Barrie Examiner, 23 Nov 1944, p. 17

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Vi semi Bathing Beach pf Committee on $$LWV L4 VI For the Year lgH IIV VI VV LT Deer Heads Mounted II IgV Moth Proof By laud lmilin lJltltflll Bur shins ltmtli into fugx unl lox hlllx lnlu lini Lullle in Bird and Fish Mounting ltmit mi wring display in the Lanls stun window llarrlt 4gt VI II II rx1mimisr Studio at Nelson Square Barrie LL hlimp Killin Hints luhc IL if 1L VV Hun loll =g gt gt Lf Lu 1000 If VI It BA Wm LL lllflllmlmilul fr IV vII VI l3 iLr IL LL LI II LL LI LI LLI II ILLLI II IV II ILII EI II IL II IIL II IV II IIII II II VIII III II II IV II II II II Lt VI LL LL LL 3I LL4 IL II LI II LIL IL ILLII III II LLLI IL smut gti LL ii Lb L4 tho llt4IiLIl LLL vtitLlLlLIAII VLL LI Lv LIVI II LLL V4 IURHL Pl LIES II LI1 lIliIlIYIiI It HIIt gL VV II II LL yum 303215135 ILL LL LL 13L his LiL LLvVLI VII LL IIL LLLL IL LL LI LL VL LL II VVLLIILI IIV YjZILIIUHILK 11 IIIIIII II II II II VII II II ltlll Llt0 with Zhv mum nun LL who bvml14VLA Lfv 15m liu gt snnsnnw lticnivi ItjVI VI LL LL Tm Jr lt LL LL LleTLLLLll ml 1H5 rMIt III but man 041qu V4 II II VI Ll hv fumilmx uul thIl QIIIIVIMVC AI MIL II IIIII Utilil lll czich for No CCll Army Shaun My illk itv 1i mercantile lininnc the other nnzht ll Oslm in lloti uzi win gym VI4 II LL ivl 0gtllttllLS hnckoj lL nlyni tho LULHtl unit lltll hi MI til it tho ll up tr tW b0 ltlllllllllltllLL lti II tint lrugrlf IV IvI Lv llt v1 Juncu vtum 9m in 1llt1ili IV VVI4VIVVV4I VVIV VVVV titanic AND inimn Km LL Li Llll dlld lilivlhl H1 lit VHLHLHL 1er L1 LL LL IlLl Liltrul Sutnll llOtIiinn 51 tcs lhifLL winter 71mm BMW OltS 1n lIll FL LILL LL IL In 4I mm 1mm mr playoffs have kllttllg 1mm LL 124 thci ius um 23m prptv mqnr IjCCs 1VIVInn nunzl lgitllll this yinzr II lIr IIIIV IIlI If 1va th Winn Iq IiIVU IvI III 41 II 31 ttLI II IIIIH II II II uut niu IllnrtI IV inL dollthchllLAllilLSLLLglLilli II Il llpd onLKEI thrcc mitt foltittlt VIf The NEW ImVmel romnm VKLILILL AILL LL 41 bireamhnul craft in the opening game LzL Compact Potter Iclctmte lVicuuy Aircraft rcnnrt tnut nmn MI is snmupst hearingHm an the many places they plan to Lcll lltllLllt lltrtl VV 2W slut lznnws about this IV Irv far 3xhnhtmn guimcs tnis AIII WM LIV VIVI th mHI itut tlui vulttltzl 1n PL tPClfctitl whorc and is most reasonably CROSBY Wt 41 lc It is lll imvcrtul is Burro We suppose the tn lmJ ittiuctinir ukcs conversation czisy my liIltVtnsan n1 mu lr lizz Ml nuit tn ILLl 14LLA Km mth LL LLL LL LL LL LaL kLLvLL thLLlIIHq YIN LhLI LtLLiLV gt niiin Il zmzin liXc urn priced itmd instructor and 11 II til1 stirrinli tiiIclIiic Iis xiv InIIlI lZfZltt Ymm St lnrimtv Eltxl lVli lm in tor nzll llt thllfllltt lLt V41 Royal 3t COSlllIllLillll pointed out with Mr XlHl tlll mm mLan iL5LMLS VV LL IIII Nther til LII LL LL lhc tnncludins number was i210 teller pmrl tlmmr IV VVV1V LL aII II IIIVI mu IV III II IVI VI IIIII IIII II II 1tl 11 PlLpOSttl no play And Vi l3tl Twirl gI Rumunto 40m an well dramatized purl The thiOLS to his rnlk as sum il inc USED BICYCLES VI V1 itth ml Iglmplpgq II buildings rcccivcd pools of laughter from Grncc Whitin Ken Coopcr tllltl III III WWIIIxIIIIIIIIImHHIIIIIIN IIIIMI IIIIII thiuh up VVnV LLLL