PAGE Two l2 44 humour WK llllliNS 811111111 111 1111r lltll lIIl IiIlS llltlllllNllY IO llIT lllZ lli IN lillililli to 2111 11111151 111 if 111 31 Id VIt 11 il ivl L1 31 11111 who 11111 11 111 witty 11111 1111 plalif 9111 1111111 JWtl p111 0111 chi1111 the future 111 1111111 ll llfl 1111111 1111 111 111 11111111 111 f1111111u 111111 1112111 of hosc who are advocating most favor have some 111 the largest assess 111 1111101 words 11 will 11111 1111111 some real money 11111 they have 1111111 in the future 111 Harricnand above 1111 11 111111115 in the 1111311 they feel ha the youth of THE 31111111 EXAMI 311111 1111 not 19 an indicationi zlwqmmmuy balm The Board of Education is to be commend ed 1111 studying the question 111 vocational15 The 1111111 1115 11111111 1xpla1ncd now in 5111111111st mu Conant There can 1111 1111 111111111 111 the need 13 11mm pmmmmg rivlimi been pointed out very 1111 lfl1lllif org71w iuia ESE Holman rhursdxy Morning lllE BARBIE EXAMINER Lumen HaclAREN ma unwind 921 WALLS Clfiltilll AND Icirhb IAIAOII NT 15 If EST gto1 Itlilitliilil 11 1111112111 111 11111111 1111 IEi 111111121 111121 31111 21111111 111 Arcui 11 117111s and 9111 11111111 1111111 11 21 11111111 11113 1t11r 11 11t1 11111111 1111111111111 111 111 11111111 1199111 MilINA IAII 1111 111111111114 111 1111 51111111 v11111 11111111 11111111 1111 1111111 11 1111 11l1ilt 111111 111111111 cundi 1111111 11111711111111111 11 1111 pic week 11111111 prevailr 1111111 11111 11111 111111 in the 1111 1111111111 t1o1hi1d 111 the desire is We have found todzw and the 111 notations to 111111111 are worth far more con sideration 1112111 1111 4111119 111 1cw dollars in 1111011 N111 week propose todcvote consider 1111111111111 10 1113 in detail many facts and 11111111101113 abou1 the desirability of the pro 10111 Let it be borne 111 mind that the hockey Netcrtircicss the hockey club in light moved to it that certain number consideration ran short of gas oil fence national unity auntie is only one of 111 11151 important as can show plen tv of flanges to indicate their position and needs very 1111311 deicndlnu when brought SERVICE STATIONS AFTER WAR The Ontario Motor League at its annual meetingpdiscussed the question of whether the present hours for service stations wouldhas large number of 111div1dual compart be continued after the restrictions are rcE Robertson secretarytreasurcr of the League in his annual report said Adej quateprovision should be made for emergj ency garage services in each community 10 gether with the sale of gasoline and oil at nights on Sundays and holidays It may not be necessary for all garages to remain open but the trade inits own interests should see do Several service station operators with whom we have discussed thisxquestion stated thatthey had no desire to go backto the old way of keeping open late at night on week days andwprking all day Sunday They say this was unprofitable when the expense for labor electricityetc Were takenointo Itwould not be difficult to arrangeto have one or two stations in each municipal ity open for the long hours each taking its him With such an arrangement in force and notice 0n closed stations stating where service was available each operator would get his share of the business and no motor ist mouidiwaengreatlygnconvenienced if he or otherservice COUNTY REINFORCEMENT MOTION Voting on the abstract question of volun tary enlistment vs conscription the people of Canadain the plebiscite of1942 favored con scription bya large majority With the Out break of warand continually increasing numberof homes being represented in the Tactive forces it was not unnatural thatlcon mollVincomes salt3 taxes etc etc1 scription sentiment would grow prOportion ateiy And when the pressing need of rein fforcement for Canadian forceswas revealed by Col Ralston after visit to the battle ar easthere came ademand that the