you sworn scoomesmsm some sermons 3m MOUNTAINS Cadets Ill Tired capers nine our moon on s1 mom Tackle which of the inept moltdknmdedn Friday it is imdarstoodthe union is seekingJo findout whether the government is being influenced by the wage rate indeddins blda with Satellite see to ministry question st pr conference after news of agreement was n53 was on by Georg Bldlillt the eign minister and Douglas for Would 7PioliceBaln GENEVA neuteri Salem mo of the United States Russia and Britain have recommended lj within the earth teats mtem ot satellites to help po lice ban on nuclear weapons Their mooword ireport sug gested that five or alxosgteilitel should clrcle about 19 miles above the earth and four other satellites should circle the This would enable the on of highaltitude explosions both atmosphere and far off in outerspace The report was submitted to lmdays session of the nine mootb conference of the three nuclear powers seeking test ban treaty Operation Homerun KORCDK Staff Reporter Soldiersln full battle order and living on emergency rations were escapingthrough the Blue Mountain range of Nottnwasaga Townshiplast night travelling only by night in empts to reachthe safety oftheir own linesthen only 10 miles south near Glen Huron This was the scene as so oili cer cadets from Camp Borden tacked through some of the roughest country in Ontario in operation Romano ihe cadets has already been on the trail for three nights and were resting in their hide outsbeioraleaving at pm for the lesionmiles They are liv ing under the severest of baffle conditions dining 84hour hich covers 45 miles climbingand sweat ing Travelling in groups of five with one of the cadets leading one night then alternating the leadership with one of his fel iows they are helping frefugee to safety In real fact the refugee is trained instructor from Royal Canadian School of Infantry who isassessing the boys as they go along on their leaders quoiiti gt The refugee is rally train combat soldier who knows the dan er Otherwisc the leader assist3them unless they approach countryweilbutwho will he assisted only by maps and compass must guide his group to safety under the cover of 1ENEMY LANDED Inthe case of Homemn the mythical enemy has landed on theeoast of GeorgianuBaymnd has demolished the unit except forAthe few survivors who are now heading for friendlylines Astbe Crowflies the distance from the coast toltheir lines close to Glen Huron is 30 miles ï¬nd But through the rough terrain of the Blue Mountains the distance of the annals they began dieir march at throughout 1me and continuzg gos part way throu 81W swamp and finally ford rillllfrx they got only half pound of lice and beef to last the whole ay The emphasis here is not to put the cadeBthrough misery but rather to see how they re actzvhow their qualities of lead ership stand up under the closely simulated war conditions Here we separate the men éfboys said Major Rob mt Beruba field commander of the exercise ffhis is the tough est colmtry in Ontario and this i958 very rough exercise but when the padet comes out of it he feels is has accomplished he knows he is 151 TOUGH This is not dangerous Just tou added the major and we keep constant radio contact iwith alltbe groups and have an ambulance standing by right here but so farwe havent had to use it The major stressed that the excellent Pi program the cadets have had in their first seven Weeks of training at thecamp has made them ruggedenougb to takethis exercise Thevotti eadets arerecndt ed from universities across Can ads for thiscourse During the winter hey train in their local armouri but the summers they spend at Camp Borden This is their first year at the comp and theipreparations they have had for gonzerun consist sofar of the usual basic training edge of weapons map reading knowledge of the compass and their own innate leadership po tential During the sinnmer training program the candidatcsspeud much of their time outside STRENUOUS CONDITIDNS Alluring theirhezr days of tr they spend nights outside under sheuunus battle condi tions This is not boll Major Berube nowwe train them to be officers leaders of They could takeover in bat tle in civil defence or alter nuclear attack This is goodaxperienca if the food and water hold out 0K said Stanley Enid thirdltyear science major at tho Universityof Manitoba one of the