LLDLLLLLL All CU RUSS llicklillgf MLLnb LLLLLLLLLLL $3250 11le minnnsium after four oclock cuch WO Gordon tilll ltuftctt lcfi MEL LS LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL $2450 llllllgttllllll glitmnnu TRY IT Liitt lbull star of 1932 mm in lfmtninz is killccl in lgt MJMLHWl TCllin Rmml Lcmd mm LL IVIIIIIIIEIIIII VIII WI IVV II VIIHII IVIIIII III II II LILI LLIiIL 1L COIIIIII IIIIIIII IIIIIIVIIIIIII II we 1vde IIsVhttllltt Miss AliFllll don ilm 111s Itcit Garth for nurtcr it lllI ll IV lon It LL III M1 Hf interN1 fr m1 slides which llSii Mi lllti Alis LlLgt lHLmrJ lultilv 30 10 1lutuchl II was humorous With spcctal his han Vim in I51LJIliii II II 9V II VI IIIIII II TTC IMW4 COM Mcn lt35 00 llllliy Hint of It in $399348 VI gt the assembled audience lhosc ii 7w hwl thiniIH lllltl niuiumurc LLmLLLLL II 008380 liltn glmfm JonL LL gt sketlall it Lad Nrvclillsutonicwnmlytolirlpnmnhcninlstrengthenlliencrvvs L20 00 III III III II II VI chkly p10 whinciw Sinclc night IIlhcre 1Ivill lIc interform for Nussnu on VVitlnCsdaIvI 1100 Hit mix will 51 11 1111 NIH or Win at 84158373 was 52 GmcnhillV 308 tlnc Sci Mc competition eginmng Monday LL llttiu piunn solo Gypsy ltmtl POTTER ts diisctm of McIntyre Atcnn mo iczunitm VV II VI EAKFHONE COMPANY In If III WI IIIIIIIVIS IIIIIIIIIIII IVIIVILd DIV 1H SLOW II IV III VII Ms outfitted in colorful baby THuntn gtllt2ll 11w ilitgttl haw Lmnnc NMA Sr in WV displuVLmL ltvy zunc xtur Luth pill BlCIHll lHlt is your lilllct of Russian Iiziturc cn with Mr and 3t VIL ltitlt lhv ttltt lsvd Bicycles arc imphnsis pluch on Ross liichlhzgs will mm not Hum 90 Vin IIIVIIIIVHIIIII capital stock EV gIIIIIIIIIIW tnlultu purl in the playlct wrc mm Mtlla 3SDOtd $3850 lutlu up inlxcmmninzusiiiml Islion LLL LL LL LLLLL LL 1LL LL Capital 51 DultlilnellilS BWliclbtll is under way in the When this is lullt inch slutth hc no inorc lCstlcso nights the to had OLhlL Fred Pierce McMnster Unixoi Look for 1111 1IIllllfl truth mnrl ltml llcnrt 0n lllopzickngc lli Alli illl IIVVIgIm mm hockgyI Cdnn shinning singxlc 81 with crests for the school cham sitIlellt llm KVlicnd With 311 TIT II IIVdIT IItJIO LL skutinr $10089t Aililms 363 phmF and is Csllnltctt And now ht LL LL LLl Lc mm HMUIUHH summer duncinz and Aaguc Read and use Examiner Classifieds mps gt lliL3 Profit bctorc le lLlllCSUltllOl ll uil was $135773 on the Jlc LL IJCC71LC LLLM LL F933 N01 mlle htlirv LL SLLLLLLC LLLL LLLLLLLL LILLLLLLL airliner printed an new lcll it well and it will $011 For Doneill 211 men 2N1 L71V LL Sgl Vin Jorucnson nizl nk Phone 3874 36 Bayfield boirvovc4omo ilillC and district the telling is bestl Icrcw hard lislillLLliltl them done through The Barrie Examiner Ladies Auxiliary Canadian Legion NTANT in the heavy lighting in Normandy Butterflies 10 II AQCOU CHIROPRACTORS in the earlier days of thc irnu4ion 3HOmEls Ii 3w WELCH ANDERSONRiCOMPANY GEO in ELSIE n3 VI The Kcnora Miner ltllCl News cur Hme Bee Kfmpenemt Chartered AccountantsTrustees etc Licensed Druglcss Traniggv es the following articlg WgsIzIGILCIIIIII II mwn LifeLLBgildinf 59 Yonge St Electc Radio Hydro ainle LL Li L1ron eChano Therapy IthlxglLOClllllLliSlllflflCLingLCLliLlL LilliLLLL KL KLngL LLLLLL LL COOk SLLLCLLLL Phone 319 Ii In at