals that it is not based on any sound pedagogical reason ing but rather arises irom prejudice The chief inspector puts the defence French in positive terms knowledge of the language he says will open the door to one of the worlds great cultures Frch alsohas utilitarian value in ihls country which is billingual and where sornany positions inand out of the Government service are available only to those who speak both languages Mr Macskimming then makes an observation which Englishrspeaking Canadians should en grave in their consciousness bilingual person is not just one whose mother tongue isFrencli and who has knowledge at English Too many whose mother tongue is English seem to believe that bilingualism is tor others that English re centennial by Elsie Manson may Coloriul pageantry ls this year celebrating the enqui oi Champlain visit to Lake Champlain in me in which is reeaact edbls brush with the droqn gt ols tbe incident which earn ed or the Frean their bitter hostility Justslx years later Champlain came to Simeon County net that should come or nccpiltlon hm in 1985 Thelollowin icpo ot the study lusmade Champlalne anagrams prepared by Elliot Meleod well known writer and TMJW it unintelligent the inirloadfixneodntered In fresenrch anart in which be is him do The search commenced last summer for the more import ant Huron vlllnge sites in the Penetang Peninsula and is being continued by Jury and party of students iroinrthe Uni versity of Western Ontario working under the sponsor ship oi the Archaeological and Historic Sites hoard oi ntario An extensive survey otthe whoieagea has now been made and several sites havevcoine to light that had been unreported by earlier historians some oi which vvere quit gunlmown on locally The two most important sites at the historic era of Champ lainnnd the early Jesuits were moves the necessity oLanollier language Thai vCarhagouhsand Toancbe Car ot courseis the narrowest term of provincialism itdreassuring toJrnow that the children in Ottawas schools are learning French as early as grade and that by the end oftheir primary ucatiom they will showat least the promise at ming graciously bilingual Years but the cattle were gone Constable and with McMaster and Mason trackednli They were loud on the Murphyiarm but be longed to Albert Peacock who had denied own ership on previous occasion lie was charged with theft ior fraudulently tsldng7cattle out of tbeiield by night His counsel asked time which was allowed 1he moreieed you glve chickensthe less they will scratch torthemsmves like period of prosperity is one in whic aileged economic experts go aroun ing that herell ver be another hagoubaw where Father Le Caron the ollect priest ar rivedin the summer and celebrated the ilrs west at Quebec on Augustiz He was joined there by Champlain winter of 16154 Alth French finders interpret had been ii heronsln 16w tls Chomp who provrdes Written desf conivs hints barbor and Several as in his book sa gerd refers to their village but alwaysbe it Quieunonasca ran He never speaks oi Carling ouba Yetchretienia Clerq Recoileet who wrote the history at themission nnlys iew years later slates clearly that when Father LerCaion rehirueii in 1623 he ionod hisiormer habit atlon or cabin in Cnrllogouha whlehrraoch traders bad occu pied during his absence and that he and Sagard idence there These conflicting statemhnts oiSagard andvtAClerq are dli ilcult to tit together And the mystery deepens whenln his HhtoryfLoi issosiigard en the exception perhaps rehaéologistfis Explore ii Tiny TwpVillage Sites knives and nails all at type that were iound at Ste Marie It is already establishedtbat the vlllage was triple pallsaded and it lies about one and halt to two miles from the North West Basin in Penctanguishena harbor it could be Carnagouha or itcould be Toanehe Probably the best method oi designation for the present would be to merely number the vknovm Contact sites until the whole area is thoroughly exam ined task that will require many years extending into an other generation of archaeolog lsts By this method only will there everfie any rul certainty of the various historic sites with oi Car 6e reco hsgouha which might nizedgby the triple palisade and flndlngFather Joseph in his lit tle hamlet we sent and found him halt sleague from there at the town at Quleunonascaran Was fhll little hamlet Car hagouha nan tCarbagouha disappeared dwindled since ms or moved on with the new name of QuieiinonascAraoi Was the cabin described by Sagard situated two nijiow shots as be said front Carbogouba or from Quieunonascaran Very little information about the town canybengleanedult lay he says live leagues twelve to iiiteen miles irorn Ossnssame which is generallysiipposed to be just west of Perkinslield It was one and half miles to there was alandlt locked bay lying in the direction of our village which can reier only to Penetangulshene harbor The village oi Toamche was situated close by Carnagnuba and accordipgto Father Brea