Barrie Examiner, 23 Nov 1944, p. 18

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PAGE leTEEIi lw lllE BARRIE EXALHNER BAIiEllh ONTARIO CAXADA artrm MW mmmrrffttfemt MW anemouumouomoaom DrV Thomosl Husband NEWS 01 ALLANDALE 01 Constance mm COOKSTOWN avsam 1111111111111 RlV Victory monome BURIED OVERSEAS 11 VJi lied lilo orLrouln 111 VV VV T1 11 it 11 1V1 VV 41 gt11 f1 V7 it Il 113 iv Jllil Ills IV 21 3x VVVVV1 V11 V1 11 V1 111 v1 VV ii 111lVlVVV 11i 1111 llltilll on II 129 31 13111 It gt Milli 111 13 qV 11 VV lt 11 111 11 11 Pilot Officer Gordon Dawso 1111l1 13Reported MissingVVin Action remwwWMWwe CHAMBER 11 OF COMMERCE Bowling VlV11t1n 11 11 1111 VVV1V 11 VV1V111 1V 1V REVHAVBILIVTATVIOVN Fined $50 by Moaisfmc VV VVVV VVVV 111111111H1Hl Stealing Tmctor Tim toyllrnt Nuptials 11111 11 1l111 111 buddy X1111 PEVVVV 1111 111121 111 tintt l11lj111111111111 111111 11 1119s c1111 111 li1l111i 111111111 lie 1111111111111 111111 11111111 11111 l11i ll 11111 11311111 1121 1111 $111 in 11111111 t1 Reginald 1111 autumnal 11 all 111111 llic 1111111 11 V11111 11tt 1i VV 31211li111fl1111111112 iii 1111141111 11 Vl11l111 1111 tlafe 11111 111019 11111 1111 111 11111111111 111 111Illci11i VHH mm 111 5111 11 1111111 if 111 trell iv1 111111 1V111 111111111 11 the 11111111111 11 111111111 411 111VV1Ve 11111KV111V1 1V 1111111111 11111 linowr VMr 1111h11 11y 111s ll 1111 11 1311 111 xtiizrii ill 1i 1W HIM in 111 111 llc 111111 11 c1111 llie p111 Holden 11 11l11l 11 1211 11111111111 1l Death of Mrs ll Wilkinson VVVVV VVpV VV mm llicthaf 11111 checked on 1111 1111111 l1111T 111 111 11111 11 111 11111 11111 111 111111111111 11d lllb lt1 1111 111 1111111 lil1 l1 11 11 111111 11 C1 iial lielialtl1lclivclcd 111 linieelj Saturday 11111111 111 311 VVVVV PM 1V Mm Vimle 11131 Studebaker ear 111111111 11111 ll1liilil1111i 11 111111111 VIHI VVVVVV1 111 111 1931111 111111111111tli 11 j11 31 11 15111111111111ing 1111liinaizci1 121c1ls 11 1111111111111 111 time 11li111i 111111114111 in by the thlllrttl will liavcI 111 opportunil 111 disclosinlt his 111 ll 1i11111ill l111 11 511211111111 111 111111111 11l 1111111 in the 1111111ti 115m by 511 Mam 1m ll11 111111111X xi1111l Iecziic 111111111 11211 lt11li lllUllllll Mimi 111H Hm DMHW DH ll11 11 111 11 111 T111 11f llllllC T1111 11111 111 the 111111111 11111 2111 fOl 1n 111111 11111111 11 111111 11 includes 11d1H 12 TIM Imr vlen 11111v 111 the tire 11 3mm 12111157719211 1311111111111 Further 1111 tlltlllii 11 111 perinaiivait 11 amp 254117 11 1111 ll 81111 7111 wag 11v11 1111111 V1 111111 1111 11 111111s llizlgtltl1 stoves 111111se re1 1111irr new homes 11 111111111111 111111111112 plumbiniz 11sliliii1V 1111111111 171111 lCflii1Illl 111141111 eqliiptmnt insurance new er WW 11 incrcascdmsafety deposit l112lt 111 11 11111 111111 1111111111311 131111 1111l ie Name 111 Jerus litany 11111113 $12111 1111 lj 121111111111111r1 111111 1111 Jean llivv 11 11 111211111 1111t 11111 VVth1111v anticipate payments of sameninnl Mrs McKay Why 1111 1111111 payments or bond MlSCPllllllous hlllWll iie 111111 could and would assi 11VVVV M1 mind mp 111111 financial interests over past 131111 11 I1ll1 11311211 be war 1115ml l11lt111m mum Eileen and Clarence llewitt 11113 1111141 111111n1l 131 people gathered 111 Thu fV 51 in 11 previous issue of The llarrie them with gift 1s well 312s 11111111 lIxznniner 11 list of 151 Committees lllg lIlUdlllU Tllll 11111 11111 111 Colin 1111111 11 11111 11111 11 can 