Barrie Examiner, 11 Jul 1959, p. 4

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says the Ontario pmd sarne quolltiu iiire is to rernMn should inot end edge at tlie like man who switches from our to outboard needs exactlgftha driver Those qualities are good Attitudes goon ahiiia good Habits end good Knowledge Bolety League First in importslice for thoaewho han dle mall pleasure cratt is good Attitude such as amature outlook proper some of caution Courtesy especially towards swimmers and those in smaller boats Eelpfulness and tolerance towards all other water users and even minmoral and due regard for the rights and com fort of those on more who might be si iected by noise wash and ietsnin Great Skill lsnot of paramount import ance tor small craft handlers important nevertheless Woris at devel oping your skill many people and organizations will be addition to being menit is much more satisfying to know you are doing exactly the right thing when you are directing horsepower whether it be caror outl board Good Habits are important because they protect against the unseen and un expected emergency Get the habit on new ing the right thing always even though of Other NdWSpdpeldj some eon onrvsns up Breton Ppet Getting drivers license would seem an or deal to many licants if the driver hoard recommen ed by the Nova Seotia Medic Society were established The doctors at their on nuai meeting in ingonish suggested medical doctor psychologist and psyohiahist as members of such board Itwss no trivial suggestion but based on the findings of the Medlcai Societys traiiic and acci dent committee thatnccldents are alien caused by drivers whose health is physically or mentally impaired it is only too apparent that many acci dents are the result of impairment of some sort or another and often considerable litigation is re quiredioplscedreblsme wares ensr OVEBPEODUMON faction Free Press Wise advice was giveniarmere and particularly hymen Boonyman of theiederai department of sgriouilurv to watch that over production of fooddoes not create fire sale prices He is correct except that too often pro duress with an oversupply call on Ottawa for subsidy to tide thorn over to normal conditions which never return if the farmore the various growers oouid most the need of the consumer and the export trade exactly we would have no surpluses Wa would have more economic system and pots the iederri government would avoid ponds in well was hundred millions in amount once of nlhsldy or deficiency Demonic Locking thoughls theiniormstlorl for the er ibo herelfuresfioeiacken he believes slight us from his farm wont Ilj fact the price For ouhrly hawlllhot reduce production idthegovernmerit subsidy is reel MY l0 1A terrific electrical storm accompanied torrentialgrainfaii oi almost flood proper ns struck this district shortly after oral damage wasdone to merchandise large on the main street and basements There or fiocd at mankiirrtciisrtiflroee on lip bethStJusesof the ansforlnere lowout cutting oft ilgbtatfrorn numbers homes in the outskirts onvoodrifi ion Little Lake Road and Sophia direct At diand 200 circullrware out of commissionand chimney bl Orlllia wasplunged iiito darlmess and tow at the Opera 11 House was rippedtrom top to Bernies aneienl mu Hail budding which nt been repaired or painted on the exterior in the memory of the oldest inbabi LWas repaired qharlesnlexander wasroreman tier the dime tron of the Properiy£ormru uggestndxe moval old verendsha and ports repair platforms making good framesand sash an brickulg up windows that Were already bricked on opsif diet dirt infirm Exact triti llsineina But itis production of Former way make point torin in the ipropér man dont move around ont imam any WNW it necessary whenyouhsve to more do itouietly and keep your as possible in the boot lhe portan weight LI low thing is to develop the correct inhibiti paying edualcare to thoeepolnta in conditions Use the same caution in move ingin atboatin shallowweterkten feet from the share as you would mile but in the lake lnahigh wlnn check tosee all satety equipment it in good condition honour short the trip That way you bu Remember that every exceptionweak ens the habit Everytixneyou dont bo ther this time you weaken the habit that mayone day protect you in nom ergency V7 iourth elementofngod boat hund ilng Knowledge can be acquired in oral ways By instruction and observe tlon Through the hard and often costly school of experience or by reading In this iastcateg0ty booklet thatshould be in the hands 01 everysmall boatown er and every one who ever takes the controls of power boat Balety arias It may be obtainedwltnout charge by application to the Department of Transport Ottawa incenirve Intiml care itsiilegovernmeats duty to sell the rodutt itistrulys cultprobiemJiarnarketing board is given powers togreatrict acreoxe and production there in lustycomplaints oi growers and the recenterprise are that cooperative marketingis restraint at trade as happened With the tobacco acreage allotment few yoart ago tr if government officials marketing boards and growers got together more retina to decide whet Canada will eat whether be beef or pork poultry or eggs there might be elimination of the food fire sales Real cooperation and Id pervislon of such officials as Mr Bonnylnan are needed tor allcb succest AIDS to summon Winnipeg Tribunal An educator suggests that the coil eswouid be relievedll But girl doesnt at an going to gel good hand through colic use on our la did not attend cation how is she she can put her hus NOTBING 80 MERCENABY Cleveland Plain