Barrie Examiner, 23 Nov 1944, p. 16

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vaul PAINSWLLZK LEFROY MIDHURST VVVVV LL STBOUD Annual Meeting llltlll ini titit1tt14IIlIl4IlUWlVlll ll lil ll Tuesday evening NOieIlabelIZIB 800 pm Hit llti illllltw lidmu imuLt ILJL SHANTY BAY LV LOWNSLLLLLL OF 0R0 JL Beef Veal Pork Lamb POULTRY lltllliil nr litsh FILLETS BC SALMON GEO COLES lIZl llnnlnp llmm Ilfll i1 9112olonrlalltllawolrtcaoa VI IL VIIII LI TOWN HALL Loco on November 30 oooaoaooooooooaooc4aooooo4oar oaa aoa Ivoroor llzil lll lllllllltlll =1 IV it it inniti l1 llllltlll ctutiu Lillllllllllll VI II II III IiIVV iIA MINESING STATION II new items tl Li on ix llvtvtL CHURCHILL ii wLi it IIIIIIIIIIIIIiII IIIIIIIIII VIIVII IIfVII LI IIIII iltii Il II llrtl rum ILllllllntnl LL IV LLL v3 n2 IL II VII IiI litl lilqllllttil lim VV LLII IlI LI II VlV Lin lltlilt LIX guy lIJi II III LL LL LL LL AL LLL LL ii ill laii lu trim Lil ii lli llllit2I lulu ILLL LLI II II VLLLLLI rm ast lltiiLLLX WEST 0R0 193 lltlltli Liith ll VI llL it gt Lllltllil1 lt Ll LVI IL Iv IL lt 1933 Ford 0111 gt LLL LIL LL vL lLLI Ll 3LLl lll II LIL LI LL hvVV Lluh SHIV11 LLVL LL LLLL Lv IV LL L3 LL LIL LLL LLLLL LLLLLLLLLL LLLL LLLL LLL LIL VL LLVLL LLL 3L 1931 Ford Victoria III lI Ii II II TIIIIII IIIIIIIV IV II IIV 1930 Plymouth Siilun LL II In iil Itrflt Xintizitni mmtm Ul loin it gt lulu ll3t4l thin ii1un il lite il Li Vv Li LiL LL DlL Rm 22 iHL LJl Ltw nihwl Wc also hiirv lipitl in 2221 Pittman my 15 Dlls fur hp Irwin II II II IV Vin llllt thllllllt III llllr Mirw HUNlull Mh Ill lmxn llril by It iii LI Liiiiciit ntlinil llllllllttllll 1920 ltlloll lt XIZIIIII ILI IVV II II gtlrltltltl tl lllLlllf lll ml ll 1932 TlltYtiiltt lttu Kilt II II VI II II VIM VVmmmV 1IIIIIIVVI Modcl Ford 1932 ForIgl LL LL LL LLL LLL L1 1930 Durant II fIIVI VI VI II 1931 Durant II IV III nil Lil LL liu imam ORO STATION JIIIIlIIIIIIIIIII4IIVIII IFV ll my in in II Vww $41 Lin11 iIi II Ix VLLikLleIImIV WIIIVI II LL ti II It lwi liwnilI MR is in II LL Ia LI LI LI IaII III ILIIIIL Ill LILIILLM II II LL II III III II II II II iIi 1ij II II II Wentlsnx LL LL LL Lv HMt II II III II II II II II II II II II HUIl II ltl 71 gt INN LL LL it lttl Hunan inc llctl Cr is lLlan $1 VV AMI II III II VI I1IgtiiIlItnI iiiIIIIl VIt II II II II II it n1nntrs lll itll dun IV II LI IIIIII II II II II II III II II III IIIII IIIII FIICSII IbI il 133 LL LL LL LL LL IV II III IWII II VII lb 111 ked Shanklcss lb II II regfir 5m 23 lor LL lL MLL LLLLLLLLLLLLL LLL LLa ltL ttll Mrs Wm lcimcy II II erjHV HonsVlngI Grade an mic an WWI Genuine Pocahontas Coal screened ill 5pm th Inn2 mm mm ihv 1m llilinim pku Mt JCgtMC OL0nnui is lllll Iltdll tli ll uric 0t ms mu it lhc prim put Fiv Lb V5 29 r3 Ms Ribs rr rn ll turt it of lL WHEtfl it Side tJiCC Ml Jliltl 3115 LL LLLl LL LLLLL 0n tiii iiluntl II To um nxwthcr rii l1 minor $200 30n21ni III 13 in TUIIIVIIVIII It Quaker 909 95 ml MIDDLINGS illlss lliSCillti wniwf Shunt 245 Fm tlttt mi ltlt tll mimunitr llill 4gt 5355 21in plImh 3035 tV ILinI Jim II VI It IlLLnt sitititxf vmrlI iLIll II tllllL