Barrie Examiner, 23 Nov 1944, p. 9

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nljnainA is urIyi wwwwwm mum mww man rmw tum t==3o=on==z==t =0=====oxaom=aouo=gd NEWS or ELMVAL UNlY buncmouocmonowouomo EM 1L lfillfirl Ii 813 no rm 11 12 Kim 331 it in 1315 fa 11 guide l1 i=1 1111 IL II ny $171 1w Ilfftgfitffm If ii 11 1f l1 ll TL UL llLZR AlV lvtidUifiti 1nr11rlt11111 v1 IIIII1II III III II 111 1111 11 1211 111m L511 11253 1111 in In II llllll llim NM gt1 Minx 11 1111 TIfIIIjIjI 3I1j1IIIIQ 911 II IIIIIII IIII IVIIFIPI III IAI II II III II wiltux RPS16P wits 131 7l i1 rtmawi 51 In l1v 1211111 hirlr11r in tltilmhll ti121 111 ii lit1 11r 1103 11 nnrgr WA Wu1 Wtillth 11 An hum ll ml 11 11 If 11t Wlm 1311 11 Mi in li lt Ell Mon hltrcttirrhcl to niil 11 Hlllltl1ilni lmlm min xiJ Ml ll 51 inlnnlI hm Nil ll lail li ltHl l1ii l1l 71 1i Vi Hm 11111 wn 11 311 113mm Mr and M14 Ti Ritrhiv IClmv if llitItlti Mi lirli HP itltflv t111 it ill ll it ii 1111130 t1 111liil lilxlilW 33 11 t1llti II Sltznrdny 2i isnii ii llUU tinttutti 1111111N11311 IIIIIIIII IFIIIAIltlQf lIliI 113 Fowler Jamm ray 511 VJ nut1 IA my ttl 111 wnmnuil IIILI III EI II II r11 tIiImAIIiIIIinitl Mrs tier it 101111 1111 pruning 11 p11 I11 11 15 1112 inf l1 11 lli 01 Ill ltlrl 11 llltllls IIIHJlt LIHI iil l1ttl ll it ll vi 115 Mir Mormin Willintw Iormto 91111113 islv Ht 1l 01 111115 11 ltHJ 11 21 11111 Mrs 11mm 11011 Illil 111 ll lIthl been confined to 1111 M1114 ilnlltnnl Hunk ii if pf Lt1 31 Mn VIM11 11w fmn 11111111hlt with 1011 with Mr 11111 11 v1v r111i Ni 1111 11 1n wnl malhur MR ll QUEi ll 1ill1111w rixnl iunion3frmnni1hihw 11 t1 31115 LtliIiittlitlittl Iniill l1 ONLVGrgy bu at 7mm II II II IIIIIIM HIII IIIIIIIIIIIIII II IIIIIII IIRI III III jui1r 1111101 ex 11 11v 179 9111 of um 113 11y III TIIL II Ir 11 11 Kipling 131Ell $1M SutiiiirliCror lllrc WM 111 on ml ll lw ttittltl LlfNlB 71 Milllml Ki rd it WHY 35 317 tut 31 ll if if Nlti Mnlm tn lllnivnle 19111 tltwultirw tint 1115in the next we him Hm in 111 Mlqnnq mm1 MCOIO Elfl llt Ollnwtril lll ntrntiiin 11 WVIlth llit ilti limit Klt 11111 tilnwdhtho Wit l1 it l1 H0 iI3lI alfgIbIIIIlWIVMC imd lJIlilll 111112101 llo was llitt 11111 11111111111 l5IitIlI with lllt lllttlltl11l TUWII 11 11 1h vil MM i1 torment t1 Unltvil hnrcl tlh 1111111 111 I1 I3 th 11 Cllllltlllk wort row in va 131l2Mg$l0d mm DillMl l3lllttllillilllt9 It Liberal Mo was lttlzriisun 1111H1Il IIII IiHh IniETli III IIIII IquL Ev my Clll i111 and Vili mom 111115 1314 Him hunts lilLtl SO lllIll antei Rowlva My Hwy If mo mmwlip dub LII ItIIp1Id WI SI III11IIIIIII IIIII IN MI IIIWIIIIIIIIH IIIIIfIIiwd In Woltv 1I1=I1I1I lii1 11 toil Siiimmp MCC it INN IIII 1111 Minna 5mm gt mugiml in and llgtli11l 11111y Hm hale g3 in 111 11 minim 191111 11 11 21 11 1111i I1 mining 11mm 313 11111 111111 implwll 111114 11IllmtI tI1 lt1i1111 health program mt cinployw 1E1gt1znf ii 1111i1ii1 1111 utillixqxqu Oprn ltotm at Srhool hm f11gt1 Atlll UP 11 HCfnt Notiru 1111l in 11 111t 11114 Th Im Ilitililt llitli whim Hm limit ml Fm 40 iiton ll11ltn1 ltlt tn 11l111I1il inil Illllllt gym MINI In latmid 111514 emumint Ollt llpImIn II II 111 11111111 11 11111 lt 10 idrrlntnszv of NHIV Ilfl ti MHm lith Iitnred inll til 1I1IiiiitryI uni UI III II fttt hm on tint 111 1tl 1111111 11111 mince 1ft 1y itso 15 212511 1111 11 1111 an Skiell III Life 17150701 Service 1111 igiijtt1 31 ownimi IIIIIII lln rlnnl nttIlil1IIlt1lIionIl 55511 Jun t11ii wt 11 1H 11 111111 v1 113 any tn PXIhHnnen 11 IanO 0d If 11 3ch Continental Lite R1 ire iron were sent tlililll intro mm ith7tt=li 111mm tiltl 1111T ll11rcr 11 1111r1 L1 San Skued In