beuf was something less than two miles irom tili harbor Etlv enne Bruls is believed to have ved at Toanche irons 1615 until 1629 lb suit mission was established der Fathers Brebeui and Anne dsNoue Champlain75agard and fire of could not 91 course have foreseenrrlllat each word that they wrote would be carefully waighed three hundred years in te Theyeiredin someiot the statements they misjudged dis pr ec thirty FatherTLe Garbo apart irom ineviiiagefx Both Fatber Le cocoa and ViChamplain returned to pushes the iollowing spring andit was not million that the misin Eurnnia svas rteopened en two Becollet priests Father Le Caron and Father Nicholas Vie tances iollovIing streams was there cabin was builtion vane as they travelled by root from villageiovlllago and they certainly had dliiiculty with thespelling oi the indian place mm sald that the pr god not Tonly iroinvilliege to 911 age but from cabin in cabin To bcmpllcata thematter fu thor the priests usually latln theilocation of Le Carunl rpartr itloned cabin set apart from the main village is versionloan had never been on dertaken The conversion loan cost over 370900000 in bonuses commie sions advertising etc plus fur tore cost oimllllons in extra in tenet COSTS CONSIDERABLY MORE The minister at lilnance said provinces and municipalities rwould be able to borrow money to better advantage but and others argued that the conversion land would out our provinces and municipalities more in ii nanca every new project such as new roads sidewalks sewers schools hospitals etc We havsv only to look scour inunidpalEnat bills this year and next to realise that it has cost Very considerably more it seemed unusual to most oi ustbat bonus shouldbe paid for trading bond paying lper cent for one paying per cent In my rnlndthis helped to locus our minds on what was taking place elsewhere in our monetary management The iormer government had paid oli oearlyjd billion in net debt since the war but lest year the government was plunging into debt at man over $1 billion year including the depletion oi the unemploy ment insurance account This amounts to $3000000 is dayor $125000 on hou overspendlng investors iookadunvlew this situation To meet the problem the gov eminent was forced to borrow short term money from 90 days gore is 3533 as lt Orz people also know that the Conservative party seem to be fillergic to surplus as they have only had two as high as 31000000 since Coniedsralloa and that the sum total oi these lurk pluses would not be Iulilcient to pay the interat on the utimaied deiiclt ior this oneyear alone This year the increased inter est on our iederal debt alone will be $109000 or nearly $15 Ni head at cacti iamily oi tour Next year this amount is bound to in crease greatly it is imperativethat our gov ernment return to sanity in its iiscal policy and stop competing in the marketwlth our mimici polities or money it they do the government will create ccntb deuce which will in turn help bond prices thereby leading to provide all with cheaper money and lower federal provincial and municipal taxes soldiers May Get Straling Defence ABERDEEN Md AP rocket designed to give foot lol dler some defence against strafing plane is being developed LtGen Arthur Trudeau said at press conierenee at the army proving ground Wednesday The Red Eye uses the same principle as the Sidewinderpan air to air missile which is at hauled to he beat oi an engine The groundtour weapon ls liredby hand from bazooka like launcher and is etiective up to one mile Gen Trudeau said rInnmrirmmnics in millions lililllllllillllllfl£llldlli Beware of the Suede Shoe boys Every year the buckskin and sharp shooters start hammeringbn thedoqrs of people in Barrie talking about needed repairs to their homes BEWARE You may not recognize them They couldibehigh pressure salesmen but they could also be exponents ct thesoft selLLHeres whattodo Never gn contract at the doorgor on the first call gt Always ask tor acalling card and check the placeot business II youareinterested can the has been located inthat spat Check them with your local office of the Chamber Commerce rum is most importers Get at least two prices fronrlon establishe and local businesses be any sign any contr The mm with no sixes address ontrlbutes nothing your community It hasno alleviate the unemployment take iniyour community It placeot business and see how long it he in rm 0W to Remember that geniiine salesman rcni avliocalbusinesswili always welcome your investigating him and the business represents He wliibs $1 on Viled the Indian xinmell delighted to haveyou cheekon the réputation orhls firm and willgladiY co back on second all toseeyou only after these preca ions will lairprl Remember that these boys are in town rarrithrsui at the highest prices you possibly get tromyou Then they are gone ad youllsee tn TheodatSagar madethe jour hay with In returning flank the annual iurgtra you be guaranteed quality

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