Barrie Examiner, 23 Nov 1944, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR Mr and 11s 111111111 1111111 AK lr It 11111 1111 and Mrs William 1111 1111111 1111t1 111 1111113 11 1111111 l1 11111 311 I1111111111111111311111111111117 1111111 111 ni1 1121111111 1111111 111115 LEA ll ll 5311111 lllLt 11111 11111111 PAINch lellllll MnM 11 LargoCrowd Enjoys CYU instrel Show Barrie collegiate 111 11j1l 11111 111113111 1111111111 11111 111 11111111 11 1111 11 1111 li11v 111111111111 11 111 11 penile int11 11121 111v Uter1ll 11111111 Swan 11111 1111111 111v1111 11c1l 11111 131111 11111111 11 slapstick comedy 111111 11 11111111111 l1lll1 111111 lIr tl111 11 111 1111111 111W 1951 Allen ROW 111 71 111we 11 liiltllcil Ntvil nirnsmv 11011551131111 21 11M 11111111 LMJHl 11 11i 13111111 1111 111 1111 ii 11111111 1111 t1 loa 111111J1111l 1t 11 11111 111111 11 it 11 13 VT 1111 llllrtlltlll 11 11111 lrnit 1111111 i11111111l1 11111l 11111111 111 lrwtl 1gt l1z1 1111 111 111111 111e1111111 11 1111 1111 1111 11111 1111 311 um 111111111 11111 haia 11 11111111 1111 1111111 11l1l 1111i lhrectors 111 11111 1l1111 111131 1111 In gt 331 11 Doyle and iflllllilll laiei 1111 VHXHH lm111i 1111 11c11111p11111s 11511 hiltil Mkmumhw gt 1111111111 1111 c11p 1111 11111111 gnuLU Mrs 11 1134111 111111 1112111 L1 Tm 13111 111111 was the capable 1111111111111111 Ml mle 11 tmHVL 1111111111 1111 inteiniisston 11111 in Hun311 rulers delighted the 1111117 1111 1111 with 111111 saints and 111 the Lump 11111111 half of the pro 1111 111 A117 11111s11n was given generous 1111 douse for her 1111111111 of bay 1ti 1111 the Boys Over 11111111 1111 gt11o1v 111111 previotnly 111101 11yed to two capacity audiences 111 lhelpslon Those who sane 1n the 11111113 lvere M1111 ONeill Joan 111111113 1111111 Moran Leona Kennedv 112111111 Hm my my l1111l1tll 1111 1x111111ey Margaret Moran 1nna1 11111111 111111 111134111111 11x1 2111 1111111 litnncdy and 11111111 113511111 and 111111 111 111 1t 11 1l 11 loin 11 111 11 11 111171 1111 111 11 1112 11 11 111111111 1n Iu 111e1 tlmwtl 11 the 11111 111111 11 iltt littt 1n 1111911 111 1111 It lttiters 311111137 11111 11111111111l 11 11 11 1111 l131 11111 311111111111 N11 1111 I13 1=1eir 1111 11 end 1211111111 31111c1 0111111 111 111 1111 11111111 prewn1 111111i1n1 ltlirer 711111111 nitiinJ lll 11 1111 boson 1l 1111111 and 11 111e 711111 31112111 1111111 Trnniov ll ll lll1 itll l111 ll1l1l lliltt l1llllgtllt l11111 Stevenson 1O 111111 1111t 71111 1l1 111 l1l1f1l11111 Dyei 111111111 110 ll l111111n 11111 21111111141 1111111111 1111111111 Green 311 11=1 Robinson 11 11111 Mrs 111 111111 1111711 111111 Marguer 11C11i1 Mr and 11 11 11 111111111111 11111 11 and MA luv le 11111 11111 311 and Mrs George 111i1l1e 1111 meme1 1mm 11 U5 r1 unexpected visitor 1111s Atl 11 Magics OrangeRnisin Biscuits ll Laundry 111111111 ill 11 11 1111 own111 111 51 11 11 1111t11 111111 twlliunou 1V 11 11111 1111111 11111111 111111111 1111 1111151111 11111111 11 11 111111111e 11 gt 1111c H1 11 11 11111 lllt 11111 111111 111111 laundry aiati 11111111 don 111111 34111111 11i11 11gtl 111111 of all earryina 111 l111v itlnll1t 1111 1111 11l 1211111 1111 11 1111 hilt dry ingredients together 111 in llliltklllllg until Clllttittl1ltl 11i sins and orange rilnl lie11 c111 slightly in measuring 1111111111 add milk 111 1th 71 ton Add to first niivtnre Roll 11111 111111111 inch tliitk cnt ill tl1n11c1l Quickrclieffromthcsncezystutlydistress of head colds is what you want 31 try Vatroriola few drops up each host ila to soothe irritation rcdncc Clllgt 11 Youll welcome the relief that comcsl liistuit cotter Place on creawd p111 llakc in hot HCH i75l about 11 Xgtronol also 1101 prevent many colds In developing uscd in time lry itl lollow dHCCIlOIIS in folder VIGKS VEFROHQ Pepsistiulnl isthe registered trade mark anatla nt PepsiZola Companv Canada Limited gtUOI1LLU bY HINDS BEVERAGES 01111111 011111110 11111 It1 111 amoralum or Gillespie w111 thwartus oNy 14 51111111111111 Nov 23 rain 24 8111111111 111 the liCAl 