Illil wt tu LWolwraltool LL II III II II II In IIIIII IIIIIIIII III IIIII IIIIIII Tm lb Shankless hoppctl or Wholc Delivered Anywhcrc iv IC mi i= ltll tlic now of Buric tllVulb ti nut iggn lr nd Illrs wnyzh morn Quaker large 19d lk9 CilClilHltll gttlLll tor lhnmn turzu nnrl Ems nun lcw liLs lust wool in Lliimntn Fancy tin Jewel Cakes INTER lHEAT BfflyVlIEJTBAGS SIPPLIED lCd li L55 mo Ml and Mrs Archiellurlurtnlli l7 Tatlct it ii LEFROY ELEVATORS rillxililill$ EEEFL ggdgh mm WW Sggggmgg Gm Pkg39 mggg Emmi 7b 25 II ban on II IV Phone llALIIIIIIIlIIIII KIIIIIII CIIIIIII II MWNNW thlLJ 1Comh Lunts in tllL VV II II cakes Mud II Proprietor ILJIHtOY 518W was went at the Uziitcil Church gchLLLLILILfLLiLngvmiLIIILIQCiqu 31 533EBAPI lntt 7h tllJ turd VLLJ LLEV ter White Sail for chir lziinLiLlieisLththl tLtLLnVl LIgtlJll toiiLLylLLiLthwlMtLlic313LLLILiiniliLLLiiiLt Prowum was urunucu mtl ihly tricycleW vcck Mrs Zimmerman wont manyflowe cakes Gleam for 19 COLLLLLLCLCLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLLL ICLLLLLOLL to Toronto with thcm for 1cr Society under the direction 01 gt days LLbby GOZ Jar MMhauen Pkg 83 10 mpdms ILLCLLL LLLL LLS 2M WMIS willuvlMVCMWlill Cook tveieg in Totonto1mi Snttnclziv it f5 II SiIIVetbmok dmce was hold in the com gigka mic WHGVI Hkllvt First Grizle lb it tusxmc ol tllgillC munity hull on Nov in honor KOOWIVI 24 70 7935 0L PLCL WLLLLLLGLL CLLOLLLL LLLLLL LL LLLLlCiLy The Artths Red Crow 11 hopL With Pectin iar wrist watch was prescntcd to 11m tib 1111 11 OUR lbI Ifrom his Edgar friends who on ogwgumgIFgccfvlg OWN Iqu llShillgilQtl lucerlicrcvcr 115 VVV 4ramckn0iedgmemVVhmuwk II III II II mi II II 15 LET Us Mrs Hamilton IV II ICOI TorInlimmII 1mm Angus I0 Oran 0810 rcsnlcnl died at hlS home in Brnd gt LL CLOWES UR Mamiixmmzzmwm lt70 GrrPELlru Ja Aylmer ML 2in merit in Prospect CemctcryI Jar AllNe W1 hmw Wm Am Filing 1011 Hedlunds 702 TijllItI crowing I1 thanks from overseas for the com ORQR TI Partridge htts moved to his new farm on the 4th mutinysent boxes are Kenneth II WLLLLLLLL AS PLOLL SLSLLLLL MLLLLLL CLLLL LL CHOLCE TILL Jack BCtLldltlll is busy LLwith AND FIT YOU IN THE gm HdHLCfIIP 195C ILwtin Snowflall Pkg njoyc or icu ura rec urc It ILLLlthLLihlfghiiiLigeiliucLLthnLo i5 linish VERY LATEST QTYLE The Mill HOYUCUIIUNI SOCIOLY 1th St Laurence Pk uni its rounds in this community we also haw facilities and f1 lelldb 19 In 1DDICCHUV0 II 27116325 SKIIS from $115 to $900 LSKI HARNESS 650 to $495 Limited Supply of Mens and Wmens SKATES AND BOOTS JiogKEY STICKS from 30c to $150 II II III ll meet audience at the lecture gum by LIN inLDecV for grinding lenses on John Clark 01 Ioronto on Wed Anni 16 oz nesdawa 5th when no showed TI EleniV3fvcrgfgtil1ialSifllvlg we menus and can slides of beautiful Old Country age In II LL Macaroni Pkg Miss Joyce HVuInter spent lidlt5 mm any mke ms 3513315 BgilicitifLaLtiCo onneviLLuiiL 91 Complete Assortment of wllgtgbwywmr Md l1 lubrlng the pleces Lacey acted as chairman Mrs LL MOTHER JACKSONS Mrs Alex MCKIV llld Husth ROBFRT L137 west $211M deliihlflllly IhleE LLIZ LbL LLkgL