Barrie Examiner, 15 Jan 1959, p. 1

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yo given lords YearNo i2 wrsr GERMAhjPOmemN IN OTTAWA Fritz Erler depuw leader of the West German Social Democratic talks with rcportersdurhrg press con MONTREAL tCPA itsmem her economic mission leaves to day for The Wat ladies to ex plore the possibilities of increas ing trade the Caribbean The mission representing noessection ofCanadas trading interests in the Caribbean is to spend 17 days touring the major islands in the new West Indies Federation and British Guiana Organized by the Canadian Chamber of Commerce the mis sion has twofold purpose To develop closer relations between Canada and The West Indies To determine at first hand the problems involvedin expand ing and developing trade be tween Canadaand the Caribbean thereby laying the groundwork for future trade expansion ARLIER VIsrr The missions tour stems from visit byfour mpruentatives of the Canadian Chamber of Com merce to The West indies last April for ceremonies marking the inauguration of the new federa tion The chamber was invited by the incorporated Chambers of Commerce of the British Carib OTTAWA iCPThe Canadian post office department may have come pp with the first automa tic mail sorter in the worldat developmentxcost of almost $8 oooooo Postmaster General William Hamilton didnt put it in quite those words Wednesday whenhe announced that 31300000 con tract has heen let to Canadair Limited in hometown of Mont real for tTiustallation of an electronic mail sorting machine The Vmachine has been under development by the department here since 1052 and the projects cost is estimated at almost $3 0000001 0n the matter of exclusivity Mr Hamilmn said VAn exhaustive study hasobeen made of work being done in the automation of mail sorting by other countries lint no other Cubanirevolufionary gimewas reported at 105 Criticisrnmf the hurried mim nry trials and firing squad deaths el ehleltaln to death at Colon in wést Cubals innunted but have fwthattle world mete hut jus pared do it hadscheduled press érs conference later in the evening As yet novtriala orexecu butellled it of with word that had been reported in Hevenn Second We have shoot every one of these murderers said Fidel Castra Wednesday night as the total of those executed by the no we are pre fcrcnce inCttawa yesterday Mr Erlcr ioreign affairs specialist for the opposition bean to form larger businms mission The Canadian chamber decided to make the tour coincide with the opening oi the first of two Canadian government spon sored trade fairs in The West in dies tth year The mission is to spend six days in Jamaica four in Trinl dad three in British Guiana and to return to Canada Jan 31 At Kingston Jamaica Friday the mission is to attend the open ing of the Canadian government trade fair and visit the exhibits second trade fair is to be held in Trinidad in February BEADED av AsaIanrn The mission is headed by Ashiorth oi Tomato president of the Canadian Chamber of Com merce and of the TorontoDonna ion Bank Ontario members include Davidson administrative sec rotary Canada and Dominion Sugar Cor Ltd Chatham Bruce Hill past pr ident of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce and president Tools Lim ited St Catharines Shark Has Been Developed in Canada postal administration seems to have similar equipment Thus we are hopeful that once its installation is commenced in Canadian post offices anexport market may develop His announcement said that in almost all countries in the world mail is still being sorted by hand at rate at about 1700 letters an hour per man The departments electronic machine is expected to be able to sort more than 39000ietters an hour It requires first the help of coding machines on which specially trained personnelpunch keyboard thatmarks each on velope with the postalronetn which it isrdirected in apost of fice area MLHamilton declined in an mtervrew to say where the malt four in Barbados The group is chine Will be installedéxcept to say that it would be in centre smaller than Ottawa To Firingvsquads 19 persons were pu Camaguey 320 miles east of death in Havana for political murders and tortures during the regime ofmnsied dictator Fidgenclo Ba fista Fi more execu as was re ported irom Manzan in cute province where eight others were shot Monday Three former Batista soldiers were condemned Matanzaa province Estimates of those in Jailawait ing2triai rose to between 4000 and 0000 Castros forces still Were hunting perhaps5000 fug ve soldiers police snd inform CARRIE ONTARIO THURSDAY JANUARY is 195 partyin the Bundcstag isiin Ottawa on thrceday fact finding mission Mission To Indies Includes Barrie Men president Canadian Exporters Association and president of Heinz Company of Canada Ltd Leamington and Snelgrove managerpresident Ralph Snel grove Television Ltd Barrie Wayne and Shusler Refuse CNE Oiier TORONTO CPlToronto Co medians Johnny Wayne and Frank Shuster said Wednesday they have turned down an offer to appear as the headline actin tho grandstand show at the 1959 Canadian National Exhibition They did not reveal what offer had been made but said it was under the $100000 paid to Bob Hope and Danny worthvihl Another First For Fairclough OTiAWA CF Govemor General Massey entertained at state dinner with difference Wednesday night There was woman among the traditionally ailmale guests Citizenship Minister Fairclough first woman to become federal cabinet minister was among 100 highranking guests at the Gov ernment House dinner on the eve oi the opening of Parliaman Government officials said the Hamilton housewifeac countantis the first woman to at tend sucha praParliamt func tion as guest with the exemp tion of