Dealeri fire Egyptian government has decreed that all ships entering Sues Harbor otthe southern end of the canal withhmailer be on elled to unploy pilots rh charge will be acceding to heretofore it web oitionelrwlth the chi lain whether they too on pllnll or not barber is easy to navigate Cairo is being done not more at oi navigilion We are gla to hear that At first we thoum it might bee scheme by Garnal Abdel Nuaerrlo getsome oi those millions in lorelgn currency wanna Egypt must have to avoid bank in oa ti the inside The brickcame from the former Presbyterian Churon Allandale which later was ilrehall and thenitorn down and scaffolding froTnvrmggod parlaotlhe verandalu ill wei eifect in the rlretwsek otduly nsuud ovening Mo1iadelunderéstlmetod the sefith sand mud or the ewlmmln peol lnthe ho ow ot Willow Cree at Mi mat and the older one attempting to helptho other was pulled under Evelynanti D0rothyFlnlay la and iii saw themEvelyn went to their us but was pulled in porn howeva keepln forenough away went to eirbelp and towed them out toishore tripleresoueulntthe other csSE sllryear old on Dawscniell in at barrie wharf twitter on Tuesday afternoon dilly was saved tend the army in months and officialsby they are and lover rescuer fromdrownlng nrrnsrorpnon with 15 feet and strengthen th correct habit with the one wea unwelkhu goner ahead in leaps and bounds at the point where the new highway gene his tension willrioin the present section that road on the outalgiriszor Barrie Motoriits travelling north or aoutn as be cwist and nnn throu sort of chicane which reduces peed but still provider two tho case may me May goEnd sobn1nl3ntdm LONDON cs Deience or riclals say its new virtually oer iain that military conscription will end in Britain page The abolition at cons ptlon in 1900 has been on the books since 1950 but until recently defence planners doubted whether there would he cnmlgb lungterm volun teers by next year to maintain the services It required strength Now bowliver volunteers are marching into recrur oiiices at the rate of ma ay the highest number since the endof the Second World War Defence spokesmen say that this continuesand they predict it will conscription will end early next year nscnumrvo us They base their predicticnon tlie iact recruitia iigures have shot up at flanges 3513mm on en is not is no notes servicemen ere enlisting by choice and not by necessity they ly Under fiveyear streamlining program be in 1951 Britains three arms serviceswill becut down to smaller highly trained mumduty units by lotions all 395000 manwiil be There now craebout 300000 long lorm volunteers along with 275 000 national servicemen who will be discharged beforetlaei iha armyvtith about 113000 volunteers is 10000 below its less target lgure gffheRAi= also needs about 40000 1o bring its total to 133000 The navy is al ready tits lull strength niobnui H000 ndthore la waitingiiat of longterm volunteers tonoovnnumsnns More than 80000 volunteerspen the lost in confident the 1002 total will be reached TbsRAF however at cotaiuowooo promos salts non summon only 195 tiie Dslus Lee 21 who pulled him fr the bottom Aileen Tuck 6saved tlielsds eby ariiilelsi reap ctlon no the been savedhorntlrownlng in by cliHSCalley harries water front guar Fredstepbens ofshellioliDCo gave the en ahdtlle dru your prev us tax offices down io streetleiel ggis had to scale in ahurry As soon as this corner was vd volunteers cars of dirferent ngine capacity Now that eolmany small cars dominate the road over the traditional American ammoths such ahbwistlng tend turn vesthe small carorlvers arhnndv rom chance or leaving theirbigger brothers behind in the Ermin iner Photo chicane tractcd only I2000 in the same worm is in an is hwyand aimitll period mainly omclnis dueto increased wages rocess of gay my aomi in brltains aircraft lndustrier and predict swing toward the the more branches of the army RAFal filled Duringl Christian Leaders fire Losing Bid To Convert Sudan Pagans Becauseol the increasein re ggpular uniting the detects ministry an come normed serertl inontba ago that all young men bomwalterOct the last year British 11089 were exempt tom the dreit servicemen have received sub And they etantlai wage increase ionreach there are being called up new KHARTOUM Sudan AFL ago the newlylindependent ties coast and north Education lionln foundation But still the bull does not fall down The mayor to have new town dont lined one mm mi be easily rcn christian missionaries are losing lem government took ground in their bid to convert the mlsairmmchooll in that reglo 8000000 pagans of the South Sudanto Christianity Alter the Sudan became inde pendent in 1950 its predominan Moslem government Quickly cur tailed the work of foreign mis sions in the pagan south at the some dole Moelern prosaiytinng was intensified it appears almost certain now that the next genera tionwilieaevtherapagana em brace mam And their conversion may have vitaliinipact on the future religious makcu of Africa as owboie The South Sudan plunges like dagger Aintorthe heart of pagan Africa in Nigeria on tho wast the Somalilands on the eastelflst of Africa there an ready are strong Moslem con centrations Moslem South Su dan would give lslam third prong in its penetration intesti rica from the solidly ii its til or win til soulbfiudam For nearly halfcentury foreign mission arieehad monopoly on educay on south Buttwo years ayswe are joins inspite oiithe hla corner could ewed wlthaitew rover wonknnarm Christian mission work in the fly south now is continedto agriculg rural medical and reaching