Barrie Examiner, 21 Jul 1959, p. 4

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recently believes that train eonally by Henry and tmlng industries are be Barrie pomea an are that wiiinot he overlooked by tori the citys residents This wwwmhinoadvapm fowlates justice and peel estate prices over lesgeJcitlee the south is well situated ior maximuma Entering ms to the farming indnstryisit 15 therefore reasonable to suppose the industries now eatebliahirig herewiil grow tothe extent Canadian Geneve Ylectrie did overthe lest dread gt since lfln doubled in size Prospects for growth are now even hriohter than ten ymm0hmce lay expect by 1010 to be living in city the stature of Kitchener Oshawa or Kingston This is dine for the business men of Dunlap street less exciting for the retired farmerp whoterl yearsam desiring to live in moderate aired town settled duwnrirl Barrie only to have the place sprout like Rahara cactus in thunderstorm But though many will snare thenos mgiit of Judge Earvle who recalled the gracious oicl Barrie in speech to City Coulicil at its inaugural meeting last Jenilets 2iew will actively desire to turn back theoloek or réplace the torn oir leaves of the calendar We must pro greas or regress maybe unproved as an axiom but it is wldely accepted by the 191me 11 of Other Newman slnssons or mans and William TlinesJournai Ptocceding apnoewlfl their everexpanding ooforatafion program the Ontario Depen mtofi Lands nndForesis this ear has not of 40 million trees to be need from eirnnrseries nodes the province his represents an increase of five milllonr over last years production In additientoplantlog on Crown lands and other reforestation areas by the department at year approximately 14 mflllon trees were furnished to owners for planting on pri vate lands and it is exlfected that more than 16 million will be supp ed duringtbe coming 1959460 planting season rnosn ranka Mamas °iihii°wnt LChlefcana yes on gholiceem not be delegated to walk the streets loo parking violations There is much torbe saidfor the associations ltltnde And we haveprevlouslydn these col mundue Dressed sinular opinion The assoc tion oars whichhavo overstayeri pallong privileges Police braille duties kayo increased enormous ly intha past decadefliue principally to the den yelopment ofmeteredereas and sharp boost in the number oLesrs on the road Metering nails for closer supervision of parkingand for routine work which anyonenwitha millilmnn employment of more andmore constables on this work son Edsel and Reeve Todd bad the pleasure of few Versation with the veter The guests she received 5F trip was very memorablest tb Re Pensions startedand aJormer bansom web eveslhat afcons bles timels wasted on these infractions and on tossing of News Former Years Wem Reeve Toddlwas among the few invited by Kelly Ford to aidemonstration of farm Equip ment at Dearborn Mich They came from all over the USA and Ontario wererreceived per eerest in the winning the next two man income may apply 30 thoprovinces Honoreontroi an out having to call for plebiaotte credit is dud to the leaders of onreonlm mnnltywho have consistently planned for erpansion Barrie chamberofcom lnerce despite some bickering with the oouncilyhas donea maimed jobito makethianolty of dlatinetionWe have Tinashops restaurants and excellent duties for recreation The chamber has borne mnchtorthe burden and some otthe expense qfvlné dnstrm promotion andthe interest now shown in Barrie byv nanny important companies liethrough its efforts But our city fathers equally de serving of praise The newcomer enter ing Barrie council chamber fertile first time is surprised at the statesmanllke way aldermen carry on theirlbusinoss Political wrangling is out to minimum and only one of the eouncil members iss at all notorious for being overanxious to seek advantage for his own ward The whole broadminded tame of council is conducive to sound decisions Barrie is destined for greatness and these are the men who have pioneered the way such large proportion of their forces are used ot training could carry out satisfactorily The believe that special constables should been gaged to do checking on parking AllorneyGeneral Roberts has advocated can tlon lie poian out that men whoVissue tickets for illegal parking are law enforcement officers and would have to liegiven the powers of special constables He said there could be complications Surely some way can be found around any reelor fancied difficulty Evenwomen could be take over if and when summonses were nee essary Certainly anything that would keep trained force intact to carry out do original functionthe detection and pravantionof crime ebonid he considered Molly and if practical put into effect gt aomcmrnnanlsnum Milwaukee Journal VStaiec apparently is doo ed to pantinue agricultural programs that do little but gntsurplns storage facilities and burden