timer 11111 1111 111 tlh 11111 111li1 foriivii mil the fufc5cr5 thIS trained to give yo ownmn VI II tonnnnid WWW hC Extgnh liecnusv of pour lllJllll 111111 personal menmm and WW 111111 once and 111101111 liixiii 315 lIhilllt 111111 53IDtlllllmvtaof Toronto Uni NW ll ml 11 Ml HI Wm lllllllt Ctttli 11 their iStVnd llltllftll IKdgmtmn tinged 1W 1H Willi Willi HH Siilllixmdv 11ml wmil ll tili Alllxljtllmuw ll mllm 7Illl Still lliili lik inihn 11ml 1lu1i iiiiii ml 14ml ll mm mm mm 1111 lt ISFOXIFJYHS tnuwht 111111 in lI11Iln1tl tn nolp themselves and are work FFl TO R0 NTO WUH llmV lt lll filtillnvnfllihtoll1mn Vb10 mmuqh LRIDIggglII WWW MI Ht lIIIIIiIImEIIlg5 SoilgligITm MN IIWHI 51519113 1lt11nr 1111 1011101 MANAGIR illllllomfl ml Mml iiliildlviiiuilviilxgibfhylmii 15o Dump some CmI Ilvitdflft ll R1112 um Ilnrri 511 IIdlqiliw glipwiqlon oftilllfx II MN 11 lliirsil ll1 CUM and MR MImnmIII QCIIVIIIIIH wwwau APUOIY Canadian mlL liltli iii 31111111V 11 hi MillllHSmnco Ntiptmls Wm 111k0 1g weth Tamian Comoany thnyhnotl lllpgtlig1lgi mid 1131 quiet wedding ms solemnizcd friends this work his liltlltllt lln iltiilllttl out 1h pliSbthln milllFC Elm Reuben Cnnlilin lhninlnny Ivnlc 1111 VediiosqatI Nov 15I 194+ Md his Damn km week IixllrfiulgriltziigiekhlIniighIlf Mi BMW KIWIqu TIIIIIIDI 11 Itlie lzlto John Spence and nioco 221 15 Uile Ken mlmvnlc was Clnrcnte Smith Utopin ltnr1=i lnlm mmrmlw homag lt 31 II 11111113 11 1111 11 1H Mmh ml If MgtVl Dumonds 1n and the hits lltm Murtln of up IVmuh Rev DI Thom ill and 15111 Cohhltn $13 11 son performed the reremony The Emil 32933 md Am lnimc lonlml Charming in Im am Mixs Dorotliv ilDiimond coer 1111 streeteiigth frock with tgtitnt of red roses receptiOn iglg31$l Mm MI Li IL mm MR and Mrs IIIImd Mrs $6 Dummd ma lllls 21nd litter the bride and gt army Fdnriott each spent 11 moni l1t1 lot honeymoon in inn0 ml 0mm place For tl011l Hlll All and Mir ltillllll the brider wore on in America boullly 359 dress llll rillllll dsgzltllhqulHElYXTWlfilghgll WOW COM amt mum Ccessor Mr yilndren 11ikio Stlllllll 1SIII1rhc Emmy couple will reside CIIIIIRCN Il yew II St Johns hulClt Axmiversary IIYImIeIgl JIlytigIlIgkmg DJ wzmm BlmmyVlceChll den visitelilVIr 11 li 131 II 91101 md president of Victoria Tman SIIIgdliII 111 at one answer she oms lltCt anniversary on NWI 12I With idem weather hrge We Todd DerbsC1mii Bornen Y011881tde ends anon eonmefntions attended Th Spent the weekend Willl Mr 11nd lerohg9b90nd 0m control was dammed ml pottedeps Mm John Derby and out flow wipegiul music Cglhbgnguyminnggm In ed by no entfpttdu ant11111111 and Genie 115 talks Anthen by thhoir II Jacl Chml II gt mg 391111 were prayer perfect Totallyh Bart ItspeInLI the weekend guild lIrayXforI 213 Peas tot JleIiu grin FIijmlLIICIEOSIIIWOMK MI and ca em mix qua etc is Whitney Mrs Walker CampbguuandInewwI gI No me want 381111511111 failure 3111 yet there are thousands in Bu sang Let mm In andt normal 6m the evening senice they Isang yr $117 KFthCI zz If Vimiv It 19411 as on iiown gt PSI Clem sang Eggwe It With hung1g is vmting 10 uh yem because of rationed driViiigwliieli In hard on battery IimI 10 carrie avery im er 111 etrm nhcwmm macmtele presswe messagg 77 Donaid Campbell Ispm few it 18 more than ever Important 101 you to have your battery 9116 0h0lvlmltcll of tlieeqiiip DREW delVereil 1W0 thought days mews 18mm tested usersmay giveup their Service merit th 51 rful sermons HIe531dalthough it Mrs RidIdell visited Toronto 931131 an reoagg01 when neressary if V0 are In Slttl gt H1 3350 mayill be 31$hlgrfllStVlslllellal$10ltll of friIveInds tumult IthIe do of 8ng mu wwn