home de fence army bosom overseas In his recent radio address the Prime Min ister warned against the danger of disturb iing Canadian unity by pressing for conscrip tioncfv thesemen who enlisted for home de The strong insistence from many quarters that these troops be sent to relieve our hard pressed men ere they are taxed be yondzhmnanendurance indicates depthiof reciting far stronger and more widespread that that regarded by Mr King as do triking illustration of howtwtdely this interposition rs nerd in the hon passed by the county Council is taxes areto be reduced7 immediate action Whenfthe gov on county with 0119185000 poo1 NER 15 ngerous 51115118211 in Cazia sicrklv Nrw t211111r in 11131 11 135 l1 1111 111 or 11141913 121111111 11 11111 t1 Lian EDITORIAL NOTES 1111111111111 of 1217 11 Ottawa 11111 111119 11111115 1111 town co cecuimi to 111 1a 11111 1111111 Nov 1341 111111 31 11113 potato 111111111 111 11111 All 1111 111 3111 c1111 111 breathe 11 brni 11111111 11 21 ii To 111111 tilllllzi 1111 1111 tomes 11111 made by 11111111111111 each of the cases each UllOllllXl EVENIS 1811 ttwwntmz 11 111 1v 111 A35 ini in 11 a1 17 11111 1111221211 lllgtll 111 ll It 1111111111 31111 1111s vlt111111 The Bureau i=1 11vcrilt11 liiue 111111 gt1 11 11111111l court 111gtwl 1t111 111111171suur c1111111 111 f1 12119 ll Wr their messages 111 11111 medium the students come from the titutc paritw1lar As 1121 farms 11 is highly desirable tit11 there be made ayail able for them such courses as will place the emphasis on the practical more 111111 lllfpw his applies to students in academic Andt other courses as Well During the years it has been operating 1111 Barrie 11111 First Coopcratlvc Packers of On ario Limited has been rendering very important service to the our The extent of 1111313 better 1111 this district 1018100d when one considers has distributed annually icultnrists of the money it For several years this to1111e1ativc company has paid out to farmers over 51000000110 annually further extension of its services was inaugurated last Thursday when the egg grading station and poultry plant was opened at Elinvale Most imodernly equipped this new undertaking will provide an easily accessible market for poultry in the northern townships It also merits available to customers for cold stor 1age purposes method of food preservation that has grown rapidly in recent years Elm valc business men will no doubt appreciate the additional trade the new draw to the village importance to the country The Journal commends the T1101 Twced News answerthat question ask another But under Socialist state such large incomes for nothing 16 maybe of course that obtainable elsewhere for our primary pro getthe money 111 finance the war profits of industriesnnd businesses from industry will OPINIONS or OTHERS AT BOTTOM OF MOST DIFFICULTIES Winnipeg Free Press Premier Garson in nddressingthe Edmonton Cham Road Would lead to other exten ber of Commerce left deep impression says the sinus in this area and the shortage Edmonton Journal by the clarity force and breadth 01 Critical 111810116115 511011118 11150 of view with which he discussed matters of vital Manitoba premier for Him 111 this service is working any driving home as few others have done the fact hIdSllip 10 the 011120113 01 Barrie that ours is essentially an exporting economy and and Allandale and regret that no limit our whole prosperity dependsbnthe markets 1171116 7111 bpmde in 1119 seerce dame at present In many miles and insistedalso that the innrgin of profit between the towns amos Cannabis lilies have farmers selling prices and his costs was the lifeblood Pr Urialpd 81111 no dluslment 111 of thebusiness of the country The collapse of 1911 films has been found necessaril port prices had brought on the disastrous depression of the thirties The Edmonton newspaper agreesgthat there is wider recognition