ac tivities Christian smn roboo still may nperatein the North Sudan which already is solidly Moslem The South Sudan alivays has con colonmy distinctimmthe rib The pagmmeople there still rd one age culture They speak hundreds oi local dialects go naked and subsist in the most live way imaginable The northerner whoreptesmt tbre more of thepopulationare calm and Arabicshesho When the fish administerled they tended to keepthe south Modern separatefrnm the north lhey ban education over on to their work siren human Catholic mission andtrve notlva Protestant groups mound into the Butmovv that the government hastaken over rchnois in the north pagan students are being firemen to identify domains as oslem or Christian And with Moslern government and More em teirchers tbe students certain to choose lslaminover wbelmlng numbers Under Sudan ese law schools must teach chil dren the religion of their parents hail Wo steelheamsandooncret very unsightly now idrébréd out her we airmail explain theirfackhf ti to months tier at the idol of and as ahdnow tile new uni a3 that le ievvP enetallyv tile Sudantrome to 19059 Christian missions and subser very eook Mary popped Wharton every kind menlihe could have shown the public the wall bodied end 31 wt all maps or the unemployed things would have been better for him politic ally remember how every algal his pay is Prime Min is was ottenvscettared in tons no lives and even in two dollar bills in envelopes to strangers who wrote himupetlretic letters lrom Alberta Ontarloy Quebec Eli home Laurier House his Scots blr hold out the sitcom and asked one to join the stall in cup at teeend piece oi Christh cake while we wereflslttin tin Mister King camp in walkedround the table shaking each girl by the hand Mid ueesing aided rivedolier bill to her ban mitotic said on its prlsed be was and wished you merry Christmas gt already aildwalked out PM ddMWM it on me to study There he shie Vancouverintact from all cm He war very bird worker and spent long hour in his olfidexf guess because he bhdlotn of pro Arthur Meighen wasihe hlut of similarities bosses and greet statesmen He could also quote Shakes earn from page one to the end if could have shown politically the ability which his shyness alien hid he would the been very great politician too think his heavy melting bee truved bla shyness he used to smoke In many as three pack sgesedayltblnkandlreeali the brand was named Oi tbernjli Mr Me hen alone was the ether ebll while prime minister remem mumspmmfi outed saying thatnoneoibienifl were to enter the lcbetnt bis home nor to accept refreshment there unless invited by the prime minister Ifeit sorry thst could not give him back his ten and cake but was airaid he might aak for his five spot back ended Gllbertwitb his infectious hush And so the rentiniaeeneee so on Gilbertwiil very rarely tel with his personal knowledge at people who to most of us ere new pair only statues on Parliamedt iiili but who were once warm dren and sometimes overheated blood to their confidential messenger Tunas tannins non onnasu Dpeeiai correspondent For Barrie mint resound Jobs of him interesting stories of the election went largely unnoticedr it broka in St Catherine on the night beioro the vote Because the next drywas elec tion dayxitwas not widely to ported PUBLIC READY that Liberal Leader John ter moyer favored full disclosure on funds arty final mass meeting at Stcatberin Lookilil shit nehyuit did we checked with the Liberal leader He says that outright disclosure now wee not what he intended to conveyBut did prcpoae there should be stir of the action Act so that better on am of handling electionnlnda could be worked out hacking thlsrup he explains is the belief thattire pubiiolrripe for new basis of supporting Apparently ting itself yunenvrrnaaoon an an Keir Malawian For Ib roaaaoow accredits Scotland can now boast or he thoiar eat oil terminal art oniioelii per hi hi idoliheidwd at ta tllpeoin waa proud oocarlonfor br tlah Petroleum Comm 300 anti hieh Hill of de ti on call ships mind oot tonnerurs and total more Brill newsflas tlic EP fleetiiihetarrlvtd inns withe cargo of brittle ll from Kuwallr incidentally be was tlI militants to berth there 5m€6lh30iii te mlnal was publnto operation on side it the Mientioat ring feet video on Al fiheioll which enter this video ior unplrisi new be brill oom ovum uncommon thfimrlfflnorya capacity of Finnort be The four big hidden lic atiarge The storyth came out was flushdill vvillhaveto Toiay Party Costs politics hothu words that it is readytochipioandbelpw worrisome wnnwonsr Tbia it untitled yAnd eVeotusliy we prob will reach some measure of But when and how it will work is another question Thetlnest thlns possible for lively democracy would be politi cal parties mported bythepub But obviously this is something that will have to be worked up slimy And in the meantime the bulk come tram the reprint sourceseven itthis does somewhat jeopardise oom pleteiy balanced outlookon idle place and responsibility of busi ness in the community For politicsrdoe need money gltlllerwise itwotli hardly live And the present system is not going to be changed oVernigllt Anyone who billevia that it hill or professes that it shclddéiust doesnt know democracy and workln this matter in irate what probably Mr lérmeyers to at political weaknessmanning the preer reporters got most their stories jnot out hut of alter use no end Mr idem trleertthat is the have seen it happen melting in soon tlmelAnd ell heomotba Ln oral leader been know howto say

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