II Tuition NOVEMBER 23 19111 AW Mm 111111 Es Pmd Si 63 BEhb DR EGBEHT THORNTON 17 BEETON F111 beep lLMWJIKlHed by Dogs PP tl I1 ii 11 II 11 1f As ianHl 121412 11111 1111111 lLfk 11 no I14 11 11 II 11111111 llillltll tlzm l1il111n 1111 11 lun ilfth lxlcil lul ittzr ilt Mill liililrstl 112 =1 ind lltlitt1lv Eur UHF litlltptiltl II II 11 1I liri mittl1tllmlixnl1111111t1lllelilxilmmc 11 r1 III II Ij 11FII1I1IIIIIIII i3 II it Ittitl itLl tint Ittitl llntiltl ltlL Hunt lit II 5211 111 11 5131 SJ 11 1iiii1tziit llItllh mitt tttutl nt ilt tilHlnl 1111 1F I1 II in Ctlllllll UlliktlLrJllUll lite ull lll III ill he ghtll mainll nllnl nll 11111 lnxt 1lc ll 11 inurmtx 11ttquulr1lul jt 11 11 Ly 11 Hill lot l1 21 1111 II ll A1 ix 11 11 ll C011 ederatlon II i111 II A11 ll HIAD OFFICi XORONXO it 11 11 t1 ill Li 11vr 31 lilitfitll lkllllyl I1I I113 I1I1 I1 IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIII IIIIII IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIII 111 11 11 111 I11 Ii 11 IIII III III lll1l l1 IIHJIT lit xv 1111 11111 11 11 311 1I II II 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111 11 11111111111111 1111II1I1I III II II IIIIQI 111111 1m II III 111 l1 1111llll HIA1l1 IIIJI IlII II IIIIIIIIIIIII It 1111 Il11I In I1 I1111 11 111 111111 15 75 11111 tll ll i111 Mill ml 1tltn1 IIIMloItlnz TIIVIIIWI 11 lt11 137 1111 ll W11 lull it 1111 ti twigthin 111111 the ethl wt 111 111 FM 11 ll l1 111 1l11 lll lltl 11 ll ll IllI1I III tIlIlIIII TYIIH IlIIe II II 11 IIi 111 1II1I 11 IIllllt1 1111 1ltil lII lltl 11191 11191 lw lll at ST Mhiw Il ll lIlI IIlI III1IIII lItIIIlEIIIIl2 II II III III II II III IIIII II IIII Mr qu111 in tinned tlltl coRpQRAnoN 1111 111 II Itlitulli 1II111111 Aim 111 Trinity Tlt ltlliti Himtilt 11f i11 til HPIIIIlI 97m Killlfnqgv ill WW lll lw Hll1tiiltltl hlltvh Monthly with 11 111 lCr Ing Tower Toronto llS 1111111 11111 intll 111 1111111IIIII IItIItIII IIII IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIII ll tht l1lll in 11111111111 ltlv 1111 111l 1111I1 III III IIIIIIIPII SWI IIII 10III MIS IIIIIIIIII IIIII EIIIIIIIIII III1I1III0III I1 WWII lll llild 11 ll l1 Ir 1ilfltlllllik1l ll Ml ltlift ll lllV 1II lt II IIIIIIIIId ll111 111111113 baking 111111 produce lm 1n thtllx lllt 121115113 15 I1111 1II11III11 11I1 1111111 11I111111111 111 IIIIII1pI 11 IIIII 1IIIIIIII IIwb WIIIIC III 11 I1 11 I1 II III III IIIII lgtlillllitl 311511 VmIlllIIIIIII 1111 ltllllrl ti1llt1n llll 11i l11lll 11 hold t1it linenmt nttttlll 11111 11l11n llll were well 1ttloni7ed 11 11 111 Iikkutml 11ml 11 12311 IIIII III Ill IIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII 111 11111111111 11 1111111111111 11111 1Il 81111111 1II11n iXLllIll 101111111ittvl1IonillIel oulnu to tin Untrl 311 II11 91111111 11111111111101 1m III1I 1IIIII1 IIIIIII IIIIII IlIII