now than ever before that to serve the community the lack of properrelationship between what the farmers receive for their products and what they pay for the things they need has been at the bottom To the citizens of Barrie and sur ofmost of our difficulties in past years No mom no TAXES 11111111111111 the ztlvcrtisers 11111 1211111211 divineL heir reasons why for 1131111 untrspapcrs 111 1111o buyer of paper space 10111111 nearly 911 different 1111 1115 why it 1111 11 their adventure to paw 11 11lt 111 ul 0111s 11 11 131111 111115 311111111 in 11111112111113 11119 lzl 111110 1111 1111c111lj c111 1111 1111 c1 1111ctl itlc1t 1111 111 service 111 111 111J11111d 11 numer 112111 other points 211 Town if he could gtt ll 111 1rd liclicvc c1lt1perate 21 111 111 01 1011 1112 dviscd by 511111111111 1111 1111 IhlWor of Trun 11111111 111 01111111 11 letter service 11 op 11 We 111111 11 11111 1111 1s Cornish in lt11 111 letter prior to 1101 to Council We herewith 0111 11 111 of 1111 letter which we 11111c11 appreciatn rur pun 1111 111 letter 13 we 11 11111121to1 We could appreciate your civing illl letter the same front page spaceI 1j1ur 111111111 1111113 Cornishs visl it Council us we are very maxi 1111 11 clarify the 311111113 of the elec tor 11 Ward Six prior to Polling 1111 December 11 511 1111 1111 1311131 11 11 Mr v1 Signed GEORGE CARK Deputy Reeve ALLSOPP Alderman Ward Barrie Nov 18 11144 Transit Controllers Statement The letter ofN Fowler toMrs Cornish dated Oct 11 gave the fol lowing information 30111 investigator was in Barrie on October 2nd and analysed the transportation given by the Mchan1 111w Line We find that Mr McLean reduced his service in general con formity with Transit Controls OrI der to eliminate service wherever possiblein order to give increased servlcc forvizar workers To extend the service on Burton line and rubber is still verv serious and we do 1101 feel tbutlhe restric 11311111111113 land citizenship for 111111 future 111111111 11111 1111131011 11 different 11 11 gtlt 11 1111 view 11 111111 1111 213111111 11111 11 Strvma 1111 l=llll 17 11111111 111 1111111111511 1s1 dream 11 1111 titl1lt= 11 211111111 111111111 111 1111111104 11111 lonibilliy 11111131 1411111111 1111 gum1 ll 13 011111111 11111111121111 Hill 111 111111 111111 records pliysij ca 111 attrition41 11111 od 111111 employees 1111 111111 11111 lcpoilruturt 1111 11111 I1111gt1111p111jlts31111 with 111 111111 1111111 Andrew C11n111111 llarrlc rcprc cuiusf the Fetlcratitm of Agricul ture lt1il 11111 farmers had more pert 111111 when the country 1113 cleared and that they would have to speciallyc 111 111171111112 that 31 111 urea and 10 111 11111311 111 form He ll110lll hurll 1111517115 us 111ch mica 1911111113 and Simcoc where he made tour of inspection lids1r luvans Reeve of West 11111111111111 representing the County Council brought 1111111 111 111 usefulinformation by asking ouclttion and then answering it F111 example Vhovpays for county pupils What is the difference between general school rate and trustees special What is the dif ference between school laws and school 111ulntlons What 15 the inference between laws and by laws Mr Gen Johnston represent ing the Womens Institutes of the county spoke on the health home economics homecrafts music art programs carried on in their work stressing health Mr Cumberland principal of the public school Alliston the Teachers Federation 110 ad vocated more careful choice in selectionof Normal pupils 111a pupils should be taught how to for give and forget He believed that pupils would greatly benefit by the teaching of health and religion in the schools Rev Kent Thornton speaking for the Ministerial As sociation claimed that the educa tionof our children is the most important work of our lives He favored religious instruction in the schools and urged that the youth of ioday should be carefully trained