one special occasion Kniling Kills One Woundsrllnolher Monrnmi rcr cafe stabbing took the life ofone man early today andseverely wounded another Jean Paul Servant 33died in hospital of two knife wounds above and below the heart Lucien Messier about 45 was in satisfactorycondition withsév eral cutsand slabs man later surrendered to po lice in connection with the stab bmss trialsliutihevmilitary courts in the provinces apparentiy were going ahead without waitingior publicity amen AGAnvsr us The revolutionary ders and many othe Cuban werebitter that the United héd not Wfioflhr rule out the possibi ty of future day after State Secretary Dulles Russia condemnedB staior his terror ism to tros adherents Rafe to his US critics Castro told reporters tellvtbem the time to worry about the ecutiorisvvas while the tyrantjwasin pb er an they werebehjnd him evo leaders estimate that 20 ans died were tortured or cooc or perlhd power he was ill Thelnaturaofhlsiil Provisional President Manuel Ur Sonia Latin American delegates near was not disclosed but the rutias government continued to at thogtnited Nati were re streauousllfe he hasfled during give assurance that reporters porfed tovhaiIe appenlcdjo the the inst two weeks ng hi probiably war would be furnished names of the accused and charges against annual randinvitedtowatehqthe Cubans tohold theatrlals in lvil urts with mushroom DeGoullé Aims for Péade Ianebellibus AIgeriq PARIS AP President de Gaulle today opened the first National Assemblysessionpt the Fifth Republic witha pledge of newelectioos in Algeria aimed at settlingthe nationalist tumloll there The deputies in thopacked chamber stood while do Gauiles speechwas road by tho assembly presidents DeGaulle said the future oi Algeria where nationalist re bellionhas bled France for four years could only be settled through the process of universal suffrage political solution through not velsal suffrage wouldbe worked out after the pacificntinn and transformation of Algeria he said De Ganlle said the recovery of France depends on ending the Moslem nationalist rebellion in Algeria The rebels who are seeking in dependence of theterritory have sought negotiations on political solution before calling off their hitandrun warfare lhssnunir Frances reeovery has begun do Gaulie said but belore it suc ceeds rigorous overhaul oi affairs is absolutely necessary in every field where gtour national destiny is at stake LISTS FIELDS gt He listed these fields as Algeria where pacification and change are obviously the ln dispensable conditions to polit ical solution Frances place in her alli anca and the part that she plays in world affairs Settinghp the French com munity including overseas terri tnrles Modernisation of national de fence Finance trade economy and currency Social cultural and scientific progress message also was read from Premlererchcl Dehre The assembly then was to get in first chance to discuss govern ment policies after months oi de Gaullcs onema ruleOoh few deputies were speak how Brothers Begging Expedition Makes Them $20000 Per Month vaucoqvaa cr Police said Wednesday they are seeking three brothers for questioning about countrywide begging loiiiccrs said the three Dns deaf mute organized eight othe deaf mules selling novelties in cities towns and villages between Ottawa Toronto and Vancouver Island The operation was disclosed Wednesday when the sister of one of the deaf mutessaid the broth ers vanished owing her brother $3440 He was to receive $470 month asa chauffeur with his own car Detectives said it was not un common for one dcafmutc to soaked bilatweensellStLhnd Emma ay urng an gt Ava acihoi mu lee said was givcnacardread lam af mute willyou please help Themute would offer nov eltles key cases ncedles and other articles to householders and wouldreceive $1 orinore for items worth 25 cents Police said this organized beg ging appeared to be stepping over the line but there was some question about who would lay what charges should thehroth ens be arrested Intrusion 5c Copyl4 Pages ProvincialTaxlConcessionsa ever before Debre calls for vote on his program The constitution of the new fifth republic does not require parliamentary approval of De bres new government He sched uled the session to hear his pm gram and sought the confidence vote only as matter of principle There was no danger of De bres program being rejected since big majority of deputies were elected as de Gaulle sup porters Andjhecablnet could he overthrown only if majoriw of the Assembly had agreed in ad vance on new premier The Assembly had met briefly lestmonth to elect officers It might meet agliinnext week to ndopt new rules and make com mittee assignments No further political dlscussionswill be all otvcd until Ztheuregniar spring session begins in April The Senate was not permitted to debate the two messages One question was the attitude toward the statements by mem bers from Algeria An important rightwing organization in the North African territory tho Al gerln Francalse Algeria is French Movement asked the deputies loadopt posiiton re solutely hostile to the govern ment Must Best Month Billy Graham Told macrowan Mine was Evangelist Billy Graham will have tetako at least months rest and tlicn curtallluture inc tivitles as result ofaserious eye ailment hla physician said Wed nesday night Dr Kenneth Gieser of Chicago working with Mayo Clinic phy clans said early tests had con iirgncd an angio spastic edema of the macula in the left eye He said that the blood vessels back at the retina were not ruptured as was firstbelievod the case Us Boner on Firm Now But MQYChClIIge WASHIN 0N AP The United States has reassured West Germany thatit is standing pat for the time being at leaston