111 1111 1in 1111111 11111 11 111121 l1s1 11112 111 1111121 1111 ltlil 12111 the inadequacy 1fwiil 11 ifalsc secular livlliHlEllblw 111 tlgtlil1 1111111 11 11111 saivafinn and 1111 Lee by for the twlrcliavr leurch 111 lilgt1 11 111111 upon 111 111 and 111111 11111 true 1111111111111111 The 1111111112ewS 15 ltl 11111111111111 11s 1111 1111 511111 lliriimi 111 bet Md midwnlini 11151111113 ran two nu1nbe1 Were You gunner in 11 111113 lie 11111111311 17 Illdpmw Wily mm mcmlhllccn With hum lheie When They Crncitied My ed 1111111s1111k 111 1121 111 the same 11013 111 VivillV me Cllulllbm VV1I1L1ms 1411111 mi 11 WId 111 yum yum Commerce 111 1111s great community Birthday PM 111 Jesus Say After the benedie Alter 111+111d1r1v1d 111 Vti11it the coi 1111111 111111111 cl llCAlVdecided to give 11111111 fh1 sang Ga lo1i1 Moses chance pilot 1St1l Away and Now the Day short 111c11111p1e is Over lle 1dut11l 111111 The 11111111131111 Il1i igt1sifl at the pilots wines in 111111111 1VVfL1dito each 111e11bci of the Chamber l1 11lltllililtii VVVVVV VV HVVVVV VV gum 111d Pickering David tore Field Corn 1111111111111111111131 llussell Slull ders for hisr 11 m1 11v1d 111 111cm and 1111 returned land iilJan year ago Ilis parents Spring delivery 111 I1111 College 111111 111111 111 11111 know iitlilt1 lie was doing dell UllC llldll 10m 11 0f The services of the 1111111111c pilot duty 111 was 1111 many happy returns of the day sermons woE toms last year and was then given ilCllVllN Wlmlml quiremems for next 31111112111111ided lhci VV fine 111 1111ss11ges and their job 11f instructiiiL for time He Will 1101 CtlllilIlC ICfluOSlS for 5035011 riiiuh 1111 unaccompanied was could have come home 1111 leaveIlllfUllllllllOl1 50191 l0 mauve3 rr iraie treat the ministcr lev then but prelerredtn complete hisllllC Cllilmbcl Of CUllllllrci we CROWN HILL and caprc II Sinclair MA DI gamma 10113 He went WWHS as lwill obtain information from as lt table 111 be present for both 11C3 serge1111 was promoted to flight man films as possible legaidmgi OILCAKPlVVV SOEEANV fthe 11111111121111 and 1111 the conpcraV and GLLlhN MEALS 1111111 of Burton AvcUnited Church Concentrates for 1108s llit HS llhllttl lillll illCil CV and Poultry 1mm CC chihniissioned as 1111111 officer services and $0 on as listed in the here The Final Use vlnlillixef th entzrc district ini After the reports arcall in and tileir1111xi1111s moments about their Toronto 2111 11111111111i ii 11 T11i 111111 11111 plant by 11 1111 nac 11 in 1111 111111 Later 111 1lt 111 foliil profitltvti by ha 111111l for l1111111111111 iirc 8111s September This car 11111 been man and 11 had been taken 1111 11111 111 postwar izecds aich as electrirl and Mrs 0111111 11wi11111 returned from Toronto nthv1 Mrs 11111111111l111111it11aii1l 111s V1111n11 Love 111111111 Columbia VI ml WV 111 and they could indicate litCAI1V5111 my 11113 with 11m miscellaneous simmer 15 held at Mr and Mrs McKays in 11111111 of the iltltfl couple About 111 11111111111 also letter was sent 10 ffiiiebilmiill 11111 hid they icccntly purchased lhe good wishes of all their friends and and 11mm 11mm 111 1e11uostV taat said member neighbors 30 Wm mom 01 MM 5VV1 DHIUUV select 11 tnllllllillllt to work on and happy wedded life ljiel1V111 ltl 11 ed 51113111111 been 11 member for11 number 111 ens the 101m ll 1114K2 Hillllt CllVliblL Ilobcrt Storey celebrated his 80111 mmvalpositlon and pat on an allout ef birthday at the home of his may uloll