ori ItIies that Sergeant Vincent Jorgen Baptist YJ Bowhngflnh from HMCS YorKiIIIviSned Barrie 7I MEDICAL II Ison Iliad been killed Illl lcllttll Decadoo RCSCC anmpenfeldtu last week IBOYS BOYT BelgllllHOliGClONFEitl Sgt Jorgenson better knmmLm II Tiger Lines lnd hddmes Ofmmucmnm Barriters Solicitorotanes Pub PTOMAHRDER CHEESES group Lot special instructors LEGAL Barrie Branch Well Bab Clinic Poudledogs both cadets and officers Thc ch conveyancersI th Mme3 mutt ZIIOI the community as Vin vun born SHIng ladiCFI TI DIIEJIMIIII lgIII group included Lieut JI Hall Ioan at lowest rates of interest OtI 0m 4I30 Ioclock everyI Wed II here Ill IMaich 192lI llc IVLIS I23 Men EIThomns mm Smith 221 Llm GIflStlev Trammgij fdliggowggnsig nggglnggarliagglhggllgiggctngftehioigb yettis or age and received his cau mm at York SubLleutI Dld EIImVIIIe In Idocton TeIephone 2451 cation here and Wlgllce Prior to 01m CONVERSATIONS Holmes Sign CPO SIauncl enlistihent with the Fort Garrx Hocyev Fm nwn ht em md pg ng 22 ct MISIC LE II IHome in the Spring of 19on he Was II IIWI IIII III This week PO Saunders and GLADSTONE CURRU ONS lemployed at the Knewatin Qlwmill He LCOFC successor to LL LL Wag in Next Scat Nothing in Sienlman E4 Magann are CAMERON CAMERON JESSIE BRYSON ESgt Jorgenson had been oversca LL Mai nothing with the coip giving instruction to BARRISTER SOLICITOR ETLV Urgnist ans Icymir Directm ML ML LL lthree Mars and was mentioned in FanzL Good go the senior cadets in Knots and Owen Sh Barrie Telephone 3175 leml United Church aISIDeI CiIIlII gcspatcg Suit AIllgtIlIst 1391 VINS Donlknmy It hush7 ISleicIIcs and in theuse of nayal sig MONEY TO LOANI ifJACIIlIglRCIISlTTPliANO aSIIINGIIIIsgI iy an eymma ion in lstmdmd yd IIIII IIQSI ORV gt assisting to capture an objective CPO Saunders is veteran of the COWAN CQWAN mmm CM milder Meumds an Studio Bradford St WInIeII Aqu needs were scarce last season The PP for um IiAt the time he was in Normde Royal Navywith muehwto tell of Balllslalgifgglg LIILlllIIJHUPCIPvtII IJI III FTCMI on along with other tanks was Lliletil life While decidedly quiet 41 mumgm us ac 194345 seem arrange FillerI wmfaemumhlmr Iaflel an objective The other tank YOUR EYES ARE Sim 410 to uy nary to am uappoin men as cm are now Ill IIbeIcame separated from himI and eIIceSI it has come out Ihat he was II GI AI ROSS Gown l0 10 5111339 Of his own CXPCIl lfirTC Ollicc Staiyncr nihurs Altsl 59Vllggggcylglr3 LL gsLlV iLL LiLd or 5L oakIdle few that are to come be mVhomy the Germans tried toblind the tank Lthrough the battle of Jutland FRANK In 0ND BA KC IEhuihhleSoldLlllhszilthis igfgglciggtn driver torchlidhts tomuke him lV lV v31 Vv halt ThL codiivgr drove themoff iL sdeifim BARRISVFER SOLIEZIVTOR ETCtZihi3ljiii slfri 24page cLatalLoguLe suppzementiaay soon Write now fervour with his mahme gun The LtaInk ML mumqu his compmiSPn 0f 19L Old MasonollxeerprTeoLLwBL LDORLoTry mpvrgw copy or Iqu from my CITICIIAquciMe soreI Here are kept lurchmg onwardI German IF and modem days in the NavIYI are of TOIOIIIIIO do OfssIcI1g few onI the important Willer lutmgl which Will appeaer fantrymen doggedly smiounding it rlated in viiiiifsihiona DUNCAN McCLlAIG 3A ncand1onaon College Vo OneIIIGemagIn evil IglnntiethcImIhe