431111111111110111 Today the Imperial 1111 map isbickon his jobrthelping canadians and their familiesinallwalks of lifeitoattainfumre nanciaksecurityy Periodic savings in personal and family protectidii like the dollars you invest in Victory Bonds lliURSDAY NOVETJBER 39521 1111111131011 1111111131111 01 ARENASHARFS lroy t1l 11 where they should it 11 l1 ROBERT CRAIG 11unzy fileslte11itcr for lel mu lb netp 111113 11111 111s 11 1x 111 gt of v1c1w in 1111 Hall irtcoe 1211111 11 mp 11 by doc vlr lilili11l1 111111 111111 gtmm cm in JUNK lznlscoduig men from other sci131 1111111141111 111 111111 111 111124 5111 11111 11171111 gttl0i aqllme the aztzllery 11111 117111113 11 11161111011 11111 11111111111 111 1114 111tiuti 1111 111 111 111111 1111111 111 11 111111111111l 11111111111111111110111 pally to 111 111211 llt illtl lll 11 mm 1111 11111311111 141111 11 141111 pixcurt 1111 ljlllmllil 31 11131141111111111116 1Iiuf111ll were 1117iy12lt 111 Keil mm IIMA Im 11111 tin11111111111 l11l1111 1rv 11111111111141 l1v 11 111111 lzillltl 1111 property 11113111111 v1ll 1111110 ltmri 111 111111111 1111 1111111111111 51111111 12111 111111112111 111 11ml fo 111 111 12 Elixirell 1121111 114 11111qu for which 11111 11111111 dreuctl Council 1141131112111 the t1bltcribcd 11111 1111 lt111t1111111 1111111 LL will receive 1lllll 711 1111 F111111111ll$111111Lllitllltltlnlllllt 11411111 fcr 1111110 111111 usreoiuouomce mm 1511 115 lllOIIllllllllll llll tural riod thro enc greatly aid the Government to Canadas tremendous war effort to hold down inflation emf0111 look mm In Mb rtiirmcounsruon am 111511111011 Life Insurance men nation during the recent Victory Loan Campaign selling millions of dollars of Vic tory Bonds Imperial Life 4See your Local Representative cli Olcoln Deputy itoeve of Alcdomc becmue 11 2171 11111 1c11111elt1 in this office 111111 111117 111 was lzmden 111 appointed County Treas 111 18117 and 1111111 111111 pumiion will 13 41 11 11lt 111i11 June 1111 1903 John lflnlillillllly 111111 1111 l1i Hm H1 Oregon have prov 11 1111111 111111 1111 Rum 91 uh me 11lj mil 111111111111 lo ictlonlc 111 11144 and 11 11 1121s llecvc 111 leal1ntc to it yours 15 mm hilqlddm 13H 111111111111slv lllfilvlliti 1111111 1111 1lt Warden 11 the 311111132 The matter vns 11111 over until the next 1km to permit 1111101111111 legal 11p 1lt 111 the locality of the trans 011 luesday morning Donald llIutl11ci1 11111111011 111 11111 councillors the legal shares Karl held 111 the llurric j11it111111rulAr County Solicitor ex 11110 111 transferring imited He pointed out that the proposal was for all shareholders to turn ov er tlicir slocl with the understand inc that the lotcn of llmiio 11151111 an artificial icc111alzin5 plant at an uppioxunulo 08 1110 County holds 103 shine in the larrie Apricultural Arena Limited par value of $10 Conn John Gropp of Penetang moved that Warden Banting be authorized to transfer the shares of the County in the Barrie Agricul Arcna Limited over to the Town of Barrie 1th motion car unanimously ughout Canada have rgetically served the and you men as always have taken prominent part nine and Ioronlo 111 of $30000 Sim common people Task you has office at Ottawa Continued from page one ifontrymcn with 1111 few training as such Why tlxitN no answer to rhzuufor the Milli 11 poiver alone to 111 ltcpt 111 1111111 by 11111111113 prviup of the lllll 111111 the infantry We 111 111121 11211 11111111 Touching briefly on the Ctl 311 Howe said he W11 1111 1r1111 1111 their neuuiangled untried 1111 MacilClll ideas lle 19111111111 sitting in 111eII011se when Mt Colthvcli declared he would rather have 11 5011 go to goal than overseas to 11 for lllBllllfill lllnplre Now 111 has climbed on the 11111d1=11 to urge the sending of reinforcement overseas when newslacy 11111 1111 was overseas himself not 1111 11111 11nd we heard nothing then from 111111 about the matter llowevtu 21119 no party issue am 11llll Cod there are more 11f Liberal 111 11111 riding with the some 1110 ll botit the reinforcement mutter IS 11133911 Karl 111111111111 MP llomuth Member of Parliament for Waterloo South 111 livcred 11 forceful address llcpoi111 to patch the boys of the Al 1111111 ed out that the Germans had work ed 25 years to build mighty war machine to conquer the world Starting with 11011111111 in four years the democratic peoples of the United States and the British 11211 pire had built greater 11111111111111 Now we have come to the 1111111 in Canada when our men need help to man their machines and veup ons he stated Mr King has broken his pledge that when and 11 the day came reinforcements would be needed he would see that they were sent One man Col Ralstou had the courage to resign from the Cabinet because that pledge has not been kept The lion Mr Lallcchc now jumps up and says he will see that we get reinforcements volun tarily from his own province Why didnt he go out and get them long ago And Mr St Laurent the man to whom we should look first for justice in Canada says it would be abetrayal to the people of Quebec it conscription was enforced And say and believe can speak for most of the AngloSaxon race in Canada that we would rather betray those people down there than our