that we will be well orgaiildullglllti Mrs Orton Crawford occasion namely Mrs hchon VU CVVUVISCVHWLI when 1119 1035 and 31113 CUmCV and all the family gathered for the 15111111115 School in the afternnlm asltt1c1ed 11111111111cc11i1 squad1 T119 Chamber Of CUllllllklCL 111Orillia and Wesley Storey and 110 are now booking or land sang two selections there 1fl ran with the British North African Cilll lllxtllllCl the lie 0f 10 lllell lilllllllc T110 lillllll 51em 111 the evenine service lunch l111l71111es in 15113 but returned 111 Enn lcolllllllllc 11011111013 11d h10 happy 19111110 11 10 p1 salcrs and explain the plan andiAll 101 lSllHIQ Mitbtorey Visitors at Wesley Stoicys were VV rwgtmm but business to Vscne achhalrinanV of Mn Stone Mm Geddu Bum LU US know lOllr 1C werc Locally appreciated by at he completed some 10 operational llltl Ulk P110 COlllmlllCC f0 1115 and Mrs Cutter and two sons of alitlu apprmiatinn 111 sea Iilil and then to warrant otfic llltll fllCSCCllble DOSlWUY llCCdS 101 Miss Marion Caldwell Toronto 1111c 11112111111111011 for the services of or class 11111 About month ago he lliW elllplulCCS bUlldlllb lilClllllLS15 Spent the weekend at her home VV VV MCSp ugsmmaim Mrs Win Edgcrton has rcturiVl VMi and Mn Dawson rlidHlltkLuDO ed home after the past month 111 Ray Robson East Oro spcnt 1r Simcoe East Has Raised $15592750 in Seven Victory Loans Ilrd Loan n11 111511 ll11111i lilac F1121l ll1l111 lllli111c 111 111l Riv 11111 11 11121111 ll11il1l 1111 l11l ll 11111111 1111 t1112 11211 1121 llAtlH 0R STABILITY Alllill lllll WAR POSSIBLE 1111111 1111v1111l llilit1ill 11 11111117 11 liitillli1 recently 11111111111 15 1i11 The 11111 111 1111111 production i111111e1s are 1111 1111111111 out will make 111 llitdlt a11culiu1e 111 the 1Ii after the 11 it we learn liow to use 11 rinhil it can lie the basis of happier and 1111111 stable farm life than we have ever experienced lf vse 1111 not use it properly it can 1svr11111p farmers under 11 claustrophc V1v111 worse 1111111111111 of 111112 llllfll BER 21 Simcoe West Has in Seven iVictory Loans bnrmb DAY NUVILLi 19H Third Victor Loan 633 Second liflii Victor 111 luial Serra it 1h Victor Loan Fourth Victory Loan Victor Victor ha 11th 11111 11 illl I1itil 11 117 11 tlfl 11 Illl 111111 11111111 111101 Q1111 11 Till Loan 11111 To 137 111111 11111111 112111 1111 111 llt 111 3111 11111 111 11111 13 31111 211 Till It 11 2211 11111 iiL ffll 1111 11 100730 111151th 111 11 151 11 111j1ztl rm 11 1711111 11111 1911111 Illllil 1110959 31 311 317171011 113111 1111111 lt11 151 11 gt113Vi11110 Md Let us put your Car in shape for winter driving 00 lVeVd Indian Aviation Motor Oil 101 the crankcase Red Indian lcartak for transmission and differential Maifall for thecliassis Super lyro for the radiator IIxide Batteries Champion Spark Plugs WE TUNE ALL TYPES RUSSEL Ul MOTORS SrluNAGHAN lied Indian Dealer PHONE 4140 82 Bradford St BARBIE All you 111211115 can be efficiently die The orn joli printing 11 by The tlxamiiicr ryrvrp V1 Ilii Front Stores HARDWARE CHINA here YodBuy More for Less we c1scr UNPAINTED WHATNOTS FOR WALL and CORNER 3945909$1$125 Leather Wallets Zippered and plain styles in Brown Sand and Black Leather Tobacco Pouches Etc The besthaiucs and the nicest finished pieces weve ever had BillVFonVVd MEXICAN WHATNVOTS Corner style and decorated WEE CORNER WHATNOTS with Trim Prices are 69c $125 $150 $275 $375 VVVVVV$425 $650 and $750 