cadets on the march Maurice Francis 20 of Ontario Agricultural ACailege Guelph said navigate successfully at nigh Officer Cadet Gerald Batsame lppers Hawour Newfoundlan whosegro was not quite successful the ï¬rst night out re jwe got on course and circled and circled and by morn ing instead of having travelled the anticipated 20 miles we were almost backrwhere we started tram Anotber cadethad asimple honest statement to make 0h Im tired Originator of this realistic ï¬eld training program is Colonel Dextrose corrmscnom us or spruce partridge has been adopted as family pet at th home of Arthur Lamrock lh 1rd plays with the children and allows them to paLher They have as yet had no traininsin tactics That will come later in their second year instructors want to if The assessors who accompany the cadets are all experienced Instructorsann mark down the faults and qualities of the boys this nightly foray spokesman monies and yenr old my lttondnys Wednesdays and Endays asses are designed for 15 raj children beginner or untrain ed swinurier to iearnmore of the skillsfor sale enjoyment of the water morsmsno Monday my random tho transportation sessionsaldthar brie announcement after the if being Gromyko Hopes Warmer Talks GENEVA Reuters Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gro myko today expressed hope the ruumed Big Four talkshero will make the international amino phere warmer and lead to nsum mit conference Grdmyko flew in from Moscow with Deputy Foreign Minister Valeria Zorin Jacob Malik and other senior officials of the Soviet foreign ministry The foreign min isters resinne their talks Monday Gromyko reafï¬rmed previous soviet normals hutser ML of committing himself the jor question of the conference Thu is whether Russiswiil insist on definite time lhnit for ending Western occtnmtion rights Berlin forwarded to the three savanh ments for their consideration It is up to the governmentsto do tidalwhether the recornmgida ttons should be incorporated into the testban treaty The re rt said the ideal sys ternwo dcallforfiveor satellites to be placedln orbits at more than 30000 kilometres Is 750 miles above the earth With proper arrangement it said these satellites could en plete memories of the earth Timmins Fatality First in617 Days 510 llobert Iainin yearold son of Mr and Mn Romeo taurln died Friday nightnfter be was struck by car wblliiiding his tricycle ll lt wantbe first traffic fatality hi this Northern Ontario city of shutdown holidays carrrinetn spokesman The spokesman made pollut ther comment on the secrpt agreement which means France has possessedior five years virthai powered veto over the dispatch from French territoryof 115 military aircrafL whether atom bin or root Two hinidred American rioo tactical lightenitombers the only aircraft in France equipped to carry atomic weapons will be moved to bases in Britain and West Germanygin the ncxt six months because of Frances ro fusal to allow their atomic armalt ment on French soil Cuntraceplive Pill six Proves Effective NEW YORK AP Contra ceptive pills have been tried on Puertu Ricadmud Haitian women for periods up to 18 months and prove generally ctr fectlve group of researchers reported While some side reactions such as nausea headache dizzlness vomiting and general illfeeling were noted these effects war not widespread the rmarchers said in the current issue of the Journal Science Thorspdrt decl that for thaperiodofthetas thesea the subjects was not ad versely affected and fertility was not impaired when thotests wage ended Lacs NNncENrnNL run nerssr snownm repeat showing of television ï¬lms and commentary on the Royal Visit to the Georgian Bay Muakoka area isIlrheduledfor 605 pan Monday on Channel Assumo concur Raymond Daniels Cbidwster Bond0rillia lsiuttendfngtha Summer School at the Royal Conservatory of Music in Tor onto Havis small advanced organ music and Steel in Has Uphill Battle To Avoid Shuttlowns In Tillie NEW YORK AP Negotia tors faced an uphill fight today in attempts to win settlement formula in time to avoid starting stedel mill shutdowns this week en With an industrywide strike threatened at midnight Tuesday progress so far couldbe mea sured in incheswith abouta mile left to go Muchhasgiin our side issues during the last few days has created or situation uhowever where an industry money offer could lead to newscontract