II11II11 lII1III IgIIIIIIIIp IIIIIIWI II II 1IIIII III IIIIIIIIIII IIII IIIII SI IIII SIIIIIIIII IIIMISI IIIIIIIII IIIIIII II IIICSI on DWI III III MIDI III II 11 111II11 315 gt II 11 MI 111 IlI hit 1111 I11 111 11111 1111l III III IIIIIIIIIM 111II1ICkI v1 M1 ltl1l 111111 Al lllll11ll1 ll 11 11111 1llt int lleiltllnllnb 10 Ton II IIIII IIIIII II II SOIL For I31mm gtHl1 ltllllt 111111 11111111 lrlt ll Blwl lls nuke and gt1 llIl gt1lll Ltgtgtltl in Mrs gtllveltl illd it 31111111 hullhour mn Iitl 11111 llvnttllltlY Mollhiv 1111 vl4 ll 141an ltonn 11151111111111 unwind limit 1171 111l ll lllkt tol Llllll prolitthlo Clill The lblll Wilma 181 11 11ml 111 11111111512111 91111 1H11 Milli IIIll II lELIISIIIIl will he llehi 1111 the llth ltl 111111111i 1111 lllth 1411111102 Revl luvelllnt Brnnrh llll gt1ltttgtgtilllllll0Humuh he Hallie Examiner 1111 1111195 11 11 Hu 1a Keith 11114111150 l1 $11111111111 111111 111 11211 110 hrs ltni tnirt llt ttlmzt ltt th 11111113111111 llttifLl tl WT lmlh1 Sttutttl 1lt 1hi11neh The Late lllv lrtluk Meats 111 ihniuiv 11t 1111511111 1131 I111 111111111 11l110 lute Rev Eczema or suit lllttllll no it is ronlnlonlv lllltl in one of the most painful of all slin lltllll 1111 Tim intense hurtling itvltint 1inl summing repo chilly at night or llltll the allotted purl is exposed to heat 01 tho lltlnllrx lll in llnt 11t1r llt most titt llemltle and relief ix pIhullIv tlllllllll itlti mom on Xltlitlll llllll Fl 11 illll$ 1tll1ron=11tool place if 13 ll llntk Hmliitl 11111 itllion 24110101 SillllfdIWl 1150 1l lllt 111111 11131111111111 Mr Mean was junior The relief ofirrell by litirtlolk lllonll Bitters inilnlsml on the knowledge 111lt 11 11 lin 7WWWlllmlmll that such ailments lll 1114011111 and other illiill lltllllgtlltI 1er 11111131111 1Iv INlHCRh NDING illtl lltllil in 1833 Shnlly IlllCl hlS l11il lltl tit1t LlLll 111111 with tlillltltlnl llt ntzlrlied Miss lllFI z110i lh 1m1lton of ih1in0n vlol llivites him along Vllll one $0111 impure blood condition Bring about iniwr cleanliness by using ll ll ll to llilp ilmnso the 3101 1115 like 11112111 to 11111 blood of its ilnpnriliix intl ilitl hlt 1111mm 13 Fro Moors Otlnwn and two Abln at anydrllgtlillltltIlIlnrllil lint blottnlmttlo 11 Ihhv 111M 1111 111 111111 11 IIIIIIII IIII II IIIIII Mpgl IIII 1111 31111111111l111111111 lomilloll11t lllii her 1I1IIIIIIII III TOIIIIIIIII DIIIiIIg MII IIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII III CUIIIMMI Ettl fury lltllgtlllllllllIllflll 1qu rm1 ii lllllllV ilntl mt entities in ltho luv 111 Qiiinle Conference ARE CERANLY 11 iii 11131 tllznm before superilnllir 1111111 111m at Welcome nearPort lump WW maMmmum Id mam mm in P0 we mm NJ IMtr 0mm if lililillualllilllll to be llCill their family they moved IIto Toronto where tltlllll look placelnst Tnzns lt