PAINTING one of the ground floor rooms at Cent rnl Collegiate here are two students who have been signed on to help with the holiday work around college The paintjobs they have done says malnteaaacc engineer Amold Clements have been superlative in cooxsrown Hominy unproveinents at Central Collegiatelroepthree people busy iaoneroomns tlcftl llirGroot cleans tlpi some pottery bead custodian John MacLeod washes notice nanmounts rims Hyde Dies gigs106A spawns n3 am Hum Hyde as tired executive of the Equltnhr Lila Amionce and the canpanyl loader died Sunday Hyde the Insurance ding his father HairyBaldwin Hyde atthengeofaandbecamevlee president of the company He qnltthe insurance in matters inmugatloa paved the my to the NW lav and the 03 Supreme for the late Charla Evans Hughes who rated the case youthful Hyde convinced many including Hugha that he wnsbelag blamed for the mLs GiantHolidayCleanup At some Co The Barrie Collegiatn corriz dors classrooms ondhalls al thoughcnot filled with the usual scurrying students are still the scenes of fast and furious work Desks are in the corrldors scaffolding soars upwards in many rooms getting summer paintjob cafeterias laboratorl lcs classes iind flowers am beginning to look fresh smooth and well scrubbed as 17 men bustlo through their vacation schoolimprovement task The 17 men 11 permanent staff and six students are steril izing the schools Barrie North and Central under the supervis ion of Arnold Clements main tenanca engineer Mr Clements has been main tenance engineerfor two years now before was five years as 780 am Township Councils Ask Water System By First definite steps toward $130520 water system for Cools town at the junction at four southern Simcoe County town ships were taken at joint meeting of the imvnship coun cils village trustees and repre sentatives of the Ontario Water Resources Commission Eriday morning Innistil Essa Wcst Gwillim bury and lecumseth township councils gave two readings of bylaw far the project The bylaw is being forwarded to the Ontario Muncipai Board for approval Proposed division of the esti mated capital costs is Tecum seth 133 per cent $42355 Essa 30 per cenil $38210 West Gwiilimhory rsper cent $23 681 Innisiil do per cent $25 774 The meeting was called by the representatives of the legal de partment of the Ontario Water Resources Commission when Norman Shepherd Frank Camp bell of the Commission and Alpoet DEEP Eng who is handling the engineering of the Cookstown water system Alsq present were members of the four councils tiicir clerks and the village trustees and clerk of the village These men numbering 32 in all heard the discussion of the suggestions on which the OWRC would take over and install the water system at cast of $130 Stumade up as follows accord ing to the engineers estimates your Drilling of Wells and building of pumphousc etc $10400 Erection of 200000 gallon storage tank land and founda tion $31540 Install mains on King St 790 feet south of Victoria St to 150 feet north at Garibaldi St $12625 main on Queen St from well south of Queen St at railway tracks to King Stthen on to Church St to standpipe located 1150 feet enstol Albert St $19905 Engineering costs and this cellaneous costs $8868 making total of $331400 PART West Gwillinihury mains as follows Hamiiron St from King to Cook St Cook St from llam ilton to Church St estimated cost $6125 PART Tecumseth Township mains on Dufferln SL from Selby St to Queen St and Selby St from Dufferin to Kiug St estimated cost $12363 PART Essa Township mains to be constructed Centre St from John to Centre Sts George St from Queen St to John St Wellington St from Georgcjt to King St estimted cost $10 490 PART Innislil Township mains pro posed as follows JohnSt from King St to 310 feet eastot Elizabeth St Elizabeth St from John St to Church St estima ted cost $9141 The annual costs have to be paid to the Ontario Water Re sources Conanissioar which loans the funds and owas the system it rates the interest annually according to the costs of the borrowing of that year worked out at £125 per cent over 30 year periodas follows West Givillimbury 3252 Tec umseth $4526 Essayswsz In aamc south tween Hwys to AN ALLIED ARTISTS Pl