orous rea ing and tizin if we and LgdhiiLawspelLriingiL 0L LLLLLL LLLLLLLL LLL the audieuccwere voiced by lt Shemeid was Barrie Calm3 Ann vaelw IagtdweIcIk the guest 01 OVEN FPESH II JICISISSGLI VEIIIleqegamId KIIIIC MCI REGISIIERED II IIVI Kay drespending the winter with II ANN FAGE II Quantity of friends in TOiOlllO if II 92mgmgggk2tmangd gt tL Tr ESTABLISHED 1920 II SnourVI thchfirstcf ltfle season If Ems 99 warmer St We trillion iiollllt VPriced of $150 and $195 LL Is ecd recovery IMiV and IVIrsV G30 Huth on Sun =Seedtess 96 size LI for STANDS 913 Jog Walton am GMPEFMFE 11 let Edna and Miaq Isabelle will D1IDouvglas GalbvanhI Chum II I24 MI ton Crown Hm stem few days Watch BC writinc Vhome tellsof 215 Id IIII until cousin 0c ors II Jets HogansI Doc 13 the tittnuul mm mne nlfndedzat 11 one of the officers in charge of the for aL limeeting will be held 110 rmIv icnlymmIhours hands on their con=ttocoast tour FOR THE YOUNG CARPENTER large number attended the Vtumbly Stiller llUlll constipation on comnletinn of the tour at the 1d Waxed LL Lb sac as on oust ci iei urra PLANES CHISELS SAWS SQUARES 15 It waisyaadecided success WES have 3LtlsdayleLz1ve here iyiLthLheLi T1 VV and Mrs McBride and family lll IIIIIILVIIIIIIIIIIIRIImI mstrouble IImUIhI motheyM1SV Rtth II II II II II 15on mm II II IIIWaIsthfqlIII Ln ItsrganggtrgptoorIEm MIVI IIIIVI Iim0MVVUCUVVVHMDgOmoV 93 gt ARBBTS 15 Mrs Walton Hurris were able to 9N4 ml WW lllllllla 10 misc FLOWDA qz VIII tiring their daughc homIc lrmiitxllltI lt 215 Size I4 the RV Hospitfh BOW9 last VI II It constipntul take Mbnrn WCkmigggigllgwi LELEIIIIIlICIY LuxiLinilills andliuvo natural Sgt PamnkL CorbetLI RAFI COI ifs Pmueass On Wednesday evenmE about moyctnent ol the bownls may do zwthzmzxm24525923222 32 piece sets of disheo forLStiLlO Springtime Patternl marzxammazhxzmzmza 34 rv 394342 McIntosh CombiritiOnL IL Law to satr mfg Mrs Wu Atkinson daughters Marie and Edna andMiss Hazel Sorry to report that Mrs AV loaves Texas King Of Sweet Potatoes lbs VI AILiLADDIN LAMPS SHADES AND SUPPLIES 3i lust ycckuwih friends at Seuforth the famed CWAC bands commg to II and or Grade qt basket III gt II IIII Atkinson visited in TmonmI Delicnous Extra Fancy for DegCe 15 collfmed lIlL hm bed ME and Mrs Alex McGillltray ize 38 gt Hen many lLrlendnIIWlll IigIIIVV hot NottawasaIEI were the guests MI II II xi l1 CW3 Thosv ivltt keep 321355 of liIhamewnhonKiev641ncLoler2Ii Wm owrfhf II was me aI 1s is wi avinig as 21 nes or gt Elaine BOTTLE WARMERS $439 LBLiJohnsons Nov 14 yithl pros LLVLLLL1V1LiILLLLLL ill the bfde day Lieut Margaret McMiirrav of Electric HEATING PADS at $515 up out Aquilthzis quilted Mrs Mead 0f havng 1t tatone Ihundriandfthiuy sat down to In 110il Iglll ftlcCQkCH and sicken 35 gcgninaniedd LndOperutcH by The Cvrut AUurlit acic Tea CIoL Ltd bountitul fowl supper follnwed WHY Lilith do MissPer Delaney Barrie smntl ctlomarkelchucnwmwWe the 11W WW1 LriUMtiW ll program by home talent The ibum LII the weekend at Frank Hamills 33 lchvm enjoyed by all Phelpston WE onnlvm 4A

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