121311313130132133mmtxzzxzaxzazxemxma1w1m1zaps22213131311313201 XmZJEA 3131131 TOBACCO FLOUR tei neus willbo received soon 1110 Summary BC Cilillanet R0b5111 iSimcoe Formets Coop recently with Mrs Cain 1111116 their own ltidiVldUll 1115 Pleasing Plav an Fowl Supper WW for A1 LL md 10 capture Share of these oppor rri 4m eneu lcampaign at the present time The Amonll+egu+7 ate enthusiasm and spread the lFUOPCWMC has over 700 membml Seized CVOW transition from war to peace 1V1V1d Vinothei 700 VpotVeiVitialV l1ltaV1Vllci VV VV VPurems and wives Could me heady Whom 11 busmcm Mrs Mildred Philips of Everett share in the years savings onto obtained judgment against the can itVa Fact Hunt bullet us ldistliclmliiiiiefs This is the mix ing of feeds from concentrates sup mm by United Firmcr CO on by theCrOWn forthcbxpansion Haul111 Cl 11 Chum 1101 of CampBordcn in the tOanship 511 sitting 111 Barrie this week Business men could call 1111111 vegetables stalled farm supplies SGCIelai Donald 1311ch01 Pom lakcn before the Court of Ex zsscmbly or peacetime bits and and resources Gilchrist directors and to organizations serving in The action was dismissed before comes and greater interest in nu associations andsumlnary Jlllhlal Camps Mr Gilmore appeared trition should create oatwar oplfor 1111111111 through lVV 11111 sons and it is to heliumWilma 193 i111 NOTNbc 311511 fPW luvs with lbs mother Mrs Mrs Francis Edltleilon ant 17 There are two younger sons Grunt Cumud 1d pumluzgd WC 1111 COD LIVERQIL1 etc iwfh over Members with the Barrie Air Cadetsaand urge UVJOCaI business men to Shawn Barue Spent few days 1E1 11 Crown Hill United Church held tu1nties1Wc Will use the sumI V011 lt1 VV VVV uccesfut fowl su 11 in VVVVicuanLVlilljrhlngVVVO VVIJVVV1VVLCVVVV Two Farms N80 Iniary of these dollar and cents leadsl the church on Wednesday IEvening of last wedgelylerelhanionuhum dred people attended After the supper mommyNora Wake Up was put on by the young people their bovs in service bout home lily l13ndle1r thcxlldir 11 Villllblllllll 111 Ulllll le and MrsMary Lamas now of Tor town plans linking part in the1 plhy 1111 11ppfcr1tlp e1111c7VuiV11 Crown in an action beforqu Jus build Better Future portunitics ferthe farmers in this 1152 no Cw LLl 10 BIHL thC BilllOW Ill 1110 gtllpl0mC Court Corral Spiritual LllC area to raise more fresh fruits and are and opinion about the towns and neiv types of opportunities War effoltliistoly lleilllllVCOlll which fitinto the exiSting econ VV of Tossorontio The Crown seized merce and even Spllilllltl 111 oifiy of thlS111ea is definitely 191115 1901 lilllulllclul theland and registered their claim could be corralled What the fact community moment ivhjcly can lllgVDCllllVllS 10 30 ll lllllllelsleVlll in the Registry Offico roundup reveals willgiVe Barrie no and shbuld be tackledbybusiness glflllls lld 11101150 OlllVCflmll lililllls lowing to 11 11111111 technicality cause mgoar resting but it will as whole through yourChalnber shipped by 1001 tllltjcl 10 BMW hioughl to light by John Woods show exactly where the 1011111 of Commerce However We Should The new nHlChanry 15V illlCildyV aild SleWuyl CQUIJSCl l01 lllC stands and thillr is half all battle not attempt lo nd me productg plaintiffs it was foundinthat the War has brought startling ad 111improved materials for individ The mill at rAllillldde 11215 Crown had not followed the cor vanccs in many lines Lower cost ual companies since Wthat is 11 Vstoragc 1capac1ty of