thoustsrt an inaction President Bill Lang called or minutes silence in memory at tarnia cinb member William cu Linton died yesterday morning gt semen GROUP Haiorlollen saidthe Soldier Apprentice Plan had been in operation since 1952 uniom 7mm in 1mm Fry Wilt in corps Oi antimony pli screened tut summer only 500 be accepted so you see theyare amysplectlvai group eaehv hairline been rél ye aim nv of homeslobe In dis niiln tiresome good boysxMost esAp are given by ordnance Corps cm into the MagnePolute Quebeé there on nceirr it Barriefleld NOTES lpuistil Councu met at Stroud or its regular meeting If day Most of the business aria ing fordiscussion cnme hom correspondence lated with the clerk Some rate payers wrote protesting the rise in taxes thisyear One cot tage owner wrote that her taxeshid gone up 1512 and felt flat the additional costs of high school made the increase and that this should be billed to the users oi these schools on per day ntc Some discussion was given the increasedï¬osts of street lighting in Stroud this year It wastrevealed that there was total charge tofthese ratepay ers of $968 to be cohered which required mill rate of 304 which on some of the larger assessments meant Zayment or 19 year of nearly 20 Cauncillor Gibblns said that inew extensions were thsse should tenths charged to the wholeservica He named an example of these cosmwhere menhad been cutI ting trimming trees on the west sideroad to enable an exV tension He claimed they had been there for some daysxllé asked if when the school prop ertywas used thecosis of ex tension would he ehargd those usersinow on street lighting has 0051 on srm quesï¬onhy Clerktreasur er Allan Ireton said $5000 had been paid for portion of land justunder five acres for the new school site north of stroud on land not already rdei weioperl for building lots roadhas to be purchased to en able the traffic to reach the property from the ï¬lthline myslï¬vlald to be the respon sibility of the township not the gt sehoulhoard 12 oresrnau one mime holding of new conmimity hill He said he had not signed thepetitioninthe lrst because he was sure tha the onnt meatienedofvmflm idenot be sufï¬cient was exeeededto the smountof $10000 in the requested deben ture This would not firijshth workï¬nor would it he suflic ism toprovide the maintenance the new building feel that the olti hall hould he hroughhup to stami aid for very reasonable aunt Thevold hall does array £9 it intenance an cannot why in new one etter We who es should have equal these costs said Mrr Dace xsuxgesm1 wappmved by the 1Municipal En owever thehall board that board Mrs Lawsaid any eflect this might have now on the ruling otthe Municipal iBoard onrthe appeal made against the assessments would ave no hearing on the ruling which has not yet been receiv ed from the APPROVED C110 ING PROTECHPNS The hoard 01 Railway Com missioners were informcdthnt the township was ready to pay litsshsre of the costs of the rotection of the crossing at 10th line Strond They also had letters regarding similar pillotection on other crossings the township namely Min ets Point and the 8th Line The betray midgis the re sponsibility of county whose road moses the railway there NOT NWNSHIP ROAD The 13th concession which is responsibility of the county has hmken up follow Pressed InQuehec QUEIEEC com ry entili or in rsldehtsgtiuye overappegrs smo mention in Quebec province nrige idea is Lbelngypromoted the municipal level but likely will end up in th op efprovindul authorities Basically what is sough or is slmpl way of pro entlng youngsters under it tromenter lugmotion picture hem ernsgrilisandnightclnbs Quebec movie theam et ed TREAMTIME mlt children under 16 Home establishments do not to youngsterst hes too root way pre unpersonatim at during civic elections lag the oil treatment between 20 and 25 aiderosds This piece of and has not taken the treatment as other sections have and is deVelopingAavery rough surfs pairs are 25 sideroad andthe line are township roads and most or this is chopped snrfncé and in good Veanditioh This Ratepayers are asking thetownship about re sott pastel iflindes Fits standarda crib does not include 25 tiercad smiths of the county road whr has been eft innbey in anticipatio dalraoceptance opment road as the of hen constructi to eliminate curves and hills on thktwo miles of road heeded In theJneantimen road on Lheexhemev west limits was approved forV Highway ae ceptnnce in order to open road tween 27 highwayand 9t hag way and provide short vwayrto 26 hi ay wes Hearmglonslaying OtGirlIsDelaye an appeal ag holding the trial roan adult heart The appeal was hyktheyouth Donnelly oi Goderlch will he ear at 239 xzmlfg we jeans Dag earning new with NBC 3100 mm ownyenr manlywaylwmfld maidenlthe White so club provided eye In otrer would the less otherHomeNeeds at Zellerfs Thrift Shop now And remember need Se tion summit pinkrnlnt yellow as by ins Studio to one frannet brand roadie Po lowrli hr 25 innAttrac hv flomlti inpestel Prieedlor Extra Samar Of Washable cotton chen hle in popularoolourn Non IlipBaflrMat andsinenahuatranr tte Top and Seal Coy awels dz in Washflotlis Sele He deferExtra Savings