urerof the Ontario Trustees fand Ratepayers Association rewewed Ithe benefits derived from the pres entation and will make report in the Journal Mrs McKelvey teacherof music in Esa public SWWHMH choir of 40 voices selected from schools of the township and de In our opiniorrthebus service numbers David Smith Barrie spoke on Miss MacLachlan in Barrie and Allandale is adequate zx THANKS OF POPPY FUND rounding districts members of Br 147 Canadian Le gion wish to thank all concerned Socialists have nothing but contemptmostly sill for their splendid contributions to exitfor the person who asks them where is the Poppy Fund Remembrance DAY money to come from Those who do attempt to am sure it is sourcetor great Where did we sctisfaction to the local members in The question as to where the money is to come from to govern and administrate asocializcd state is one thatthe CCLF should solve and make clear totinncoule of Canada before it asks them to ac cent its elaborate programme of public services With all of the productive industriesand commercial institutions run on rteprofit basis and the big11113135 salaried men eliminated the only sources revenue driving but also permitstho child wauldbe the axecalled common manfbui then his ran of those ommuniesto be car 09310 of this resolution should 1w ed for locally instead of bringing meet with the approval the CCF economists 185 proposed by the CCF there arent going to be any profits or Productidn is to be for use not profit and everybody is to work for the good of everybody elsewithout mercenary or selfish mo tive If there areto be no profits to tax and if asl is proposed by the CCF handbook taxation on incomes below $3000 year are to be reduced wherel is the money to come from to maintain the greatly increased public services social security public health baby bonuses and all the other schemes pro favour of discontinuing the use of posed fer the good of the commonwealth servants no matter how civil or publiclyminded Children was presented to the they mightrbe could hardly be expected to work The answer lthis community that the welfare to that of course is that wegot it out of taxation WOTk amOE 111050 W110 are less and victory loans These were securedvfrom the fortunate than OUYSEWGS is 1116 in gaugeana large measure to your generpsay Sincerely yours KNIGHT Chairman of Poppy Fund ReasonsGiven Why Childrens Shelter To Be Closed by CAS Civil Simcoe Lodge as Shelter for copy of the resolution passed by the Childrens Aid Society in County Council Monday This de cision was based on three points 1That the decentrallzing ofthe childrens work by opening local branches within the county placing therein field workers to take care of the Social Service needs of com munities adjacent not only elim considerable long distance them to the Shelter in Buy or dimer haye some sort of secret weapon which they mtra cost2f1hatln our opinion tend10139111111599thetienemyfatthe hat momentr it lBadsllabli and illthe noradrenaline usevlizammewlasslcds of litil students were from the spoke for 11 Campbell secretary111113 the importance of adult education Slmcoc County Health Nurse gave her plans for the future in relation to public schools Miss Letts Barrie Simcoe Cbunty Librarian iS trying to in crease the interestof pupils in good 50 YEARS AGO from the files at RABBI um SUM ff lWl Nirncm 11111111 llrlzfs 11 11 31 11 Yl Al YEARS AGO from the files of THE BARBIE EXAMINII Wm NOV 30 1919 Local Barrie Notes leport 111 1131111 llny cololuation 3111111111 1111111113 11f Slllzlljti includ 111 11 3111111 111 81300 and 111111ltt 11 5171115111 Makliw 113 11111111 llartie l1l WtNt Shri 111 hm p1 roe in 1111 Vict1y 1111111 drivowlih1 511511111111 Interest reported row 11115 111 Harrie Conunuuily Associa tion 11111111111 1111intcnzi11co fund SM 310311111 Five inches of snov 111111111111 Nov 171 Wild dinH flyiiit 