Barrie Examiner, 23 Nov 1944, p. 5

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illl 15311121115 1x11311121 Goes to Arizona SUNDAY scnoor LESSON 1155 lie1 llzos White lllli IlllllllN VIII lNlllSlltt l1l 1111 not FIVI saw wm iDdlySJhoteopIeleued by thousands offamiltea for is ne flavour is now sold bygroersAsk your grocer for Only 1111 Youll enjoy 11 3111 131111111111111131 11 mm Lil 11111151 11111131 Always Treat 108LAWS 111111003 menus on roan CELEJSAGE Elle Coninuicial QUALITY REEF 455 1115 111111 11 1111 111 1111111111 STEAK or 11111 11171 11 1111 11 1111111 111111111 1111 111111 11111 111111l 1111l111111111 11111111 11ll 21 11 111 111 111 11111 llllrlyull 1111s111111 11111 111111 111 v1111ein 1111 1e Elm 1121 111111111 1111111111 tiiii1i1 the 11 twin 111 1111111f 111 gt le NH 11 11 111 11 11s f11 t1111 51 l11i1 Ffllittmgg WM I11 11 141111 111111 i111111111 111111111 11111111 171151511 VXS 111 111r1111111111l11p11n 111211 tr lll1t 111 l1t1 n1 l1111 1111111 111111 11 11111111 11111 fl lll 15111 1Ti the 111111 least 111111 tin111 13111 11111 lituoiie 111t11111li111 11111111111 1111 1111 11111 il1111i1 T111111 L11 511111 11ly11 11 1111111 lirniiiiax More 17 111 111111112 1111111111tililHtillYlAXNSiiesli ljast 111111 HA1 An111 lltit fresh least is nirciecllent 1111 111111 111111111 of the ll 11111111111 11111111111111111111111 111111 11111 11 lll 13 111 111 1111 11111111 1111 111 111 11 1111111 1it111 roux ll1tl11 Loses IYll Ntli SHIRT gt11 1111 1111111111l 11 111 11115 31111 1111i 111 111 11111 1111 gt11l 11l11iilu1 111l1 11111111111 1111111111 11 ill ll Iillll tllilllid 1111411111 Ill 11111111 11 111111 1111 11lv ii 11 11121111111 1111 111 1111 lllial N11 1111lj1 1111 ill vi 1111 111 11 euro to build ourselves up in 11111 3H21 lhil 2112131 11111211211111 111 edge of the truth 111 intl ll 11111111 1211111101111 11111 11c 1vent lle did say cenin 1111 his idleness he wassimply 1111111 31111211111 111111111111 1111 11111111 111 11111ri1i11n the 111111 111 11 gt111 to 111111 111 1l111 l11l11111 11111111111 1111 nothing 111111 1111 111 lil11Il t1i111 1112 r11i12 1h 111111 511 Iav 1n 11 ltllll in 1111 111111clns he pieavhed 111v 11211111 1211111 them the llol $111111 dit 1111 thinl it 111111111111le 11 11111111 1tt1111l1l 1111 11 11111 l11211111gt itliti1l111 111111111111sent him 1111111111 1111 111 1I1111l 111s 11111111 111111 11 The same 11111111111111 11111 letter to the 1111s1e1 1111111111 11111111 1111111111 yet more the 11 1ir1111y gt11111411gt11nz1 111111 he 1111iv11 111111 11111 slave 11111 11 11 111111 ll11tl 1111 llii 111 the 111111111 preach the lospel 111 1111 11111 in Christ and to 11111 right 11 11111 accepti Christ 11 their Saviour When 1111 done the indugttrial 111ll11 settled the master hecnne bctlu 11113e1 111111 the 1111111171 11 hotter 11111111111111 each soeltin good1111111111111111 lCol 2132111 1lt11811111OR lIlF INDUS HUGS 111 10171211 111 1111 1111111 11111 111111 foretold llis journey 11 far t11111111 to receive lllrv 1111121111111 tlsa 13111 1111 11111 11111 say 111111 11111 He would be 11111 when He 11911111111111 on high 11111 111 come 1111 1921111 1111111121111 word occupy niens trade 1111 has given us 1111 fulltime 11s1 111111 11 are to be faithful 111111 111 111tii1111s in it First we are to 11111 11111 our own salvation that salvation He imparted to 11s the moment we believed in Him 11111 most holy faitln and grow n1 cracn 1nd in knowledge of H1111 1111111 arc to work earnestly with the pur pose that our testimony otvord and life will win others to knowl This work 111 personal growth and