Plus Color Cartoon =lASI snovvlncxrouicltr Com rig lujesdui 6r Wedncsglqy THE LONG Hï¬lv SUMMER PAULNFQVMAN TOANNEwoonwnnb COMEOUTVLTO THE DRIVEIN rANDZENJQY THE cootokrrza Boxofficc Opens imi Startsat Dusk UOOW $2665 making total annual repayment of $13767 which takes care of retire ment fund which will have re fired the capital investment at the end of 30 years Funds for these payments are to be raised by charges based on frontage plus revenue from the metered water rntes plus an added mill rate to cover the portion which these rates will not covnr also Lhe installation of hydrants for fire protection Ratepayers who have good wells and who may not partici pate in the use of the water will still have to pay the front age costs of the installation over an annual charge plus levy to cover that which will not be paid in this manner ESTIMATES ONLY Engineer Alport made it clear that the figures were es tlrnated only and it could be that welITadvertised leaders would bring lower bid than the estim ate He stated thatthore were some additionai costs in the es timates that were not considered when the original figure of $98 as used totake the vote It was also pointed out that large property holders might when the water is installed div ide their holdings into two or more in his would increase the value of their properties It was also suggested that com mercial enterprises might be induced to come into the corn lllllPERlAI it sieNrw FEATURE YOU DIRECT FROM ITS TQRONTOPREMIER ordinary engineer This hnhdny cleanup indeed the whole yearround lob ol school custodian lsno longer young mans job states Mr Clements like hopes in thefus hire to so position ofschool custodian treated as trade with test papers and arigorous course in the program CUSTODIANS In Toronto he added cus todiaas not carotakers please must hold fourth class station ary engineer certificates Thisy should be made compulsory her as well For instance woifave at least slx different types of of flooring which can be spoilt by the wrong use of chemicals instruction in such things would ensure the man Know what they are about Every day at both callcgiates sees the cleaners painters groundsmea polishcrs mechanics and carpenters everyone has to combine each of these occupations collect and begin work for the day until pm Among this summers jobs seven of Centrals classroom are being painted playing fields are being reseoded boil ers arc belagprcpared lawns cut flowers looked after and the old section of the Central Collegiate is undergoing remad gmimuon lbk old part of the building munity when they were aware that water was nvailable The engineer recommended the use of meters as this would prevent wastage at leaky taps and other reasons is owners al lowed this to continue they would be payiagfor the water allowed to waste To have sufficient supply on hand it will lienecessary to have storage tank of large capacity in case of fire Each municipality will be re sponsible for the collection of its share of the COStSVIIOm its ratepayersrtbrough taxes They then may hand the funds over to an appointed safekeeper who will settle with the OWRC llésidtés at the east endof the building is having one room completely redoao every summer hnotbcr task whi¢ sounds something llko cleaning out the Aegean Stables islwlpiag oft 15000 panes oi glass atCeatroll The more modern building at North Collegiatc has big wldd expanses of glass easily clcan ed but the thousands of rig plates which have had to attacked at Central says Mr Clemeats have leftmosLJ workers with sore tln FFSA Au no AY Thornmmsect is of course the biggest of the year and lush from first day of the vacation to almost the last but it is an essential Job and hard one and the few people who have got the building in shape have made good job of it One or two of the classrooms that have now beeh ï¬nished look brand new and many of the desks have not only been washed inside and out but have been sanded andvamisbed as wcll The floors and walls and blackboard are shining and the painting the students did in the classrooms has defl altely professionnltouch Mr Clements says the play ing field at North is in 100 per cent condition and Central is expected to be