the mavens iniolerahlyboth in subsidy payments aniihiuggopricesgkA ngress unwdiln to stophandouts Nobody seems willing to due the agricultural problem sensibly No wonder thisquotation is heard among those who worry about agricul tural policy man finely Canbe ruined in threeways By women by gambling orby agr cui My father chose the most dreadful Agrl turefi who said that Pope John XXIII Change Italy to the United States was tying up 1397 sweepstake of $150000 welded on et held by Miss Dora Smith Stratbroy beauty sbop operator sisierHof Mrs Hugh White Barrie Another operator in the shop Guerda Foster claim througbvs Lundb oftiie winnings Smith hu hampering Board iorrcocktallxlonnge licencafwtth Vtuduucmiprifi AsianleéamHighliraYWil visitor line up for the Speakers parade which opens each days siblings of the Home after daily prayer in Follow Mnrcg PeleRoute uurrno Neurons in no Adamo ons nioworking on dream way prolectthat will enable modem mama re network of on Asianbighwaythat will like motorist irom Torrey to lode china or Malaya caravan trace tha caravan routes Marco routesaolne dating to 1000 1313 Polo once travelled The goal shammile Pan new highway museums news SieeISirikeSpoilighis Engaged to issue parking tickets Police could nevus RDWNIRIEJE 8mdlln Pnu stoiLerler The steel strike spotlights changed attitude towards labor unionaon the parrot American big businms gt Many menwho sit on manage ments side of the wagebar ing tables feel thatvior too many will serve as the backbone of the assigned amen to dleva him Later when the crane eah air conditioned the union balked at having the relief man transferred NiWflbflth ride the cab Thisis at once the type of is sue thatvmore businessmen are vowing to end in wide range of industries and an example oi the Marco Polo used the routes tom inon particularly interest explore the East The armies of Genghis Khan Alexander the Great and Tamerlane trod them on the road to conques Traders oithepast used the routes to bring to Europe their precious loads of silk jade and The project was concelvedby the highway subcommittee of the UN economic commission vfor spices from the Orient Asia and the Far East Commission experts recognized that international civil aviation had Wed majorrole in the last condo in bringing together illexcotmtrles of Asia But this mode of travel renuined beyond than men or the galleries tial lays doors are not opened until firehouse tlleSpeaker all members tending with beads bowed Schools within driving distance oiOltnwaybrlng in entire class rooms of pupils byhus for ob aervation periods in the gallon its As part ofthelrsocial stud ies it isan eariyAJntroduction into Canadas system of demo cratic government it is lmiortun ate that because of the barrier of great distaneés all young Canadianatudents cannot share in these visits armor PASSAGE Visitors in the Hausa one day log session bill was introduced by resolution given first reading second reading clause by clause approval and third reading in less than half an hour The bill was ibemeasula introduced Prime Minimal John Dleiwhnk er to establish ascanadasgiit to lienbdajesty Queen Elizabeth 114 $1000 fund for reseaich in child diseases Speedy passage otthablliwaa necessary so the fund could bereslabllshed for pre sentation to Her Majesty in Otto we Ordinarily hill takes sever But on third reading when government called for re ars as oo or against the manure member in the house includ Liberal and 005 members voted or the crop insinuate hill as Canada increases in result lion and in inlemstional lmooru once As an indicatiooof the growth of the government the total neilonslbudget for Canada in the days of Sir JointMac donald first prime minister oi Canada was not as great as the annual budget or the amalini department of gbvanmmt today When Prime MinisterDlden baker assumed olfica two yearsl ago he said he intended to make standing committees of the House more important in government business Committee have been busier this session thanever be by are and have becomenvery es sential part of the job of keeping governmt business moving on schedule it is estimated that the work done by these standing committees in addition to giving new members good parliamena tary training reduced the length of this session by at least month thamsjority or Asian pimple 2113 aamwars mannouare Railway links were described as serving an important purpose but generally inadequate for the entire areaThe experts said anchprolects dsflle Pan can Highway and road improve meats in Europe understand years they have been giving in argument over management lack olnrveress in Axle too ensllviotbedernsnds the union leaders This year ome have decided is the thetima to get tougher Businessmen complain that lat ter pay cheques have mbtcbed by greater efii cy rights which even morelhnn wagm brought on the strikeby 500000 steel workcrs number