111111er 1111111 70 of Barrie Squadron Air tatl 1ets l11e dance 1111111111111Consist 111 of 8111 Fraser Cpl Cole 1111111 Cpl ll Ualliston Cpl 1lL1 rumble 111 Ayerst pl Hierritt AC1 Moran Darin the cvenin Roy MeVittic conduct led Grand March contest and square lance with Clarke 111 1111 piano There were dances and an elimination dance 11ith only one couple the girl hav in November birthday left on the floor lrizes elven 1111 lance gUllkl contest 111111 coveted by 1111 as they were bar pins and button hole pins with Air Cadet crest for girl and boy respectively Refresh ments 111 sandwiches chocolate 111111 and pop were served Cadets and also 111eir girls were present not only from Barrie but from Elnivale C1iokslu1l11 Minesins Alliston and other points NCOs present with their girls were 1178131 1Angelolf and Donna Morgan Sgt Henry and liose Barber Sgt Fraser and Marian Dawson Cpl Coleman and Frances Livingston Son Cpl Abercrombie and Con nie Laws Some other Cadets present were Huughton ltlillespic Cook Hunter Dawson Chown Carruthers Carr llinchy Smith Copeland Hotlgso111Nev Archer Squibb Green McFadden Channen McKee Moran Horn Mc Melhin Clarke Ayres Maycs 51nd Pringlc N1 lti 111111151 U131 11111111 in He p1s21 hall lhi 1n 1111111 evezi 11 1Il15 111 111111111111111 111 pie1111s1n111s bllj lets 111111111111e111 11s 11 11 Wood 11d llrlt 1e fiiieain 111Ceived the 11111111 1111111 h= Goddcz 11nd 3111s 13 11111151 presided at 1111 tea table which 111s dainty with lace 11111111 and l11111t ClllYsitlllltC 111111115 Mrs 11 Noble was convener 111 111 small tables where llowcrs s1111e shade 1111111 used to 111111 11llt1l ll11 1li1111l 111 ll 11 11son Mix Nancy DaWl and 11s 1111r11r11 tougheed Alis Leonard 111 cashier Flags 1111111111 the gay decorations of the 111i1nlt wort tables which 11111 int 111 the Ni c11111e111 11111 11111111111113 ladies tenn veners 11121 namedlz Mrs Gurney and Mrs 11 Good win pI1I1lt Mrs Bradley and Mr liivelliiiahinu il1 J11l1l15111 and 11111 112 Ogden Candy 1115 ll lhvnnpson and Miss ll lhrnnpson Fish pond Mrs Icrr1is Connie Owens and Miss lolly ll Warlnw Stork table 11nd Touch1111131111111 table hi rs War low and Mrs Seliunh Kitchen com 111111ce Mrs 11 Newman Mrs 131711111 and illrs Hawkins 41 Fancy work The annual I11ulics Night was held by the officer members 111 Kerr Lodge 1lf All 011 lucsda and it was success in every way Over hundred sat sonic dining hall presided overby the lorshiptul Master Smith With Angus Ross at the piano de lightful solos were given by Mrs Dobson and Bro Hughes now relieving Post The toast to the King of Toronto master here and the Craft was proposed by the WVVlitlL11M117V4SUlilllllllill chairman ltW Bro 11 Sprott proposed toast to the ladies ltiCllWltlthlLLSpollded to by Mrs McCaw Sinclair Sr lbrodght greetings trom that body Adjournment was then made to 11110 lounge room to get acquaintedl land again hear Bro Hughes in song gSomeamusing stuntsere directed INTERPRETING THE LATEST IN NEW YORK STYLES JAcoBI GRAHAM ClSDunlopySt BARBIE Phone 3345 by 11 Cameron President of the WA MeVittic after which dancing and cards were enjoyed for couple of hours 11 r3 Under the auspicmdofhc W0 mans Auxiliaryu Very successful afternoon tea zrndjsale ctrbaking was heldin the lecture room pot St Andrewschurch on Friday last Thereavas good attendance andI the event proveda verysociable and enjoyable one Those attend ing were greeted by Mrs Oliver and Mrs James l1erguson Mrs Empke was convencr of the func tion 1Mrs Guthrie and Mrs Chees man were in charge of the baking table Mrs MacLaren Mrsl Geo DU nian Mrs Hook and Mrs McMartin poured tea Netl proceeds of $52were realized from 1111 pleasant few hours the ladies thus spent together 41 RS very successful and enjoyable bridge party was held by the Sor ootimist Club on Wednesday ev ening November 15 in theLions Club rooms The prize winners were MrsJ Garner Mrs Mxtffnnkpv Miss Dorothy Loth Miss Madge Shear Miss Flora lVchregor llriszWre donated by local rms Have you renewed your