on diatribe Published by Canadian sewnpep Ltd ld Bayfield who no roux WAY 1mm 11 IQ iSimcoe county To Greet Royal Couple Durlng her sixweeks visit in lune and July Queen lmbeth will see lot of Canada she as not seen before dnd just as important great many Canadians will have their first oppor tunity to see the Queen On this visit She will travel the country not only from least towcst but for the first time from south to north she willuspend some tune in little communities aswell as large ones in newcommunities as well as the old As far as the people of this district are concerned their only opportunity to greet the Queen will come on Saturday July 4when the royal yacht Britannia anchors at Port Mchcoll and the Queen and Prince Philip have the day for motor trip along Highway to Orlilia and then through Muskoka There is some hope that this may beextended to include Midland Penemnguisheney Elms vale and Barrie gt long and fairly rigid itinerary been laid out for the Queen and Prince Philip but there are hreathcntohlng gaps in it They will have chance to relax aboard the Britannia on the legs of their journey that takesme up the at Lawrence and across the inkes Then they have brief holiday bmkirll3rlI tish CDlimlblflllld back in Ontario they will have weekend at Mr EMasseys residence at Port Hope The length and extent ofthis years visit by the Queen and Prince Philip will undoubtedly inspire some thought about the Queens role in relation to the Come monwealtli She comes to this country not as visiting monarch but as the Queen of Canada She happens also to be Queen of the United Kingdom of Australia of New Zealand and so on lherehave been proposals that the Queen divide her time between her var ious countrieslnstcad of maintaining her permanent home in Britain and every so often making brief outside tours She would spend certain amount of time each year in Canada for example and permanent place of residence would he maintained for her at Ottawa lhis years visit will probably result in renewal of such proposals Kiwanis Anniversary An experiment in international friend ship celebrated an anniversary this month Now it is no longer an exper iment but strong and successful or ganization On Jan 21 1015 group of Detroit professional and business men organ lzed club Which may calledKiWanls Its objects were to stress thehuman and spiritual rather than the material values of life to encourage the daily liv ing of the golden rule in human rela tionships3 to promote the adoption and application ofhighcr social business and professlonai standards to develop hy precept and example more intelligent aggressive and serviceoriented citizen ship to provide practical means of forming enduring friendships to render altruistic service and to buiid better communities to ctroperate in creating and maintaining that sound public opin ion and idealism which promote the Denim 93116 Newspapers was nan MANNEBS Halifax ChronicleHerald The reception wbld was accorded to the Firsl Deputy Minister of Soviet Russia on his visit to Cynls Eaton at Cleveland and elsewhere in the tilted States is much to be regretted Within emoeracy of course there must be liberty of expression of pnsonal opinion but when that expression assumes the form of bad manners towards visiting nolabill it has no ucuse Liberty has become license THOSE HARbY ENGLIEHMEN Fort William TimesJournal Much haired has been aroused against the British owing to their love of draughls Sir Harold Nicolson said when speaking in England recently It is not only that they like opening windows itis that they too often take it for grant ed that other people enjoy open windows Again and again in inains or restaurants abrotd have observed my fellow countrymen fling windows open without realizing that to other races JANUARY 21 was Barlie Curlers reversed the scoremli Toronto Cranltes who had come to townfor return game Afternoon and evening games almonds each were played with Barrie making 05 to 58 on the days play Granite had come most ll by chartered bus and were entertained by dinner at the American Hotel VNewmsrket editors took things easy last week Pupils of the High School Wereresponsihler lor the whole issue of the Expressde also can Pardgropliically Speaking The person who triesto laugh at him self rarely succeeds beyond sickly dry Please use and shed tearfor those run television By time they find al andgerror what peo changetheirmlnds military supplies from oheï¬oylej Union clubs in Canada the United States and growth of Justice goodwill and patriot ism That first club in Detroit still meets weekly as do 4500 other Kiwanis Hawaii There are strong and active Kiwanis clubs throughout this district the Barrlie club for example received ieols that meet laconlmunity need its charter back in 1022 As with other service clubs such as Rotary Lions Kinsmen to name few Kiwanis keeps pace with the changing scene fitting service plans into the needs and projects of various