£9 Linens INGERI This llngsrle set consists of an exquisite gown and matching poignolr both in brilliant colored to in choice of pink hue or gold backgrounds The nighlls is waits length with cleverly gathered ho dlco which ties under tho but to Ishlsve slightly Empire effect its pelgnnir duster is fashioned with removable string tie that also follows the highwaisted look Limit Toddlers Activities In Kitchen Danger Zone in convenan mm The average mother must spend considerable tlmevih the kitchen And the average child under five likes to spend as much time with her as possible Still only 10 or 15 months old he may be happy for some inter vals in his play pen at the edge of the kitchen door it after he begins to creep and toddle he has learned to avoid few things and places in the living room he may also be trained to stay for shor periods at place in the kitchen farthest from the stove There he can have fun with lids pans and other safe kitchen uten sill and be near his mother CERTAIN LIMITATIONS Though very interesting to this youngster the kitchen can also he very dangerous place for him unless he has been trained to observe certain limitations there if hes nearly always un der his mothers feet in the kitchen he can he hurt No matter how vigilant Mother may he she can spill or drop some heavy or hot things Cook ingliquids can spatter out and she can leave sharp tool or pan of hot food he could handle or pull down on himself And when she uses one of the elec trio gadgets his little ï¬ngers can be quicker than her protective CAN BE TRAINED Yet this litth child can be trained to be relatively aafs in the kitchen Having learned else where inthe houseearliertoto speck no or dont in relation to few forbidden things this training can be extended when hes in the kitchen If hes your little child show him olearly where he may play with safe kitchen things The mo ment he strays noticeably from thlaplacasayNoandbackltnp BE CONSEIENT Inlet as you let him gofarther from this safe place in the kitchen My bulletins First Steps in Training TM in Safah and How to teach child meaning of No may he had hysendlng orall addresscd US stamped envel opetomeincareofthisnews paper PARENT QUEHIONS QOur son throws rocks at passing cars Let everything are go and he with him when he is near the street For each olfense paddle him soundly Induce him to throw rocks at target in safe place 5911 Thai FAMILY WANT AD To Break The PonndBanier g5 Exercil lo the more You have lightened the burden of fat so now is the ideal tima lo step up exercise Also it will be easier on New Appliances Come Clean Including The Coffee Pot By ELEANOR ROSS isnt it wonderful that modern cooking pment is not only more on cal and easier to use out also is becoming inncas ingly handsomcl lt emerges from the oven Ind comes to table in all its colorful yet practical beauty And todays kitchen utan sils make ideal gifts especially for youngmarrleds Automatic cooking equipment is vastly different from its earlier prototypes Even when it wasnt so efficient women have always been charmed with such delights II the Iutornntic colfce auto matic ovens and deep ere But users havo often wished that certain precision pieces were not such nuisance to wash WI know we have We were warned not to put this art or that into water and to has the various parts with kid glov We were alraid of our own kitchen tools as much as we adored them Well were now getting awn from such dllflcultlcs and frustra tions Manufacturers are doing their best to give us comment that can be immersed suds pieces that can be washed all ovsrnotjust dshbedat here and there Now cannon automatic coffee Page Boy In House Has Barrie Ties The 0an in lifetirns chance has been given to 12yearold Ron LIPlInte of Newmarket grandson of Mr and Mrs Ede ward minute Ross street Eon was chosen to act as page boy when fifth session of the 25th Ontario higlslature opened January 27 and will be there pot that can he completely out merged in the sink The mm um the ther mostat controls are in the plug which is removed before washing the colleemaker ltsell Mode of stainless steel it makes from two to nine can of calico Any ooifccmaksr ought to he washable Mouse the first rule inmskingagoodhrowistostart with clean pot And thatmeans one which can he plunged into hot suds and rinsed other such use just as safely and costly as its plugged into the electric socket until closing session in iota March To qualify for this hon ored position boy must be 12 are old and have high schol II standing Roma Dow oer MLA for DulferlnSimcoe and former resident