holidays end But the work isnot over yet by any meansond Mr Clem ents and his two lieutenants John Manhood head custodian at Central and Robertson head custodian at North still have roomsfull of work ahead of them before the students can re turn to spotless workable school rind uéwsom Girl Hold PostMorten LONDON Ont CP Police are investlgating following dis covery of the body of newhom girl in tho washroomcf down town store Friday night urinationTheme ptAviuG TONZ Two Features Mowo plus fROAD rhesus mamon WEEK BROUGIlT To snowmo LOEWS WATCH FOR MORE TO FQLLOWf malnutritionimmun mnn im MHIMIWIA THE MflST SAAEE llllllillllfllllfl 1V0 Ell the same by deeds of older and more experlt iencedfinancierut At the of tholnvestizu bushing sensationallnsuran took off nan Paon 212Hours Inllir printe had alumnae somewhat up in the atrSuoday The was it pllotJtayed pa the mind but the plane didnt The twoeeater craft was being wannod up by Real Lallberro near st Hyacinthe so miles southeast of gamma when it an own 1111mm rooftop before climbing mded emwuï¬lsï¬t 4000 ee uulnng CFlm wasvordcredto intercept it de scription was relayed by radio to allotliercraftinthahrea At mono feet with the runaway craft stillsptrallog upwards the pursuing let ran low on fuel and bad to return to base fhe chase was taken up by an RCA ex pediter piloted by Flt LleutAlf Moulden oflinmlltonl 414 auxil tion he had reputation as manabouttown One newspaper called him gilded scented youth unï¬t for his position of financial powir amour MRS HAROLD RULE Reverend James Ferguson minister of St Andrews Pres bytertan Church officiated at nine oclock this morning for tho committal scrvico at Barrio UnioaCemetcry of the remains of Mrs HaroldiJ Rule Mrs Rule died in Montreal General Hospital on Monday July 20 and me body was uro matcd She was hurled in the plot with her husband who passed away in l954 Assisting Mr Ferguson were Par sons nad Walls former fellow Klwanians of Mr Rule Mrs Rule was the former Marjorie mason rot Montiearl Following his retirement Mr and Mrs Rule came toVBarria and raided on Theresa street They were members of St And rews Churcb Mr Rule was active in the work of the Ki wanis Club and the Royal Vio torla Hospital Mrs Rules Sister Mrs Edith Hamilton of Jim York City and her business aiming Mrs GnWllllnms of Montreal ware here tenths service whichwas also attended by Barrie friends able followed the plane eastward and watdied it begin its descent Itsettled in clump of cedar tree on farm about 100 miles east of Montreal Damage was estimated at about $100 The plan was aloft hours watched continually on radar by transport department ofï¬cials CHASE REFER IN STREETS KITCHENER 01 Police men turned cowpuacbers Suture day to corral toopound heifer The heifer broke loose from the slaughtering poo at Kltcbcr Packers and ran 12 blocks before it was shot by detective TaftI next week my 21 AdsIsl LOVE rimm semi m1 fl is Honman co Annau 3c VT Honeymoo Out Luna bomb shelter luneymoo on Wwnm not they had not keen fu two weeks gt Mr Ind 305 elvta Minimal woremarrledJulyvulfewmln lites before they climbed down into the whth nudesin seven by lxby feetm honeymoon was promotion stunt for backyard bomb shet man no with like breeze raid zlyearold MEL llle second week we counted the days and hours We couldnt walt to get not Mlninsoiiï¬iw mustache and full of whiskers llale stopped shaving to conserve water 08 Could Match Bed ICBM System WAsrmmron AP De fence Secretary Neil said Simdoy that Rania has fewer than 10 intercontinental range missiles capable of hitting the United States McElroy said during televi rloa interview that US defence chiefs believe the overall Weapons system could more than match whatever the RM also will have in intercontinen ta ballistic missile capability THE RED BARNTHEATRE Jacksoan Point FROM grommet An manic vosrna from an exciting story by AGATHA Ticket goo$299 cHsisrls Outplntjdd For reservationphone Parkvlew 1818 hour roaming runechunk Twelfthnu v0Notlfy Ilia mtlhnnanid inn and lab other dellvarlel no window monukwammm Informynnr neighbor and the potion Tell your newspapercaii rterwhen you win on away and when transom daily delivery Triangulationma have and time