own boys overseas who are voluntarily fighting for the life of their country Canada now had more disunity and chaos than ever before1111 llomuth stated Parliament was called at Ottawa this week not to discuss some national matter but because of quarrel within the ranks of the Liberal Party itself Do you remember that disgrace in recruiting ad that was published last Spring in eight provinces of CanadaHave the Guts it was headed Mr Hpmuth asked Well Insay that no one need question the our government the guts to lotheir duty am going to fight for an open session of parliament The public knows how things are with the boys overseas and the public wants to knovahat we are going to do about it We are going to fight this next election to save the face of Canada before the world The life of oneboy overseas is too great price topay to keep oneman in Moving to another matter Mr Homuth said to look out for this Baby Bonus or DiaperDole as they called it in Ottawa All the promised money would have to come from the taxpayers and there was sticker in itlo become elig riible you must file an income 1311 report and the Department of Fin ance would move right into the picture gal of late Mr Homuth said Let Ihey say something and thendeny they said it if it suits their purpose They deny hnving stated they Hwould socialize farming but they do not deny that they intend to socialize industry if they get the power Tojdo so they must socialize wages Now you cant set wages and hours inthecity and then tell the pay any more Canada doesnteowe you or meya living but it does owe us the right to earn livingWlien you are of fered something for nothing by group of people who call them selves political economists ook out for those folkuPlease let us all be careful before We swallow these jated pills offered by the 911001 what regimeirtation has done to Eur6pc and beware that blossom forcedon us by these There isinosoul in regi mutationthat is why the democ mics have outstripped the Ger mansin this war Lil1r omu declared that Can ada had the 11 chest standard of liv in in iheworldtoday The workers at it because they bad theirighi to organize in trade unions and were able to lbatrgdin If they were The CC1F has become very vo us look into some of their talk farmer thathe canjonly chargeso much for his products because the urbunpnly gets so much and cant the some regimentatlon and oldered tweeters 111611111111111115 11111111 111111111 11111111111101 THE 134111111 1717711 Bill1 UKTKRKL CAKADQ PAGE Tum 11vsotdier Face 41 at 1v 11 Allll lltll lx Manslaughter Trial mil51 if Ethl hp 0009tscmpng 11 11 1v CHRISMAS PAPETRIES for Delightful and Appreclable Giff Include Tlicm fh In Your 01615838 Pirzcl and 59C Box Its Time to Make Your LIGHT FRUIT CAKE 11 1171lr Li Inna The Christmas 0111113 511111111 1511111 11111111211111111 11111 112 1311111911 111121111 1111 owned11 your 11 w1lt11 miln mm IWV1 Iamlilyn Drug Store 1121 once 11111 1111111 111 1111 12 villltlilithlitlitt v1111112111v 11 1112s Ilwlilnxl 11111111110 NH season or the year varied wlecltou oi the llt11tr1 1111 11 only 1111111111 1illlllilr 111 111111 Illll 1111 cherry WW touchr 11 for friends and lovedones are 1111wllcrc 11 111111111111 rl 111 lzr 111ml 1111 Adults atl 111 111111 11 11111 1111 mitoct 11 3111 1r1 51 11111611161 1111 times 111 111 111111 111 11 111111111111 13 111 1n 1111111 111111 111117 at 1111111 1111111 mull lltlI 1111111 is Sin 1115 Envelopes to Match Container 25c Relumable LINIENT SHAVING PHONE 1111111 to 114 111111 811 11 Christmas Cakes 11111111 Il 1111 Illilll 1111 111 ibtl till 111111 floured than ri akc 111i 111 11 131111111 11 71114 11 1111 11111111 1111 the 31 11 111111 amend Photographic Greeting Cards Made harm your own Snapshot Negative This year send these Christmas Cards More Inter esling More Personal commits assures Exquisite Gifts Her TWOPIECE SET The Purpose Face Powder THREEPIECE SETS Three Purpose cream Lotion and Face Powder rwwwwwgurwgwwwciaeueww BLUSTERY WEATHER llllllll loll chapping Enlarged toSize Powder 495 sih This Handsome Frame Will Set fem Pack Your Enlargement Off Perfectly of THREE 117 Ml ln Assorted Textures lfld Colon Dresses 111 for Christians Gift Suggestions and thereby solve many of V1111 11111111 11 Suggestions and Bargains for the Balance of the Week 30 Hglps guard your skin against Sticky Flattering PowdervBase wSpecidI BIG BOTTLE An Ideal GiftSuggesfionE mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmdt 281155 STORE HOURS+Mono Tues Thurs Frid from 80 am $30 p111 Wednesday 830 ctm101230 pm Saturday 830 can 10110180pm Open everySundcxy 1030 com to 10 pm FOR SICKROGM EMERGENCYLA AFTER HOURS PHONE 11971 assrst you in 1111031111 1111111 1111151 inportum 11 sk disappointment lateryt1u 11111 111111111112 1114221 1111 3111 1111 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Cologne Talcum ream and and Perfume 55 80 WRisrtzvsx cookout BATH SUIERBEB hnislics Perspirahon Odors 39f65 LotnoN Pine Lilac and AppleBlossom Not and redness micu N310 311 LIV Dandruff 1111111 also 11wa er SHAMPOO 1W 5351565917 Au Astoundineg Benutiful Enlargerentggqigl in V1 Heavy Bevelled Peach Mirror EASEL MOUNT Your favoriteSnapshot Negative Johnsons Buby Druvnnr