Barrie Examiner, 23 Nov 1944, p. 12

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PIE wrru ICE CREAM lllll ll lrlll lllll rur suns Ilmm lrul it lt BRYSON lcr rIIrl UH Ill lllrlrll Nl Miss King Heads 1r and 150 and Co Simcoe PS Teachers lt lt ll LI II minty Zngllpun Church it ll IYllT ll lliuli lltltilll fluu luiIrllfifllr hlrrrrlzm llll lrlIIIli ll ANNIVERSARY SilllVltllS norr ttIrIu1o In letn Illa lr l1 fIRtPHT ill illll llVx Puncher Rev lie Ml nm flew on IIII MI spr srrroor illllilli or TMIII gtltlltl it 111 lltl IM lk PW new idol lillrf Ullls to Flyin illlflttil rlllkit Hl or 1I p331 1123 will ml Vli zsrlonr IIIIoJ mm Iit Ike llul II l3 pm Tr lien and resdc irih twi ltmplo lIl unform II liillfl Si Andrews Presbyterton Church REV li Il MIT HA nla rt Il on Ednnlrzd llllill Max itu 013 and Ill Illri Elsi EilFCIvY Jlilflillil ii AND Tilli tlll$lli ilill Tali eka Sir pull Gospel Tabernacle 10 Allilcaler Street barrio Revival Centre Lilllo BA lrz Illli wx llrorrla lllilsltrl II ll twill SUNDAY NOVEMBER ZGI will ru All5UNDAY SCHOOL ll IIIDEVOllONIL HOUR 720 PMlrom Death Unto llf Eternal lho Wages of Sin is Death but he gift of God is Eternal Life Corrie My Church The Salvation Army COLLllill STREET Officers in Charge Hear This Sermon MAJOR LAURA ltOIIIII RUTH MEIZGER Eymnpom CORDIALI BUT INVITED SUNDAY NOIIIIIIIIII 12a 1014 11 AM AND tall 22m PlSUIA scuoor Grace Gospel Holt Mary Street Barrie Tuesday pm as Womens Aux Wed pm Youth Group rneetrngi Thursday Jll Friday pp Chill rcris Meeting Public Meeting Saturday pan rm Mums77 SpOCitrl rnvrtntion First Baptist Church midms Clriopcrtor Worslm worship with us REV HAIRE Minister iWedq Nov 29 pm Prayer and Miss Elsie Cloughle Bible Study Organist and Choir Leader 237m ANNIVERsAInt SUNDAY NOVEMBER 26 1941 ll AM gBelievecsTEFFwsh PMSllndly School PhiEvangelistic Service SubjectWhat Does God Say About Salvation is extended to and others to come and Cree Methodist Missrcm Clapperton Streer REV BALL Pam WSUNDAY NOVEMBER 20 ISMl ll AMIMORNING WORSHIP PALCHURCH SCHOOL PMFEVEWEITSERVICE SUNDAY NOVEMBER 26 1944 200 P1VlSUNDAY SCHOOL 245 PMTHE EASTOR Soldiers and strangers will find cerebral welcome at this mission Mon pIII BYPU Wed RpmPrayer Servrcr MISSION CIRCLE Thankoffering NOV 29 You are always welcome Thurs pmPrayer Meeting Central United Church REV BEWELL BAX Minister Phone 4159 Misslessie Brysor IIreanisland Choir Leach Collier St Uni ted Church REV LEWIS MA BD Minister MRS wroz GRIrrrrns Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY NOVEMBER 26 1944 11 AM The Stewarship of the Gospell 11 AMBeginners Dept of Sunday School SfJNbAY NOVEMBER 26 1944 lt3 lI AMWho For the Joy Thereof He who has not rcceivedfrom his religion something that is comparabe with feast some brin that is 50 ous and radiant 230 NW1 Iur1l andgglad has nyotyet got what AND BIBLE CLASSES isomered 700 PM 3J3MWhite Gift Sunday lathe POWER OF THE GOSPEL Church School 8J5 PM FIRESIDE HOUR PMIllustrated Sermon Come to Gods House on His Day Trails andTales ot the Normand guc unuuu uuuunuunnn+ BURTON AVENUE UNITED CHURC QREV GREEN MA ThD DD Mlnfsbe SUNDATNOVEMBER 261944 TA7MTWHAT+BGESL JESUS EXPECT OF ME 230 PM+SUNDAY SCHOOL DID JESUSESTABLISH THEEIIIIIIRCH IF IT ISNT NECESSARY HURCHISS at Church Service tau pm Dr Green will preach Th public are cordially invited to these services hip coat Everybodygwacome 31 9M WHY in Ill mu In Not to iil4s llilit Wards Sltlilllgt itolzp eithlso illu ls Jilitl fiutrcn II lolout lnm lll ll siili lll ZIIILIIIWJ lil em IIrisr nrrrsr rIL The reullai Inwlm of Jill Imiind Illl Iilll IiI= RlIIIiIIiJ lllrlt Alvlu lll and Miss Don fills Ell or the it ianline illalII Ill07 takinrz tll tonic II field in Ho sion Rev Ross of Crecmore provoked very interesting dis cussion by his challenging introduc tion of the subject of the Confer ence which usual feature of the November lllCCilllL This year ihe subject was What has the Presbyterian Church in Canada to contribute to the PosiwarIWorld So many valuable suggestions were made in his address and in the dES cussion that it was agreed to have small committee meet with Mr Ross and prepare finding and re cormnendations to be presented Let the January