ailmml VD History at 51 111 Womens Institute held In II1 111 1111 IIIfIIIIlfIIEOIIlIlanhIiprfnlp GYCIIIIIIII Is lanlllv all mn woman Who has mnyl ON tl led world history W475 aliniiclul SI 30 II lheti1111vbnr ed mini filled 1110 nitration ltnlyvlltle SCWMIthmiktyournlmeriitivei movo crest1 Ifilcnllswere given 1by Mrs Smith After 111 Abmineis lino $3th 1117213319131 Illceigmghc tmInCnmI 0f lit0113 gsgICIL giiiiolinrg meme 11 Block have the history of 1h that hangs on the north Side insule 41 Judes Church This flat new WOF CHILDRENS SHOES LAST YEAR DIS All Idsll Vim Mi iii is shat if examined cosey W0 how lbcllgiocunctllui3Clitbllt in Ta Iasnweilve 2mm cqgfqianlinlflnu In normal times most young Camdims got at lCSGn ac urersAma or and mm ten WWW Rppeiley Rev Kent mtro least one palrof rubber soledcanvastopslloes itieed Mr Newton OfIEgbGFt 1311 25 09 Shes1 1939 year But natural rubber supplies fell intox inslead of Mr Kent interwewxpg ne ibdIIe by Ian OIguIIizaon and enemy hands and the manufacture of rubber Mr Newton MI Newton gav footwear was drastically urtailed Were now VC1f111teresting talk on the origin direction of production by this Boards using rechimed and syntheuc rubber in tllse III at mm and the history of the room AdmInIsImIIon and Ihe co shoSthere have been more of them this year and there 11111313 moiEnxtyemI Leathepsmed If If wI operation of munufuglurers And this was Shoes have had to beuscd in place 01111115 rubber Algggilzug CogalscIacdodIQg $111ch II ThIc CXIPCCISHIE moniIlir tIcIloIImIitybmuItf sunnidale Corners accomPIIshedv thIeI Iheviwer akIII soled footutlIcIar but sIhoeshmadeIIflIf lethergleed 21 IICF le ca rmmca more care an runnings oes en iey ont Pihubby babies syphIhsIII Ihc ICXPCCIIIIII IIIOIIICI may qure essential typeiIhoes forygr work Now oueeII get it they wear out inorequlcklynvhen they gen T1 T111155 IIIc scenes we know and 111m 1w Shows Outllafd51g051mditi5 TCSPCCrcr Mrs Alert Grant Bowmanville ers Iwho wear out their shoes faster I1 IlettllleycilggbdngIEOVIL aVIayIflOYIl filled cause thcyrc pztrt of Our lich hccallsc 9f lIClEIS9IS AIfIcaIrIll Chmlimp by hcrdoclor SpellL eIW 1353s lastveekg 1111111 theydo inlheir normal employment wee qlililsgsap $19er thc Infin II inc uIIingIn Ioo tcst is most csscnttilh helIparen an 15 31 II 3th ppnlcssth killing yttsmplcvmmlinmummy babys MizgugifPS met in the Chum we nownnt cscr iilItzS Oil lust J1CI11111I ll MI mf III 113PPW1 They hm to be welkcdton 1m ggezguhgygg131111211511 III III ER 60 ES Io WA II 03 BOtCCth 01 becausecvcrlWSFIii lnus tllcbradwmnr milk votlonal exereises were taken by II dangqs 111111th 59011 them pzlit scgurttonftlicliomc dtpctlds upon IFMIICCS MCNIVGII and Charge pat YOII1IIe got toIIIIIVe good Strong IainedIat the higheweveI com Vctcal DiSCISC is in soilr In 1d 011s