IIIBIIARRISTEBV SELICIIBIIIOIIIBETC Music 133ng nd Theory VI 013041351153ZEROuan mac Ine mug 1315 1g Oll II oney to can 053 oc urrle 1523anl Avenue 3122 lflfclillleif Elli alLLLtdiLth congeal iii subzero omitting nggl ened hatch cover Sgt Jorgenson gt switches model Complete 355 CELLOPHiANE FROSLLTSLHIELDLSETS filow 39 Be sure to get your copy of this 24pdge Fall and III II Winter SupPliment you will nd many additional and dedy and mm PLLLULLLL LLL Banting FUNERAL DIRECTORS OSTEOPATHY Interesting tidings Ihome Mrs wesley Martin and Mrs 0L FeLLLLWLEiLIfILlJLliyLtLlESLLeLLLLeL ykesLiuLid Wilma iisipeLLfL all Levi LLOYD STECKLEY Zliggglgtwinigu gisgrL as wee wi rien at 188 00 Member 111mm Chem II II II Id Bethesda III FUNERAL Tglleghoue 22235 II II II ansIII Ml DgwsrflgGharlesVandVSa le AMBUVLANSII I1 03 0W Ivan Licentiate College and Mr and Min4 990 Harris 429th 1m 21 74 Mammalian V5 Optometry Ont BeaveitomMr anthsunmclon VI Bert Latimcr scent the well and Vfam Edonvnle were wetilm in Toronto 30111110 St Phone 963 uems 01M LEV Mm 11 433mg mm John Blanchard is very nomly EAST OF POST OFFlCE Sunday II at time oi vritzng ll Wish him Attendance daily to Pilot Oioer 011$ Amen SkilledEprofcssionulnmlLtcch Money to loan TCChLr ofLPiano Theory suctlbncli meal mi Stand madxm give Miss LNorin BantingLLAllandale VIasonicL Temple BundingI Banml I115IBayfieid Sh IlarrieI bered by llany hQCkeY fans 35 was home forthe Weekend was one of the outstandingplaycrs your vision the IhcnelrtIot the gLAC Elmer spars SLLThomas JOHN WOODS OPTOMETRY for the Thistle hockey team He exactIteclmlqucs 130M spentthe weekend with his 13an BARRIsTER AND SOLICITOR th tLll rV op ca science ens liLILtLesargsted Fina bLOEriLnLq Lgftgillorgn Mrs Emil Red and Rllt 5PMt ggenggiiomo BlLllEncg 931 OROng LL L4 IL to warm35m lma 1last week with her parents in LAtt Lin LLLL LL mm mamas sons maiinge II Parry IsoundI en ance 9764 p111 Sat 99pm Campbell took place in April 1941 Mn mud MYSI Cum LockhmtI VETERINARIAN mm III They have little son Garry who Ba ie visited Mr Iamd Mrs Ch ROBERIIII ll lejViV eisiinihisrthirdiyeali whee stl uvlSLmdy nnuc2 E1415th IVV5uglsf5mljf He is survived by his imicfe Mr and Mrs Harold Cox and ME RIVNARIAN and SURGEON Hours 96 Entmgle 14111119 LL famlly Port Credit spent the Esophia St EL Barrie Phone 4545 my 15 two brothels in the navy Jame weekend with Mr and Mrs Jack tinss 1295jl Vsaiv himlandshotthe Naziviithhts Lie DONALD MWLLAREN 335 gAYDEIIg mariner ATCM IEthtOSTATSAll types and In aiiwmnsmun nrmosrms Glass pistol Fortunate cod 15 that BARRISTER SOLICITOR LILII rgnlm at eOIgaIs Church OVERNIGHT ENGINELHEATERSJhu PEBMAFILL ANTIFREEZE Limited best engineered and most practical 1953 110 to 193 ShlemL clematis IF Vin Jorgensoii will be remain HEATER FITTINGS AND ruzmm Sd7dV 198 PARTSAmmpxete cantor auIcaisl ne er with switch 345I and tar all makes of heaters alsongpospn FANS TcuLde juxa uuntiglles Ogtlls permanent type vaeIrrxiiIt enlsine IVheatIeIr VoEy simple va cans ls DW Opera It C05 it 7339 an earlv recovery LECTplc Io DEC W110sz NlWDEd ay t0 IIIIJEI jgrfutseuo ILIMHED made RM CmepLShilo Mm where hcwill anymor tV berdndaw keParatroon traininu Martin twain

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