commun ities These plans range over matters as diverse as education and crippled children In cite Barrie example again Kiwanis helps support the Blue Mountain Camp for Crimled Children Neighboring clubs all have similar pro and are successful onlybecause the time energy and money that these good citizens put into them blast of cold night air is bolh obnoxious and dangerousto the health Unconscious of the glances of rage directed towards them they relapse into their seats glowing with virtue sanddfeellng first they have done their days good Be The Canadian government has embarked on bread pm mm of penal reform What the situations this pro gram will try to correct Howydo todays penitentiary prllnnerl live and work and wall Canadian Press re porter has been permitted to on six of the countrys eight prises This article is one offlvleielllng what he saw Tomorrow overcrowding or our PEACOCK Canadian Press Staff Writer as penitentiaries are vastly overcrowded some prison ers live under conditions con demoed quartercentury ago These facts of pen readily apparent the lyele oflhe Iteiitlariaa to see how prisoners ve In the eight existing federal in stitutions about 5000 prisoners are crannned into space intended for 4500 Authorities are aware of the lh not we first time such criticism olnmblenu and now are laying the the hardy race has been offered Remembsr Emmdwork for mummillions what Kipling wrote Mad dogs and Englishmen dollar overhauhng and reorganiz go out in the noonde sun anon of the penal system Major changes are possibly three years away AV WAITING LIST Ashworih president of the Canadian The space problem soacuté Bank of Commerce points to the very real pom 018 there weanwe list at hillty of Russia ng capable within loor12 tbetimeofthisreporters recent and or marrow Windsor Star years of flooding the world with lowp can but At leasls convicts were goods Thats something to niakg our business in provincial lis awaiting room and industry sit up and take notice If such does eventuate it could have at least one result flood of lowpriced goods would help cure inflation noose mmrnal sentenced terms of two years or mo The penicillinlea sassy each prisoner in federal penitentiarles which or lackof spaca News oi some Years pretty creditable job or 422 tnhuted large portion of the Eraseontenml The Editors comment was that they made new postal service went Into effect when seven letter carriers employed with two deliveries daily putting arm on city 0355 ere were 446 aplicanisfor combined oifics at 5100 mondily olsalritary inspector weed in specter and thxarresrs collector Whitefish caught by Avery Oliver near Jack sons Point weighed av lbs or one pound more th ihe previous record catch Eatdrink and be rnerryi for tomorrow your credltma be cu riddeï¬renson 307 my tool is that its the only way they can attract aï¬entlon Iraq seems to have learnedfrom Yugo slavla that it pays to work both sides or the street It hasreceived arms paid for by the Us andnow is receiving To attain rmanent world peace it would only necessary to destroy all weaponsan meansfor making war and auburn tion nu any um yd stan cow is mu on men we month mum Cum Kin at an 540 Csthc was Gourde Stethvmconv deï¬cit ale All ol lallvew mm mo this is too slmnl never make undevelonaex more solution for man to understand mn all airy tales begin th One Quite few begin our whic upon time some were hung in cellblock corridors at one penii unotbersonle wer classroom conv rt The pressure for accommoda dernned 25 years ago human habitation still are in use Cell blocks built in the early 1930s for temporary purposescon done to house prisoners in the vintage cells attwopenitentiar les the toilets atemetal buckc wlga lids westernstyle prisoner ban in the British Coiunlbiaperiiten am al New Weslznioiter played Jailhouse Rock in the choir Iéit of the Roman Catholicchupeibe cause it hadno pinesplace to practise forthe Cllrlshnss con soc magistr te from tr Francis Smith former director SUGAR BOWL Failure of prison construction to keep up with lhe growth in prisoner populnllon in recent years has resulted in mutant disruption of wellplanned reform programs This sltuatlon proï¬ted with comment rom many ten officials that at least in prac tical sense Canadians are not getting full value for their tax dollar out of the federal prison Without taking into account hu lan considerations they is an economic fact that you get more for your puritan tisry dollar if prisoner comes out reformed Eventually nearly every pï¬sonar returns to so ciety reformed or not The rate recidivismor jmmu topic of conversation was plan which has been approved by the town council ln lay an electric fnas Blackan synmemo permlent Quoting lbs the Mound ix lhecity New ncddurtspohbenotedthsin burgh um the blanket just under the surface Questionedas lo the possible dengue of electric shock spokesman for the cmtracilng flmwhlchistndoiheiobeald carried out Apart from the in wisdom the