subscrip tion toner tliarleboir 11x1on Mary Toner Mary 1141111111 down to the banquet in the Ma1 decr Lodge tecile Morrean nne Kennc Mariet theresa Kenney 11111111111111 t1eilll Mary Minnincs Mary Stone l1 ticia Anderson Jacqueline Antler1 1111 Victoria Lotttn lltrnurd Mos1 1111111 Joe Minnin lini Kenneyzi 1011 Stephens liarl Morrean Elll gene ltlinnings Leo ONeill Franhl liirton1 John Ollallnran TCtltijl loner Bill Stone John Sexton 111 ONeill Emmett Stone toync Joe Stone lranl ONeilll lohn Shanahnn lluril CliarlchmsE ctave Charlebois YPU RAtLY AT MIDHURST PROVES GREAT SUCCESS By Miss Mabel Edwardsl Nearly two hundred Young 1111 11 leople from all over Simcoe Pres1 liytcry gathered in Midhurst Com munity Hall on Wednesday Nov at 730 p111 on the occasion o1 their fifth annual Officers VNiglit The program opened with wmu ship service led by Ross Hubbard of Stroud Fellowship convencr Ilc 11111 Umhmdr 1111111 3111 111 11 111111 ltull 11111113 11 the homes 11111 1tri Ill 1111111 l1111111 1511 1111 151131115 to 1111 111lll 11 arranuenieiit 111 1111 ttldttirtl minutes Makes 16 led in short meditation on iliet Letters of St Paul He said 111111 Christian lives should conform to Gods will instruments through which Christ can bring about new Christian The president Gordon McArthur Stayner then took the chair He called on Rev Mr Auld of Midland who brought greetings from the Toronto Conference In his re inarlishe said 1Young people of today owe great debt because men are dying for us So it is our obligation to put back into life what we are getting out of it The president then called on the conveners each of whom gave short helpful talk This was fol lowed by singsongld by Geo Faris assisted by Mrs Wilsoi Cookstown minister of Central United Church Barrie introduced the chief speak er Rev Preston McLeod of Rose dale United Church Toronto His subject was Awareness John the Baptist was put into prison Jesus came preaChing the Kingdom of God for the World Strategy without tacticsis blind We have gospelwhich challenges our faith We must apply the Strategy olllic gospel 111 our own small place in life We must have faith that isagreat yet makes the things that are so little so import ant Christians are the only Rev1114 HA Alttcr Elmer wood of 01111111 led in 11 period of recreation consisting of some lively relays and singing games Refreshments were served by Midhurst Young People singing of the National Anthem brought very pleasant and in spirational Waning to close lt Donations to Lions British CWV Fund The following donations have been received for the Lions British Child War Victims Fund by Harold Darch chairman of local commit teezs Recbipts from Lions dance $30 AX Girdwood 1$10 Jehn Patton $1 Wilfred Kellett $5 Bar rig Examiner $12 ArthurPugh $5 AH Spence $5 William Garner $2 Whitty $10 Miss Kir by $13 Ralph Weaymouth $5 total received to date $46100 11 The mm 11110111 libbys Gentle Press Tornalo Catchup Chili Sauce and Soul are equally goodtny 111m tannins are absolutely essential to perfect health They help your children grow normally and build up vitality Libbys Sparkling tastevtcmpting tomato ulCC contains twotery important vitaminsA and CrtO help you have soundteth keen eyesight good digestion and clean skin Libbys Tomato juice also contains valuable xifrineralsxbecause it is gentle pressed from the very choicest tomatoesluscious vineripened fruitngrown from special seed andpiCkcdiactllevcry moment of avour perfectionsf One glass of sparkling garden fresh Libbys will IcllyouvwJy irislCaiiadas favourite tomatoljuicc TOMATO RAREBIT can libbys Tomato Soup cup grated choose 1A teaspoon libby Propoer Mustard beaten egg Cook soup and chasm over balling water until choosels melted and snow smooth Four over the Jamaican 099 return to gaucopun and cook until thickened stirring constantly Serve onto on loan or risp crackers garnishing with bacon strips 113311 McNEILL Linnvor CANADA ammo CltAIHAMV omAmo 344 r11

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