of Barrie hasheeagivingtheboyssome instructions in their new duties Mrs Edward LaPlanle went to Toronto last week to sea parlia ment in session and to catch glimpse her grandson Unwanted COAT Suit Dress Childrens Wear Through lnslflcling Give us few mornents of your time andin imagination come with us now on journey in new1959 Cadillac The car iawnitingfor you thedoor is open and whomI hit rut Md start with mksndthcngradnallyioauu totwoorthreemilesataslretch Shouldmwearagirdlawhile walnut Yeaifltsmorecom fortable Homer if have falrtoneintheI mus cleathenwalkwithoutI1rdle Pull out forcibly with the lmg front muscles Indpullinsnllll with the muscles that span the slduoftheahdomeoand youll tone your own good muIclea Is yotslalk Ateue keep shoulders relaxed loloselnchesinthsright msrsns ssr low in iii 35 it it ii 1s E3 ran places stretch bend and swing be through easy IllmnlItlcs as the to run cailsthcnlcs Make lure the exercise action is through the spot you Ire aiming to slim down First stretch to slim the mid sectlon Lying on hack no girdle caretch Then stretch along right side stretching right am back on floor and crossing right leg over left etretoh Re verse and stretch along left side Now hip sliouner Lie on right side left leg resting on top of right palm of left hand braced on floor for balance Keeping knee straight swing left leg for ward swing back swing ion word hack Again and this time hold the muscle contraction for slow count of six Swing again and continue for four complete cycles Change sides and con tinue Holding is toning Hold the muscle contraction on alternate hockvvard swings Hit rhythm and hold its fun freeing and streamlining while the stars can help in the long run its your endeavor that counts Whore personal relationships are concerned planetary aspects in also very much in your favor so that your social domestic and smmmi mg shnidd prove or most of the year ahead Look for an portunlty to travel in lath andor early August romance in the period between mldlliu and mldJuly Illo lnDoocmher child born on this day will be estraner amiable and intelligent but may have tendency toward the unconventional WELL ORGANIZED OWEN SOUND Ont GP Mral Rutherford who planned the Red Cross home maker service here and got it iirahic Is Basic language In Nassers Egypt of Today Ills Iwould the French home handled cases involving foreluen in those days foreigners were not Iuhiect to Egyptian laws or courts As Egypt achieved lull inde pendence the mixed courts were melanoma Marathonlawyer has its longs for the good old dam of British rule If Georges were alone his case be unimportant But hl Esymhoilscs several generalions or years prac all class Egyptians condumgered it or necessary to educate their chil dren in foreign schools hero to abroad The case of floor wsa multiplied in the lhousan DINING lillllid iiVfllIJliilli OI BUSINESS MEETINGS WEDDING BUSINESS LONGER BANle BIOMONI FAMlLY DINNIII QUEENS HOTEL 94 DUNLOP ST startcdhasrotiredasdlrectorof the service alter seven years PHONE PA 82424 GINERAI MOTOR VAIUI as CoflyiflcMytï¬Ã©uf the drivers seat is beckoning Just slide in behind the wheel and pretend its yours llcrc indeed is the most inspiring vantage point on any highway Younre supremely comfortable vision And driving item Just the gentlest much olyour hand Ind the Iightcstipre are your foot control every move Jneritpf the car incredith vgide and clear and youre surrounded elegance and luxury Now turn the key in the ignition tor ever so gently and youre oil its quite an experience to sit in command chiefs in motor carhere where so many of the worlds dis Many buyers are waiting to buy items ouehas theself the price is right Now is me time to sell unwanted goods for cash The but way is through Itsminer Want Ads they go into the home of more than 1000 families daily mu Poo2414 Examiner Want Ad Dept maka itclsar thathe must not be near the stove or touch it or reach above himself for anything on the drolnhourd or kitchen table few sharp non sislant smacks on his hand or bullock may be necessary Be sure he feels each smack and that he never can reach above him without getting this safe pen alty instantly With consistent training the tot can get the general notion that he must never reachath him in the kitchen and learn also to keep himself from dohzg so This can become automatic And what on accomplishment for him and you These safety rules in the kitthco can prove useful for his further safety development also How quiet it is Even the sound of the passing wul been hushed to whisper vlsrr voun no 65 Collier Street