V8000 bushels of wet procedure 11 seizing met1111 p1351chsVV1Vluininuin and magnesium private problem for each popcorn 3mm lld has cmlSdClilbl 510mg As the matter stands at the 1110 for example open 17130511 0f new On searching for neWproducts 513300 01513ng 06d VVsllld 011 ment tllctWo tracts of land are in opportunities for small manufactur and new methods theVChufnbcr of possession of Mrs Philips aners 111gNealbllri= plants will Want Commerce sponsvrinlg the study RusseuBauerson gt 15 41131131495 Bomasmd the Croiwniiwilliagainto get into high volulllePQlellll19 williemind 1089 llmini Olllhls Members 01th Bourdjmemlon have to institute proceedings to produchon quickly This may phase that the 210317551 oppoilun WullixcaVprcudenl Em Snnp0n1 1411111 possession After this is done spell opportunity for aggresslveilies for this town probably licln VICODIGSldellt Andrew Climmllllt is presumed the matter will be communities and towns to get SUbI an expansion of existing industries The 3911011111050 out Of lulltl tiikrthlstrialistssecure every fad figs Findingnew classes of products 311 Ray Loughccd and Jm chequer for scttlcmen regarding pieces contracts from these large In futurcissue of The Barrie the price firmSu Now is the time for this Examiner more Vcommunity ideas In one case it is reported that community working through your will be brought to you such as Although the quantity ofricc theCrownoffered$250f0r771acres Ghambcnof Commerce 10 WEEK building reserves strengthen pres1 CleleleillluIClUIed lot ClVilizm of land including some bush and looking for these postwar 013901 ent business strengthen distribu llse has been restricted the output liisflhe price was disputed tunitics In farming too there tion trades strengthen service in Canada has increased from 14 Gilmore of Alliston was have been important developments establlsllments strengthen manu mlllloll 21111005 ill 1941 to 17 mil counsel for the Crown and he was new fertilizers 110W mdCllilleS lecturing expand otu trading area lion gamma in 1943 The addition severely reprimanded in the su newrmarketlng opportunities rea bringing more farm business to 111 gallonagc was sold mostly to meme Court by Mr Justice Bar sulting from dehydration and other town social and recreational op National Defence establishments 10w forappearing three hours late developments Higher consumer int permuted civicplanning trade and plan Pink Bulb Green Ivory Handsomcfy finished in colors Rockwool Insulation Saves AT wzamxmmmx CH FLUTED DESIGN Salad Sets 912 bowl and 12 plate Set TableSets Tray TBA VV $l6 SUMERVILLEV1T0Y8 Tractors 75c Roadsters CfTraipsi 1on Slice Cream 61 Sugar and Covered Relish Set $169 Console Sets pieces $169 Stuffed Animals Dairy WagOns Bellshsets pieceszonly $169 Cigarette Sets pieces $200 3011121 Purple Stock and Poultry TFoons Rocker Ash Sitters no Viigepsfsl4o sdansslsoi BuVSVV$2V10 ETIuCkdTrailerloz Truck and Carriers $185 BeadFgamesrshll5o 211313313131xgwmmmmxxixxxzamxmmia mzwxaxmsmxhaxa mnxxzagz in LV Each $395 Baby Harness $1 $125 $135 BctbeWings allwoi6d$16 BottleWarmers LAVAL SEPARATOR OIL VDE LAVAL PULSO PUMP OIL BE 1111111291592 11111513112115 sinners RATID FLOV MILK FILTER DISKS andVDolls 1151102225 Va sWell toy $44V0 DumpVTrucks at $125 to $200 Train Engiestrom $135$135 HARRY IsARMS 98104 DUNLOP or 2121212123121212212121212122121212121222121221312122lanhmcazagiamammmmuma 11112101 PH

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