meeting At the opening of the afternoon session tliercvwas conference with film Executive of the Barrie Pres byterial Womens Missionary So ciety on the work of the WIIS nnd its relationship to the whole workrofdhe Church The followc ing recommendation was unanim ouslv annrnved It is the opinion of this Conference that the exist ing dual control and administra tion in the Church ie the WrMS and the General Board of Mis sions is not conducive to the great est missionary effort and in the opinion of this conference immed CXCCpliOH iate steps should be taken by the authorities of the WMS and the General Assembly to devise means more conductive to the maximum missionary effort Further with respect to the peace thankoffering lproposed by the WMS it is OLlC opinion that this should be peace lthankoffering of theuPresbyterian Church in Canada for missionary and educational purposes and steps lbe taken sotoorder thefund Theresignation of REV Cranston from the Tottenham par ishuvas accepted with regret to take effect they endof November FRev Little was appointed interim moderator High appreciation was expressed of the recent itinerary of Dr Quinn in the Presbytery Rev Greig was elected Moderam for the term beginning Jan 1945 lltl voui by 274 DIAMOND la HER 4W We all know that slocks are limited owing to Wartime Demands so gt SHOP EARLY Make your Christmas Selections of Watches Jewellery and Gifts now BLUEBIRD DIAMOND INSURED FREE REGISTERED PERFECT PRIVATE DIAMOND ROOM 76 Dunlop Si BARRIE friend to nsme Church an activework the Latliss Aid and Womens onary Sucrety She was llcllrvillu lntelligcnccrl Barns Grose died at his told to slurv of mum ml after brief of lhe lOBA No 531 mini It If incHIM SUM Il S1Ifllidlafternoon Nov MlSIlSQ 101 1W0 CCRlFIl card loull IIll oltl lm Iprlll my mom HimL Elll In liu vl held other offzccsi MW kl Mr and by he llllSDdltl ev llSlOlI Ila past lllll years her 311 Ml grilling110 Io cams in am our ro CLS av Remgns from charge l3LallIilllei0lvillithoi Willinmsford Chris and Albert whim point Anne of Minnslakl and Charles of Iro lhe Presbytery of Im rot in profs Fltlls 3L nm0 ill pas 5cm he was In tlna 1131 vrnulov of Universal Moulded Proi metal on LIV wm ll the In ses ducts Co Ltd in this city In re ligion he was member of the Tabernacle United Church and was well esteemed by Fratmnally he was member of Benjamin Loyal Orange Lodge No ment was in Barrie Union Ceme lry The following neighbors lwere pailbearers Collins in McGuire Gough Survivnig him are his safe the former Annie Edenj one drutghtert 121112 Merging nd Miss Vivranne Grose Reg Nalg Relatives and friends xrssgd home one son Arthur Giose of men regret by beautiful owrg Ottawa one srster Mrs Robertlns did also three separate groups Cmmmg Belle Ewartpm iof neighbors EssaRUenFPresby he morning he pstl away 110 terian Church and also Ladics Aid received cable from his nephew LoBA 551 and the staff of the Gordon Grose serving in the Pos 100 Home tal Dept in Belgium MRS SHANNQN 71 MRS CHARLES DOYLE Her many friends in Barrie and Following an illness dating thk district learned with great regret for about five yeaFSI Mrs Charles 0f the death of Mrs Shaniton Doyle passed away on Tuesday who passed away on Nov 14 1944 morning NOVCmbel HI at the atPbrt Hope after very short Royal VlClOIia osplll Where She illness She was taken with heart had been pailsm f0 ten days attack after lunch on Friday Nov Her maiden name was MISS 10 and this was followed by Rose Bertha Criger and she was stroke twodays later bfm sept121874 in Grey Mrs Shannon whose maiden Lounty was raised more and name was Isabelle Hatdie was came to Barrie wrth her husband bommAberdeen Scotland Auggv about thirty years ago With the 13 1874 She cameO Camldaatp of several yearsur the age of ten and resrded In Tor Ehdford Iand Gravenhurst they mito for about three years The had livedhere during that time During the years of ill health Mrs Doyle had never lost her cheerful outlook on life was across the bay in Innisfil township At the time of her marriage to Wm Barrie where she resided until 7about ten years after the death of SPEAKER OFJMERIT Do Not4 Miss Thisronei and only Opportunity to Hear