of observers sayit is fairly good bet that the steel The first task to build highway linksvneeded to connect existing road systems Some countries air laried rev have fly etsGalore island in the Heb llminary work com aniesswouid have eed to Tbe next task will be to im in awepgehiereasa of about cents prove iexistingroads until theyland have had their first shocks Missiles Brew Lolillockeislsland By ohm noon London England correspondent For The Barrie Examiner meow Scotland ople of South in the Rock rldesnff the west coast of Scot the workshops and includes an hour above the old $310 ave can handieinlodernday traffic or hearing and seeing rocket Some induStriniists go for as to any that they no longerare has mlhey charge that many riotous protect incompetent and lazy workersirapo dismissal that the bar le ers frustrate attempts nun ts bydinglng1to old fashioned methods of work ahd useol automatic portion titan Irish cusations when directed against his members by saying they were Philly 891 hill As an example of featherbed ding negotiators for the steel in cited the case of the oper opv tor in an overhead crabe who in the pm on Miss Faster Sm loo piained about the strain of dust rngetif the union had been wllb ing to giveih on the insult atrictiva work jousuaasvmw The1Weli Slrcet Journalln editorial comment that oppeara tough bargaining attitude in the business world say years of ternporizing it would be orth to have are ioyedand theprospect of After the Meanwhile will have to be worked outfor simplify bor der prooedggs dreiann ens toms form es rbgreglooxbns been divided into three zonesrionblannlns Pl poses The first takeallr Vlet to reflect muchoi the presentNam Cambodia Laos Thailand MalayeandBurmau Thessecond covers Burmas westernconnec tlons East Pakistah India Cey West Pakistan The third em bracgsnd West Pakistan AishaInle walking off the job so such is not attractive ne An pro ductive cap ity is so great ih the time takennlp by temporary missiles in ed from the roc ketiiringv whlch has been established there On qluet alternoon reunily there was load roar of an ex plosion andthejslanderssaw rocket biasing vii irom the launching ram leaving plume ofhiank smokebehlng it Shortly afterwards there was 1anNepal and motor roadsiofianllfl allusion and another rocket went up daily for save days The islanders howeve rnotunprepared for rthes piosions even This continued mu much to the astonishment of the islanders who were inclined to dread itsedvent it made less noise than the tent projectiles and slipped aww up into theciouds with less sound than is made by jet aircraft The reaction among the in lenders to the test firingsjnd the launching of the first cor poral has been verymildmunh moieso than was expected on account of their opposition to the establishment of the rocket sitetbere Those mostexclted by the explosions were the school children in the tiny villages of Eochar and Gerinish both littl over amile from the inn sites The first firings took tb people very muchby surprlsa as they were not espectcd another month and much ion ger warning was to have been given The tarrivnlxof larg number of highranking TBritisb and United states army officers however led emto the conclu sion that somethilg Washrew mend mother licks which our had akmfing for long stretches in inisbutdownscan usedrto eve driver Harry Matthew Lane becameAthef st Eirst the no any employee inCanadato on rom theSheii Co of Canada Ltd This was on noncontributory plan set up by the company in addition to rovidgnt fund and sickness accident life ur benefits MrLane received ibis nrsrmun company president owl real otCl ing and howr they were But now that mlssiles have been fired there feeling of satis eseoperations ly as objectionable en thought they would Pannfianna samngny is 1959 VSir When Miss Ardaghrsornn 5m projectesm ars ago dobsted the land whleh wagshem first an launch n41 ISIIDW known aswa Patk sites The people were told that the city she stipulatedno ih al thing the in Finn wereto be erected on of GorpoL ttnhntel she wonl iy no ll lsres lnntwithatnndin GRAZING DAMAGED The people of South llsb however do have one complaint Ct0tels have protestedto the army authorities about damage done to the WY lorries Marrying equipment to the rocket range Theyalso claim that the army authorities have noright to use whatrthey ciaim is private road built hythe crofters stretch grain crop ballsmile long and 15 feetvwidel has been complet elydestroyed by army lorries Protests havebeen presented to the civil and military auth it but apart from this is now by the PUCrriolrdrilling an dentDDm °P5T° looslreeteast adlomlng thepark reservoir an erectlun of to provide imng This pumping station Later polesAto high nlinewere plomatsg here Is exciton of shite max 311 department opniou tbpt certain is his brother 92le

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