wires be said the asphalt itself would act as an insulator Whileihlllsthefirltproject oflukindlobelmdertnloenoo attreelorrosdintbeUniied Killlidmrl this means of making Has Broad Plan or Penal Reform continue to be drain on these unsupported institutions an October arenas in 0b tawa federalan provincial gov ernment reached agreement in principle on course that Justine Minister mien says should lead to great reforms in Canadas itentlsry system justice department commit tee recently was appointed to work out the details but probably wont be able to present lts plans in less than year The commit pique issued by the conference said concrete results might not be apparent for three years Meantime teenaged first of fenders still are thrown in with hardened aimlnals Parson srsannvos Stabbings still occur from com puterprisoners entering Cana rpatifion botwernrfwownvlclar fol dlan penitentiarlss in the year endedJsst March 31 was 453 per cent up marginally from 4407 per cent the previous year This contrasted with 555 per cent for federal prisons in the United States in 1057 and for that year in Britain The overall re cldivlsm rate in Cadadafor both federal peniteutlsries and pro vincial jailsis about 80 per cent EDECK BIGGER BUDGET gt The panitentlarysystems bud get for 105859 totals $12000000 For the next fiscal year begln ningApril it llde re Harv society protection dunnghls im prisonment but rmsob Iindj Ontario securities licl Is Invalid In Some SectiOns don is so great lhatce1ls con 10mm cmLn Ontario Supreme Court has ruledinvalld sections of the OntarloSecurlties Actbecsuse of their similarityvto section of the Crimmal Code ruling by Mr lustlce Hughes Wednesd hiblts Lyle of Canadian Allmetals Explora tions on cbargeslof givblgfalss informationinn prospcc and withtradlng company MW COHMY Forests Simone County has 14 acres of forest which is admin istrated for it by the Depart ment of Lamb and Forests county councillors were told ymterdsy In addition fur ther 500 ores were added to the total duringflasasnd will come underlhe administration agr msnt In Zoneforéster county llalflfls an Nielcater the for purchase forests to in Jan dry Session ofCounty Coimgi BEA Weenissaam lnnlsill nt agreement ed port of the unemployment rs lief osrnnaign similar project is now un derway Half mllllonseedllngs werst planted last sprilig in the county The same number will be plant ed lblsyear Mr Wldtenoted that the most serious forest fire We were Whit was presenting remrt on the fortunate this year was start ed by burning refuse fromltlle Barrie dump on the line be his wass groundfnelwhl um over 10 acres destroying all ihanaiural whl pine and only possible return in this investment isvthe nso ers hardwood re roductlon the homosexual favors of third lesbianism Is frequent prob ism in womens prisons Facililles are not available to segregate prisoners in recent years Canadas prison officials have become deeply aware of the need for modern isaiion For the most part they are doing their best to employ the latat ideas But they are work ing with facilities substantially unchanged since the present penal systems inception more than 100 years ago They are hamperedby short age of psychologists classiï¬ca tion personnel and teachers They are hamslrung even more by the factell existing peniten tlsries are walledbuilt primar ily to keep the worst osslble sincustodywilhrr ormns an afterth ought yearby Chief Justice Manner of the same court who threw out the tasteless driving section of the Highway Traffic Actbechuse il infringed on the field or criminal law federal prerogati Final arguments in that case have yet to be made SIGNED POST Smith as resigned live position with Canadian Ali metnls uranium property in Pa 1956 The section of the Securi fies Act ruledinvalid covered four charges against Smith Mr Justice Hughes said the province has attempted by fine war is imprisonment or both ofconduetwbich is sommilario that condemned bysection 348 of the Criminal Codeof Canada as to create an inconsistency or con flict His judgment said the Domin ion legislation must therefore prelt veil and as result find it was not within the competence of the Ontario legislature to create the offences The provincial law said anyone convicted under the suspect sec tim was liable to fine not exceeding $2 llrison for not morevthsn year or both The Criminal Code section quoted by the judge provides much stiffer penalty up in 10 years imprisonment HilBLEV THOUGHT lwneeyel to man no eoth lithiumJob This for flnswayiolny Ill treasures of memory pineslies that ey QUEENS rank the previous day there had been iwo serious accidents wilhin few minutes each other Not long ago bus skidded and overturned on the hill at 1b Molmd and 23 school children werelnjumd Todolbololzdbeoldelroct car or tramway rails will have in be and the entire roadu way resurfaced The cos the work is estimated at be tween £7000 and 158010 But the corporation will have overI