abhty mwmk rcgdmy ha13 19mm the 3pm takenibynuss leauler1fr Childrens Shoesy but Sisterltwitllthelabour and mate rckntkssfway IIIII RIIFIIIIIIIIIS IObIOIII IIIUnsuspcctcd syphilisstriking middle JeanCollinsj the soldiers Iare ItakingImost of 111a1sIavai1ab1eI 111116 Shoe ac II lifcmaymakctllc heiidofthc homcunablc gt PUTS Drtherbools iorhese tories have been ivorkin Jover home OfltshtcadwlmlCII 1111111113 11151101 I0 Id IIIII IIIII KNO Intendedior last wek 11331119131 substanum 13011101101 II Ig f1 These an not mere possibilities THEY I16REI3REIIIIII5II IISIlIijfIIIffIIESIIImX 015111111 IlglellId KithiI1IcImIeI1I1 Is IIIeIIIIIIISCIIIIIIIIIOIIISOIIIII AIIIIIIII IIIIgIeIhjtggnapgglgm 1A 1IZIII IL spenmgaew aySWl IISpi 1I1 1II 31 twill itll 213311221121121162132121 ut csc in on ncvcr ill ml 100 test Mr and In at clane pants mm the manu Tl1cy can be prevailed arid Joyce visited friends at Sut 51bit dIqil1lle tuctugreof one type of shoe 11 II Issur Young mmandwdihhncullsafctgitnrdtcir Igpfnnld1f3323103 Wit 0111111511iicilg1a yftom tiere attended Efdlctn1ain the tn hIldcitanneItlmttIleathdueto at 1111110nsl Storage worrers le pro 1ch thPmss Imam WI for what it is normal safeguard of 11 Wilma selvlces Jimmie The lmlshortaded diiction of high grade leather cesses the machines and the 11 Prebytei 1111 Chulch glyner on 059 by the fmmmdglmt Ct llCItltl SCCuTlty and ltappmcss Sunday rand moterinthOW shoes has however been inznn lasts are different 1221 t33ltmrt it 125 1111 115 me tOllHQ nvcst ch minutcs your time in rs ran won my want in coup can iliiord to pass up ASSURANCE II triencditat Brantford over the an HO EISI 14 wee en She cogtmunity Wag IIIShIOhKFd ThIereYf verylarfge IlNar Sis OfIleather areb of 131 lIughest quality 11 on wor was receive 155 OI insan in 00 wear let IIGII VD 0N ECNR CHI Lillian Fetch Toronto hadpassed IS 5h Em Iiwlg 160th IWIIII 531mm s111cere gym III quires ourIDallIbIO Istpes 1n IIS Year gm eso ea erIor ClVllan use Airmen mum nathv goes to heit mother Mrs 111111 111i1i1111ade 830 of his Iscrvae ancIl3 aboutIIthreepalrSper lIleed leatherforlacketsund mittsrWar kuun Fetch in II mm The 1YPS met in the cliurch1 year tleleater lit at Ln 916111 acmnes need lather for henng and Tummy evenIIIg wIIII good II portant he needs to have his shoes farmers need leather for harness Leather 11 Vi lull tvo ntiflieu Eyevijviigmflld re SOIEd four or ve limes year the beSt leathersfhas time towar encsnlou emit vtncini Debanmcntufflulih lo the nmuzmin or miizififiilillsrluuu wrung Norman Glfe The topic was gt 11 tvwlgliifiiiirliilsv WWNataliawaitlD film11 by Mrs John Morgan 11 WARTIMF RIMS MID WADE BIIIII Dial 2414 for good printing ser IIIIuIt IeII IIIIIIIIIIlmI II II 45tth 11111116115111 ADVERTISEMENITE o1y1119111111c1suoo11111sugar111111111011o1vi111111111111111umc cam