policy of seeking German re unification through free aleer man elections Statements designed to clarify thc 118 stand did not however revision of this policy The West German government of Chancellor KonradAdenauer sought more information Wedngg told préss conference that free elections were the natural method but not the only pos sible we of merging the two any into single This was interpreted as mean ingthat thestand might be iied if some other practical ave nue of unification opened upln prospective negotiations it it uh erstood thatvarious new eas are under discus Alfiteflednfiifiyhlzeg Germs assador rewean Herbert Dittmann from the German foreign office con ferred with Dulles Grewethen issued this statement saying that it had Dullesv approval The seéretary reaffirmed that it is thepolicy of the United States government to seek re uniilcation of Germany through free elee ens As the secretary said yes dsyat his press mn terenceithere are Various theor eticallyipossible methods but re unification nf Germany byfree electionsis the natural method andthe formula agreed tofby the Western powers and Russia at the summit con£erence in 1955 RUSSIA orrosan Since the summit meeting how ever Russia has opppsed the election plan and insisted on di rectnegotiations between the East and West German govern ment on reunification sion in the to department The Russians are advocating Brave Woman Doctor Outtalks Maniac Threatening Alter Life LONDON AR woman doctor talked fools minutesWed nesd night wl ing pistol at Thegwildeyed young unrn have uyearold children had number of patien waiting to see her at er home office in Cam herweli istrict of Thlrid td be called chair nasr am Rev pro hep whipping ont havegot okillaorn Joking man of wise suffered during tistasmm door andcalledv er 12ye man tightened the trigger Let And she that cameto mind was desperate was lots settlement which would demllitar ize and isolate Germany as buffer zone in central Europe President Eisenhower Wednes day denounced the Russian plan and called it an exercise in lu tility The Gerrnaos are too strong and active people to at cept such status be indicated But he offered the Russians any assurance any material moves to show that there isno danger from these German people and they shouldnt insist on isolating them To Be Continuedllnother Year UilAWA CP Plans for huge array of federal legislation including new national develop ment projects more money for housle and highways crop in surance and extended credit falt cilities for farmers and export ers were unveiled today in the traditional speech from the throne The throne speech outlining government plans for the second session of the 24th parliament said federal tax concessions to the provinces will be continued for another year Dlacrimlnatlon in vhlved in the recent l7pcreent freight rate increase would be eased andsteps taken quicklyfo set up national energy board to regulate gas and all industries as recommended by the Borden en ergy mmmissloq The indications in the thronc rpeech perhaps the last to be de livered by Governor General Massey who plans to retire next September were that there will be heavy government expendi tures in the next fiscal year stem ing April THRONE SPEECH HIGHLIGHTS UPTAWA CHWt of the speech from the throne read at the opening of parliament to days New projects fornational dc velo meat will be placed before par amnnt The government willpropoce establishment of national en ersy board to ensure the best use of energy resources within fed eral lurisdiction Action will be proposed toIl leviatediscrlminatory effects of the recent llpereent rail freight rate increase The government will ask exten sion iorone year of the increase in the provincial share of per sonal income tax revenue given last year fish of ilnqnclu relations be tween the federal andprovinclal governments will be continued increased federal expenditure on the TransCanada Highway will be recorjnmendqi special Commons committe will be set up toreviewbroad casting policy and operations Legisletloh will be introduced to institute farm crop insurance in conjuncti it any provinces Par ament will be asked rc vlew and revise farm creditlegis lotion to make it more effective PRESS General GeorgeiMarshall Arl Gen GeorgathMarahall 73 PINEHUEST TIME Enactmcnt of hill willie lntroduced at the last session willgtbqypmwbd Iaaln Legislation wiliho Introduced to encourage the flow of private binds into mortgages for housing Amendment to ranlll uombhlo laws will be propmed Changuln tho Unemployment Insurance Act wlllbe submitted Provlrlons for smiling federal legislation against obscene literature will be sought The axewonT will ro vlewcd by Commons committee with view to inter legislation The Fl rl Improvar meat Loans Actwill be extended for another three years lmprovcmentsin federal assist ance to vetersns will proposed minith plan of on benefits for civil servantle gt proposed The government de lore Rus sian action on the Ber sltuetiom International agreement should be reached shortly to ensure outcr space is used for peacefulpub poses Changeswili be southn the Export Credits insurance Act whiehinsurestanadian exports against nonpayment by foreign buyers was stricken ill and taken toahospital at nearby Fort Bragg NC early today Prominent Catholic Woman Dies WELLAND CP Mrs JohnH Gardner 75 life=1on member at the Catholic Womensleogtle dlcd here today she held the papalhonor ot Ladyoi the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem 10 More Executions in HAVANA ca Latsdispatches todaytell of the amino ticn of 10111019 men by order of Cuban revolutionary courts boosting the reported tollto 195

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