mayearï¬heoostofsandlng and grilling its surface dlnlng the irost weslher And there Pllmiif$ WI 21 In this winter Time to Cultivate Election Programs ByDON OEEARN Special Correspondent Fir The Barrie Examiner TORONTOThe government is not expected to have any spec tacular program at this session This is election year And rather than any bold new mess ures it will be tidying up and cultivating the programs on which it will base its appeal Heading these of coinso will be hospital insurance It has been taken for granted all along that this would be Mr Frosts big polntinhlsnext elce lion and nothing has occurred to change this thinking GOOD POINTS Along with the insurance iiiII be will have good number of secondary points to offer as prowl of his record The establishment of the Water ResMm Commission and the work it has done to date on the sewage problem will be one of them gt The demeri system and the bgtcr safewvrecord will be nn er third will be the system of education grants tied to assess ment which was introan since the last election and which has tended to make for better equal lzatlon Two new stepstwblda are ex peeled and which will have their importance at the polls era as tabllshment of new department of energy and program of northern development The enery department will be in charge of all electric gas and oil resources and will help the government face ihs criticism it will be receiving over the annual gas administration during the year Announcement of the depart ment and promises of the many things it will doto lake every safety precaution possible could remove much of the sting from the opposition attack NORTHERN COUNCIL There hasnt been too much said about the northerndevelop ment angle yet except for the nnnolmwncni Moosonee velopment The observer has hunch there wlllbemuchmoraioittbsnthls There has been bit of thought given here for some time to ma iabllsblog some form of separate could crystallize at the session One suggestion has been that there should be separate branch of governmentwhich there was in days gone by which would work with some form of north ern counclior informal little palllamas INTEBPRETING THE news TileCubans Understand Havana Public rials losses MacSWEEN Canadian Press sun Writer The public trials in the Havana Sports Palace while not likely to enhance foreign confidence in Castro now hasannouneed that capital plmlsbmentwlll be pro hibited in Cuba as soon as the more notorious war criminals have been tried by slnnmnry Fidel Cashoare well understood commonlie gt by his fellow Cubans Canadians and other friends of Cubahave fears that mob calls for blood wont be conducive to justice in Havana thatCulIo should have waited for the pur dence of perspective Certainly part of lhe answer is in the volatile Cuban tempera ment and Casho can point to the strongest popular support not just mob supportfor bis stern procedures POPULAR WILL The Thursday demonstrations in which an estimated 750000 People mrned out to cheer him his policies provided one dlcation of the popular willand there bavebeen similar radius tionsln the provinces All this shows that the outside earning now for the first lime just how bad things were in Cuba during the dictatorship of rBatlstaand the many yearsehe ruled behind tho scenes On television program Castro appeared genuinely surprised and baffled at questions put tohlm aboufhis summary execulions as if he thought the reasons for these would be well known to everybody Proofvis so easy be said holding out his hands in help ldss gesture Herbert Matthews of the New York Times an expert on Latin American affairs and close observer of the Cuban scene for years writes Jlhereishardlyafamlly in Cuba that did not have This was apparently meant to reassure foreign countries but be trays lack of understanding of what the criticism is all about The criticism has been directed at the speed and summary nature of theexcoutions not at the prlna ciple of capital punishment Castro has succeeded in malns tainlng surprising degree of control over his victorious yo warriors and there has been practically no looting or hoodlum violence But there is ample evidence that at 32 he was unprepared for tile political responsibilities that fell on his shoulders wuh victory it has made little differ ence that Manuel Urrutis an older and more experienced ad rnlnlstrntot was named as pro visional presidentCastro is the boss in the eyes of the people member at least arrested andrat worst torturey and killed by PM ideal Baiistas soldiers and police Moreover in every cliy town ior and village the klllerssnd fingers were known lhk glves added int tq Castros contention at the rebels were correct in dealing ontoulck retribution lest an in flamed populace go on the ramV page killing innocent as well as Willy MINISTER hearse Wardrope Gzyeals old member of the Ontario legislature forPort Arthur in December 1953th named minister provincefeProgresslve Cons voti cabinet ofteformsintlu