of aggressive evangelism must be carried on 1111 111 He comes again and then each child of God ivill answer 1ollin1 11 Cor 3945 Cor 5101 CONDEMNATION FOR llll INDIFFERENT lhc servant had lots of excuses but no reason foi ferent Somebody has said that an excuse is the skin of reasnn stuffed 11111 lie There is divinetlaw 11111 every grace re ceivccl 111d used to His glory in creasesour receptivity for higher rifts vhilccvery grace ill used rlccre ses our capacity for further blessnig The munbf the World 111111ksvthat he may have things more c1mfort11blc and easier tor himself and family the 1rue Chris tian desires more in order that 1111 may have more for the good of 1115 111111111 1111111 and those tcntmcnt prevails with the conse quent increase in output CONDEMNATIQN NESS lhcss 31012 Paul could say of clay and then he states that the man who refuses to wort should L111u11giy It is sad thing when man will not work lint how much sadder when man will 11111111 but has no opportunity be cause of the conditions God grant rthnt those conditions will not re 111111 again for the idle man is 11 11ays tlpotClltldl source of tronolc and Satan always finds mischief for idle hands to do r1 THREE INVENTIONS Three inventions stand out prom inentlyin the history 01 the Can adian dairy industrythe Babcock test for measuring the fat content of milk the cream separator and pasteurization The last named re volutionized dairying by improv ing the quality of cream and milk used in manufacture or in fluid dis tribution in awed thn Christnnr principles rule 111 the industi 111 World spirit olc1ni or 111111 himself work night and 1111111 1111111 1111151 li L11 1111171 seasoned CHWEZE 1E Mallw Ontario No 1111111 coonne ONlONS 111 511111 1111 $1315 Onluiin 1V1 Condo WASHED CARROTS 111 111111 011111111 N11 hadr SWEET JUICY tlllNYllttN 11111111 sets 1l1lu MtNW 11011125 Tlir liunmusrnlv DEN GULF Iluuru 0311111331 ll 11xi111x11M11511 liihillhlm 111111 111111 our MIXED P1131211 GROUND Gloom PASTRY SENSE summers 1121 111 11111121 FOOD CQLOUHS sri11111n of 111 Too Mum aiailalile in tHlIZlNAlIHN titlilZ GREENENG llr111111E 11 lerInl RED REVER CEREAL MAPLE LEAF GARE FLQUR tilItli1iiltltltilll1 transducers 13 AUNT QEMIMA PAHVCRISTlE ZOfOIZ Animus noon nixnn1 111111113111 or llm munlfic deposit on Ietnrlnlhle Iinttlc st marred 1916 thy1a 111 1m2rczumx 11l1111 turbo 11122 1111211 l1l1 conn 25151111311 29 3c tltbrsrsnitzm 27 331 lsina 11111 or 111 tied Emperor ltl lllll FLORIDA EASYTOPEEL hi Iltlh ltlll ltllllll Ull ll SWEET FULLOlJUICE 113 NE out 111 31111 E3 12 gt11 lltll llltll till llX 93 E13 333 ill 311 1seleetion of 11 least Iwo hilcs iuenrll 11111 GntoriosdP 291 $171 1511 1111 i1111lt11s 11111311111111111 gaging 111 11i111s tubal 121EESE 17 sirEmit flvll PARKERS curses 43 1l11111 lNVlNCllllJi 111111l MANZANILIA GLWES 1111 41 13NJiltil11ililtili 15 31 191 1iiin 511 311 HI liast Slli llnr lln Q151 YE urn11 321 Al ll 11111118 STORE Hall 14 tirtlt lashct lll jthCliNtRATli Ihtuinl 51 on return little PASTRY Elm 31111 R111 23111217 oxvoor 11111231 0111111ACTION QEleRtuzsc JWKETN lillllNllllRli CREAM Cl liN1R Iluz 32ng warmama 1111 231 31121 30111211111111 12111 1111 1111 13111 LIBBst wriouous BAEIltill1lll rm lt 1713111121133 ORANGEraiser 111111 LABEL BLUE LABEL lltz Vns suns 1111 lltti lilllillivl 111 CHUHN lillltl CORNSYRUP 1511 1511 icono Baking Powder NHHHHIFFN lIEIHl 34 lvanmn EXTRACT 11 111111 11111 1081 GEQGETEHIAS 110 11111175 BUTTER I3 111 Pr 24 uupons PM 2111 11111 l1Il lkgs Ill417 lligh 11111111

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