Igltussjeillcrnam loner 4927 Since thatVtimeshe had resided With her son Harry in Toronto and Ottawa Of India Missionary Evangelistl twinsister Mrs Hugh Shannon of Toronto man of vision with message for today dy namic personality who brings corrective view of Missionsand an upto theminute picture of oreSent World conditions service was held in Toronto funeral home and the interment rant when in Barrie Union Ceme tery at 430 pm Mr and Mrs 01 tnn Mrs Harry Shannon Mrs nah Shannon and Hugh Shannon PASSED enthusmlc Chm Tn as well as anumber of Barrie mother was trying to enter mm an expemence Mamie mm mnspnt Services her fiveyearold prideand joy in kindergarten whose age require Shes very intelli gent informedthe mother She can easily pass the sixyearold ment was six testu Say few words the skeptical teacher told the young one LittleSusan calmly ignoring the teachers gaze turned to her mothl er and asked Purely irrelEvant hvmg were taken bv Rev Todd and nav Fl Lewis and the ballbear vemum Tannfnwd Cameron Kidd Sutcliffe Leary and Avmnlrnnq While nn leave Wine Commander FRI DECEMBER lST COLLIER ST UNITED 815SILVERV COLLECTION To have heard him is to begin life over again KEEP THIS DATE FBEEL 11v Aof viciiina his Imnthm birth nlsmn in Aberdeen details ofwhich Fellowship Program At Central Church Last Friday Evening ill Ull Church active Wnnel lbcr of the Vim Irs Ms rlrll wa rnzlnv vein and valued nmnner ol Inc ch choir If of Wale ID lurri=ltl Brandin Man and in the WIlil frilluis gt day was fillill lllitl by the minister Dr lhos Green assisted by Dr Social of sin Read Presbyterian Church lnxrrncnt Cemetery with the follwvin urtll bearers Wisdom II Scrw icc ll jtuine or ll and took reIf IV Ll Lirw in cvleridrnzz tm hospr Ogmllth fngfog 1ltlgl1fyluml fality of her home SneIwas also member of the Essa Road Pres llOBlJII GROSE InnIII distance were Mr and it Rrhudson Wm WEEK family then moved to Strathallanif IJ Shannon in 1895 she came to her husband which occurred in oc Sheis survitied by onedaughter Tnone Mrs Qlton Torohto one son Wing Commander Harry Shanl mm of the BCAF now overseas al and brother Wm Hurdle both The funeral Was heldon Friday yisit were received by his mother four dnvg hanre she took ill The iday before her illness she received 71 BA YlllilJl Sl tll LII Ill lI lift Il lzlI izazl rtim Ale lriiiw untrue in iciulwn life mlr was of cheerful kindly ion devoted wife and and null he Sutll mlsscd Illlllil ltlilllll$ of her who are her husband tin mm Principal of Prince School ilhll stun Lloyd SibltlFi 312 Cullen and Inurzr Servit and also by host of Ilj lzern Burton Ave Unitd Than JilLlc auditornm beautiful banked service was the and whch crnn gilciely The tl3 llillfll taken was in lllr funeral was held on SaluI Barrie Union iIolslIn Morri leterbnrn Mrs Phone 4055 afternoon NOV 17 was largely attended The tservrcc at the family residence 114 Cumberland St was conduct many 10mg ed by Dr Sinclair Inter NKETS White W001 with crssorted colored borders ONLY 20 PAIR No more than one pair to customer 64xt84 NO Telephotrre or MailOrders PLEASE PLANNELETIEAZOSHEETING 36 WHITE ELANNELETTET1 15 Dunlop BARBIE COCOA REFRIGERATIoa SERVICE and INSTALLMEGN SHOP REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES Commercial Domestic and Ice Cream Cabinets McDonald Baldwin Phone 3580 JAcorIr oRAHA upuunuuuuuo Van Loons Lives by Hendrik Von Loon $500 Winston Churchill by Rene Krous Chiang KaiShek by Chang Joseph Lister by Rhoda Truox The Letters of Alexander Woolcctt by Kaufman Hennessey The Exiles Daughterbiography ot Pearl Buck by Cornelia Spencer Quebec by Mozo de lo Roche Worlds Great Humorous Stories by lrvin Cobb The Bottle Within by Philip Gibbs Ehdure No Lbnger by Martha Albroncl Pastoral by Nevil Shute The Labyrinth by Cecil Roberts Weaymouth Bookstore 30 ELIZABETH STREET Barrie Ontario Service and Reg Service Wind 4I MN 94 A0N Wm JNum rvrltr fbi all CUP er Imam WW 29c yd llllll SHORTS $145 per 100 BAHIUK FLOUR MIL $193 $450 $450 $450 $300 $400 $1159 $300 $300 $300 $300 Mr 36 PLAIDCOTTON PLANNEL SHIIITINGTL sec yd Phone vngzg unrrv Shannon had the onnnrhInI tbl$wwx 4MMeexw$o La vl Ir

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