11311111 li111111111nfcldl Buy to Little Lake to iced found their food supply cut off by covering of 11 hullinch of ice Railway Wur Board approves pay increaso of cents an hour for locomotive employch in car repair shops 17 cent 1111119111111 asked Simcoc Tounly Briefs Simcoc West unit second in pro vincc for Victory 1112111 $11488350 Smith former lly of Utopia killed in cave111 at gravel 1111 at 10111111115111111 Prince of Wales honor flag 111 Vic tory Loan drive won by lccumseth Centre Simcoc UFO Executive gave ll Murdoch leave to re sign his seat in iuvor of Hon Diury 3111111111110 care to 1111 so Mrs John ilcheztrnan Vespra 1pioneer died in 9151 year when her family settled 011 Con 10 Ves pra Barrie wasrbut small settle ment and Vespra largely in its prim icval state Engineer James given contract to drain 6000 acres of Holland River marsh C0111 prising 11111100 to 911000 acres lightedmtherriaudience with three reading and encouraging school boards to subscribe $10 per annum On behalf or the President and for 1301 whim may exchang ed every month The nominating committeeire7 lportedas follows Hon Presidents rHon Col George Drew 1DunlopStayner Pres Rev 6120 Morrison VicePres Andrew Cum ming Barrie SecylreasGeorge Johnston ExecullveCommit leer Inspectors McVittie Horton Gillies and Gibson Wilson Bradford Rev Dr Sinclair Al landale Mrs Robt King Barrie RE MrsWW Ross Stayner Norman McDonald Beeton Donald Brown Glen Huron Ehnvale Hunter Russell Midhurst and Evans Bradford Repre sentative to 0EA HR Wilson Representative on Resolutions OEA Donald Brown Represen OEA Geo GJohnston itSldnd ever held imAlliston creasing and higher costs are bein John Kidd tative on Nominating Committee Thistbrought to close very successful Convention the first of of the children to segregate them Shelter where both normal and sub normal are kept 3That under existing conditions when Social Service needs are continually in made necessary we believe thEpd or all con Youll 15 to wear this bridged by placing them where they have home environment instead of in work 111111 11 cchts 111 hour to 1111141 with cAuAIAIII Nnxr 11111311111111 11 furniture 11 Private Harry Stork illrisoner in Germany 11 110111 1111 litcll 11 11 13111tl= 311 ll 7103151 111 14 11 11 111111 811111 11 11111 1111111 11 1h utopia 111 11111 bl 3h Mildan 111211111111 but 1111 Andi111111 111 111m 11111111 1111 11111t1111n1i gt1 IHL UL 11 1111115 in life 111 not clear timid 15 111N111 111111111 feel two 11 to 11le my minim pm 11111131 11111111111111 1111 the 11 ill 3vit11=zl 111 1pm Mel11 1111 5111111111112 1111 wing 11 NM 1H11hn 11W111k for Ixcn 31111111 111111111 1111 1113 111111 ll ready to accept rclml 11 UN 11 112111111111113 no matter ltow 1111171 1111 Camp llortlcri 111111111 511111111 be null be ready 11 like overt 1111U1 1m1mmmw 1for11 where 111 v1= 111 11111 1111111 lilcn the senior partner or 11111111 MIN 31X 11111111 111 1111 1ent overseas 111 E11 114 letter 11 lumca lilain sells store and brisi1ivn Miller 110 911111 1111 was 11 11111 11121 at lilford to Mr Badger oflVorlli of 1211111111111 11111s11131111 1111 tirillln and retires to 111 1111111112111111 sucll 11111 Noth iflci serving the public faithfullyllilllci Jns licurtl from 111111 1111711 for 15 year3 lTmphulic No1or1l was received 131111 111 v21 from South Simcoc 1111 all fourimissinu 111 many fricndl1r1pc 111 questions 111 Referendum 111111 be able to return 111111 Inevitable Is your estate in good liquid position Within six months both Dominion and Provincial succession duties must be met these duties increase with the size of your estate with ll maximum of around sixty percent Why not Consult our Officers today and find out how you stand on this important matter You will place yourself under no obligation 5111111111111 Enron 11111315 253 BAY 51 IHEAD OFFICE TORONTO Ell SR053 BARBIE moon DONOR cmurc ERA 15 ha 11 11