So far it was reliath reported trom both industry and union sources the dozen leading steel companies have stood ï¬rmiou their refusalto raise wages or benefits residting innny costin Instead the ind bargaining team hea by and Conrad 17 Steel Corporatlon pres ent has been insisting on contract change that would give steel firms mercieewey in mnkin work assignments and otherw la hi Loperatdug Davi Montana Steelworlr ers Union presid has pledged fno backward step from present contract terms But thejndustry has indicated it may come up witba money of for if the union gives ground on allowing more management pre rogatives srsnr snurnowu eunbsv The bars was proceeding at an accderatedpace with many steel firms planning Sunday start on the job of cooling open hearths andbiast furnaces toget ready night3 walkout This ncostly operation that the industry would like to avoid if it sees any chenceof ful settlement gt choir training Tom courses are conducted by Dr Charles Peaker Mus Daniels isat pr tor of services ofpraise at St Andrew Presbyterianzchureh Barrie Samuelson ls lint afor Canada Ienlor officer We Caonda Ihonldnf couslderihuildlng nuclear who undlsbebasbulltupamoredi verrilied navy It would be good idea ft Canadqto build nuclear subs after they obtain the other things If to make tip wellbalanced force be said Friday at pm cont aboard the carrier VslloyJZorge fhe carriers ltsucott of seven destroyers and two nib marinescarrying about 4000 of tlcerr and men arrlv here Friday for weekend visit gt He said the West can have reasonable against Elasticcarrying amiss bmnr Maybe we can provide the de fence at lessoostthao an inter continental air defense such as Conn and the who item now have 111 Tennis Club NEW RK APDrRal Bunche the Nobel Peace winner barred from memberspr in Forest Hillatonnls club has been welcmnedluto another an elusive NLw York tennis dub Bun was invited Friday to steep an honorary membership for himself andhir family in the Town Tennis Club lnManhnttan The action was initiated by Side nay Wood Jr former Davts Cup player and Wimbledon champion who is president at the Manhattan club Bunchesaidtho FEllll club boned him and his Mur gt old son becausetheyflm There have been demon tum some including several Ii sen The Couttsreuuion held at Springwater Pork idlt hlnst thisafternoon This is the 32odrelmion and proceed ings start at pm Some loo descendants of the Contta four iiy are expected to attend GYCLISI CAR COLLDE sevenyearoiu Allister girl was bruisedrycaterdoy when she cycled out of driveway on the Alliston to Camp Borden road into the with of car Elizabeth Ann Armitagc RR Alimony received bruised right hip The car was driven by Frederick Fryer Bathmstlld Toronto BOASTBURNS Smoke quickly ï¬lled room in one of theapnrtments over Harry Twiss store 25 Dunlop St East Barrie last night when roast in the oven started to burn Barrie Fire Brigade soon liad thefsmall troubloun der fcootrol and were back at HQin ï¬veorjtx minutes for possible Tuesday store that the Lawn Association transfer the reétl3 Mr Hurdle proposed gram that would medium areas better roads water pump ing ladlltieagemergency airstrip at as elm miles floor price or urn ports on as listnos for prospectors win archmo Blasts Lashing mm cms mime ssinned RCMP dflcer said Friday that corporal punishment form of cruel 411 so veu Imworthy of Canadians an KSAthabash told the Commons the lash or strap is revolting to the rsou who has to wield it and dc axing to the person getting the beating Hawslginsupportof lbill sponsored by Frank Mclt Gee PC York Scarborough callinglor the abolition of cor poral punishment The measure was still heiugds bated when thehour for private members legislation oxpi which means nothing will be about it this session undhé was shocked learn the light skinned Buncho boy was negro GeorgsiAgutter 7zlyearold iu ltruclar it West Side had taught the Bnnohe boyovers period of xi weeks 5But it never occurred to me that be was Negro tter um All Agutter said young Bunche told him he enjoyed the game no place to play tennis lid in structor said he replied lt would be nice Ralph you could join the club as liar men in Bimchs ma an applicati soon ards nis champiimshlps anditba Davis Cup matches from the West Side Club moms mom The man who created the controversy said he Baler Binder reveusouis Insurance bdthad