WV 777 nee orI oyezirs as wo 19 amp atgare r1135 ito is $5931 purposbv VI in tlllltlltlhstrs 1131 liggn 13015 of $131 cl rig few liv with her its ceease ev gott and Rev John Bedford Ige Chappell Crown Hillrjlt Exlde Dealmf tulItPedndlwdi mwele lCllfll morning tet Was taken from visi ntr her daughter Mrs Hathv 42 gin0 I223 16 we need axplace 33071 serVice If new battery IS necessary they can supply you with 0r spiritugt refreshments There Donald Jacobs Barrie was iasnever eeni reatnat re 0H 15 gt outwit great religion ziligiuis XdFXiissllgi mm mm In aagreat construction that must he Pilot oificei Maishall Mnycs every Edee goes 56 years of battery backed byia great falth In this has been visitinvr filende it Kiriv Lexi KIte hag it tsymbol titteAlive land Lake building Cxpcrillce Elven 23 ms ran civ 23 ion Mr and Mrs McKinlevi cm day because wehavem gainedI an few days with their daIlitghIer geegltfelgzs geisfyz tlg dLQVE Mrs Hotmes Midlzind L001 for the Lxldc D0310 Sglvymhd on how much new ent SW MS Go DUSW attended the IS wmth dom well It IS th rt the manufacturers Elm localsuuatlon mlfnu of well livinggthat makes 173 3331 Of3mm galeoiidcot 0f honcsksmwcei my Bangui nelgthWhOOd 0011 lationi Truth and Vine Mr 5nd Mrs OAoiindreu SRayb leD mum worhcan send us mm vary greatly Betwccn knowledge aIrCidt rhtgogness Np chard spent th weekengvia IBATTERIES OF CANADA LIMITED man 0335 In Wf outrighb ammo II Mr and MrsG01don Robinson 11 CANADA 43 IocahthS epuSnessl CIVIllzatlon qanno corn The Batteau ll tmue Without these VirtueS d1M The loge OiiGOd If we arem build WA aglemelrfs Hgghfgnbgsx rea naionwemugt SO the only answer we can bonest1 Eaiglh in JesusChTiStlr build lt on ents attendgd the funeralan Mrs gt Yglvc to The evening text was ISaiah 29 P0301 TorinOOll Wednes thoseWhose names are on our waiting St for 1112 pnliithe subject Chrlman aWllleekend visitors at Willipiriests Education Dl Thomson of were Mr and Mrs Ellot GP oneservwe airwaitretrymg t0 befall St Andrew church led may Petrie Mrs Gordon Honiaiid anLci to ever 1th in son Stoker Jack Howard 11 of Iy yam at get telephones Toronto Mr and Mistlhas 301105 order of heation+ustia kl Collingwood 11110 18 become available Minesmgs new llbraly at Rev Clements homer wiu be open to the ublic on Frda in Mitss Chrife is Spend go 313man301n3liefcltrlglzlils 1111 he win or in ri ia 11 1133 NW 24 Addltional intorm see Coming Evenlts may to 31W at St AdanS NW gilriaymls btglleqlga$ythe runv SERVICE MAY BE OBTAINED THE FellaWING Mrs Crawford has PfeNW Ws Badgers East End ServStn Russel gt1 We aide WI 23 ls to Vancouver to visit Tthe Ifstdents of this community Inows Garage All Mocha Stranaghans Serv Stu pguntamg 63m John Jackson who has been ill at he an Thday 18m en Stations BltISh American OilSta us in honor oi Scott Mutr nd Mrs RID AndersonIhas return rbrideIWbe FloraYmmg azlzld DISTMCT DEALERS SI 011 Rome flanhspendgng several swimmer with wafmIt $510 7A Roy Mustard Allaudate Porters Garageltillsdate II it 85 Garagestmotl Mwwsah on An wee gma with her son wunam Hunter Amaton 1M VliA Quay it and CmteotetRegularly George is mmgrhmmp dud beaumm pm Archers Garage Elmvol 512323 New lime Motel Thom Th ure evening was spent Sm una Sco Manage errtertainmongon 151112 games dancmg me bESt Pemxmmmm male Frank Jones Slroud mmsu Ame canyonrsmy= school chrism treeI Dec 21 Wishes of the community are eit II All MeCollIEront no on Station will advertised at a11 ggggmggmglebggd Mrs My Exam WHOLESALE 193 RemandH151Ettotninorrmasslodsnucmhm moon in thawed ineldtm BRENNAN II v0vIn m1 um

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